The Suez Crisis: Tension Builds

The Suez Crisis: Tension Builds Students consider the proposal to turn the Suez Canal into an international zone, and the infamous “Sevres Protocol”. They will use two primary sources: Nasser’s rejection of the Western plan and the Sevres Protocol. There are several YouTube videos that can be used: [1 – Czech Arms Deal, USA Anger]…

The Suez Crisis: Roleplay Exercise

The Suez Crisis: Roleplay Exercise “In this exercise you will take on the role of a French / British / Israeli civil servant. Each of you will develop a particular area of expertise to share with the rest of the group. The group as a whole will have to decide on some key courses of…

Historical Anniversaries for March 2011

150 years ago today (4th March 1861) Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated as the 16th President of the USA 75 years ago today (7th March 1936) Adolf Hitler ordered his troops into the demilitarised zone of the Rhineland, breaking the Treaty of Versailles and the Locarno Pact 20 years ago today (14th March 1991) The ‘Birmingham…

Plagiarizr: Free plagiarism detector for teachers

I have developed a new plagiarism checker – simply COPY and PASTE an essay into it, click “check” and then you will get a full breakdown of any plagiarized phrases, with direct hyperlinks to trace where the text was taken from. Share this:

The Growth of Political Opposition in the Reign of Alexander II

After this starter activity based around a short story by Turgenev, I hand out a detailed handout outlining the growth of political opposition in the reign of Alexander. Students are encouraged to turn this into an illustrated mindmap. As an extension activity students could complete this worksheet based around Michael Bakunin’s “Catechism for a Revolutionist”…

25 years ago (20th Feb. 1986): The USSR launched the Mir space station.

“The Soviets have opened a new phase in space exploration with the launch of the world’s biggest space station, Mir. The successful launch of Mir comes just over three weeks after the American space shuttle Challenger disaster, in which seven astronauts died….more“ Share this:

Sourcework assignment Pack: Causes of World War One

A comprehensive pack of sources and questions in the style of GCSE/IGCSE examinations, designed to be printed off at the beginning of the unit and used as homework exercises over the course of several weeks. Share this:

Timeline of Middle East events, 1914-1939, plus factual test

As part of my ongoing project to upload teacher notes for all major units over the course of the year, I’ve added a completed version of the timeline, and a factual test / completed teacher answers to this page. Much more to follow…! Share this:

Why did Israel win the war of 1948-49?

Analysis: Why did Israel win the war of 1948-49? Working with a partner, students cut up these slips and then organise them under headings of their choice. Some of the slips may be arguments, whereas others may be substantiating detail you can use to back up these arguments. They should aim for 3-5 categories of…

Are Revolutions Contagious?

Like a virus, revolt has spread rapidly over the last few weeks from Tunisia to Egypt, with additional riots and protests in nearby Jordan and Yemen and rumblings that Syria may be next. As alarming as the spread of uprisings might be, the recent chain of events echoes numerous periods of discontent that stretch back more than 200 years.

Keyword checker: A tool for developing essay skills

I’ve been getting fed up with my IB students not incuding all of the topic keywords / terms in their essays. So I’ve just finished writing this program which checks how many keywords have been included with the click of a button. I’ll be encouraging students to run their essays through this before handing them…

History Mystery: The Princes in the Tower

An ActiveHistory Mystery. The “History Mysteries” lessons are designed as stand-alone projects which each last 3-4 hours. Through engaging historical topics, they teach skills of research, groupwork, structured writing. There is a standard teacher lesson plan and student record sheet / markscheme for each activity. Share this:

Factual Test: Declaration of the State of Israel and the War of 1948-49

Timeline Factual Test To ensure that students have gathered the essential information, they should take this “fill the gaps” exercise which contains 15 questions in a table following the same format as the timeline in the previous worksheet. There is also a completed teacher version available. Share this:

Historical Anniversaries for February 2011

40 years ago (2nd Feb. 1971) Idi Amin became President of Uganda. He had overthrown Milton Obote in a military coup the previous week. 100 years ago (6th Feb. 1911) Birth of Ronald Reagan, American actor and 40th President of the United States. 40 years ago (7th Feb. 1971) Women in Switzerland were finally given…

100 years ago today (17 Jan 1911): Death of Sir Francis Galton

Death of Sir Francis Galton, British anthropologist, explorer, eugenicist, statistician, and meteorologist, known for his pioneering studies of human intelligence, for devising the concept of correlation, and for creating the first weather map [more] Share this:

Random Name / Word Picker

The classtools random name / word picker has now been updated with a brand new image which makes it look a little less (in the words of my wife) “Hello Kitty”! Share this:

History Mystery: Operation Mincemeat

A new History Mystery, designed to be used as part of a study of World War Two. The “History Mysteries” lessons are designed as stand-alone projects which each last 3-4 hours. Through engaging historical topics, they teach skills of research, groupwork, structured writing. There is a standard teacher lesson plan and student record sheet /…

Resources for Holocaust Memorial Day (27th Jan.)

Holocaust Memorial Day January 27th is Holocaust Memorial Day. In preparation for this I have prepared the following materials to help students reflect on the causes and consequences of Genocide. 1. PowerPoint: Assembly introducing the topic of Genocide Designed to last 15-20 minutes, this PowerPoint introduces the topic and the tasks which follow. 1. Student…

League of Nations in the 1920s

I’ve now added a Leaderboard and a new worksheet to this simulation, which will be the subject of the IGCSE Paper 2 (sourcework) in Summer 2012. Share this:

Declaration of the State of Israel and the War of 1948-49

Introduction and Overview. The UN General Assembly voted in principle to accept the UNSCOP Majority Plan for partition (with some amendments) in November 1947. On May 14th 1948 David Ben Gurion, leader of the Zionists in Palestine, suddenly declared the independence of Israel. The following day 5 Arab nations invaded the new Jewish state. Israel…

History Mystery: The Murder of Archbishop Becket

An ActiveHistory Mystery. The “History Mysteries” lessons are designed as stand-alone projects which each last 3-4 hours. Through engaging historical topics, they teach skills of research, groupwork, structured writing. There is a standard teacher lesson plan and student record sheet / markscheme for each activity. Share this:

The Return of Fascism in Russia

There was nothing unexpected about the racially motivated rioting and attacks that took place in Moscow and other cities during the past 10 days…

History Mysteries: Lesson Plans, Worksheets and Markschemes

I’ve just launched a brand new section on the website called the “ActiveHistory Mysteries“. I have been trialling these with my own students this term and they have proven to be a big hit! If you try them out with your own students, and / or you have any ideas for other “mysteries” I could…

Scroggie Scrooge was not so tight after all, find historians

BAH humbug no more. The Scottish merchant who inspired one of the most famous Christmas characters of all time is finally to be recognised for his place in literary history. Ebenezer Scroggie was a hugely successful Edinburgh merchant renowned as much for his generosity and jovial nature as his wild parties.

Mummified head is skull of Henri IV, say historians

A mummified head dug up after the French Revolution, lost for a century and unearthed by an antiques dealer belongs to Henri IV, the revered French king who died 400 years ago, leading historians and scientists have revealed.

UN Debate on Partition of the Middle East

UN Debate on Partition of the Middle East: The Reality: (a) Plans prior to 1947 UN Debate on Partition of the Middle East: The Reality: (a) Plans of 1947 Whilst the three “judges” are deliberating which partition plan is the most appropriate, the members of the other two groups can be completing these two worksheets….

Custer’s Last Flag Hits Auction Block

The only American flag to survive Little Big Horn will go up for auction today at Sotheby's New York. The flag, one of the few remnants of Gen. George Armstrong Custer's legendary defeat, is expected to fetch $2 million to $5 million.

UN Debate on Partition of the Middle East: Roleplay

Three people in the class will be in role as members of the UN. They will have vote later on which of the proposals presented to them is the most likely to bring lasting peace to the region. The other members of the class are in role as Arabs & Jews. Each pair of people…

Why North Korean strike will not trigger world war three

Even though the fighting in Korea has all the elements needed to spark off the next world war – weapons of mass destruction, hostile superpowers, and a failing, nuclear-armed regime – it is improbable that apocalypse is around the corner in East Asia.

UN Debate on the Future of the Middle East: The Reality

In the event, UNSCOP was divided about which of these proposals was the best way forward. The Majority Plan (8 votes) supported partition qualified by economic unity. The Minority Plan (3 votes) supported the federal state solution. In this activity students read through primary sources relating to the decision-makers and decide whether they agree with…

23rd November 1860 (150 years ago today) Billy the Kid was born

No other historical figure from the Old West has stirred up more controversy and eluded historians and biographers than Billy the Kid alias William H. Bonney. This young man in his short life has established his place in history and legend, but there is more to the myth there’s the man, which in my opinion…

World War One Battlefields Tour: Itinerary and Resources

WW1 Battlefields Tour Resources Following the successful conclusion of a school Battlefields Trip with 34 students in Years 11-12, I’ve uploaded my full itinerary, with worksheets, teacher notes, Google Earth Tour and so on. I hope this is useful for other teachers developing / constructing their own visit. Share this:

20th November 1910 (100 years ago today) Tolstoy died

A century ago, Leo Tolstoy – perhaps the greatest novelist of all time – died at a remote train station. He had embarked on a journey to find the simple life he believed in – partly due to early German influences…[more] Share this:

UN Debate on the Future of the Middle East: Roleplay Investigation

In 1947, UNSCOP (the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine) was given the task of working out a proposal for the future of Palestine. They considered 6 possible courses of action. In this activity students will consider the advantages and disadvantages of the schemes they put forward and decide if they settled upon the correct…

Historical Anniversaries for December 2010

• The following list provides important anniversaries that could be commemorated in 2010. • It can be used by teachers preparing assemblies, extension tasks and one-off lessons. • I am limiting the list to multiples of 50 years (1960 (50 years ago today), 1910 (100 years ago today), 1860 (150 years ago today) etc). •…

8th November 1960 (50 years ago today) United States presidential election, 1960 (50 years ago today): In a close race, John F. Kennedy is elected over Richard M. Nixon, becoming (at 43) the youngest man elected President.

On November 22, 1963, when he was hardly past his first thousand days in office, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was killed by an assassin’s bullets as his motorcade wound through Dallas, Texas. Kennedy was the youngest man elected President; he was the youngest to die…[more] Share this:

New Titanic artefacts on display

More than 300 artefacts rescued from the Titanic, including some that have never been seen before, are going on display in London.

Painting of Henry VIII’s ‘Lost’ Palace For Sale

It was among Henry VIII's grandest undertakings: a castle to outshine the castle of his rival, King Francois I of France. And so it was named "Nonsuch," as in no other palace could ever equal its magnificence. But, after taking eight years to construct, the Nonsuch Palace would end up standing for less than 150 years. In the 1680s, the grand estate fell into disrepair and was lost to history.