Yr9 The Middle East Conflict 5 Possible Outcomes a new worksheet.JigsawTable Exercise Possible outcomes of the Middle East Conflict Share this:
History Games: AS / A2 / IB History
Cannonball Fun Quizzes a. Russia under Alexander II b. Russia under Alexander III c. Russia under Nicholas II Wordshoot Quiz a. Russia under Alexander II b. Russia under Alexander III c. Russia under Nicholas II Share this:
AS Government and Politics Quizzes
Cannonball Fun Quiz Electoral Systems Wordshoot Quiz Electoral Systems Share this:
AS Government and Politics: Quiz
Cannonball Fun Quiz Democracy and Referenda Wordshoot Quiz Democracy and Referenda Share this:
AS Government and Politics Games
Wordshoot Quiz Party Ideologies Cannonball Fun Quiz Party Ideologies Share this:
Queen Elizabeth I: History Worksheets
Worksheets Elizabethan Domestic Policy to 1566: The Religious Settlement Elizabethan Domestic Policy to 1566: Other Issues Share this:
Stalin and the USSR: Worksheet and Quizzes
Worksheet Comparison of the Stalin, Khrushchev and Brezhnev Eras: A useful revision aid in the form of a Cloze exercise; designed to be used with the CannonBall Fun Quiz or the Historical Wordshoot Game. Share this:
Devolution in the UK: Worksheets
Devolution in the UK A workpack designed to be printed off and used in the classroom. Share this:
Nazi Germany – Quiz and Worksheets
Why did Hitler Become Chancellor of Germany? A complete one-hour lesson plan, designed to be used with this PowerPoint Presentation and this interactive quiz. Share this:
Khrushchev and Brezhnev: History Quizzes
A2 Modern History CannonBall Fun Quiz Khrushchev and Brezhnev WordShoot Quiz Khrushchev and Brezhnev Share this:
Phillip II of Spain: Worksheets and PowerPoints
Philip II: Worksheets Philip II’s Foreign Policy (2) The Dutch Revolt*Courtesy of Richard Fitzsimmons Share this:
Phillip II of Spain: Worksheets
AS / A2 New Editable Worksheet Resources on Philip II 1. Philip II’s Foreign Policy[1]* 2. Philip II’s Foreign Policy[2]* *All courtesy of Richard Fitzsimmons Share this:
Elizabeth I and the Tudor Regime: Work sheets
New Editable Worksheet Resources on Elizabeth I 1. What Constrained Elizabeth’s Foreign Policies?* 2. Elizabeth’s Relations with Spain* 3. Elizabeth’s Relations with Scotland* 4. Elizabeth’s Relations with France* *All courtesy of Richard Fitzsimmons Share this:
Emperor Charles V: Worksheets
New Editable Worksheet Resources on Charles V 1. Charles V’s Foreign Policy* 2. Charles V and the German Protestants* 2. Charles V and the Holy Roman Empire* 2. Charles V and the Habsburg-Valois Conflict* *From Richard Fitzsimmons Share this:
Pressure Groups and Politics – Quizzes
AS AS Government and Politics: Pressure Groups CannonBall Fun Quiz Pressure Groups WordShoot Quiz Pressure Groups Share this:
Government and Politics: Pressure Groups
Site Redesign Redesigned the AS Government and Politics Pages. AS Government and Politics: Pressure Groups AS Government and Politics: Pressure Groups Why do Pressure Groups succeed or fail? 1. What are the differences between parties and pressure groups? 2. Why is it sometimes so difficult to distinguish between parties and pressure groups? 3. How can…
The Catholic and Counter-Reformation: Worksheets
1. Introduction and Overview 2. The Papacy: Positive agents of reform? 3. The Council of Trent: (a) Background to the meetings 4. The Council of Trent: (b) The Decrees 5. The International Impact of the Counter-Reformation 6. Propaganda and Censorship in the Counter-Reformation Share this:
Medieval Castles: Interactive Simulation!
Castles: Defence and Attack A game of strategy: Spend your budget on your choice of features, then read a story of how your castle fares when faced with attack! Complete with worksheet and extension activities. Share this:
Josef Stalin and the Soviet Union: History games
Economic Developments under Stalin High Stalinism: 1945-53Wordshoot Game: High Stalinism: 1945-53 Share this:
Stalin, Khrushchev and Brezhnev
Created a new page on Khrushchev and Brezhnev, and uploaded some worksheets: 1. Overview of the key figures Online exercises in Word Editable Timeline of Brezhnev’s Life The Brezhnev Era: “Big Sleep” or “Developed Communism”? [Synoptic] 1. Venn Diagram: Comparing Stalin, Khrushchev and Brezhnev Share this:
GCSE Depth Study – Britain 1906-18 – Interactive resources
British Depth Study Jigsaw Table Exercise: The Defence of the Realm Act Share this:
“Bloody” Mary Tudor: Works sheets and lesson plans
Fresh worksheets and resources for teaching the subject of “Bloody” Mary Tudor: Timeline of the Reign The Issue of Marriage An introduction to Religious Policy Foreign Policy Government and Administration Share this:
CannonBall Fun: Brand new History Game!
BRAND NEW GAME LAUNCHED: “CANNONBALL FUN!“ A game to test skills and knowledge – can you get into the Hall of Fame? Year 7: Medieval Realms (10th-15th Centuries) FREE Medieval Realms Year 8: The Early Modern World (15th-18th Centuries) The English Civil War, 1642-49 FREE The Reformation The Renaissance …
Causes of the French Revolution: Interactive game
Decision Making Adventure Game: The Causes of the French Revolution Would you have been able to help Louis XVI keep his throne? A major interactive decision making game for use in the history classroom, complete with a worksheet. Just log students onto a computer, and away they go! Share this:
The Duke of Northumberland: Jigsaw table exercise
Jigsaw Table Exercise England Under Northumberland Share this:
Women in World War One
GCSE Jigsaw Table Exercise Women in World War One Share this:
Khrushchev’s Economic Policies
A2 Jigsaw Table Exercise Khrushchev’s Economic Policies Share this:
Suffragettes, Suffragists and the Vote
GCSE British Depth Study, 1906-18: New worksheet What were the arguments for and against female suffrage? A combination of general points and primary sources – excellent follow up activity to the interactive exercise. Women and the Vote: Sourcework exercise Complete with markscheme. Share this:
England Under Protector Somerset
A2 England Under Protector Somerset – New worksheet Sourcework Exercise and Markscheme Share this:
USSR under Khrushchev: New worksheets
A2 USSR Under Khrushchev: New worksheets 3. De-Stalinisation 4. De-Stalinisation: Source Questions 5. Khrushchev: What sort of a man was he? Share this:
England under Protector Somerset and Edward VI
A2 England Under Protector Somerset – New worksheets and Resources: Interactive WordShoot Quiz England Under Protector Somerset Worksheets 1. Timeline of the Reign For reference / revision purposes. 2. Key Figures of the Reign Complete with a task. 3. Introduction: England in 1547 76kb 4. Somerset: Character and Style of Government…
Khrushchev: Early Career
Khrushchev: Early Career / Rise to Power Worksheet Share this:
John Calvin and Calvinism
Khrushchev: The “Secret Speech” of 1956 WorksheetCalvin and Calvinism – worksheets A negative introduction (pictorial propaganda) A positive introduction (hagiographical propaganda) Civil Government in Geneva Was Church and Civil Government in Geneva a strength or a weakness for Calvin? Share this:
Play Your Dates Right: Dating Game
Play Your Dates Right Code updated do that all the timelines can be printed off for revision prior to taking the quizzes. Share this:
Running Dictation Exercises
Running Dictation Exercises: The Middle East Conflict The Latter Stages of World OneWordshoot Quiz “High Stalinism”: Politics and Culture Share this:
The French Revolution: Worksheet unit
Yr8/9 Completed uploading the worksheet unit on The Causes of the French Revolution, designed to be taught over three weeks. The complete unit now looks like this: Interactive Exercises 1. Interactive Exercise By C. Warren at Rochester Girls’ Grammar 2. Interactive Running Dictation: The Fall of the Bastille An innovative activity designed to…
Head2Head Interview with Josef Stalin!
Head2Head Virtual Interview with Josef Stalin! A major new project: type questions and through artificial intelligence and a massive database, Stalin responds to your queries! With almost 200 responses, 150 suggested questions, and text-to-speech fully enabled, this promises to be a great addition to the site. Share this:
Time Machine Journey to Renaissance Florence
;Decision-Making Game: Time Machine Journey to Renaissance Florence A major new decision-making game: journey around the landscape of Renaissance Florence learning about the key events, characters and concepts of the period. Complete with a choice of four differentiated worksheets and a follow-up wordshoot quiz. Share this:
Gladstone and Disraeli: History Quizzes
Play Your Dates Right New interactive quizzes uploaded using the new format: The Life and Career of William Ewart Gladstone, 1809-98 The Life and Career of Benjamin Disraeli, 1804-81 Share this:
The Spanish Armada
The Spanish Armada Running Dictation Exercise Share this:
The Storming of the Bastille
Interactive Running Dictation. This first example is on the subject of the Storming of the Bastille, and develops note-taking skills by bombarding them with a series of fast-moving news feeds accompanied by illustrations. I’d welcome members’ feedback on this activity – could it be improved? what other topics would lend themselves well to this approach?…
TES Article by RJ Tarr of ActiveHistory
FREE: TES Article: Every Picture Tells a Story Article by RJT published in the TES Teacher magazine [full article]. In the same edition, Becky Hewlitt’s article on History and Numeracy described the the ActiveHistory Wall Street Crash Simulation in these terms: “…We then begin to look at the Wall Street Crash using a superb interactive…
Remembrance Day: ActiveHistory at the top of The Guardian’s website list!
ActiveHistory tops Guardian Education section’s “Critic’s Choice” list for Remembrance Day! FREE: The ActiveHistory “Life in the Trenches” Simulation is described in the following terms: “…a wonderful simulation of life in the trenches…it covers what life was like for the ordinary soldier – such aspects as food, lice, trench-foot, censorship and poison gas. There are…
Report Writing Wizard
The ActiveHistory Report Wizard A brand-new application which enables teachers – with a few clicks of a mouse button – to create eloquent student reports in continuous prose. Totally customisable, with a built in thesaurus, it could possibly save your hours of work! Member feedback on this new project is particularly welcome – the more…
Stalin’s Soviet Union: Quizzes
A2 New Wordshoot Quiz The Purges in the Era of Stalin New Worksheets Stalin’s Terror: What were the effects? Stalin’s Terror: The Process Winds Down Share this:
What were the causes and effects of the Dissolution of the Monasteries?
The Henrician Reformation What were the causes and effects of the dissolution of the monasteries? Share this:
The League of Nations
New WorksheetThe League of Nations How was the League of Nations organised? Share this:
Reformation Woodcuts
Uploaded a brand new interactive exercise about Reformation Woodcuts, complete with Worksheet. Share this:
Stalin and the USSR – A-Level / IB History
The Soviet Union Stalin’s Terror: Causal Links, illustrated with examples Stalin’s Terror: Who Killed Sergei Kirov? Stalin’s Terror: The Show Trials – Overview Stalin’s Terror: The Show Trials – What was said? Share this:
International Relations 1919-39: Decision Making Game
League of Nations in the 1920’s Decision making game complete with worksheet. Share this:
The Henrician Reformation: Work sheets and resources
The Henrician Reformation Opposition to the Schism Sourcework: Opposition to the Schism The development of Parliament in the reign of Henry VIII The Reformation in Europe Erasmus and Humanism Other key humanists Share this:
Economic Modernisation in the USSR under Stalin
New WordShoot Quiz – The Soviet Union Economic Modernisation in the USSR under Stalin Share this:
Stalin and Communism: Work sheets for A-Level and IB History
USSR under Stalin What were Stalin’s Economic Objectives? Collectivisation: Theory and Practice 27/09/04 A2 New Worksheet – USSR under Stalin How successful was the policy of collectivisation? 25/09/04 A2 New Worksheets – USSR under Stalin Stalin and Industrialisation How successful were the 5-Year Plans? Share this:
The Henrician Reformation
A new interactive “Wordshoot” history quiz Share this:
Medicine Through Time
A new interactive “Wordshoot” quiz Share this:
The Lutheran Reformation
A new interactive “Wordshoot” history quiz Share this:
Introduction to 16th Century European History
map and worksheet activity, with history lesson plan. Share this:
Theological arguments during the Reformation
A full-length article I wrote for History Review magazine, complete with an accompanying history lesson plan. Share this:
The Development of Luther’s thought: Timeline exercise
In this history lesson pack, students use a timeline of Martin Luther’s life and career to organise the development of his theology in a worksheet which follows a thematic format. Share this:
Analysis of Catholic and Lutheran Theology: The Thorny Issues
A history lesson plan and worksheet in which the class is divided into two groups to consider some of the more thorny questions which both sides were forced to answer. Share this:
Causes of the Lutheran Reformation: Humanism
A new history worksheet and lesson plan. Share this:
Causes of the European Reformation: The printing press
History lesson plan and worksheet. Share this:
Causes of the Reformation: The Condition of Germany
A new history lesson plan and worksheet. Share this:
Causes of the Lutheran Reformation: Overview
Considers 4 key ideas – the printing press, humanism, the condition of Germany, heresy and anticlericalism Share this:
Reformation Terminology: Word List and Quiz
Students fill the history worksheet in (a teacher copy is provided) and then this forms the basis of a hotseat quiz. Share this:
Causes of the Lutheran Reformation: Heresy and Anticlericalism
A new history lesson plan and worksheet. Share this:
25 Years Ago Today (10th Jan. 1987): Terry Wait Kidnapped
Terry Waite, the Archbishop of Canterbury’s special envoy in the Middle East, was kidnapped in Beirut, Lebanon while on a peace mission to negotiate the release of hostages. (Released November 1991) Share this:
Roots of the Cold War: Ideas (Ideological Differences)
Students complete each sentence in the table by trying to explain how capitalist / communist ideas could be defended, then produce an diagram / poster designed to illustrate the main differences between capitalism and communism. Share this: