D-Day: Timeline Analysis

D-Day: Timeline Analysis Students are presented with an online newsfeed which reveals the events of D-Day, step by step. They use this information to make detailed notes in the worksheet, which comes complete with follow-up questions and research tasks. Share this:

Religious Changes, 1536-47

Religious Changes, 1536-47 Detailed investigation to determine the motives which lay behind these radical reforms. Share this:

How did Henry deal with opposition to the Break with Rome?

How did Henry deal with opposition to the Break with Rome? The first inkling of opposition to Henry came in March 1532 when the Commons produced a petition against the Bishops – the Supplication Against the Ordinaries… Share this:

How healthy was the Pre-Reformation Church? Investigation of the Historiography

How healthy was the Pre-Reformation Church? Investigation of the Historiography Although the Henrician Reformation is often seen as a ‘revolution from above’ led by Henry and his minions, historians also consider how far the Church itself was already on the verge of collapse, and how far this therefore made the monarch’s task easier. Share this:

Who was the most important character in the Henrician Reformation?

Who was the most important character in the Henrician Reformation? Historians often argue about the importance played by individuals in historical events. Some claim that they merely crystallise forces and trends which already exist; others say that they can actually pull society in a totally new direction. In this activity you will learn more about…

Causes and Course of the Henrician Reformation, 1527-35

Causes and Course of the Henrician Reformation, 1527-35 It is 1527. You are Sir Thomas de Tart, an advisor to Henry VIII of England. The King wants to get rid of his wife, Catherine of Aragon. Your job is to give him good advice when he faces difficult decisions. If you do a good job,…

Key Events, 1533-36

Key Events, 1533-36 By the beginning of 1533 the English Clergy had now been brought to heel but the King had not established formal independence from Rome. That was the next phase of events. Share this:

Research Task: Characters in the Henrician Reformation

Research Task: Characters in the Henrician Reformation Produce a one-sided handout on one or more of the following characters. The proforma is shown overleaf. This will form the basis of a presentation / display. Share this:

Timeline of the Henrician Reformation, 1515-29

Timeline of the Henrician Reformation, 1515-29 The early years of Henry VIII’s reign gave no indication of the dramatic upheavals in religion which would ultimately take place. He appointed a Cardinal as his Chief Minister, went on pilgrimages and wrote a book in defence of Catholicism against Luther, for which he gained the title of…

Wolsey: the church

Wolsey: the church Comprehensive information sheet and structured questions. Share this:

Field of the Cloth of Gold

Field of the Cloth of Gold Interactive Sourcework Exercise. Students should use what they learn to answer the question “What was the Field of the Cloth of Gold and what was its significance?”: Share this:

Reformation Statutes, 1533-36 | teacher notes

Reformation Statutes, 1533-36 | teacher notes For each extract, identify its main provisions, and the justification / authority for these policies in another. Fill in the boxes under each. Using your timeline of events from the earlier lesson, see if you can determine which Act each extract comes from. Write this into each of the yellow boxes….

Why did Wolsey rise to power?

Why did Wolsey rise to power? Read through the first paragraph and come up with a one-word subheading which you think summarises the point it is making about Wolsey. Repeat the process for the other paragraphs. Share this:

What was Wolsey like?

What was Wolsey like? A selection of sources from historians and contemporary witnesses, with structured questions. Share this:

How did Wolsey rise to power?

How did Wolsey rise to power? A detailed account in the form of a gap-fill exercise, with structured tasks. Share this:

QR Code Treasure Hunt Generator

*NEW* – QR Treasure Hunt Generator – updated and relaunched! Get students using their mobiles to move and to learn!Students hunt around school scanning QR codes to get quiz questions.They get points for each question copied down and answered correctly.Great as a team challenge, a school competition or an extension activity! Share this:

Why did youth protest counterculture movements develop in the USA, and how successful were they in realising their objectives?

A new study unit for IBDP History. The 1960s saw the emergence of a ‘counterculture’ as young people in particular rebelled against traditional values and ways of life. The conditions for the emergence of this counterculture are varied and complex, and include such things as:Economic wealth and educational opportunities gave the post-war ‘baby boom’ generation in the US…

Japan in the Edo Period – A Time of Culture

Japan in the Edo Period – A Time of Culture The Edo period brought stability to Japan. As violence and warfare became a thing of the past, Japan’s arts and culture began to thrive under the leadership of a series of Emperors and their Shoguns. Because the Edo period also saw Japan rejecting foreign influence and isolating itself,…

What sorts of things could get me into hell? – The Seven Deadly Sins

What sorts of things could get me into hell? – The Seven Deadly Sins [teacher-led presentation version]In this activity students will learn about, and connect, the seven deadly sins. They will also learn about which particular punishments are associated with each of these sins. They will then write a dialogue between two people that can…

US Presidents and Latin America, 1945-1980

US Presidents and Latin America, 1945-1980A comprehensive revision aid outlining the impact of each US President between Truman and Carter upon key countries in Latin Ameria. Share this:

Apartheid South Africa – Classroom Debate

Classroom Debate – 10 key issuesStudents are given a range of possible issues to debate.. Each pair of students will debate one of the focus points. One person in the pair will argue “YES” and the other will argue “NO”. During each debate, the rest of the class should take notes. At the end of…

Design your own medieval shield!

I have updated the popular Heraldry Simulation so that students can save progress if they need to complete their activity for homework or in a subsequent lesson. Share this:

*NEW* Bingo Game Generator

I’ve just launched a new template on ClassTools which allows you to create printable bingo cards or generate online bingo games. Share this:

Historiography of the Great Society

Historiography and Essay Writing | completed teacher notes “Read the concluding statements you have produced regarding each of the main policy areas you have considered to arrange them in a continuum line from least to most successful. If you were going to arrange these into three broad categories as sections for an essay, what would your new…

LBJ – how successful was the Great Society?

Group Feedback Phase | Teacher Notes The class will be organised into small groups of about four or five students.Each group should start by discussing the “Education / Workers’ rights” row. Any member of the team who researched any of these laws should share their findings with the rest of the group, and all members should write…

LBJ and the Great Society

Individual Research Task: 27 Acts of Legislation Each member of the class will be given ONE card, and should research the law listed on it to make notes on the following:What problem was it trying to solve?What did it try to do to solve this problem?Was it a success or a failure? Share this:

Silk Roads Simulation

I have added a “Leaderboard” facility to the “Silk Roads Simulation” game so that teachers can view student progress and use it as a live markbook. Share this:

*NEW* Target Diagram Generator

*NEW* Target Diagram Template! A Target diagram is a fantastic way of getting students to break down a key question. Three factors are placed in the centre of the diagram. In the next layer, each factor can then be broken into two examples. In the final layer, each of these examples can then be substantiated…

*NEW* Virtual Journey around Tsarist Russia

*NEW* Virtual Journey around Tsarist Russia This simulation provides students with a thorough overview of the political, economic, religious and military strengths and weaknesses of Tsarist Russia on the eve of World War One. There are more than 50 locations to visit.I’ve completely rewritten and reskinned the simulation this weekend by adding quiz questions, a…

*NEW* Simulation: Rule of Mussolini

“In this new simulation, you will play the role of James Spod, an undercover agent. Your mission is to find, and then assassinate, Benito Mussolini: the Fascist dictator whose alliance with the evil Adolf Hitler is throwing the world into chaos. There is a worksheet which you should complete as you progress through the simulation….

Interactive Decision-Making Simulation: How successfully did Castro rule Cuba, 1959-1980?

Interactive Decision-Making Simulation: How successfully did Castro rule Cuba, 1959-1980? This standalone interactive simulation, which takes 2-3 hours to complete thoroughly, provides students with essential information about Castro’s rule and demands that they analyse various policies in terms of success and failure. It can be set as a self-study classroom exercise or as a homework…

Source Pack: The Chinese Civil War and the Rise of Mao

Source Pack: The Chinese Civil War and the Rise of Mao This sourcepack comes complete with questions and is broken up logically into sections relating to three key periods leading to the rise of Mao. Part of the new unit of study on the Chinese Civil Wars and the Rise of Mao. Share this:

Useful Quotes from Mao and Chiang

Useful Quotes from Mao and Chiang Students are given a list of quotes from Mao and Chiang, and consider where and how they could be integrated into their essay plans. Part of the new unit of study on the Chinese Civil Wars and the Rise of Mao. Share this:

Rise of Mao: Essay Planning

Rise of Mao: Essay Planning Students are provided with a template which allows them to methodically structure a whole range of essay questions. Each student should complete this for a different questions, then these can be collated and shared to revise from. In a subsequent lesson, the teacher should choose one of these questions for…

Rise of Mao: Possible Essay Questions | Sample Plan

Rise of Mao: Possible Essay Questions | Sample Plan Students are provided with a list of essay questions from past examination papers. As a class, read through the questions and highlight the central focus point of each. Students then consider how they would structure a question phrased as follows for each of these focus points. Part of…

The Chinese Civil War: Video Recap

The Chinese Civil War: Video Recap “Watch the 8-minute video to complete this initial timeline to summarise what you have so far learned. If you have not already completed your own detailed timeline, develop this one further using your notes from the decision making simulation“. Part of the new unit of study on the Chinese Civil Wars and…

Factual Test – The Chinese Civil Wars and the Rise of Mao

Factual Test – The Chinese Civil Wars and the Rise of Mao (teacher password required) Twenty questions to test essential knowledge, based on what should have been learned so far. Part of the new unit of study on the Chinese Civil Wars and the Rise of Mao. Share this:

Mao’s Rise to Power – Timeline Task

Mao’s Rise to Power – Timeline Task “Use your detailed handwritten notes from the decision making simulation to complete this table in as much detail as possible. You may wish to use a key to highlight events, places, and people in different colours. Next, develop your timeline further by doing your own web research on some of…

*NEW* Simulation – Are you more like Chiang or Mao?

The Chinese Civil Wars – Are you more like Chiang or Mao? (Multimedia Decision Making Simulation) A comprehensive interactive lecture to educate students about the key events of the Chinese Civil War, with twelve decision points and complete with 45 minutes of video clips. Designed to be delivered as an interactive lecture over several hours. As…

The Chinese Civil War: Introduction

The Chinese Civil War: Introduction An introductory handout providing a timeline of events and lost of characters to familiarise students with an essential overview. Part of the new study unit on the Chinese Civil Wars and the Rise of Mao at ActiveHistory. Share this:

Cold War Historiography

Cold War HistoriographyStudents are provided with a comprehensive list of quotes from contemporary politicians and historians since, and given a range of tasks to complete which will enable them to deepen their understanding. Share this:

Campaign 1965: Selma – The Simulation

Campaign 1965: Selma – The Simulation [interactive]“In this simulation you will learn about key figures involved in the struggle as events unfold step-by-step. For each character you will be invited to step inside their shoes and consider how you should react to the situation you face if your objective is to attract favourable media attention that…

Historiography of the Berlin Blockade

Historiography of the Berlin BlockadeStudents are provided with a historiographical overview and structure questions to familiarise themselves with the debate. Part of the Berlin Blockade Scheme of Work. Share this:

The Berlin Blockade: Timeline, Analysis and Video Work

The Berlin Blockade: Timeline, Analysis and Video WorkA standalone worksheet which guides students through the essential causes, consequences and events of the crisis. Part of the Berlin Blockade Scheme of Work. Share this:

Cuban Missile Crisis – Tension between the USA and Cuba

Background – Tension between the USA and CubaThis worksheet focuses more narrowly on the tension between the USA and Cuba following Castro’s seizure of power. Part of the complete scheme of work on the Cuban Missile Crisis. Share this:

Global Impact of the British Empire – Video Worksheet

The Global Impact of the British Empire on Australia, Africa and ChinaStudents watch three video clips of 8 minutes each to answer questions (What sorts of foreigners settled there, and why? / What positive effects did their arrival have upon the region? / What negative impact did they have upon the region?) Share this:

Medieval Castle Building – Online Simulation

Castles: Defence and Attack!  A game of strategy: Spend your budget on your choice of features, then read a story of how your castle fares when faced with attack! Complete with a worksheet and extension activities. There’s even a live ‘leaderboard’ to check the progress of your students! This game has now been updated with…

The Yalta Conference: classroom roleplay!

The Yalta Conference: classroom roleplay!The teacher will arrange the class into three group (USSR / UK / USA) and give each student a briefing sheet focusing on the objectives of their leader (Stalin / Churchill / Roosevelt). They then have a series of issues to reach a compromise upon, and score points accordingly for their…

The Kennan Telegram and NSC-68

The Kennan Telegram and NSC-68Students learn about two essential documents which helped to shape post-war American foreign policy throughout the Cold War. Share this:

Factual Test: Cuban Missile Crisis

End of unit factual testWorksheet and Teacher AnswersA 25-question factual test, in the format of a detailed analysis / conclusion with gaps to fill. Share this:

The Mystery of Pompeii: Study Unit

This suite of lessons has expanded over the past few years to become a mini-scheme of work in itself. The complete unit, with additional material such as a worksheet to accompany a documentary video, is available here. Share this: