Group Feedback Phase | Teacher Notes
The class will be organised into small groups of about four or five students.
Each group should start by discussing the “Education / Workers’ rights” row. Any member of the team who researched any of these laws should share their findings with the rest of the group, and all members should write points as appropriate in the relevant cells of the row.
When this discussion has run its course, repeat this process for the remaining rows.
Any team that finished ahead of the others should start on the homework task (making notes from the articles about LBJ’s reforms and adding appropriate points to the table).
Finally, your teacher will “jigsaw” the groups so that a second round of discussion can take place which ensures that ALL of the relevant legislation is considered (e.g. each member of the team is given a letter “A, B, C, D” and then new groups are formed with people of the same letter).