Truman and Stalin: Cold War Leaders Compared and Contrasted – Podcast

A podcast focusing on the key focal point of IBDP Paper 2 History. The Cold War, a geopolitical struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union, shaped global politics for nearly half a century. At its core, the Cold War was a battle of ideologies, with President Harry S. Truman representing democratic capitalism and…

Revision Podcast: What were the causes and consequences of the Berlin Blockade?

The first half of this ActiveHistory revision podcast focuses on the causes, the second half on the consequences, of the Berlin BlockadePart 1 – Causes: Focus on Aggression / Mistrust / Ideology.Part 2 – Consequences: Focus on economic / social / political / cultural / military factors.It distinguishes between short and long-term factors, and comment…

*NEW* Online Simulation: The Vietnam War Policies of Presidents Johnson and Nixon

This comprehensive online simulation, which comes complete with structured tasks, multimedia clips, and essay-planning exercises, provides a self-contained method of studying the rest of the Vietnam War. It can be completed over several lessons, with the other activities that follow on this page being included at appropriate points.

The Causes of the Korean War

The Causes of the Korean War Student Worksheet | Teacher Notes | Quiz This podcast covers a key topic for Paper 2 (Cold War Crises and Conflicts AND Causes, Practices, Effects of War) and Paper 3 Americas (Truman’s Foreign Policy)

The Chinese Civil War and the Rise of Mao Zedong

The Chinese Civil War and the Rise of Mao Zedong Student Worksheet | Teacher Notes | Quiz This podcast covers a key topic for Paper 2 (Rise of Authoritarian Rulers AND Causes, Practices, Effects of War).

Online Factual Test: Truman’s Policy in Latin America

Online Factual Test: Truman’s Policy in Latin AmericaThis is a great way to test knowledge at the end of the topic. Each student in the class is given 30 randomly selected questions from a database in mutliple-choice format. At the end of the exercise, the teacher can access all the scores at once to put…

Useful Quotes from Mao and Chiang

Useful Quotes from Mao and Chiang Students are given a list of quotes from Mao and Chiang, and consider where and how they could be integrated into their essay plans. Part of the scheme of work on The Rise of Mao.

The Rise of Mao: End of unit self-marking factual test

The Rise of Mao: End of unit self-marking factual test This is a great way to test knowledge at the end of the topic. Each student in the class is given 30 randomly selected questions from a database in mutliple-choice format. At the end of the exercise, the teacher can access all the scores at…

Cold War Essay Plans: Crises, Leaders, Impact

Cold War Essay Plans: Crises, Leaders, Impact A useful revision aid, designed to be a teacher-led presentation. 10 key questions are broken down and and essay plan provided for each one: Compare and contrast the causes of two Cold War crises, each from a different region.Compare and contrast the impact of two leaders, each from…

Rule of 20thC Dictators: detailed essay plans for ten key essay questions

Rule of 20thC Dictators: detailed essay plans for ten key essay questions A useful revision aid, designed to be a teacher-led presentation. 10 key questions are broken down and and essay plan provided for each one: Compare and contrast the methods used to maintain power in two authoritarian states, each from a different region.“Full authoritarian…

*NEW* Simulation – Which US President are YOU?

Which US President are YOU? | Worksheet In this simulation you will learn about the foreign policy of US foreign policy during some of the most critical years of the Cold War. For each of seven different policy areas, you will choose your favoured course of action from a list of five options. You will then be…

Head2Head Virtual Interview with Mao Zedong

Head2Head Virtual Interview with Mao Zedong | Lesson IdeasThis interactive application allows students to interview historical characters directly! In this way, different groups of students can learn about different aspects of their life and career. There are plenty of lesson ideas to choose from.

The Issue of Marriage

The Issue of Marriage An analysis of Mary’s marriage options and an assessment of her decisions.

Mary I: Timeline of the Reign

Timeline of the Reign An essential overview, with students encouraged to formulate their own questions for further research.

Somerset: Conclusion and Debate

Somerset: Conclusion and Debate Students are presented with detailed points and then use these to prepare for a classroom debate.

The 1549 Rebellions

The 1549 Rebellions An online presentation designed to be delivered as a lecture.

Red Scare: PowerPoint Presentation

The Red Scare: Classroom simulation! In this educational simulation, students each research a different character secretly. One of them was a genuine communist, the rest were innocent of the charges. Then, after each one is interrogated (HUAC style!) by the teacher, students have to organise themselves over several rounds into different groups in an attempt…

Red Scare: Factual Test

Red Scare = Individual Research Phase > Factual Test This pack provides detailed information and suggested areas for research. Students choose a range of themes from those suggested and conduct their own research to help them prepare their essays. There is also a factual test for students to test their knowledge of this material.

Korean War: Visual essay-writing exercise

I love it when the students teach each other. Today, this exceptional group of HL historians at the International School of Toulouse drew together their studies of the Korean War by working together to categorise, link and annotate 25 political cartoons to create a ‘gallery walk’. The product was a superb piece of display and…

Why did the Gallipoli campaign fail?

Why did the Gallipoli campaign fail? This introductory multimedia presentation is followed by using these 27 sources to complete the group work task outlined in the final slides. Suggested follow-up activities are also provided.

How healthy was the Pre-Reformation Church? Investigation of the Historiography

How healthy was the Pre-Reformation Church? Investigation of the Historiography Although the Henrician Reformation is often seen as a ‘revolution from above’ led by Henry and his minions, historians also consider how far the Church itself was already on the verge of collapse, and how far this therefore made the monarch’s task easier.

Who was the most important character in the Henrician Reformation?

Who was the most important character in the Henrician Reformation? Historians often argue about the importance played by individuals in historical events. Some claim that they merely crystallise forces and trends which already exist; others say that they can actually pull society in a totally new direction. In this activity you will learn more about…

Causes and Course of the Henrician Reformation, 1527-35

Causes and Course of the Henrician Reformation, 1527-35 It is 1527. You are Sir Thomas de Tart, an advisor to Henry VIII of England. The King wants to get rid of his wife, Catherine of Aragon. Your job is to give him good advice when he faces difficult decisions. If you do a good job,…

Key Events, 1533-36

Key Events, 1533-36 By the beginning of 1533 the English Clergy had now been brought to heel but the King had not established formal independence from Rome. That was the next phase of events.

Timeline of the Henrician Reformation, 1515-29

Timeline of the Henrician Reformation, 1515-29 The early years of Henry VIII’s reign gave no indication of the dramatic upheavals in religion which would ultimately take place. He appointed a Cardinal as his Chief Minister, went on pilgrimages and wrote a book in defence of Catholicism against Luther, for which he gained the title of…

Wolsey: the church

Wolsey: the church Comprehensive information sheet and structured questions.

Reformation Statutes, 1533-36 | teacher notes

Reformation Statutes, 1533-36 | teacher notes For each extract, identify its main provisions, and the justification / authority for these policies in another. Fill in the boxes under each. Using your timeline of events from the earlier lesson, see if you can determine which Act each extract comes from. Write this into each of the yellow boxes.

Why did youth protest counterculture movements develop in the USA, and how successful were they in realising their objectives?

A new study unit for IBDP History. The 1960s saw the emergence of a ‘counterculture’ as young people in particular rebelled against traditional values and ways of life. The conditions for the emergence of this counterculture are varied and complex, and include such things as:Economic wealth and educational opportunities gave the post-war ‘baby boom’ generation in the US…

US Presidents and Latin America, 1945-1980

US Presidents and Latin America, 1945-1980A comprehensive revision aid outlining the impact of each US President between Truman and Carter upon key countries in Latin Ameria.

*NEW* Bingo Game Generator

I’ve just launched a new template on ClassTools which allows you to create printable bingo cards or generate online bingo games.

*NEW* Virtual Journey around Tsarist Russia

*NEW* Virtual Journey around Tsarist Russia This simulation provides students with a thorough overview of the political, economic, religious and military strengths and weaknesses of Tsarist Russia on the eve of World War One. There are more than 50 locations to visit.I’ve completely rewritten and reskinned the simulation this weekend by adding quiz questions, a…

*NEW* Simulation: Rule of Mussolini

“In this new simulation, you will play the role of James Spod, an undercover agent. Your mission is to find, and then assassinate, Benito Mussolini: the Fascist dictator whose alliance with the evil Adolf Hitler is throwing the world into chaos. There is a worksheet which you should complete as you progress through the simulation….

Interactive Decision-Making Simulation: How successfully did Castro rule Cuba, 1959-1980?

Interactive Decision-Making Simulation: How successfully did Castro rule Cuba, 1959-1980? This standalone interactive simulation, which takes 2-3 hours to complete thoroughly, provides students with essential information about Castro’s rule and demands that they analyse various policies in terms of success and failure. It can be set as a self-study classroom exercise or as a homework…

Source Pack: The Chinese Civil War and the Rise of Mao

Source Pack: The Chinese Civil War and the Rise of Mao This sourcepack comes complete with questions and is broken up logically into sections relating to three key periods leading to the rise of Mao. Part of the new unit of study on the Chinese Civil Wars and the Rise of Mao.

Useful Quotes from Mao and Chiang

Useful Quotes from Mao and Chiang Students are given a list of quotes from Mao and Chiang, and consider where and how they could be integrated into their essay plans. Part of the new unit of study on the Chinese Civil Wars and the Rise of Mao.

Rise of Mao: Essay Planning

Rise of Mao: Essay Planning Students are provided with a template which allows them to methodically structure a whole range of essay questions. Each student should complete this for a different questions, then these can be collated and shared to revise from. In a subsequent lesson, the teacher should choose one of these questions for…