Historiography of Stalin’s Russia: These detailed handouts provide plenty of material for discussion and further research: Books on Stalin Summary of the Main Historiographical Issues Share this:
High Stalinism: What policies characterised Stalin’s final years?
High Stalinism: What policies characterised Stalin’s final years?: The main study unit for my students ends in 1941. However, to give students the full picture of Stalin’s Russia, this is a good activity to bring the various policies right up-to-date. Detailed notes are available for Economics 1945-53 and Other Policies 1945-53. Share this:
How Communist were Lenin and Stalin?
How Communist were Lenin and Stalin?: This activity gets students thinking about the nature of communism, and then measuring the success of each ruler on these criteria. It thereby covers a lot of ground very efficiently. A completed teacher version is also available. Share this:
Summary Notes: Compare and Contrast the Rise of Lenin and Mao
Summary Notes: Compare and Contrast the Rise of Lenin and Mao – a useful revision resource for IB History. Share this:
Summary Notes: Compare and Contrast the Rise of Stalin and Lenin
Summary Notes: Compare and Contrast the Rise of Stalin and Lenin – a useful revision resource for IB History. Share this:
Model Essay: Compare and Contrast the Rise of Mao and Stalin
Model Essay: Compare and Contrast the Rise of Mao and Stalin – a sample essay produced by Russel Tarr (author of this website) in timed conditions in the style of a Paper 2 answer. Share this:
Model Essay: Compare and Contrast the Rise of Mao and Pinochet
Model Essay: Compare and Contrast the Rise of Mao and Pinochet – A sample essay produced by Russel Tarr (author of this website) in timed conditions in the style of a Paper 2 answer. Share this:
Model Essay: Why did Mao emerge as leader of China?
Model Essay: Why did Mao emerge as leader of China? (summary notes also available) – A sample essay produced by Russel Tarr (author of this website) in timed conditions in the style of a Paper 2 answer. Share this:
The Rise of Single Party State Rulers: Summaries and Contrasts
The Rise of Single Party State Rulers: Summaries and Contrasts: Students first have a brainstorm about what are the most frequent causes for the rise of single party state rulers. They then analyse the key methods and conditions which led to the rise of particular individual dictators, then compare and contrast them. In this way…
Summary Grid – The Impact of World War One on various countries
Summary Grid – The Impact of World War One on various countries – a useful revision resource for IB History Share this:
What was the Social and Economic Impact of World War One upon two of the Countries Involved?
What was the Social and Economic Impact of World War One upon two of the Countries Involved? (plus essay plan) – A sample essay produced by Russel Tarr (author of this website) in timed conditions in the style of a Paper 2 answer. Share this:
Compare and Contrast the Impact of World War One and World War Two
Compare and Contrast the Impact of World War One and World War Two – A sample essay produced by Russel Tarr (author of this website) in timed conditions in the style of a Paper 2 answer. Share this:
Search by Topic / Period page – fully updated
I’ve completely rewritten the ‘Search by Topic / Period’ page of ActiveHistory today to ensure it includes all the latest topics I’ve included since last year. Share this:
American Civil War figures: “Fakebook” student projects
My year 9 Historians have been in role as American Civil War politicians and generals for the past couple of weeks. Here are some of the ‘Fakebook’ projects they produced to round off the epic strategy game through which we studied the topic! Share this:
Effects of War – Comparisons and Contrasts
Effects of War – Comparisons and Contrasts: Students are provided with detailed information about the practices of three major wars in the form of a grid, broken down into key themes (political, economic, etc). Their task is to complete the grid by providing further examples of other wars that they have studied and try to…
Why did Mao win the Chinese Civil War?
Why did Mao win the Chinese Civil War? – A sample essay produced by Russel Tarr (author of this website) in timed conditions in the style of a Paper 2 answer. Share this:
50 Years Ago Today (31st May 1962) – Death of Adolf Eichmann
Death of Adolf Eichmann, German Nazi leader who organised the identification and transportation of Jews from occupied Europe to extermination camps. (Executed) Share this:
Why did Germany Lose World War One?
Why did Germany Lose World War One? – A sample essay produced by Russel Tarr (author of this website) in timed conditions in the style of a Paper 2 answer. Share this:
25 Years Ago Today (28th May 1987) – Red Square Scandal
Mathias Rust, a 19-year-old amateur pilot from West Germany, illegally landed his plane in Red Square, Moscow Share this:
75 Years Ago Today (28th May 1937) – Neville Chamberlain became British Prime Minister
Neville Chamberlain became British Prime Minister. Share this:
Compare and Contrast the Impact of Foreign Involvement in the Russian Civil War and the Spanish Civil War
Compare and Contrast the Impact of Foreign Involvement in the Russian Civil War and the Spanish Civil War – A sample essay produced by Russel Tarr (author of this website) in timed conditions in the style of a Paper 2 answer. Share this:
Practices of War – Comparisons and Contrasts
Practices of War – Comparisons and Contrasts: With a central focus on the issue of “Limited War v. Total War”, students are provided with detailed information about the practices of three major wars in the form of a grid, broken down into key themes (political, economic, etc). Their task is to complete the grid by…
Model Essay: What were the most frequent causes of 20th Century Wars?
Model Essay: What were the most frequent causes of 20th Century Wars?: A sample essay produced by Russel Tarr (author of this website) in timed conditions in the style of a Paper 2 answer. Share this:
Introducing “Fakebook Animated”
One of the most popular applications I’ve developed in the past couple of years has been “Fakebook“, a Fake Facebook Profile Generator that students can use to create engaging narratives of people, places and concepts. I’ve been working on developing the code over the past fortnight so that the application is much quicker (for example…
50 Years Ago Today (19th May 1962): Marilyn Monroe Sings to JFK
American actress Marilyn Monroe famously sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to President John F. Kennedy during a birthday party/fundraiser at Madison Square Garden, New York Share this:
Causes of the Chinese Civil War
Causes of the Chinese Civil War: A detailed summary grid for revision purposes. Share this:
Create a Fake Facebook Profile
I’ve just completed a major overhaul of “Fakebook” – a tool for creating Fake Facebook profiles with your students. It’s great for getting students to create profiles of historical and literary characters and events, for example. Try it out here! Share this:
Causes of the Spanish Civil War: Summary and suggested linkage
Causes of the Spanish Civil War: Summary and suggested linkage: A summary diagram for revision purposes. Share this:
Causes of World War One: What was Responsible?:
Causes of World War One: What was Responsible?: An analysis grid which moves towards linking and prioritising the various factors that caused World War One. Students are invited to complete the blank cells using their own knowledge. Share this:
Causes of World War One – Who was Responsible?
Causes of World War One – Who was Responsible?: A summary grid for revision purposes. Share this:
Causes of Wars – Comparisons and Contrasts
Causes of Wars – Comparisons and Contrasts: Students are provided with detailed information about the causes of three major wars in the form of a grid, broken down into key themes (political, economic, etc). Their task is to complete the grid by providing further examples of other wars that they have studied and try to…
Causes, Practices, Effects of War – Overview of Past IB History Questions
Overview of Past Questions: Students are asked to collate a list of past paper questions from the most recent examination papers, to categorise these into causes, practices and effects questions, and offer some initial observations on the sorts of demands made by each. Share this:
A comprehensive list of useful topic quotes for the IB History Syllabus
Using Key Quotes: A series of short, memorable quotes relating to the key topics being studied. Students have to reflect on how they may best be used in the examination. Share this:
The October Revolution: Popular Uprising, or Coup d’Etat?
Historiography Handouts with Associated Tasks – The October Revolution: Popular Uprising, or Coup d’Etat? Share this:
Essential Historiographical Terms for IB
Essential Historiographical Terms for IB: A condensed, one-sided summary sheet defining clearly and with examples such historiographical terms as Determinism, Accidentalism, Intentionalism, Structuralism. Share this:
100 Years Ago Today (22nd April 1912) – First edition of Pravda
‘Pravda’, the official newspaper of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, was first published. (Ceased publication 1996) Share this:
Analysing IB History Essay Question ‘Command Terms’
The examiner is very keen that students demonstrate a clear understanding of central terms when they are used in essay questions. In this activity, students work in pairs then as a class to design a clear definition of such key terms as ‘Guerilla Warfare’ and ‘Totalitarianism’. The worksheet uses the examples of Stalin and Mao…
100 Years Ago Today (20th April 1912): Death of Bram Stoker
Death of Bram Stoker, Irish novelist and short story writer, best known for his novel ‘Dracula’. Share this:
Modern World History Facebook Fanpage
The Modern World History Facebook Fanpage provides daily quotes, revision tips and recommended websites – if you’re a student currently revising for GCSE/IGCSE Modern World History, you might want to join up! Share this:
100 Years Ago Today (15th April 1912): Titanic Sinks
The British liner ‘RMS Titanic’ sank in the Atlantic after hitting an iceberg on her maiden voyage to New York. More than 1,500 people were killed. Share this:
Practical Technologies for the Classroom – Facebook Group
Following on from the successful conference which took place at my school on 30th March, I’ve set up a Facebook Group for Practical Technologies in the Classroom. Teachers are invited to sign up to share and exchange ideas! Share this:
IB History Curriculum Map
I’ve updated my IB History Curriculum Map to reflect the way I currently teach the syllabus. I’m always changing things around but this approach is how I’m currently doing the course with my Year 12 students. Share this:
Transatlantic Slave Trade – new resources
I have just completed teaching the transatlantic slave trade to my Year 9 students. “The Apprentice” roleplay was a particular highlight and I’ve uploaded some new resources to the main page, in particular a new PowerPoint getting students to think about logos, slogans and brand names and a streamlined tasksheet for the Apprentice roleplay exercise….
200 Years Ago Today (6th April 1812): Birth of Herzen
Birth of Alexander Herzen, Russian political thinker, activist and writer, known as the ‘father of Russian socialism’, his work led to the emancipation of the serfs Share this:
Archive of #historyteacher tweets – now fully searchable!
I have now added a ‘search’ feature to the full archive of #historyteacher tweets from Twitter – check it out here. Share this:
The League and Disarmament in the 1920s: A Classroom Roleplay Exercise
Using a worksheet and a record sheet, students are given different sources from different witnesses and have to analyse their position on the issue of disarmament. They then ‘interview’ each other by moving around the classroom, trying to reach a judgement on the key question of “Who was to blame for the failure of disarmament…
Border Disputes in the 1920s: Diamond 9 Analysis
Students organise the successes and failures of Border Disputes into a ‘Diamond 9’ formation and explain their reasoning. An effective revision aid. There is a sample Teacher Version. Share this:
100 Years Ago Today (29th March 1912) – Death of Scott
Death of Robert Falcon Scott, British Antarctic explorer. He and his team perished while returning from his second Antarctic expedition Share this:
QR Treasure Hunt Creator – Search feature
I’ve added a search feature so that you can check out some the most recently created QR Treasure Hunts made using the Classtools QR Treasure Hunt Generator. Share this:
ActiveHistory Mysteries: new student record sheet/markscheme
After making lots of use of the “History Mysteries” format this year with KS3 in particular, I’ve redesigned the student record sheet and the markscheme for the project to reflect my experience of what’s working in the classroom. My Year 8 students are currently working on the “Gunpowder Plot” mystery. Share this:
125 Years Ago Today (23rd March 1887): Birth of Prince Felix Yusupov
Birth of Prince Felix Yusupov, Russian nobleman and mining heir, best known for killing Rasputin Share this:
Modern World IGCSE History Revision, Summer 2012
I have just updated my IGCSE revision pages with the most recent past examination questions on the key topics for Papers 1 and 2 ready to start revision lessons with my students next week. Hope you find them useful! Share this:
Add your own cast of characters (i.e. students!) to ActiveHistory Decision-Making Games!
I’ve just finished developing a new feature which allows you to customise ActiveHistory decision-making adventures by adding a class list. You then get a special link to a version of the game to share with your students which includes their names as characters in the game itself. You can check it out for yourself in…
100 Years Ago Today (16th March 1912) – Death of Lawrence Oates
Death of Lawrence Oates, British Antarctic explorer, a member of Scott’s ill-fated expedition, who famously said ‘I am just going outside and may be some time’ as he walked into a blizzard where he faced certain death Share this:
QR Code Treasure Hunt – the Gunpowder Plot
To accompany the Gunpowder Plot History Mystery, I’ve produced this QR Code Treasure Hunt on the same topic. Whilst students are working on their essays as a two-week homework exercise, these codes are hidden around the school and students gain a point for every QR code they successfully decode, and another point for every QR…
National Minorities in Lenin’s Russia
This worksheet is part of the new Scheme of Work through which the entire topic of Lenin’s Russia is taught through an extended roleplay with students taking the role of different Politburo members. Share this:
Model Essay on the Reign of Alexander III (Tsar Alexander III Roleplay Unit)
This resource is part of a new roleplay unit for teaching this topic at IB / A-Level. The teacher takes on the role of the Tsar, and the students as his ministers. Over several hours the ‘reformers’ and the ‘reactionaries’ debate the issues whilst the teacher uses the 30-slide presentation to guide the debate and…
150 Years Ago Today (9th March 1862) – Merrimack v. the Monitor
American Civil War: the first battle between two ironclad warships – the ‘USS Monitor’ versus the ‘CSS Virginia’, at Hampton Roads, Virginia. Result: indecisive Share this:
50 Years Ago Today (7th March 1962): First Beatles Radio Broadcast
The Beatles gave their first performance on BBC radio in the UK, on the show ‘Teenagers’ Turn: Here We Go’. (Recorded 7th March, broadcast 8th) Share this:
100 Years Ago Today (7th March 1912): First Paris-London Flight
French aviator Henri Seimet made the first non-stop flight from Paris to London Share this:
Propaganda Posters of the Russian Civil War
This PowerPoint is part of the new Scheme of Work through which the entire topic of Lenin’s Russia is taught through an extended roleplay with students taking the role of different Politburo members. Share this:
200 Years Ago Today (1st March 1812): Birth of Augustus Pugin
Birth of Augustus Pugin, British architect, designer, design theorist and writer, best remembered for his use of the Gothic Revival style in the Palace of Westminster and many churches Share this:
War Communism – Lenin’s Russia, Roleplay Unit
This worksheet is part of the new Scheme of Work through which the entire topic of Lenin’s Russia is taught through an extended roleplay with students taking the role of different Politburo members. Share this:
Lenin’s Testament
This worksheet is part of the new Scheme of Work through which the entire topic of Lenin’s Russia is taught through an extended roleplay with students taking the role of different Politburo members. Share this:
200 Years Ago Today (27 Feb 1812): Byron’s Maiden Speech
British poet Lord Byron gave his maiden speech in the House of Lords, in which he defended Luddite violence against industrialisation, saying they had been driven to it because they had no other choice. Share this:
History Mystery: The Gunpowder Plot
This new “History Mystery” is designed as stand-alone projects which each last 3-4 hours. Through engaging historical topics, they teach skills of problem formulation, deductive reasoning, independent research, groupwork and structured writing. Share this:
End of Unit Factual Test (Tsar Alexander III Roleplay Unit)
This resource is part of a new roleplay unit for teaching this topic at IB / A-Level. The teacher takes on the role of the Tsar, and the students as his ministers. Over several hours the ‘reformers’ and the ‘reactionaries’ debate the issues whilst the teacher uses the 30-slide presentation to guide the debate and…
History on TV and Radio: Email Alerts now Available
I have added an email newsletter facility to alert you of the latest history TV programmes coming up! Share this:
40 Years Ago Today (21 Feb 1972): Nixon goes to China
U.S. President Richard Nixon became the first president to visit China. His visit led to a significant improvement in U.S. – Chinese relations Share this:
Email Newsletter for ActiveHistory now available
If you’d like automatic email alerts whenever something new is added to the ActiveHistory blog, just follow this link! Share this:
50 Years Ago Today (20 Feb 1962): First American to orbit the Earth
John Glenn became the first American astronaut to orbit the Earth, making 3 orbits in the space capsule ‘Friendship 7’ Share this:
The New Economic Policy – Lenin’s USSR
This worksheet is part of the new Scheme of Work through which the entire topic of Lenin’s Russia is taught through an extended roleplay with students taking the role of different Politburo members. Share this:
Timeline of the Reign (Tsar Alexander III Roleplay Unit)
This resource is part of a new roleplay unit for teaching this topic at IB / A-Level. The teacher takes on the role of the Tsar, and the students as his ministers. Over several hours the ‘reformers’ and the ‘reactionaries’ debate the issues whilst the teacher uses the 30-slide presentation to guide the debate and…
The Kronstadt Rebellion and the Tambov Rebellion
This worksheet is part of the new Scheme of Work through which the entire topic of Lenin’s Russia is taught through an extended roleplay with students taking the role of different Politburo members. Share this:
The Bolshevik Victory in the Russian Civil War – Lenin’s Russia, Roleplay Unit
This worksheet is part of the new Scheme of Work through which the entire topic of Lenin’s Russia is taught through an extended roleplay with students taking the role of different Politburo members. Share this:
150 Years Ago Today (11 Feb 1862): Death of Lizzie Siddal
Death of Elizabeth Siddal, British poet, artist and artists’ model. Wife of the artist Dante Gabriel Rossetti and model for Millais’ “Ophelia” Share this:
50 Years Ago Today (10 Feb 1962): Gary Powers Released
American spy plane pilot Gary Powers was released from jail in the USSR in an exchange deal with the USA, who released Soviet spy Rudolf Abel. Share this:
100 Years Ago Today (10 Feb 1912): Death of Lister
Death of Joseph Lister, British surgeon who pioneered the use of antiseptics in surgery and promoted sterile surgery. Share this:
175 Years Ago Today (10 Feb 1837): Death of Pushkin
Death of Aleksandr Pushkin, Russian poet, novelist, dramatist, and short story writer, widely considered to be the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature Share this:
Debate Record Sheet (Tsar Alexander III Roleplay Unit)
This resource is part of a new roleplay unit for teaching this topic at IB / A-Level. The teacher takes on the role of the Tsar, and the students as his ministers. Over several hours the ‘reformers’ and the ‘reactionaries’ debate the issues whilst the teacher uses the 30-slide presentation to guide the debate and…
The Red Terror – Lenin’s Russia, Roleplay Unit
This worksheet is part of the new Scheme of Work through which the entire topic of Lenin’s Russia is taught through an extended roleplay with students taking the role of different Politburo members. Share this:
Debate Preparation Worksheet (Tsar Alexander III Roleplay Unit)
This resource is part of a new roleplay unit for teaching this topic at IB / A-Level. The teacher takes on the role of the Tsar, and the students as his ministers. Over several hours the ‘reformers’ and the ‘reactionaries’ debate the issues whilst the teacher uses the 30-slide presentation to guide the debate and…
“Who Am I?” Challenge – The USSR under Stalin
“Who Am I?” Challenge – The USSR under Stalin Each team will be presented with a clue about a key historical figure. They get 50 points if they guess it correctly. If they wish to ‘pass’, they get further (easier) clues but the points available steadily decline. An incorrect guess at any point means they…
Investigating Racism through De Bono’s “6 Hats” Approach (PSHCE)
In this lesson, the teacher will take the role of someone with a “Green Hat”. If they have not already been decided upon in advance in an assembly, they will choose (or ask the class to vote on) one of the numerous “Imagine a world…” discussion points which are provided (or invent one of their…
Tsar Alexander III Roleplay Unit – 30 Slide Presentation
This resource is part of a new roleplay unit for teaching this topic at IB / A-Level. The teacher takes on the role of the Tsar, and the students as his ministers. Over several hours the ‘reformers’ and the ‘reactionaries’ debate the issues whilst the teacher uses the 30-slide presentation to guide the debate and…
150 Years Ago Today (1 Feb 1862): The Battle Hymn of the Republic
Julia Ward Howe’s poem ‘The Battle Hymn of the Republic’ was first published in ‘The Atlantic Monthly’. Set to the music of ‘John Brown’s Body’, it became a popular Union song during the American Civil War Share this:
PSHCE: Racism (Assembly Presentation)
In this presentation (which will take roughly 20 minutes), students are given some provocative images, an entertaining video clip, and plenty of ideas to think about and reflect upon prior to the main lesson. Share this:
The Treaty of Brest Litovsk – Lenin’s Russia, Roleplay Unit
This worksheet is part of the new Scheme of Work through which the entire topic of Lenin’s Russia is taught through an extended roleplay with students taking the role of different Politburo members. Share this:
300 Years ago today (24th Jan. 1712): Birth of Frederick the Great
Frederick II’s first act on assuming the throne of Prussia in 1740 was to take his state to war—a consequence, he later explained, of possessing a well-trained army, a full treasury and a desire to establish a reputation. For the next quarter century he confronted Europe in arms and emerged victorious, but at a price…
The Constituent Assembly – Lenin’s Russia, Roleplay Unit
This worksheet is part of the new Scheme of Work through which the entire topic of Lenin’s Russia is taught through an extended roleplay with students taking the role of different Politburo members. Share this:
75 Years Ago Today (23rd Jan. 1937): Second Moscow Show Trial
The second Moscow show trial (The Trial of the Seventeen) took place. 17 leading Communists were accused of participating in Trotsky’s plot to overthrow Stalin. 13 of them were sentenced to death. The Moscow Trials were a series of show trials conducted in the Soviet Union and orchestrated by Joseph Stalin during the Great Purge…
The 1917 Decrees and the 1918 Constitution – Lenin’s Russia, Roleplay Unit
This worksheet is part of the new Scheme of Work through which the entire topic of Lenin’s Russia is taught through an extended roleplay with students taking the role of different Politburo members. Share this:
75 Years Ago Today (19th Jan 1937): Howard Hughes breaks the air record
American industrialist, film producer and aviator Howard Hughes broke the U.S. transcontinental air record, flying from Burbank, California to Newark, New Jersey in 7 hours, 28 minutes and 25 seconds. The New York Times report of the event can be found here. Share this:
100 Years Ago Today (18th Jan. 1912) – Scott reaches the South Pole
British explorer Robert Falcon Scott’s expedition reached the South Pole, but discovered that Roald Amundsen’s Norwegian team had beaten them by over a month. In addition to Capt. Scott, Lieut. Bowers, and Dr. Wilson, two others, Capt. Titus Oates and Petty Officer Edgar Evans made the final push to the Pole. Conditions were appalling: temperatures…
400 Years Ago Today (17th Jan. 1612) – Birth of Thomas Fairfax
Birth of Thomas Fairfax, 3rd Baron Fairfax of Cameron, English general, commander of the Parliamentary army during the English Civil War. Known as “Black Tom” for his dark complexion, Sir Thomas gained a reputation as a gallant and courageous commander in the struggle to control Yorkshire — but his fortunes were mixed. In March 1643,…
Research Grid – Lenin’s Russia, Roleplay Unit
This worksheet is part of the new Scheme of Work through which the entire topic of Lenin’s Russia is taught through an extended roleplay with students taking the role of different Politburo members. Share this:
New History – Redesigned, Relaunched!
“New History” is a microsite from ActiveHistory which collates all the Latest History news, tv, podcasts and blog entries in one place – complete with anniversaries / commemorations and a “Quote of the Day”! Share this:
“Fakebook” – Gallery of examples for inspiration!
I have created an auto-updating gallery of ‘Fakebook’ examples created by students and teachers around the world in a wide variety of subjects. Why not try Fakebook out with your own classes as a way of getting thinking about timelines of events / biographical summaries and relationships between historical figures? Share this:
Who was the Greatest Figure of the Industrial Revolution?
This lesson follows on well from the studies of individuals (see entire unit here). Students consider the big changes – transport, agriculture, smelting and so on – and try to link them together in a meaningful way. I have now added are some samples produced by my own students: Olivia | Hanif | Grace Share…
600 Years Ago Today (6th Jan. 1412) – Birth of Joan of Arc
Birth of Joan of Arc, French martyr, saint and national heroine. (This is the date given in a letter from Lord Perceval de Boullainvilliers. Her actual date of birth is impossible to verify, and she could only estimate her age) Share this: