‘Google Hangout’ with Orlando Figes!

In June 2014, the world-renowned historianProfessor Orlando Figes generously agreed to participate in a live video link-up experiment with IB Historians at the International School of Toulouse to answer questions about the Russian Revolutions of 1917. Over the course of 45 minutes he answered a wide range of questions that the class had formulated in advance following an…

Medieval Crime and Punishment, Essay Markscheme

TWIST – The Neck Verse!  Whilst the class is voting on the punishments to be given, the “guilty” criminals might be taken outside and provided by your teacher with a copy of the “Neck Verse” (this can be found on ActiveHistory along with an explanation about how it worked). A coin will be flipped. “Heads”…

How far did Medieval Punishments fit the crime?

How far did Medieval Punishments fit the crime?Students start by considering that “In Western Europe the death penalty no longer exists (in other words, people cannot be executed for their crimes). Do you think the death penalty should be brought back for certain crimes? Explain your answer by considering two sides”. They then consider eight…

Medieval Trial – Roleplay!

Medieval Trial – Roleplay!Students complete a creatively written ‘crime report’ against someone else in the class based on one crime from a list provided. Anyone accused of a crime then has to produce a defence statement and the cases proceed to trial, with the credibility of the prosecution and defence cases resting on how effectively…

How effective was the Medieval method of determining guilt?

How effective was the Medieval method of determining guilt?Students start by considering “What methods do the police and courts use today to decide if someone is guilty of a crime?”. They then consider which of theses methods were used (or were even possible) in the Middle Ages. They then interpret an original picture source, and…

How effective was the Medieval method of capturing suspected criminals?

How effective was the Medieval method of capturing suspected criminals? In this activity, students decide whether the modern “police” system is better or worse than the Medieval “tithing” system.   Part of “Could you get justice in the Middle Ages?” – Essay assignment with roleplay activities In this study unit students will consider several aspects…

Essay Writing Phase: Was the 20th Century a Period of Progress?

Part of the ActiveHistory 20th Century Research Project. Essay Writing Phase: Was the 20th Century a Period of Progress? Students are now in a position to write their essay on the key question “Was the 20th Century a Period of Progress?”. In the simplest way, they can write the essay in two main sections: positives…

A History of the 20th Century through Feature Films

A History of the 20th Century through Feature Films This document provides an overview of the 20th Century through feature films. Students can read through the story and, if any films overlap an area of their interest, they can research it further (and even borrow it from the school library to watch!). There is also…

What sorts of things could get me into hell? – The Seven Deadly Sins

In this activity students will learn about, and connect, the seven deadly sins. They will also learn about which particular punishments are associated with each of these sins. They will then write a dialogue between two people that can be acted out in front of the class: a. “The Sinner”: You will be going into the…

What is Medieval hell like?

What is Medieval hell like?Image sources to share with the class | Prezi of Images“In this task we will investigate what Medieval people thought Hell was like. In other words, the Church’s power was based on FEAR as well as LOVE. The exact balance between these two things is for you to decide later! Your job is…

Gruesome Martryrdoms, Repulsive Relics!

Gruesome Martryrdoms, Repulsive Relics! In this activity / presentation (see image), which contains video clips and stimulus images, students are put into teams to research and then present their favoured choice of holy relic to obtain for their new cathedral, and a suitably brave martyr to dedicate the cathedral to.

Was the 20th Century a Period of Progress? New Study Unit!

This project is designed to allow students to develop a broad but comprehensive overview of the main events of the 20th Century. Each student will research one key event, theme or individual of their choice to produce an attractive display piece. They will compare and contrast their findings with other people in the class to…

World War One Battlefields Trip Materials, newly updated and developed

The following materials [click here] are designed to help teachers plan a trip to the World War One battlefields of the Somme and Ypres. There are two versions of the trip available. Each one comes with a detailed student workpack (plus teacher notes) which opens in Adobe Acrobat Reader. There is also a detailed itinerary…

The Iceman, an ActiveHistory Mystery!

This new ActiveHistory Mystery focuses on the discovery of a frozen body, high in the mountains. It starts with a “CSI” role-play element and was delivered to Year 7 students as an joint induction project delivered in History lessons (led by me – @russeltarr) and Geography lessons (led by Matt Podbury – @MattPodbury). The investigation concluded with…

The Cuban Missile Crisis – Revision Quiz (30 Questions)

An interactive computer game to test factual knowledge. The first student to finish should be given 20 points; the second student 18; and so on. I build up a “Fling the Teacher Leaderboard” over the whole course to build up a bit of competition…!

Vietnam War – Fling the Teacher Revision Quiz (45 questions).

An interactive computer game to test factual knowledge. The first student to finish should be given 20 points; the second student 18; and so on. I build up a “Fling the Teacher Leaderboard” over the whole course to build up a bit of competition…!

The Vietnam War – Endgame

Timeline Quiz | Teacher answer sheetThis ‘fill the gaps’ quiz recaps the entire topic and rounds it off with information on how the war eventually came to an end.

Military causes for the US defeat in Vietnam

Military causes for the US defeat in Vietnam In response to the growing involvement of the USA in Vietnam, the Vietcong began a highly effective campaign against the North. Students learn about this topic by using two video clips: Video Clip 1 | Video Clip 2 Economically, they secured aid from China and the USSR Strategically, they…

How and why did President Johnson escalate US involvement in the Vietnam War?

How and why did President Johnson escalate US involvement in the Vietnam War? | Teacher mutimedia presentationBy 1963, Kennedy felt that the US military advisors had done all that they could. He decided to announce a phased withdrawal from Vietnam to be completed by 1965.However, three events transformed the situation and meant that instead US involvement was instead…

The Vietnam War – Sourcework Questions: Why did the US get involved in Vietnam?

Sourcework Questions: Why did the US get involved in Vietnam?Several sourcework questions, culminating in:Here are three reasons why the US may have got involved in Vietnam: which do you agree with most, and why?i. Because they wanted to protect the world from communist dictatorship ii. Because they were paranoid about the communist threatiii. Because they were…

The Vietnam War – Kennedy’s own words on the subject

JFK Speech writing Task Part [3]: Kennedy’s own words on the subjectIn this final part of the speechwriting exercise, students listen to a couple of speeches made by Kennedy on the subject of Vietnam, and then complete their press statements.Video Clip 1 | Video Clip 2

The Vietnam War – Why was the USA so keen to prevent communism spreading?

JFK Speech writing Task Part [1]: Why was the USA so keen to prevent communism spreading? “Imagine you are a speechwriter for the President Kennedy of the United States. Using your knowledge of the Cold War so far, draft a speech (starting “Fellow citizens…”) justifying Kennedy’s actions.”

Consequences of the Cuban Missile Crisis

The Cuban Missile Crisis Roleplay Unit One of the most dramatic moments of the 20th Century and a particularly exciting topic to teach and to study! This unit is based around extended roleplay activities firstly from the Soviet, then from the American, perspectives. Students gain a thorough understanding not just of the events but also…

Slideshow of ExComm – The Cuban Missile Crisis Roleplay Unit

The Cuban Missile Crisis Roleplay Unit One of the most dramatic moments of the 20th Century and a particularly exciting topic to teach and to study! This unit is based around extended roleplay activities firstly from the Soviet, then from the American, perspectives. Students gain a thorough understanding not just of the events but also…

The Cuban Missile Crisis: US Roleplay Part 1 (one hour): The Initial Response

The Cuban Missile Crisis Roleplay Unit One of the most dramatic moments of the 20th Century and a particularly exciting topic to teach and to study! This unit is based around extended roleplay activities firstly from the Soviet, then from the American, perspectives. Students gain a thorough understanding not just of the events but also…

The Cuban Missile Crisis Soviet Roleplay

The Cuban Missile Crisis Roleplay Unit One of the most dramatic moments of the 20th Century and a particularly exciting topic to teach and to study! This unit is based around extended roleplay activities firstly from the Soviet, then from the American, perspectives. Students gain a thorough understanding not just of the events but also…

Origins of the Cold War, c.1945-61

If the Origins of the Cold War have not already been studied using the detailed unit at ActiveHistory, the following provides an efficient, effective overview. Teacher Lecture – Interactive Multimedia Presentation | Student activity sheet to accompany the presentation Complete with video clips, the comprehensive presentation guides through the origins and development of the Cold…

Fall of Napoleon, Timeline Worksheet and Multimedia Presentation

Timeline and Multimedia Presentation Although the main focus of our study unit has been Napoleon’s domestic policies, the above question highlights that it may be necessary to contrast these with his foreign policies in a ‘to what extent’ style of question. The objective of the following activity is therefore to ensure that you have the material able…

Classroom Trial, Did Napoleon betray the spirit of the French Revolution?

Classroom Trial: Did Napoleon betray the spirit of the French Revolution? The class will be divided into teams to research different aspects of Napoleon’s Rule. Prosecution will be pitted against Defence, with other students acting as judges. The job of the judges at the end of the discussion of the first issues is to decide…

Napoleonic Propaganda, Analysing Portraits Worksheet

Napoleonic Propaganda: Analysing Portraits Worksheet | Images for download In this activity students are given a detailed introduction to the art of propaganda in Napoleon’s France and they are then presented with a wide range of images. Students have to match the captions to the pictures and then decide how to categorise the various pictures. Each student…

Infographic Task, What sort of a man was Napoleon?

Infographic Task: What sort of a man was Napoleon? This framework encourages students to produce a one-sided A3 infographic about Napoleon as a revision aid. Part of the new IB Study Unit on “The French Revolution and the Rule of Napoleon“

Silent Discussion, Impressions of Napoleon

Silent Discussion: Impressions of Napoleon In this activity students conduct a ‘Silent Discussion’ about Napoleon (instructions included) based around 12 primary sources. In this way they start to form impressions about whether Napoleon was a revolutionary or a reactionary. Part of the new IB Study Unit on “The French Revolution and the Rule of Napoleon“

French Revolution, Discussion Points and Conclusions

Discussion Points and Conclusions This worksheet guides students through some of the key questions arising from the analysis thus far to ensure that the essay question (“To what extent did the French Revolution deliver on its promises?”) is approached with sufficient rigour. Part of the new IB Study Unit on “The French Revolution and the…

Picture Challenge, Key Events of the French Revolution

Picture Challenge: Key Events of the French Revolution Taken directly from the timeline, this quiz provides a series of key images relating to the period. In teams, students have to correctly identify the event relating to each picture. Part of the new IB Study Unit on “The French Revolution and the Rule of Napoleon“

French Revolution, Detailed, Interactive Timeline of Key Events

Detailed, Interactive Timeline of Key Events This interactive timeline provides a comprehensive overview of the key events of the French Revolution and is designed to accompany the worksheet listed above. Part of the new IB Study Unit on “The French Revolution and the Rule of Napoleon“

Analytical Research Template, Events of the French Revolution

Analytical Research Template: Events of the French Revolution This template allows students to analyse events from the detailed timeline (below) in terms of the key concepts of ‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity’ by dividing those concepts into practically measured criteria. There is also a completed teacher version available, along with links to recommended YouTube video clips. Part of the…

Depth Focus on Enlightenment Philosophy, Thomas Paine and the Rights of Man

In-Depth Focus on Enlightenment Philosophy: Thomas Paine and the Rights of Man With a general understanding of Enlightenment Philosophy now secured, students look in more depth at the “Rights of Man” to develop their understanding of the aims of the French Revolution. Links to two excellent video clips are also provided. Part of the new…

French Revolution, Defining the Debate, Enlightenment Philosophy

Defining the Debate: Enlightenment Philosophy In order to measure the success of the French Revolution, it is necessary to determine the professed aims of the Revolution. In this activity students will analyse the beliefs of key Enlightenment philosophers to reach a more detailed understanding of what the Revolutionaries really meant when the claimed to stand…

Historiographical overview of the Fischer Thesis

Historiographical Overview: This information sheet outlines the essential historiographical debate – namely, the Fischer Thesis, which suggested that both World Wars were essentially caused by the same consistent factor – namely, German aggression. The task of students will be to decide how far they agree with this idea. Part of the “Compare and Contrast the…

Winston ChurchillIndependent Research Phase and Mark Scheme for the Essay

Independent Research Phase and Mark Scheme for the Essay “The main body of your essay is now completed. To distinguish your study, you should now take the time to conduct some extra research to develop each of your main paragraphs with fresh evidence. Make use too of this mark scheme…” This detailed, stand-alone study unit…

From Yom Kippur to Camp David (30 Question Quiz)

Another revision quiz designed to help students revise the Middle East Paper 1 depth study as part of their IB revision programme. I give students 10 minutes at the start of the lesson to try to complete the quiz. Anyone completing the quiz within the available time gets a score based on the amount of minutes left…

Head2Head Preparation: Identifying ‘Heroic’ and ‘Villainous’ qualities and framing the questions ready for the interview

Head2Head Preparation: Identifying ‘Heroic’ and ‘Villainous’ qualities and framing the questions ready for the interview The class will be divided into two teams. The first team needs to make a list of ‘heroic’ (positive) qualities. The second team needs to make a list of ‘villainous’ (negative) qualities. These are then matched up in pairs, prioritised…

Primary sources about Churchill – Silent Discussion

Primary sources about Churchill – Silent Discussion Prior to the lesson, your teacher will print off sets of sources and place them on different tables. The class will be divided into pairs, and each pair will be directed to a different table with a different set of sources. “Read the sources in silence, then still…

Quotes by Churchill

Quotes by Churchill From a consideration of visual sources students now move towards quotes by Churchill. Winston Churchill was well-known for his speeches and his quotes. In this activity we will look at a number of these quotes, and work out whether on balance they suggest that he was a hero or a villain. “Read…

Diamond9 Activity: Photographs of Churchill

Diamond9 Activity: Photographs of Churchill “Cut out and create a “Diamond 9″ Diagram of these images, with the most ‘positive’ images towards the top, and the most ‘negative’ towards the bottom. Explain your choices either in a paragraph or by putting clear captions next to each of the images themselves. TIP: Start by writing your…

Photographs of Churchill: What deductions about him can we draw?

Photographs of Churchill: What deductions about him can we draw? “What impression is created of Churchill in each of the following photographs? Record your thoughts to the right of each picture. Compare your ideas with a partner, then with the class. TIP: To help you analyse each picture, you might want to consider such things…

Arab-Israeli Conflict: Google Hangout Video Conference for IB Historians

Interview with Max Salant This Google Hangout Video interview took place with a former student of the International School of Toulouse in Summer 2014. Max conversed with us direct from Israel to answer questions about the history and current affairs of the region. It provides some excellent material and perspectives that would be useful in…

Winston Churchill Head2Head Interactive Interview

This detailed, stand-alone study unit is based around an interactive Head2Head Virtual Interview with Winston Churchill. The unit is designed to be used with Year 9 students (13-14 years) but is easily adaptable to other contexts. The unit develops sourcework and essay-writing skills, and the outcome is a detailed, structured essay answering the key question…

Compare and contrast the origins of World Wars One and Two, model essay

Model Essay by RJ Tarr (note: teacher password required) At this point, students should return to their original research template to complete the final column, which asks them to make some observations about whether the various factors for each war are areas of comparison and contrast. This can then be used as the basis for an…

Was Hitler’s foreign policy traditional, or unprecedented?

Main Task: Was Hitler’s foreign policy traditional, or unprecedented? In this activity students use extracts from the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, an Interview with Hitler, Mein Kampf and the September Programme to decide where they stand in regard to the Fischer controversy. Part of the “Compare and Contrast the Origins of World War One and World…

Historians debating the Origins of WW1 on Twitter

Last week I was delighted to make Twitter contact with two of my history heroes – Simon Schama and Professor Gary Sheffield – on the issues surrounding Mr. Gove’s latest comments about the teaching of World War One, which I have turned into a worksheet that I will use as a revision exercise with students….

Was Appeasement Spineless, Stupid, Cunning or Honourable?

Was Appeasement Spineless, Stupid, Cunning or Honourable? If you are keen that students cover the Origins of World War Two from all of the essential angles, the following materials allow students to conduct an in-depth analysis of the efficacy of appeasement as a policy by the British and the French in the interwar period. Introduction…

Was Hitler a Gambler, or a Planner, in Foreign Affairs?

Was Hitler a Gambler, or a Planner, in Foreign Affairs? Students use extracts from the 4-Year Plan, Code Green, the Hossbach Memorandum and Mein Kampf to decide where they stand in the classic Taylor/Trevor-Roper debate about the “Hitler Factor”. They can then write up their findings. As an extension task they could investigate the Intentionalist/Structuralist debate. Part of the “Compare and Contrast the…

Factual test on WW1 (30 questions, IB Level)

Factual test on WW1 This factual test could be taken by students at this stage to test their knowledge and understanding of the topic by this stage. Questions are divided into chronological, thematic and historiographical categories (30 questions in total). Part of the “Compare and Contrast the Origins of World War One and World War…

The 1967 ‘6-Day War’ – 30 Question Quiz

  Another revision quiz designed to help students revise the Middle East Paper 1 depth study as part of their IB revision programme. I give students 10 minutes at the start of the lesson to try to complete the quiz. Anyone completing the quiz within the available time gets a score based on the amount of minutes…

The Mystery of the Crying Woman

This exercise [printable version] is best used when students have studied the following unit: Main events leading up to the outbreak of World War Two.

Spanish Civil War Simulation now with Leaderboard

This activity will help you decide which party you would have supported during the Spanish Civil War (1936-39). By playing the simulation you will learn more about the issues facing Spain on the eve of the Civil War and the beliefs of the various groups that fought in it. In Stage 1, you will rank…

Lenin’s Russia, newly rewritten and relaunched roleplay unit for IB History

This unit is taught completely through roleplay! Each student takes on the role of a different Politburo member and researches ‘their’ perspective on the key issues facing the new Soviet state. The teacher takes the role of President Kalinin, acting as Chair. Each lesson then works through issues “as they arise” between 1918-24, with plentiful…

Research Template for comparing the Origins of WW1 and WW2

Research Template: Students are then presented with a research template which has NINE key causes of each World War listed within it. “Divide these causes between the members of the group.Research your allocated factor(s) with relation to your particular war. Produce a one-slide presentation which will summarise your findings for the rest of the class”….

Lenin’s Russia, Classroom Debate and Conclusions

Classroom Debate and Conclusions Part of the roleplay unit on Lenin’s Russia. In this activity students assess how far Lenin delivered on his stated promises of “Peace, Bread and Land” and “All Power to the Soviets” for the Russian people. Pairs of students are pitted against each other to debate particular themes, and the rest…

Time Machine to the Middle Ages, new location, worksheet, sounds and video

Newly updated with new locations, sound effects, video clips and associated worksheet, and the ability to add a class list so that students can be the starts of their own adventure! Students should start the investigation by playing this decision-making game for one lesson. They need to find the missing pieces of their time machine,…

Researching and presenting the origins of surnames of people in the school

What’s in a name? – Researching and presenting the origins of surnames of people in the school In this activity, students research the origins of surnames of people in the school. They then narrow this down to the names which originate from occupations, and present each of these in a PowerPoint slide with an accompanying…

The Suez Crisis (30 Question Quiz)

Another revision quiz designed to help students revise the Middle East Paper 1 depth study as part of their IB revision programme. I give students 10 minutes at the start of the lesson to try to complete the quiz. Anyone completing the quiz within the available time gets a score based on the amount of minutes left…

Medieval Castles, worksheet and video

I have put together an extension worksheet for the popular “Interactive Castle Building Simulation” based around a documentary video that can be found on YouTube. My plan is to set this as an extension / homework assignment, especially as my students are lucky enough to have a school trip to Carcassonne as part of their…

Why did Germany and her Allies lose World War One?

 20 Question Factual Test: Why did Germany and her Allies lose World War One? This ‘gap fill’ test ensures that students end up with a useful revision aid covering the main socio-economic, political and military factors from the perspective both of Allied Strengths and Central Powers’ weaknesses. This test forms part of the detailed IB…

Teacher notes for the Franklin Expedition Mystery Unit

These teacher notes are designed to accompany the History Mystery on the Franklin Expedition (which opens up my studies with Year 9 Historians). The “ActiveHistory Mystery” approach is one which I use with Year 7, 8 and 9 at the beginning of the year. It provides an engaging start to the course, and the outcome…

Year 7 History Skills: The Body on the Balcony EPISODE 2, the Mystery Deepens!

The Body on the Balcony EPISODE 2 – the Mystery Deepens!  With their curiosity inevitably piqued, students are now presented firstly with a photograph of the scene (remember, this is a genuine historical event). They are encouraged to distinguish what they now know for a fact, what they can deduce, and what they speculate. They then move on…

Year 7 History Skills: The Body on the Balcony EPISODE 1, a Historical Mystery!

The Body on the Balcony EPISODE 1 – a Historical Mystery! In this exercise, based on a real historical event, students have to put events into their correct chronological order to make some initial speculations about what has happened. Through doing this they learn about the importance of chronology and understand the meaning of anachronism….

Model IB Essay: How Important was Lenin’s Role in the October Revolution?

Historiography and Essay Writing (there is also a teacher feedback presentation available, as well as a sample timed essay by RJ Tarr) Three broad schools of historiography are considered and students are asked which of the three most closely matches their own views. They are then provided with three essay questions. Homework is to prepare…

Was the October Revolution a Popular Uprising, or a Coup D’Etat?

Classroom Debate: Popular Uprising, or Coup D’Etat? (completed teacher version also available) The format of this debate and the worksheet provided to students is laid out in such a way that it also helps students decide whether methods or conditions were the most important, which is another popular format of question. Students formulate questions against…

Causes of the October Revolution Timeline Roleplay Exercise

Timeline Roleplay Exercise (interactive exercise using the Online ActiveHistory Presentation). In this exercise, students are asked to start organising evidence under four headings: (a) Provisional Government mistakes/weaknesses; (b) Bolshevik mistakes/weaknesses; (c) Provisional Government strengths/successes; (d) Bolshevik strengths/successes. The teacher will use this Online ActiveHistory Presentation to guide students through the key events between February and…

The Arab-Israeli Conflict 1948-49 (30 question quiz)

Another revision quiz – this time with 30 possible questions – designed to help students revise the Middle East Paper 1 depth study as part of their IB revision programme. I give students 10 minutes at the start of the lesson to try to complete the quiz. Anyone completing the quiz within the available time gets a score…

In Defence of Capitalism / Criticisms of Marxism

In Defence of Capitalism / Criticisms of Marxism It is very important that in a study of this kind students are reminded that an understanding of Marxist thought does not necessarily mean agreement with it. In this exercise students are presented with a series of common criticisms of Marxism and points in defence of the…

The Arab-Israeli Conflict 1939-1947 (30 Question Quiz)

A revision quiz – this time with 30 possible questions – designed to help students revise the Middle East Paper 1 depth study as part of their IB revision programme. I give students 10 minutes at the start of the lesson to try to complete the quiz. Anyone completing the quiz within the available time gets a score…

Teacher-Led Lecture: The Contribution of Lenin to Marxism

Teacher-Led Lecture: The Contribution of Lenin to Marxism This presentation, including two illustrative video clips, outlines the development of revolutionary parties in Russia and then focuses on Lenin’s specific contribution to the Marxist canon. It also covers the split in the Social Democratic movement between Mensheviks and Bolsheviks which will become important when we later…

Roleplay/Game Activity: Marxism through Arm-Wrestling!

Roleplay/Game Activity: Marxism through Arm-Wrestling! This activity easily fills a full hour and is a very lively and interesting exercise. Students act out a roleplay over several rounds which is deliberately designed to illustrate the Marxist conception of how free market economies function. Through arm-wrestling and games of ‘split or steal’, the bourgeois class quickly…