A collapsible online revision list covering all the main aspects of Weimar Germany, a key GCSE/IGCSE topic. A great revision tool. Share this:
30th October 1960 (50 years ago today) Michael Woodruff performs the first successful kidney transplant in the United Kingdom, at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.
MICHAEL WOODRUFF, one of the pioneer surgeons in transplantation, was undoubtedly a lateral thinker, a most unusual trait in a surgeon and one illustrated no better than by his outstanding work on dietetic deficiencies while a prisoner in the notorious Changi camp in Singapore during the Second World War….[more] Share this:
Dinosaur Skull Found in Church
Encased in pinkish marble-like slabs supporting a balustrade, this dinosaur — or what's left of it — has for centuries been the most faithful presence in the Cathedral of St. Ambrose in Vigevano, a town about 20 miles from Milan.
Simon de Montfort and the Cathars
A decision making worksheet exercise complete with teacher answer sheet is now available here. Share this:
Louis XVI’s Blood May Be Hidden Inside Decorated Gourd
Dating back to the French Revolution, this gourd is thought to contain the blood of Louis XVI, collected shortly after he was executed.
Thousands evacuated in France for Second World War bomb disposal
Thousands of people were evacuated from their homes following the discovery of a series of bombs from the Second World War in the French city centre of Rennes.
Truth about German diplomats’ collusion in Holocaust is revealed
Senior officials were willing participants in the Nazi campaign, says report published yesterday
Timeline Challenge: The Arab-Israeli Conflict 1939-47 [interactive]
The teacher can ensure that students have covered the most important events in an appropriate amount of depth by playing this interactive, whole-class quiz using an interactive whiteboard. Share this:
25th October 1760 (250 years ago today) George II of England died
George was elector of Hanover and second Hanoverian king of Great Britain and Ireland. George was born in Hanover, Germany on 10 November 1683, the only son of the elector of Hanover. In 1705 he married Princess Caroline of Brandenburg-Ansbach, and they had nine children…[more] Share this:
Curiosity is banned at Westfield High
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19th October 1810 (200 years ago today) Cassius Clay, anti-slavery campaigner, was born
Cassius Marcellus Clay (October 19, 1810 – July 22, 1903), nicknamed “The Lion of White Hall”, was an emancipationist from Madison County, Kentucky, United States. He was a cousin of Henry Clay and Alabama governor Clement Comer Clay…[more] Share this:
17th October 1610 (400 years ago today) Louis XIII of France was crowned
Louis XIII of France was born in 1601 and died in 1643. Louis was the son of Henry IV and Marie de Medici. He was king from 1610 on, the year of his father’s assassination. His monarchy was dominated by the careers of the Duke de Luynes and Cardinal Richelieu. His monarchy saw an expansion…
17th October 1660 (350 years ago today) The 10 Regicides are hanged, drawn and quartered.
A special court was appointed and in October 1660 those Regicides who were still alive and living in Britain were brought to trial. Ten were found guilty and were sentenced to be hung, drawn and quartered. This included Thomas Harrison, John Jones, John Carew and Hugh Peters. Others executed included Adrian Scroope, Thomas Scot, Gregory…
Brought to book with Orlando Figes
It is ferocity and incompetence that have characterised Figes's own extraordinary war with academics, and dominated the headlines earlier this year. The stakes could not have been higher.
Castle Building Simulation – Now with a Leaderboard!
The popular Year 7 / 8 History Game, “Build you own Medieval Castle”, now has a leaderboard which displays the class scores “live” on the whiteboard as the game progresses for added interest. Share this:
Why did Britain decide to pull out of the Palestinian Mandate in 1947?
Using syllabus points and past examination questions, students start to form an independent judgement on the key question. They will also be required to focus on a short period to research in-depth and report back to the class (here is a sample Prezi Presentation that can be used as a guide). There are two sets…
3D scanner turns back time for 17th century timepiece
THE mystery of a badly corroded pocket watch, recovered from a wrecked warship hailed as Scotland's Mary Rose, has finally been solved – thanks to medical science and good old-fashioned detective work.
Historical Anniversaries for November 2010
• The following list provides important anniversaries that could be commemorated in 2010. • It can be used by teachers preparing assemblies, extension tasks and one-off lessons. • I am limiting the list to multiples of 50 years (1960 (50 years ago today), 1910 (100 years ago today), 1860 (150 years ago today) etc). •…
World War Two heroes to mark 70 years of the Mosquito
FORMER World War Two pilots and navigators are holding a signature session to mark 70 years of a Hatfield fighter plane this weekend.
Improve history in schools? Put Simon Schama in every classroom
Simon Schama is one of the UK's most brilliant historians and particularly excels at telling stories. His BBC series A History of Britain is arguably the most provocative and engaging televisual narrative of our island story ever produced. So it is no surprise that the government wants Schama to play a role in reshaping the school history curriculum.
Ten Great Holocaust Films You May Have Missed
As the most barbaric event of the twentieth century, the Nazis' mass extermination of Jews during World War II has served as the basis of countless books, plays, and films over the past sixty years.
Mystery Bronze Age Civilization Discovered, Archaeologist Claims
A Russian archaeologist claims to have found the well-preserved ruins of a previously unknown Bronze Age civilization in Russia's North Caucasus.
Mystery Bronze Age Civilization Discovered, Archaeologist Claims
A Russian archaeologist claims to have found the well-preserved ruins of a previously unknown Bronze Age civilization in Russia's North Caucasus.
The July Crisis: Decision-Making Exercise
The overall result was the July Crisis and the outbreak of World War One; in this exercise students learn about the crisis through a decision-making exercise which gets them thinking in terms of who was responsible. The teacher version is important for this lesson. Share this:
Parisian flat containing 2.1 million Euro painting lay untouched for 70 years
For 70 years the Parisian apartment had been left uninhabited, under lock and key, the rent faithfully paid but no hint of what was inside.
Rare Titanic Letter Heads for Auction: Big Pics
A rare, first-person account of the ordeal of one of the survivors of the Titanic disaster will soon hit the auction block.
Simon Schama’s appointment as history tsar an insult, says Mary Beard
The appointment of historian and presenter Simon Schama as the Coalition Government's new history tsar has been condemned as insincere and insulting by a leading academic.
Michelangelo’s er..Tracey? – mirror.co.uk
elangelo's er..Tracey?
Yersinia pestis bacteria confirmed as cause of Middle Ages ‘Black Death’ plague epidemic
The latest tests conducted by anthropologists at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) have proven that the bacteria Yersinia pestis was indeed the causative agent behind the "Black Death" that raged across Europe in the Middle Ages.
History Mysteries: The Franklin Expedition
The “History Mystery” approach helps students to formulate questions, work with primary sources, develop essay skills, and improve groupwork abilities. Through roleplay, picture analysis, written source evaluation, individual research and groupwork, students engage in genuine historical mysteries and produce a coherent and accomplished final report. I plan to develop a range of these exercises in…
Mathematics and War – History Teachers’ Discussion Forum
This seems really interesting…
Simon Schama to advise ministers on overhaul of history curriculum
The academic Simon Schama, who presents the BBC series A History of Britain, has agreed to advise ministers on an overhaul of the curriculum, the education secretary, Michael Gove, said today.
Gove said the move would ensure that no pupil leaves school without learning "narrative British history".
What were the main developments in the Middle East between 1939-47?
Students watch this short video and refer to their textbooks to develop a new timeline focusing heavily on the period 1939-47. Share this:
Trench Warfare Simulation: Now with a live Highscore board
I’ve updated the popular “Life in the Trenches” simulation so that students’ ongoing scores are automatically recorded in a highscore board throughout the lesson. The highscore board can be viewed by students and teachers throughout the lesson for added interest and competition, and the teacher can use its results as an instant markbook! Share this:
Germany marks 20 years as reunified nation
Germany is celebrating the 20th anniversary of its reunification.
Chancellor Angela Merkel is leading the celebrations, hosted by the northern city of Bremen, where tens of thousands of people have turned out.
Why has Germany taken so long to pay off its WWI debt?
Germany is finally paying off World War I reparations, with the last 70 million euro (£60m) payment drawing the debt to a close.
Economy of Nazi Germany
The graph would be really useful to use!
Who says that the Stalinist art of doctoring photos is dead?
The top photo is an actual photograph taken of President Obama leading several people to the East Room. However, the state-run Egyptian paper didn’t like that their president, Hosni Mubarak, was in the back of the group. They made the logical decision to show their president leading the way through the White House, which is clearly what happens when foreign dignitaries come to speak to Obama. Journalism at its finest.
Germany end World War One reparations after 92 years with £59m final payment
Germany will finally clear its First World War debt by repaying nearly £60million this weekend.
The £22billion reparations were set by the Allied victors – mostly Britain, France and America – as compensation and punishment for the 1914-18 war.
29th September 1810 (200 years ago today) Elizabeth Gaskell was born
Gaskell was a Victorian novelist, also notable for her biography of her friend Charlotte Brontë…[more] Share this:
18th century pistol taken from Italian museum is returned 66 years later after deathbed wish of British soldier with ‘troubled conscience’
A 250-year-old antique pistol taken from an Italian museum by a British squaddie as a souvenir during World War II has finally been returned, fulfilling the old soldier's death bed wish.
Rick Steves’ Europe: Oradour-Sur-Glane
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27th September 1960 (50 years ago today) Sylvia Pankhurst died
Sylvia Pankhurst, the daughter of Dr. Richard Pankhurst and Emmeline Pankhurst, was at Drayton Terrace, Old Trafford, Manchester on 5th May, 1882. Her father was a committed socialist and a strong advocate of women’s suffrage. He had been responsible for drafting an amendment to the Municipal Franchise Act of 1869 that had resulted in unmarried…
Mao’s way – Google Books
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Mao – Google Books
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Modern China: Mao Tse-tung
Mao's most important departure from mainstream communist thought was his belief in the peasantry and a peasant uprising.
Cambridge historian dies after junior doctor misses heart condition
A Cambridge University historian died after a junior doctor working his second shift mistook a fatal heart condition for mild chest pains, an inquest heard.
26th September 1960 (50 years ago today) Richard M. Nixon and John F. Kennedy, participate in the first televised presidential debate.
Presidential Debate 1960On 26 September 1960, 70 million U.S. viewers tuned in to watch Senator John Kennedy of Massachusetts and Vice President Richard Nixon in the first-ever televised presidential debate. It was the first of four televised “Great Debates” between Kennedy and Nixon. The first debate centered on domestic issues. The high point of the…
IB Higher Level History Task: To what extent did Britain make conflicting promises about the future of the Middle East during World War One?
This exercise involves students comparing and contrasting the Balfour Declaration, th The Sykes-Picot Agreement and the Hussein-MacMahon Correspondence. They could watch too this short video covering the interwar period. There are also teacher notes available for this activity. Share this:
Lenin’s view of Trotsky
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The Conspirator: Abraham Lincoln’s 9/11
The most troubling and satisfying aspect of The Conspirator, director Robert Redford's account of the Surratt case, is the comparison it draws between the actions taken by the Andrew Johnson administration immediately after the event of Apr. 14, 1965 — the first assassination of a U.S. President — and the Bush Administration's actions in the months and years after the events of Sept. 11, 2001…
Art Historians May Have Uncovered Origin of Blue Jeans
Art historians may have finally solved a centuries-old puzzle over the origin of a fashion favorite: blue jeans.
The discovery lies in the artwork of an unknown 17-century north Italian artist, dubbed the "Master of the Blue Jeans," which went on display in Paris this week, the AFP reported.
Causes of World War Simulation
I’ve now added a HighScore board to the simulation – in other words an instant markbook for teachers to access at the end of the session. Any scores submitted within a one-hour period are displayed and can be copied into a markbook. Click the “Leaderboard” option to see how it works. Share this:
Standard Level Task: Why was the Ottoman Empire unable to contain the Arab Revolt of 1916?
This task introduces students to the interesting character of TE Lawrence, and also deepens their knowledge on the subject of “The Impact of World War One”, which is a core Standard Level Paper 2 topic. Share this:
Historical Anniversaries for October 2010
• The following list provides important anniversaries that could be commemorated in 2010. • It can be used by teachers preparing assemblies, extension tasks and one-off lessons. • I am limiting the list to multiples of 50 years (1960 (50 years ago today), 1910 (100 years ago today), 1860 (150 years ago today) etc). •…
Cat organ that amused Prince of Wales dates back to 16th Century
The musical instrument that caused the Prince and the Duchess of Cornwall to cry with laughter has its roots in a bizarre device created in the 16th century, its creator has revealed.
France condemns Castro Roma ‘holocaust’ remark
France says comments by former Cuban leader Fidel Castro about its treatment of Roma migrants are unacceptable and show his ignorance of history.
Controversial historian David Irving outrages Poles with death camp tour
David Irving, the controversial historian, has outraged war veterans and survivors’ groups with a tour of sites related to the Nazi occupation of Poland.
Poems and messages from injured WW1 soldiers emerge after 92 years – Telegraph
A pocket book which was passed between injured soliders to record their poems and messages by a First World War nurse has emerged after 92 years.
Obama wrongly attributes quotes on his new Oval Office rug to Martin Luther King and Abraham Lincoln
It took Barack Obama 18 months to put his own stamp on The Oval Office but it appears he needs a history lesson about its new contents.
The new rug adorning the famous floor, it was said, was woven with quotes from Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King.
But the quotations attributed to Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King in the wheat-coloured carpet in fact came from reformist and abolitionist Theodore Parker.
Obama wrongly attributes quotes on his new Oval Office rug to Martin Luther King and Abraham Lincoln
It took Barack Obama 18 months to put his own stamp on The Oval Office but it appears he needs a history lesson about its new contents.
The new rug adorning the famous floor, it was said, was woven with quotes from Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King.
But the quotations attributed to Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King in the wheat-coloured carpet in fact came from reformist and abolitionist Theodore Parker.
Medieval diet aids healthy eating message
The Horrible Histories series has been a great success in teaching children about the lives of the Romans, Aztecs and Egyptians, among others. But could history also hold the key to encouraging our children to eat better?
Medieval diet aids healthy eating message
The Horrible Histories series has been a great success in teaching children about the lives of the Romans, Aztecs and Egyptians, among others. But could history also hold the key to encouraging our children to eat better?
Timeline Challenge: The Arab-Israeli Conflict up to 1939
The teacher can ensure that students have covered the most important events in an appropriate amount of depth by playing this interactive, whole-class quiz using an interactive whiteboard. Share this:
Dry weather makes 2010 ‘vintage year for archaeology’ says English Heritage
Britain's dry early summer has made 2010 a "vintage year for archaeology" with crop marks revealing several hundred new sites, according to English Heritage.
Dry weather makes 2010 ‘vintage year for archaeology’ says English Heritage
Britain's dry early summer has made 2010 a "vintage year for archaeology" with crop marks revealing several hundred new sites, according to English Heritage.
Timeline of the Arab-Israeli Conflict up to 1939
Using video, web and textbook sources, students start developing a timeline overview of the Middle East Conflict up to 1945. This image could be used as a teaching aid to clarify the borders of the Palestinian Mandate. Share this:
Causes of the Spanish Civil War
A collapsible list of essential revision points covering political, religious, economic, social and regional points. Share this:
London in the blitz: How crime flourished under cover of the blackout
As the 70th anniversary of the start of the blitz approaches, Duncan Campbell reveals how black marketeers, thieves and looters took advantage of the misfortunes of war
London in the blitz: How crime flourished under cover of the blackout
As the 70th anniversary of the start of the blitz approaches, Duncan Campbell reveals how black marketeers, thieves and looters took advantage of the misfortunes of war
Marcel Albert, Air Ace of France in World War II, Dies at 92
Marcel Albert, who became one of the leading French fighter pilots of World War II, flying Soviet-built planes in duels with German aircraft on the Eastern front, died Monday in Harlingen, Tex. He was 92.
Marcel Albert, Air Ace of France in World War II, Dies at 92
Marcel Albert, who became one of the leading French fighter pilots of World War II, flying Soviet-built planes in duels with German aircraft on the Eastern front, died Monday in Harlingen, Tex. He was 92.
26th August 1910 (100 years ago today) – Mother Teresa was born
By the 1970s, she was internationally famed as a humanitarian and advocate for the poor and helpless, due in part to a documentary and book Something Beautiful for God by Malcolm Muggeridge. She won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 and India’s highest civilian honour, the Bharat Ratna, in 1980 for her humanitarian work. Mother…
Council boss campaigning for Magna Carta holiday
COUNCIL officials in Runnymede are joining national attempts to establish a new bank holiday in 2015 to mark the 800th anniversary of the sealing of the Magna Carta.
Council boss campaigning for Magna Carta holiday
COUNCIL officials in Runnymede are joining national attempts to establish a new bank holiday in 2015 to mark the 800th anniversary of the sealing of the Magna Carta.
TV historian at centre of battle to halt ramblers from using a footpath across his front garden
An award-winning TV historian is using ancient maps to fight plans to route hundreds of walkers through his front garden after claims he has blocked off a public footpath.
TV historian at centre of battle to halt ramblers from using a footpath across his front garden
An award-winning TV historian is using ancient maps to fight plans to route hundreds of walkers through his front garden after claims he has blocked off a public footpath.
Introduction to the Middle East Conflict
A class brainstorm about what students already know about the Arab-Israeli conflict is followed by a preliminary write-up. This worksheet could be followed by (a) Going through this PowerPoint Presentation followed by this short video about 9/11. (b) watching this YouTube Video for extra notes. Share this:
US Holocaust Museum, others criticize Romania’s central bank for minting ‘anti-Semitic’ coin
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum says the refusal of Romania's central bank to withdraw a coin bearing the image of a prime minister who stripped Jews of their citizenship before World War II is "insensitive" to the memory of Holocaust victims.
US Holocaust Museum, others criticize Romania’s central bank for minting ‘anti-Semitic’ coin
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum says the refusal of Romania's central bank to withdraw a coin bearing the image of a prime minister who stripped Jews of their citizenship before World War II is "insensitive" to the memory of Holocaust victims.
Veterans jeer Blackpool woman who urinated on memorial
A woman who urinated on a war memorial in Blackpool and performed a sex act nearby has been barracked by veterans.
Veterans jeer Blackpool woman who urinated on memorial
A woman who urinated on a war memorial in Blackpool and performed a sex act nearby has been barracked by veterans.
Aztec remains found in pots under Mexico City
Archaeologists have uncovered the remains of 50 Aztec children during excavations for a new subway line in Mexico City.
Aztec remains found in pots under Mexico City
Archaeologists have uncovered the remains of 50 Aztec children during excavations for a new subway line in Mexico City.
Lessons From the Medieval Warm Period
From about AD 800 to 1300 the Earth underwent a slight warming period so dubbed "The Medieval Warm Period."…
Lessons From the Medieval Warm Period
From about AD 800 to 1300 the Earth underwent a slight warming period so dubbed "The Medieval Warm Period."…
Causes for the Collapse of Communism
A collapsible revision list of essential information. Share this:
A fading finest hour?
While memories of the Battle of Britain remain fresh in the minds of The Few who flew, and the staff who supported them, veterans fear its significance could soon be forgotten by others.
A fading finest hour?
While memories of the Battle of Britain remain fresh in the minds of The Few who flew, and the staff who supported them, veterans fear its significance could soon be forgotten by others.
17th August 1960 (50 years ago today) – The trial of U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers begins in Moscow.
The 1960 U-2 incident occurred during the Cold War on May 1, 1960, during the presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower and during the leadership of Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, when an American U-2 spy plane was shot down over Soviet Union airspace. The United States government at first denied the plane’s purpose and mission, but…