Students watch this short video and refer to their textbooks to develop a new timeline focusing heavily on the period 1939-47.
Category: Historical Periods
Trench Warfare Simulation: Now with a live Highscore board
I’ve updated the popular “Life in the Trenches” simulation so that students’ ongoing scores are automatically recorded in a highscore board throughout the lesson. The highscore board can be viewed by students and teachers throughout the lesson for added interest and competition, and the teacher can use its results as an instant markbook!
IB Higher Level History Task: To what extent did Britain make conflicting promises about the future of the Middle East during World War One?
This exercise involves students comparing and contrasting the Balfour Declaration, th The Sykes-Picot Agreement and the Hussein-MacMahon Correspondence. They could watch too this short video covering the interwar period. There are also teacher notes available for this activity.
Causes of World War Simulation
I’ve now added a HighScore board to the simulation – in other words an instant markbook for teachers to access at the end of the session. Any scores submitted within a one-hour period are displayed and can be copied into a markbook. Click the “Leaderboard” option to see how it works.
Standard Level Task: Why was the Ottoman Empire unable to contain the Arab Revolt of 1916?
This task introduces students to the interesting character of TE Lawrence, and also deepens their knowledge on the subject of “The Impact of World War One”, which is a core Standard Level Paper 2 topic.
Timeline Challenge: The Arab-Israeli Conflict up to 1939
The teacher can ensure that students have covered the most important events in an appropriate amount of depth by playing this interactive, whole-class quiz using an interactive whiteboard.
Timeline of the Arab-Israeli Conflict up to 1939
Using video, web and textbook sources, students start developing a timeline overview of the Middle East Conflict up to 1945. This image could be used as a teaching aid to clarify the borders of the Palestinian Mandate.
Causes of the Spanish Civil War
A collapsible list of essential revision points covering political, religious, economic, social and regional points.
Introduction to the Middle East Conflict
A class brainstorm about what students already know about the Arab-Israeli conflict is followed by a preliminary write-up. This worksheet could be followed by (a) Going through this PowerPoint Presentation followed by this short video about 9/11. (b) watching this YouTube Video for extra notes.
Causes for the Collapse of Communism
A collapsible revision list of essential information.
*The Middle East c.1914-1967: Complete Study Units / Teacher Notes for IB!*
I’ve just completed uploading a complete scheme of work – worksheets, interactivities, teacher notes – for a new study unit for IB / A-Level on the Middle East. 1914-47 1947-1949 1956: Suez 1967: 6-Day War …more will follow in due course as I teach further into the unit next year!
James Spod: Undercover in Mussolini’s Italy
In this brand new simulation, learn about the political, economic and social landscape of Fascist Italy as you fly across the British Channel and journey around Italy on a mission to assassinate Mussolini!
Mussolini and Italian Fascism: Factual Tests
Choose from the following two options 20 Factual Questions Complete the gaps exercise
Essay planning: Mussolini’s Domestic Policies
Essay Planning Task A worksheet which guides students through the steps of writing an effective essay on Mussolini’s domestic policies
Mussolini and Fascist Italy
Research Task: Short Version Eight main policy areas will be researched (students later boil these down to five, then link them). The teacher will provide details on the first one using a model research piece and students should make notes. The class will then research the other rows and feedback with their findings.
Introductory Prezi: Mussolini and Fascist Italy
A brief overview of the main themes and the key events. Students should take notes!
Mussolini and Fascist Italy: Overview
Mussolini (a former schoolteacher and socialist) was appointed prime minister in October 1922 . As Duce (leader), he initially headed a coalition of Fascists and nationalists, but soon assumed dictatorial powers, although muted parliamentary opposition continued until the murder of Matteotti in 1924. As an extension activity, read through Mussolini’s answer to the question “What…
MazeGame: The Chinese Civil War and the Rise of Mao
Meet some of the key characters relating to the topic, learn about some of the key documents and artefacts, and take a series of tests before being given an overall score in this decision-making adventure.
Spain under Primo de Rivera
A new version of the Jigsaw-Table Exercise.
Chinese Civil War – Essay Writing Task
Students are presented with three possible essay titles, which the teacher can either divide between the class as a homework task OR one of which can be randomly chosen in a subsequent lesson and answered by the entire class in timed conditions.
Women During World War One
A new and improved version of the Jigsaw-Table exercise.
Jigsaw Table Exercise: The Chinese Civil War and the Rise of Mao
After the class has had a feedback session based on the individual research tasks, students should complete this interactive exercise which tests their knowledge of the essential points and which additionally provides them with a thorough, completed table of information with which to develop their original notes. Each student is also given a score, which…
The Soviet Union under Khrushchev
A new version of the Jigsaw table exercise.
The Chinese Civil War – Individual Research Task
For the next task, students are provided with a blank version of this grid. Each student is allocated one cell, and use timelines, textbooks and websites to produce a PowerPoint presentation on it. The class should start by going back through the source pack and deciding where and why each source can be placed in…
The Duke of Northumberland
A new and improved version of the Jigsaw-Table exercise.
Source Pack: The Chinese Civil War and the Rise of Mao
This sourcepack comes complete with questions and is broken up logically into sections relating to three key periods leading to the rise of Mao.
Head2Head Virtual Interview with Henry VIII
Now improved with hyperlinks to keywords and an on-screen record of the conversation.
Timeline Challenge: The Chinese Civil War and the Rise of Mao
Students are put into teams and play this competitive game which tests their knowledge and develops their understanding.
History Mystery: Antoine de St. Exupery
An ActiveHistory Mystery. The “History Mysteries” lessons are designed as stand-alone projects which each last 3-4 hours. Through engaging historical topics, they teach skills of research, groupwork, structured writing. There is a standard teacher lesson plan and student record sheet / markscheme for each activity.
The Rise of Mao Zedong – Analysis of the Events
With the chronological narrative now complete, students should turn their timeline into a thematic analysis using the structure recommended in this worksheet.
Head2Head Virtual Interview with William the Conqueror
Now improved with hyperlinks to 80 keywords and an on-screen record of the conversation.
Chinese Civil War – Timeline – Interactive Newsfeed
Students and teachers can ensure that they have covered the essential information by using this interactive newsfeed, which covers all of the major points in extra detail.
Head2Head Interview with Josef Stalin
Now improved with hyperlinks to 80 keywords and an on-screen record of the conversation.
Timeline of the Chinese Civil War – Overview using Video
After copying down the information from the presentation , students then watch the first 8.5 mins of this video and make detailed notes to develop their basic timeline. Students then develop their timeline by organising it under the following headings and clarifying dates by using textbooks and / or the web: * Background (to 1927)…
Decline and collapse of communism in eastern europe
An end-of unit “Fling the Teacher” challenge with 30 possible questions. All students should start the quiz at the same time, with 10 minutes available. Award 10 points to anyone finishing the quiz successfully within the first minute, 9 points to anyone finishing within the second minute, and so on. I build up a “leaderboard”…
Decline and Collapse of Soviet Control in Eastern Europe – Role of Gorbachev
An end-of unit “Fling the Teacher” challenge with 30 possible questions. All students should start the quiz at the same time, with 10 minutes available. Award 10 points to anyone finishing the quiz successfully within the first minute, 9 points to anyone finishing within the second minute, and so on. I build up a “leaderboard”…
Introductory Prezi: The Chinese Civil War and the Rise of Mao
A brief overview of the main parties involved and the key events. Students should take notes!
Decline and Collapse of Soviet Control in Eastern Europe – External Factors
An end-of unit “Fling the Teacher” challenge with 30 possible questions. All students should start the quiz at the same time, with 10 minutes available. Award 10 points to anyone finishing the quiz successfully within the first minute, 9 points to anyone finishing within the second minute, and so on. I build up a “leaderboard”…
Chinese Civil War: Keyword Challenge
A new Fruit Machine game created using
Worst Jobs in History: Tudors
This Worst Jobs in History simulation can be used as a stand-alone lesson, homework assignment or as part of a broader unit on “Was life Good or Bad during this particular period?”. The worksheet has basic activities for a 30 minute lesson, and extension tasks that could be followed up later.
Sourcework Tips: Decline and Collapse of Soviet Control in Eastern Europe
A student handout highlighting the main periods, people and events so that sources can be placed into their correct historical context as specifically as possible.
IGCSE Collapse of Communism – Interactive Cartoon Analysis
In this activity, students analyse 5 separate political cartoons relating to the decline and collapse of communism in Eastern Europe. They are then able to compare their answers to a series of model answers. A useful way of revising the 2010 IGCSE Paper 2 Topic.
The Rise of Mao – Interactive MazeGame
A new decision-making adventure designed to consolidate knowledge about the rise of Chairman Mao.
Quiz: The Rise of Chairman Mao
A new Fling the Teacher Quiz (45 possible questions) designed for IB level.
How did the War in Afghanistan undermine the USSR?
A Telescopic Topic created using
Stalin’s Rise to Power
A Telescopic Topic created using
Calvin’s Reformation
A Telescopic Topic created using
History Mystery: The Dreadnought Hoax
An ActiveHistory Mystery. The “History Mysteries” lessons are designed as stand-alone projects which each last 3-4 hours. Through engaging historical topics, they teach skills of research, groupwork, structured writing. There is a standard teacher lesson plan and student record sheet / markscheme for each activity.
Tensions in the Middle East, c.1914-1947
A Telescopic Topic created using
Eastern Europe: Walesa and Pope John Paul II
In this task students discuss the respective roles of the key individuals and then answer some source work questions about the Solidarity movement.
The Suez Crisis: Historiography and Conclusions
The Suez Crisis: Historiography and Conclusions Students consider an orthodox and revisionist interpretation of the Suez Crisis to consolidate their understanding of this topic and reach an independent judgement. There are teacher notes available for this activity.
The Collapse of Soviet Control in Eastern Europe
Students conduct their own research about how each of the countries in the Eastern Bloc broke away from Soviet rule 1989-91 as part of their IGCSE history studies.
Gorbachev’s Policies: Glasnost and Perestroika
Students complete a table which helps them to assess the problems Gorbachev faced, how he chose to deal with them and how appropriate they consider these policies were.
USA/USSR: Reagan and “Star Wars”
President Ronald Reagan contributed to the decline and fall of the Soviet Union by adopting an aggressive, uncompromising policy towards communism. Students investigate his policies and their impact upon the USSR through a timeline and some source work questions.
Sourcework on the Nuclear Arms Race
Designed to be used as an extension or a homework activity.
USA/USSR: The Nuclear Arms Race
Another pressure upon the Soviet Union was the massive cost of keeping up with the United States in terms of nuclear weapons. Students answer questions based around a timeline and as an extension activity conduct some research into the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Problems for the USSR: Afghanistan 1979-89
In this card-sort activity students piece together the causes, course and consequence of the war with Afghanistan, which caused such havoc for the military and the economic position of the Soviet Union.
Worst Jobs in History: Middle Ages
The Middle Ages Worst Jobs in History simulation can be used as a stand-alone lesson, homework assignment or as part of a broader unit on “Was life Good or Bad during this particular period?”. The worksheet has basic activities for a 30 minute lesson, and extension tasks that could be followed up later.
Eastern Europe: Rebellions 1956-68
Students investigate the uprisings in Poland, Hungary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia to develop their understanding of the poor socio-economic conditions in the Eastern Bloc.
International Baccalaureate History: Sample Paper 1
Another 1-hour sourcework assignment in the style of the International Baccalaureate syllabus for History, dealing with International Relations 1918-36.
History Mystery: The Franklin Expedition
An ActiveHistory Mystery. The “History Mysteries” lessons are designed as stand-alone projects which each last 3-4 hours. Through engaging historical topics, they teach skills of research, groupwork, structured writing. There is a standard teacher lesson plan and student record sheet / markscheme for each activity.
Social-Economic Problems within the USSR: Sourcework
Some sourcework questions designed to be used as a homework / extension activity.
Social-Economic Problems within the USSR: Chernobyl and Lake Baikal
Students investigate the problems in agriculture, industry and society that plagued the USSR by the 1980s. They look at a number of Soviet jokes from the period and deduce what these tell us about life under Soviet rule.
Social-Economic Problems within the USSR: Underproduction and Demotivation
Students compare and contrast communism and capitalism and produce a written summary outlining the inherent weaknesses of the Soviet system.
Political Tensions within the USSR: The “Gerontocracy”
Students investigate the “Rule by Geriatrics” – Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko – and how this lack of flexibility led to the tragedy of the Korean Airliner incident of 1983.
Political Tensions within the USSR: Dictatorship and Corruption
Students compare and contrast democracy and dictatorship and produce a written summary outlining the inherent weaknesses of the Soviet system.
To what extent was the collapse of communism in the USSR the result of Gorbachev’s policies?
The Decline and Collapse of Soviet Control over Eastern Europe is the compulsory sourcework paper for IGCSE History, Summer 2010. This is a new programme of study on the website which can be used to teach this interesting topic.
Overview: Eastern Europe in 1989
Students are provided with essential terminology and produce their own account of the events of 1989-91 by comparing and making deductions from two maps of Europe during the period.
IB Source Work Paper 1: The Peace Treaties after World War One
A source work paper based on paper 1 of the International Baccalaureate for History.
Why was the Medieval Church so powerful? – Boardgames project
This four-hour unit helps students to understand why religion was so important in the Middle Ages. This leads neatly into a study of the Cathars and the Reformation. Students study why the Church was so powerful in the Middle Ages. They conduct a card-sort exercise, have a game of charades, then work in pairs and…
IB History Sourcework Paper: The League and Disarmament
A new 1-hour sourcework assignment in the style of the International Baccalaureate syllabus for History.
Worst Jobs in History: Victorian
This Victorian Worst Jobs in History simulation can be used as a stand-alone lesson, homework assignment or as part of a broader unit on “Was life Good or Bad during this particular period?”. The worksheet has basic activities for a 30 minute lesson, and extension tasks that could be followed up later.
Causes of the Vietnam War – Sourcework
A new resource for IGCSE history – Causes of the Vietnam War – Sourcework.
Why did Germany Lose World War One?
Students then use this interactive essay planning tool to submit a suggested way of linking the four factors, and get – at the simple click of a button – a very detailed model essay plan suggesting not only the content of each paragraph but also – crucially – how they should be linked together. In…
Henry VIII Wheel of Life
Students rate Henry VIII according to various criteria and “join the dots” in this diagram to produce a “Wheel of Life”. Space is provided for students to explain their reasoning.
King Henry VIII: Classroom Roleplay Lesson
This roleplay exercise divides the class into three teams – prosecution, defence, and judges. The prosecution and the defence gather evidence and prepare their case whilst the judges select some surprise exhibits to use in the trial. The trial itself should be a lively lesson which encourages students to make deductions and question the reliability…
The Bayeux Tapestry: Teacher Notes
A new teacher helpsheet designed to accompany the interactive simulation and student workpack here.
Cuban Missile Crisis Sourcework Exercise
A new resource for IGCSE history – Cuban Missile Crisis Sourcework Exercise.
Consequences of the Cuban Missile Crisis
A worksheet for IGCSE History on the Consequences of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Causes of the Cuban Missile Crisis
A new worksheet for IGCSE history.
Causes of the French Revolution: Essay-Planning Task
Essay-Planning Task This worksheet is designed to be used in conjunction with the mid-unit assessment in this unit. Students compare, contrast and connect 6 key factors to produce a detailed essay plan.
The Reichstag Fire: Roleplay Lesson
The Reichstag Fire Roleplay exercise A roleplay exercise designed to take place over a one-hour lesson. Students investigate the evidence and reliability of the main witnesses after dividing into prosecution and defence teams. A separate team of judges prepare “surprise evidence” for each side. This teacher promptsheet is also necessary.
Origins of World War One – The “Big Brother House”
The tensions between the major powers prior to World War One are outlined using the scenario of a shared house in this worksheet.
Study Guide: The Causes of World War One
An introduction to the relevance of the topic.
Events of the French Revolution: Decision-Making Simulation
Part 2 of the French Revolution simulation. It is 1789. You are the French aristocrat, the Count of Camembert. You are an advisor to King Louis XVI of France. Your job is to give him good advice when he faces difficult decisions. The game is complete with sound effects and a worksheet.
Causes of the French Revolution: Decision-Making Simulation
A major update to this popular simulation, which now includes sound effects and improved playability. Students journey around pre-revolutionary France and provide advice to the King in the hope of saving his dynasty. Worksheets provided.
An Interview with Kaiser Wilhelm II
An extension / homework activity designed to help students understand a little more about the complex personality of Wilhelm II.
Western Front – Google Maps Tour
An itinerary for a tour of the World War One Battlefields of Ypres and the Somme.
Menin Gate: Worksheet
A worksheet to accompany the battlefields trip.
World War One Battlefields Tour in Google Earth
A suggested itinerary for a Battlefields Tour in Ypres and the Somme, in Google Earth.
Origins of World War One: Essay Planning Tool
A new activity – CLICK HERE! How can I use this tool in class? a. Students should each spend 10-15 minutes reading through various essay plans. Particularly convincing essay plans should be COPIED and PASTED into a Word Processor. b. Then, students spend a further 5 minutes settling upon their favourite essay plan. The others…
Origins of World War One: Austria v. Serbia: Imperialism and Nationalism
The assassination at Sarajevo was merely the flashpoint of a much deeper conflict between Serbia and Austria, as explained here…
Events of the Vietnam War
A new resource for IGCSE history – Events of the Vietnam War.
The Assassination at Sarajevo
The spark which started World War One. What happened?
The Decline and Collapse of Soviet Control over Eastern Europe
I have put together a new section on the website covering “The Decline and Collapse of Soviet Control over Eastern Europe”, which is the compulsory sourcework paper for IGCSE History, Summer 2010. I plan to teach this unit to my students at the International School of Toulouse in the New Year as their final topic….
Heraldry: Design your own Coat of Arms Online
Design your own coat of arms by answering a series of detailed questions about your personality and interests. The computer uses the information to design your shield, choose the colour scheme, and recommend the symbols you should use. A great classroom project which turns into a brilliant display of finished projects!
Origin of Surnames Worksheet
An updated version of the Year 7 History Worksheet; now included is a template map of the UK (for students to plot names relating to places) and a diamond9 diagram for students to plot profession-based surnames in rank order of status.
How to Create a Family Tree
Year 7 History students create their own family tree after analysing that of The Simpsons cartoon characters using this worksheet.
The Trial of King Charles I: Primary Source Analysis
Students read transcripts of the trial to consider what they tell us about the King, his prosecutors and the attitude of those present. This resource can be found within this complete Key Stage 3 History Study Unit on the English Civil War.
History in the Headlines
The latest “History in the Headlines“! This newsfeed is updated (almost!) daily. It provides a hand-selected digest of the automated newsfeed at This provides a great way of adding contemporary relevance to your classroom studies. Why not print some of the articles out and stick them on a news board? Or get your students…