100 Years Ago Today (5th January 1912): The Bolshevik Party was Formed

Lenin’s Bolshevik faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party broke away from the main party and formed what would later become the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The Bolsheviks were born out of Russia’s Social Democrat Party. When the party split in 1903, the Bolsheviks only had one obvious leader – Lenin. In…

The Lutheran Reformation: Designing a Movie Poster / Trailer

A Powerpoint template getting students to match historical characters from the timeline of Luther’s life to real actors. A completed version is also available, along with a movie trailer produced recently by one of my students. For the full unit, click here. Share this:

25 Years Ago Today (29th Nov 1986): Death of Cary Grant

Death of Cary Grant, British-born American film actor (‘Bringing Up Baby’, ‘Gunga Din’, ‘His Girl Friday’, ‘The Philadelphia Story’, ‘To Catch A Thief’, ‘North by Northwest’, and more) Share this:

Raising the Profile of History in School: #historychat

#historychat is a live one-hour “chat” on Twitter inviting history teachers from all over the world to share ideas and resources which help to develop source analysis skills in the history classroom. #historychat is currently moderated by Russel Tarr in Europe and Bill Chapman in the USA. Bill is actively involved in #sschat, which has…

The Causes and Events of the French Revolution: Condensed Study Unit

The full study unit covering the causes and the events of the French Revolution takes up to 15 hours. However, in this condensed study unit, designed to last about 7 hours, students will learn about the main causes of the French Revolution. The Three Estates System, the mistakes of King Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette, the…

Source Analysis Skills in History: #historychat

#historychat is a live one-hour “chat” on Twitter inviting history teachers from all over the world to share ideas and resources which help to develop source analysis skills in the history classroom. #historychat is currently moderated by Russel Tarr in Europe and Bill Chapman in the USA. Bill is actively involved in #sschat, which has…

The French Revolution: A New Condensed Study Unit

The full study unit covering the causes and the events of the French Revolution takes up to 15 hours. However, in this condensed study unit, designed to last about 7 hours, students will learn about the main causes of the French Revolution. The Three Estates System, the mistakes of King Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette, the…

Cross-Curricular Projects through History – #historychat

#historychat is a live one-hour “chat” on Twitter inviting history teachers from all over the world to share ideas and resources which help to develop source analysis skills in the history classroom. #historychat is currently moderated by Russel Tarr in Europe and Bill Chapman in the USA. Bill is actively involved in #sschat, which has…

#historychat on Twitter – Technology in the History Classroom

#historychat is a live one-hour “chat” on Twitter inviting history teachers from all over the world to share ideas and resources which help to develop source analysis skills in the history classroom. #historychat is currently moderated by Russel Tarr in Europe and Bill Chapman in the USA. Bill is actively involved in #sschat, which has…

Hitler’s Foreign Policy Simulation – Now with a live leaderboard

I’ve developed the ‘Hitler’s Foreign Policy’ simulation to incorporate a live high score board. In this way teachers can easily monitor the performance of students playing the game and focus on those whose factual test score declines during the game. Share this:

How to set up a QR Code Treasure Hunt

A QR-Code Treasure Hunt is a fun, simple way to get students using their mobile devices to continue learning outside of lesson time. Here’s how we set one up at the International School of Toulouse with some guidance on how to do the same with your own students using the QR Treasure Hunt Generator at…

Keyword Checker: What caused the February Revolution?

30 keywords are provided. If a student CUTS and PASTES their essay into the tool, it will then proceed to tell them how many of these keywords are currently included in it and which need to be added. Share this:

25 Years Ago Today (12 Oct 1986): Cold War – Reykjavik summit

The Reykjavik summit in Iceland, aimed at reducing the nuclear arsenals of the USA and USSR, ended in failure. U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev failed to reach agreement on the USA’s Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI) – also known as ‘Star Wars’ Share this:

QR Code Treasure Hunt: The Events of the American Civil War

Print off these 20 QR codes and put them up around your classroom / school. Students have to answer as many questions as they can in the time available. The completed answers can be used to develop their individual research project stemming from the interactive simulation. Share this:

What should we call the American Civil War?

Students are presented with a long list of alternative names that have been used for the American Civil War. They organise these into suggested categories, compare their ideas with a partner, and then choose what they feel is the best alternative title. Share this:

20 Years Ago Today (24th Sep. 1991): Death of Dr. Seuss

Death of Theodor Geisel, ‘Dr. Seuss’, popular American children’s writer, illustrator and film-maker (‘How the Grinch Stole Christmas’, ‘The Cat in the Hat’, ‘Green Eggs and Ham’, and many more) Share this:

What can we learn from the songs of the Civil War?

In this activity, students analyse the lyrics (and, if possible, listen to the music) of popular Confederate and Unionist songs from the civil war. They then have to produce their own civil war song to a civil-war era tune of their choice. Their objective is to produce a song which clearly explains the causes of…

Timeline Challenge: The Causes of the American Civil War

For this activity, organise the class 5 teams. Display the first event by clicking the button. All the students should copy this information into their worksheet. The first team can play for up to 10 points depending on their confidence. They have to not only identify the mistake in the account, but correct it. If…

History Mystery: The Causes of the American Civil War

This unit is in the form of an ActiveHistory Mystery. Through a roleplay, stimulus images and information slips, students formulate questions, speculate answers, then research for themselves to produce a report which is then peer-assessed against a standard markscheme. The full investigation takes 2 hours of classroom time and at least another hour of individual…

Compare and Contrast the Rise to Power of Two Single Party State Rulers

With the research on Pinochet completed, the students now move on to compare and contrast his rise to that of Mao in China. This worksheet provides them with structured guidance on how to go about this process. As a popular format of question in the IB examination, this is a very useful exercise. Share this:

Interactive Simulation Game: The Events of the American Civil War

In this multiplayer interactive simulation, you will take the role of an advisor to either President Davis, or President Lincoln. You will be given a series of military, economic and political problems to deal with. Your first objective is to choose the course of action which you think your President took in real life (his…

Individual Research Task: The Rise to power of Pinochet in Chile

Students are given this worksheet framework to help structure their investigation about why Pinochet became leader of Chile. They should use any sources available to them (books, video, websites). A particularly good video is the 10-minute drama film by Ken Loach which can be found on YouTube. Share this:

20 years ago today – 19 Aug 1991 Attempted coup in the Soviet Union.

20 years ago today – 19 Aug 1991 Attempted coup in the Soviet Union. Hard-line members of the Communist Party tried to seize control from President Mikhail Gorbachev. The coup failed after just 3 days, and eventually led to the collapse of communism and the disintegration of the USSR Share this:

The Rise to power of Pinochet in Chile: New IB study unit

A brand new study unit. The IB History examination is very keen that students learn to compare and contrast the methods and conditions which led to the rise to power of single party state rulers – sometimes insisting that they are from different parts of the world, and / or that one is a right-wing…

Musicians in the Civil Rights Movement – Feedback on Musicians

Students complete this worksheet following from the image, and then students in the class who researched musicians as their “Fakebook” project now feedback to the class with their findings by identifying the one most important event in their lives which illustrates their importance to the civil rights struggle. Everyone in the class uses this to…

Historical Anniversaries for August 2011

75 years ago today – 1 Aug 1936 The XI Olympic Games opened in Berlin, Germany. It was the last Olympics for 12 years due to World War II 75 years ago today – 1 Aug 1936 Birth of Yves Saint-Laurent, Algerian-born French fashion designer 75 years ago today – 2 Aug 1936 Death of…

Politicians in the Civil Rights Movement – Feedback on Politicians

Students complete this worksheet following from the image, and then students in the class who researched politicians as their “Fakebook” project now feedback to the class with their findings by identifying the one most important event in their lives which illustrates their importance to the civil rights struggle. Everyone in the class uses this to…