The Yalta Conference: classroom roleplay!

The Yalta Conference: classroom roleplay!The teacher will arrange the class into three group (USSR / UK / USA) and give each student a briefing sheet focusing on the objectives of their leader (Stalin / Churchill / Roosevelt). They then have a series of issues to reach a compromise upon, and score points accordingly for their…

The Kennan Telegram and NSC-68

The Kennan Telegram and NSC-68Students learn about two essential documents which helped to shape post-war American foreign policy throughout the Cold War.

Factual Test: Cuban Missile Crisis

End of unit factual testWorksheet and Teacher AnswersA 25-question factual test, in the format of a detailed analysis / conclusion with gaps to fill.

“Escape the Room” Lesson – Origins of the Cold War

As an introduction to my first major topic of study with my IB students, I put together this new “Escape the Room” lesson last week, designed to run between 45 minutes and an hour. It worked really well and you can download all the resources to try it with your own classes by following the…

New Simulation: Lenin’s Russia

This new simulation, which comes complete with multimedia clips, a leaderboard feature and a ‘save game’ facility, is designed for students of Lenin’s Russia.

World War One Trenches Simulation

I have made some major improvements to the popular “Can you survive the trenches of World War One?” simulation, in particular adding more multimedia clips and decision points.

The Mid-Tudor Crisis under Edward VI: New Simulation

A new ActiveHistory simulation. It is 1547. King Henry VIII is dead, and his young son, Edward VI, has become King. Ruling on his behalf is the Privy Council, led by Protector Somerset (the boy’s uncle). Your task is to stay alive for the duration of the reign by keeping the country on an even…

The Red Scare: Classroom simulation!

In this educational simulation, students each research a different character secretly. One of them was a genuine communist, the rest were innocent of the charges. Then, after each one is interrogated (HUAC style!) by the teacher, students have to organise themselves over several rounds into different groups in an attempt to identify the communist within…

Podcast Worksheet: Mandela, an Audio History

Podcast Worksheet: Mandela, an Audio History Students provide answers to the following questions using the first 24 minutes of this podcast from the BBC, which covers Mandela’s life up to his imprisonment in 1964.

Rise of Pinochet: Diplomatic Causes

Diplomatic causes: To what extent was President Nixon responsible for the overthrow of democracy in Chile? | Primary sources pack | Completed teacher version In this second part of the study, students investigate whether the USA was responsible for engineering both Allende’s failures and Pinochet’s coup. Part of the complete scheme of work on the rise and rule of…

Rise of Pinochet: Domestic Causes

Domestic causes: How popular was Allende with his own people at the time of his overthrow? | Completed teacher version In this task, students consider how far the Chilean coup can be explained in terms of domestic factors – in particular, whether it is accurate to say that Allende precipitated his own overthrow with divisive and unpopular…

Spanish Civil War: Video Worksheets

Video Worksheet: Causes of the Spanish Civil War – Part 1, 1931-1935 | Completed Teacher Version A structured worksheet based around a classic video documentary about the Spanish Civil War, which is available online. Video Worksheet: Causes of the Spanish Civil War – Part 2, 1936 | Completed Teacher Version A structured worksheet based around a classic video documentary…

Spanish Civil War: Detailed Analysis and Video Documentary Clips

Detailed Analysis and Video Documentary Clips In this activity, students consider not only the role of the Republic, the Nationalists and Foreign powers in the conflict, but also the role played by political, socio-economic and military factors. They begin by using ideas from their timeline (previous activity) and the move on to watch a series…

In Defence of Apartheid

In Defence of Apartheid Students listen to three short video interview clips with contemporary witnesses justifying the policy of apartheid, and make notes on each. Part of the Apartheid South Africa scheme of work at ActiveHistory.

Historiography: How have historians debated the causes of the Korean War?

Historiography: How have historians debated the causes of the Korean War? Here’s a handout I produced for my students, which is particularly useful for justifying the definition of the Korean War as a Civil War for Paper 2 as well as a Cold War Conflict. Part of the Korean War scheme of work at ActiveHistory.

Essay Keywords Checker: Castro’s Rule of Cuba

Essay Keywords Checker: Castro’s Rule of Cuba This tool provided a list of key terms relating to Castro’s rule of Cuba and can be used to help students identify any obvious gaps in their analysis. Part of the new scheme of work on Castro’s Rule.

Castro’s Rule: Past IB Paper 2 / Paper 3 Essay Questions

Past IB Paper 2 / Paper 3 Essay Questions Students can highlight different themes in different colours and highlight dates in red and use these to discuss the most common themes and perspectives focused on by the examiner. Part of the new scheme of work on the Rule of Castro.

Castro Essay Planning Exercises | Matrix Grids – Blogpost | Sample Student Slides

Essay Planning Exercises | Matrix Grids – Blogpost | Sample Student Slides In this phase, students use their research to consider how they could use it to answer two possible questions:Was Castro’s use of propaganda more important than his use of force as a means of maintaining power?How Authoritarian was Castro’s Cuba? Part of the new scheme of work…

Castro’s Objectives, Policies, and Research Focus Points

Castro’s Objectives, Policies, and Research Focus Points | Teacher Notes Each student should focus on a different policy area, and identify elements of success OR failure in preparation for a debate.. Students first consider how rulers measure their success in terms of economics, politics and so on. If you have IB Geography students willing to do so,…

Measuring Castro’s success on his own terms: Populism, Nationalism, Socialism

Measuring Castro’s success on his own terms: Populism, Nationalism, Socialism This short presentation, which closes with a 5-minute video clip providing a recap on Castro’s rise, sets up the unit by stressing the importance to students of measuring Castro on his own terms, and providing definitions of three criteria by which to do so. Part…

Conclusions and Essay Planning: Cold War Crises and Leaders to 1964

Conclusions and Essay Planning: Cold War Crises and Leaders to 1964 Students are provided with eight possible essay questions from past examination papers, along with indicative content. These should be shared among the members of the class to tackle. Part of the scheme of work on JFK’s Foreign Policy at ActiveHistory.

Historiography of the Vietnam War – Summary / Task Sheet

A detailed summary sheet analysing the ways in which different historians have debated whether the US was right to get involved in the Vietnam War and, once they did so, whether they ever had any realistic prospects of victory. This resource can be found on the Vietnam War unit page of ActiveHistory.

Model Essay: Analyse the Causes of the Korean War

Model Essay: Analyse the Causes of the Korean War A model essay focusing closely on the use of historiography and making particular reference to the role played by the Chinese and the Soviet Union.

JFK: Introduction and Overview

JFK: Introduction and Overview Students are provided with a teacher-led lecture based around the following image and make notes in this worksheet. If you wish to set this as a homework task instead of lecture, you can use this interactive version of the image at Classtoolsand this accompanying video clip for additional notes.  

Suez Crisis: Standalone Workpack

The Suez Crisis of 1956 Note: If time is particularly tight, or this topic only needs to be taught briefly, then I have now produced a standalone workpack on this topic, which comes complete with links to multimedia clips. Part of the Suez Crisis Study Unit.  

How did the Crash lead to a Depression? What were the political consequences?

How did the Crash lead to a Depression? What were the political consequences? Students sometimes find it difficult to understand how a stock market ‘crash’ in one country can lead to a widespread ‘Depression’ affecting the entire economies of many countries. This worksheet helps them bridge the gap. Updated to include a task providing questions…

Factual Test based on the introductory civil rights lecture

Factual Test based on the introductory civil rights lecture 15 questions testing student understanding from the lecture – The Big Picture: A multimedia presentation of race in American history since the Declaration of Independence Part of the Civil Rights unit at ActiveHistory.  

Design a movie proposal: The Sophiatown Removals

Design a movie proposal: The Sophiatown Removals Fresh from his triumph with the World War One inspired “1917”, award-winning director Sam Mendes is keen to keep his winning streak alive by producing a film based in the black neighbourhood of Sophiatown in the years leading up to and including its destruction in the 1950s. Your…

Consequences of the Korean War: HTML5 Hexagons

How was a truce negotiated? What were the consequences for Korea and for the wider world? |Interactive HTML Hexagons Students consider a list of detailed points are are then challenged to organise these into meaningful categories to answer the key questions. There are also some HTML5 Hexagons available for this exercise generated at Part…

Multimedia lecture [3]: Changes in Location: From Rural South to Urban North

Multimedia lecture [3]: Changes in Location: From Rural South to Urban North The change in methods (towards militant self-defence) and objectives (black nationalism, not integration) overlapped with a move away from the rural south (and a focus on tackling Jim Crow laws) and towards the urban north (and a focus on tackling socio-economic exploitation) Part…

Historiography of the Berlin Blockade

Historiography of the Berlin Blockade Students are presented with a detailed article about the causes and consequences of the Berlin Blockade and a series of structured questions to help familiarise them with some of the key debates and interpretations. Part of the “Origins of the Cold War” Unit

Comparing / contrasting the impact on two states: the USA / the DDR

Comparing / contrasting the impact on two states: the USA / the DDR In the earlier exercise students worked collaboratively to determine the impact of the Cold War upon the DDR. As a revision exercise, they will now compare and contrast this experience with that of the United States by reviewing their work on the…

Analyse the impact of the Cold War upon the DDR

The Impact of the Cold War upon the DDR The impact of the Cold War upon one state, and a comparison and contrast of the impact of the Cold War upon two states from different regions, is a possible focus of exam questions. The following unit was designed to provide an academically rigorous follow-up task…

“Then and Now” photographs: Battlefields / Berlin

“Then and Now” photographs As an added dimension to the trip, I obtained a range of historical photos of key sites in Berlin, then challenged students to recreate them. I then uploaded these to ActiveHistory to share with the students.

Contrasts and comparisons to a second dictator

Contrasts and comparisons to a second dictator Students are presented with this structured worksheet providing guidance on how to compare and contrast Mao with a second dictator of their choice (NOTE: if a second dictator has not yet been studied, then this exercise can be done later in the course or as part of the…

Detailed analysis of Mao’s domestic policies

Partway through this research process, you may wish to present your students with this detailed analysis of Mao’s domestic policies to help them along. There is also a completed teacher version of this exercise available. Part of the new study unit on Mao’s rule of China, 1949-76

Mao’s China: Thematic Analysis and Independent Research

Mao’s China: Thematic Analysis and Independent Research Students are next provided with this note-taking framework, which organises the events covered in the teacher lecture (above). The challenge is to organise their existing notes into evidence of success/praise and criticism/failure for each of the eight major policy areas, then develop each one further with additional research…

Mao and his Ministers

Mao and his Ministers Following the lecture, students should be provided with this detailed summary sheet of Mao’s most important ministers. They should revise from this before being give a factual test on what they have learned (teacher answer sheet also available). Part of the new study unit on Mao’s rule of China, 1949-76

Teacher Part 3: Mao’s Domestic Policies 1968-76

Teacher Part 3: Domestic Policies 1968-76 Covering five central issues: 11. Mango Fever | 12. Red Guards | 13. Lin Biao | 14. Sino-American Relations | 15. Postscript Part of the new study unit on Mao’s rule of China, 1949-76

Teacher Lecture, Part 2: Mao’s Domestic Policies 1945-67

Teacher Lecture, Part 2: Domestic Policies 1945-67 Covering five central issues: 6. Culture | 7. Great Leap Forward | 8. Lushan Conference | 9. Great Famine | 10. Cultural Revolution Part of the new study unit on Mao’s rule of China, 1949-76

Teacher Lecture, Part 1: Mao’s Domestic Policies 1949-56

Teacher Lecture, Part 1: Mao’s Domestic Policies 1949-56 Covering five central issues: 1. Administration | 2. Economy | 3. Politics | 4. Five-Year Plan | 5. Sino-Soviet Relations Part of the new study unit on Mao’s rule of China, 1949-76

Which 20th Century Dictator are YOU?

I start the study of the Rule of Mao by getting students to complete the ActiveHistory interactive simulation “Which 20th Century Dictator are YOU?” using this abbreviated worksheet. This is a stand-alone simulation to help students compare and contrast how single-party state rulers maintained power. It guides students through 10 key issues explaining how and…

25-Question Factual Test – the Korean War

25-Question Factual Test To test knowledge and understanding at the end of the unit (teacher password required). Part of the new ActiveHistory study unit on the Korean War.

The Korean War: Collapsible Revision Notes

The Korean War: Collapsible Revision Notes Interactive notes which can be collapsed or expanded to various levels of detail for revision purposes. Part of the new ActiveHistory study unit on the Korean War.

The Korean War: Interactive Cartoon analysis

The Korean War: Interactive Cartoon analysis Analyse a series of cartoons by hovering over details and answering exam-style questions. When you have finished, the computer will provide you with a printout comparing your answer to a model answer. A great way to revise and develop sourcework skills. Part of the new ActiveHistory study unit on…

Korean War Fling the Teacher Quiz

Korean War Fling the Teacher Quiz 75 possible questions: I like to get all the students playing it simultaneously, and award 25 points for the first person to finish, 24 for the next, and so on; over the course of a few weeks you can build up a “Fling the Teacher Leaderboard” if you play…

Cartoon story analysis – The Korean War

Consolidation activity [3]: Cartoon story analysis Students take a cartoon story about the war and analyse it for partiality and omissions. Part of the new ActiveHistory study unit on the Korean War.

Mapwork – The Korean War

Consolidation activity [2]: Mapwork Students have to match a range of maps to key moments in the war to consolidate their understanding. Part of the new ActiveHistory study unit on the Korean War.

Korean War – Mini-Debates

Mini-Debates Students are placed into prosecution and defence teams to analyse Truman’s handling of the Korean War. There are some completed teacher notes available for this exercise. Part of the new ActiveHistory study unit on the Korean War.

Truman makes his decision about MacArthur

Truman makes his decision about MacArthur “Read the following sources, then use them to answer the following question: In your view, do you think that Truman was right to fire General MacArthur? Explain your answer by considering both sides.” Part of the new ActiveHistory study unit on the Korean War.

Should Truman tolerate or fire MacArthur for his criticisms?

Should Truman tolerate or fire MacArthur for his criticisms? MacArthur asks Truman to threaten atomic attacks on China if they refuse to withdraw from Korea. Rejecting MacArthur’s advice, Truman refuses to threaten retaliation against China, fearing that this could lead to a Third World War. As a result, MacArthur starts openly criticizing Truman’s policies in…

Should Truman support MacArthur and commit the USA to a ‘total war’ in Korea?

Should Truman support MacArthur and commit the USA to a ‘total war’ in Korea? Using a variety of sources within a timeline, students decide whether Truman should follow MacArthur’s advice and threated retaliation against China unless they withdraw from Korea. Part of the new ActiveHistory study unit on the Korean War.

Causes of the Spanish Civil War: Essay Planning Generator

This new essay-planning generator helps students consider how five key factors which caused the Spanish Civil War can be linked in various ways. The computer shuffles the various factors as a pack. It then deals out the first two and connects them using a database of possible links. It then takes the third factor and…

IB Induction – WW2 Trivia Challenge

As part of the IB Induction Project outlined here, I have uploaded a ‘trivia challenge’ which I use within the opening assembly: [student version | teacher answers].

IB Induction Project – Assembly Presentation

As part of the cross-curricular IB Induction project outlined here, I have uploaded my own personal assembly presentation and presenter notes. Assembly (based around this PowerPoint presentation and these presenter notes)  

JFK: Speech on Castro and Cuba, 1960

JFK: Speech on Castro and Cuba, 1960 The centerpiece of JFKs attack on the Eisenhower administration was its failure to anticipate and then deal with the rise of Castro. The following speech is therefore very useful evidence for developing your analysis of the conditions which brought Castro to power. Moreover, it is a classic example…

Berlin Residential Trip: Maps, Multimedia, Itineraries and Workpacks

In 2018 I took history students to Berlin on a residential trip for the first time after they completed this preparatory task based on selected video clips. The Google maps and work packs on this page illustrate the division of Berlin during the Cold War, and the clear outline of the Berlin Wall (with inner/outer…

History of Berlin: Multimedia note-taking task

In 2018 I took history students to Berlin on a residential trip for the first time after they completed this preparatory task based on selected video clips. The following Google maps illustrate the division of Berlin during the Cold War, and the clear outline of the Berlin Wall (with inner/outer walls marked, and the death…

Model Essay: Analyse the causes of the Spanish Civil War

Model Essay: Analyse the causes of the Spanish Civil War A sample essay by RJ Tarr of 40+ Model History Essays by RJ Tarr of As well as writing a number of articles for History Review magazine, I make it a habit to write essays in timed conditions whenever I set such assignments…

Model Essay – How successful were Mussolini’s Domestic Policies?

Model Essay – How successful were Mussolini’s Domestic Policies? (note: teacher password required). An essay completed in timed conditions by RJ Tarr of 40+ Model History Essays by RJ Tarr of As well as writing a number of articles for History Review magazine, I make it a habit to write essays in timed…

Model Essays on Mao’s China

Model Essays by RJ Tarr (note: teacher password required). Analyse the methods and conditions which led to to the rise of Mao as ruler of China. Compare and Contrast the Rise of Mao and Stalin (originally published in History Review) Compare and Contrast the Rise of Pinochet and Franco Compare and Contrast the Rise of Mao and…

Analyse the causes and consequences of the Korean War

Model Essay: Analyse the causes and consequences of the Korean War (teacher password required). A sample essay written by RJ Tarr of A sample essay written by RJ Tarr of 40+ Model History Essays by RJ Tarr of As well as writing a number of articles for History Review magazine, I make…

Analyse the causes of the Italian Wars 1494-1516

Analyse the causes of the Italian Wars 1494-1516 (model essay by RJ Tarr – teacher password required). 40+ Model History Essays by RJ Tarr of As well as writing a number of articles for History Review magazine, I make it a habit to write essays in timed conditions whenever I set such assignments with my…

40+ Model History Essays by Russel Tarr

As well as writing a number of articles for History Review magazine, I make it a habit to write essays in timed conditions whenever I set such assignments with my classes. These serve as very useful teaching aids which help students to develop their own essay-writing skills. Provided here are more than 40 essays and…

Rule of Pinochet / 1973 Chilean Coup: Dialogue Poem Starter Activity

Starter Activity: Dialogue Poem After a study of the 1973 Chilean Coup, and before/during a study of Pinochet’s rule of Chile, ask two female students to read out the following dialogue poem to the class as a powerful starter activity. For further ideas about using “Dialogue Poems” in class, follow this link on Tarr’s Toolbox:…

“Backward Essay Planning” – the Rule of Pinochet

“Backward Essay Planning” – the Rule of Pinochet In this activity, students are presented from the outset with a model essay on the subject of the Rise of Pinochet. They then go through this reading it carefully for style and content, highlighting off key features and discussing their thoughts with the class. Next, each student…

Escape the Room: Mission Rivonia!

A new one-hour introductory lesson to Apartheid South Africa. “It is 1966. You are anti-apartheid fighters who have been captured after being in hiding since the Rivonia Trial of 1964. Following the assassination of Prime Minister Verwoerd, you have been discovered and placed under house arrest following a dawn raid by the police. You have…