Reformation Woodcuts

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Stalin and the USSR – A-Level / IB History

The Soviet Union Stalin’s Terror: Causal Links, illustrated with examples Stalin’s Terror: Who Killed Sergei Kirov? Stalin’s Terror: The Show Trials – Overview Stalin’s Terror: The Show Trials – What was said?

The Henrician Reformation: Work sheets and resources

The Henrician Reformation Opposition to the Schism Sourcework: Opposition to the Schism The development of Parliament in the reign of Henry VIII The Reformation in Europe Erasmus and Humanism Other key humanists

Stalin and Communism: Work sheets for A-Level and IB History

USSR under Stalin What were Stalin’s Economic Objectives? Collectivisation: Theory and Practice 27/09/04 A2 New Worksheet – USSR under Stalin How successful was the policy of collectivisation? 25/09/04 A2 New Worksheets – USSR under Stalin Stalin and Industrialisation How successful were the 5-Year Plans?

Roots of the Cold War: Ideas (Ideological Differences)

Students complete each sentence in the table by trying to explain how capitalist / communist ideas could be defended, then produce an diagram / poster designed to illustrate the main differences between capitalism and communism.