Medieval Village: Year 7 Adventure Game Updates

Time Machine Journey to the Middle Ages
In response to member feedback, this popular activity has now been completely re-programmed to contain a whole raft of new features, including:
a. Quiz questions throughout the game (which each student will only have to answer the first time they visit a location)
b. Additional sound effects (even more excuse to give the students headphones and keep them quiet!)
c. New visual navigation system (based on a compass icon)
d. Randomized features (e.g. falling in the river could take you to lots of different places)
e. Inventory feature (so students can assess how far they have progressed).
Further updates are planned next week, including:
a. A race-against-the-clock feature – once students have all the pieces of the time machine, they will have only a limited amount of time to get back to their machine before they fail their mission;
b. Extension quizzes and tasks for those students who finish quickly;
c. Black Death danger feature – students spending too long in the “plague quarter” could end up dead
Anyway, try it out – and if you have any suggestions for further improvements, please contact me.