Counterfactuals in History

Overview To help students decide how important a factor was in causing a particular event, ask them to consider whether events would have turned out differently without it. To have validity, this ‘counterfactual’ approach should not descend into mere speculation. Instead, students should be prepared and trained to substantiate their assertions with evidence to help…

Who is your Historical Hero?

I have updated the “Who is your historical hero?” study unit to make use of the ‘Knowledge Cubes’ approach which I outline in more detail at Tarr’s Toolbox.

Knowledge Cubes – originally posted on Tarr’s Toolbox

Overview When students conduct research on key individuals, get them to write up their findings on a cardboard cube, with each of the six faces covering a different theme. After the class has exchanged its findings in the form of a balloon debate or similar, collect the cubes in and, as an extension activity, invite pairs of students to…

Compare and Contrasting the Rise of Dictators in Different Regions

Which 20th Century Dictator are YOU? A simulation to compare and contrast the methods and conditions through which dictators rose to power. Complete with self-study workpack enabling students to turn their findings into a rigorous essay. There is also a class leaderboard where teachers can monitor student performance in the factual test questions. You might also try…

Roleplay Exercise – Kennedy and the Berlin Crisis of 1961

Roleplay Exercise – Kennedy and the Berlin Crisis of 1961 | Multimedia teacher-led presentation | Briefing Sheets In this exercise students will take the role of an advisor to President Kennedy. By discussing different courses of action and then comparing them to what Kennedy did, they will form a balanced judgement on his handling of…

Kennedy and Latin America: The Alliance for Progress

Kennedy and Latin America: The Alliance for Progress This worksheet and activity covers Kennedy’s “Alliance for Progress”, which was in essence a Marshall Plan for Latin America. As its name suggests, it proposed a partnership between the USA and Latin American countries keen to engage in political and socio-economic reforms. Signed in Uruguay’s Punta Del…

The 1960 Election Campaign: The TV Debates and the Inaugural Address

The 1960 Election Campaign: The TV Debates and the Inaugural Address The TV Debates: In election year 1960, Senator John F. Kennedy and Vice President Richard Nixon took part in the first televised presidential debate, hosted by legendary newsman Walter Cronkite. This was the beginning of modern media-driven politics: JFK came across as suave, confident…

JFK: Introduction and Overview

JFK: Introduction and Overview Students are provided with a teacher-led lecture based around the following image and make notes in this worksheet. Part of the new study unit on The Foreign Policy of President Kennedy

SOLO Hexagons: The Rise of Hitler

SOLO Hexagons: The Rise of Hitler 40+ factors are provided to students to organise into meaningful and connected categories as part of the essay-planning process. Full details of the hexagons approach can be found at Tarr’s Toolbox.

Cold War Historiography – comparisons and contrasts worksheet

Cold War Historiography “How would each school of historians assess the respective role of military, economic and political factors in causing the Cold War? How would you complete the final columns?” Part of the comprehensive Origins of the Cold War Unit.

A revision summary grid of historiographical terms

A revision summary grid of historiographical terms Observations: Leopold von Ranke’s Historicism movement in the late 19th Century laid the framework for modern historiography. From the scientific methods of source analysis it promoted, historians quickly moved from describing “what” happened and towards a consideration of “why”. In the late 20th Century, however, the postmodernists argued…

Origins of the Cold War: Essay Writing Advice

Essay Writing Phase “Read through the following essay titles. Identify (e.g. by highlighting / dragging-dropping) common themes. These questions will be shared between the class. Produce an essay plan in 10 minutes for your allocated essay. Then feed back to the class with your thoughts and findings. In a lesson next week, one question from…

Schools of History – Historiography and TOK in History

Session 3: Histories [Student worksheet | Teacher notes] It has been said that “all history is contemporary history” (Croce) and “History tells us more about the person who wrote it than about the people being written about” (Carr). In this sense, works of history themselves become sources for later generations of historians! In this session, we will…

Historians and Theory of Knowledge in History

Session 2: Historians [Student worksheet | Teacher notes] Sources are incomplete, untypical and unreliable, as we found out in our last session. Historians therefore need to: Select sources to use, based on what questions need answering; Interpret those sources and make deductions from them; Organise and present their main conclusions to the public. Arguably, this process of…

How successfully did Elizabeth deal with the problems of her reign?

Part of the new materials to support a study of Elizabethan England, for example: Early Elizabethan England, 1558-88 (Edexcel) Elizabethan England, c1568-1603 (AQA) How successfully did Elizabeth deal with the problems of her reign? In this exercise, students will reach a final judgement about Elizabeth I by writing an essay. In this way, they will:…

Elizabeth’s refusal to marry, conclusions and sourcework

Part of the new materials to support a study of Elizabethan England, for example: Early Elizabethan England, 1558-88 (Edexcel) Elizabethan England, c1568-1603 (AQA) Why did the Spanish decide to invade England in 1588? > Elizabeth’s refusal to marry Conclusion: Elizabeth’s Refusal to Marry Students are provided with a list of factors explaining Elizabeth’s decision not…

Elizabethan England: Why did Elizabeth refuse to marry?

Part of the new materials to support a study of Elizabethan England, for example: Early Elizabethan England, 1558-88 (Edexcel) Elizabethan England, c1568-1603 (AQA) Why did the Spanish decide to invade England in 1588? > Factor 1. Elizabeth’s Refusal to Marry | Teacher Presentation | Teacher Notes

American Foreign Policy in Latin America, 1945-60: Conclusions

American Foreign Policy in Latin America, 1945-60: Conclusions Students draw some overall conclusions about the how ‘new’ and how ‘successful’ Eisenhower’s policies in Latin America were. They should then be set a timed essay in examination conditions on one of the following themes: Discuss the consequences for the region of Eisenhower’s national security policy. Examine…

The Gulf War Fling the Teacher Quiz

This Fling the Teacher Quiz: The Gulf War is part of the complete scheme of work “Why did Events in the Gulf Matter, 1970-2003?”, designed for IGCSE History.

Eisenhower’s Policy in Latin America: Do YOU like Ike?! (decision-making exercise)

Eisenhower’s Policy in Latin America: Do YOU like Ike?! (decision-making exercise) “In this exercise you will form your own judgement about how well Eisenhower handled relations with Latin America. Your teacher will guide you through each issue using an online multimedia presentation based at ActiveHistory. After your teacher tells you about the first issue (and you have…

Rule of Saddam Hussein Fling the Teacher Quiz

This Fling the Teacher Quiz: The Rule of Saddam Hussein is part of the complete scheme of work “Why did Events in the Gulf Matter, 1970-2003?“, designed for IGCSE History. There is also a 75-question Fling the Teacher Quiz on Events in the Gulf. If you like this resource you might also enjoy the “Which 20th…

Truman’s Policy in Latin America

Truman’s Policy in Latin America Using the information provided, and a range of recommended weblinks for extra research, students answer the following questions: 1. What were the main features of Truman’s policy towards in Latin America? 2. To what extent was Truman’s policy in Latin America the same as his policy elsewhere in the world?…

The Iran-Iraq War Fling the Teacher Quiz

This Fling the Teacher Quiz: The Iran-Iraq War is part of the complete scheme of work “Why did Events in the Gulf Matter, 1970-2003?”, designed for IGCSE History.

Eisenhower and the “New Look”: Video Worksheet

Eisenhower and the “New Look”: Video Worksheet “Complete this worksheet as you watch the 48-minute online video. Decide whether you wish to adjust your positionining of the key policies we have so far considered, or add further ones (e.g. about the meetings with Khrushchev)”.

Theory of Knowledge in History: The Challenge of Source Material

Session 1: Sources [student worksheet | teacher notes] Introduction: Why and How is History Produced? “History” is not “What happened in the past” or even “The surviving evidence of what happened in the past”. It means “What historians choose to interpret from the surviving evidence of the past” To reduce this to a formula, we might say:…

Source work skills revision

A new page on the website collating some useful resources designed to improve and revise source work skills for GCSE / IGCSE history.

Introduction to Eisenhower and the “New Look” National Security Policy

Introduction to Eisenhower and the “New Look” National Security Policy “Using the information provided here, and your existing knowledge of Truman’s foreign policy, to answer this question: In what ways did Eisenhower’s ‘New Look’ differ from the foreign policy of President Truman?”

Why did Events in the Gulf Matter? Revising the Five Big Questions

Part of the complete scheme of work on “Why did Events in the Gulf Matter?“ “Revising the Five Big Questions” “The class will be divided into four team (1, 2, 4, 5). For each of the following key questions, work individually, to complete one of the incomplete rows of this table. The row on Saddam’s…

What were the consequences of the First Gulf War?

Part of the IGCSE Paper 2 Study Topic: “Why did Events in the Gulf Matter?” What were the consequences of the First Gulf War? Students use the information provided to provide an infographic about the impact of the First Gulf War, then complete two sourcework questions (“To what extent does Source A prove that the…

IB History Internal Assessment 2017 – Marksheet and Guidance

I have updated the materials I have designed to support the IB History Internal Assessment based on the new specifications of the 2017 syllabus. In particular I have designed a new mark sheet and rubric to guide students through the process. Exemplar studies will follow in due course after the first cycle of examinations next…

Why did the First Gulf War take place?

Part of the IGCSE Paper 2 Study Topic: “Why did Events in the Gulf Matter?” Why did the First Gulf War take place? Focus Point 1: Why did Saddam invade Kuwait? “Listed below are various factors relating to the decision to go to war. Use these to produce TWO brief speeches in role as Saddam:…

Why did the Iran-Iraq War last for so long?

Part of the IGCSE Paper 2 Study Topic: “Why did Events in the Gulf Matter?” Why did the Iran-Iraq War last for so long? Before reading the additional information in the worksheet, students should have made notes from the two short video clips [clip 1 | clip 2], focusing on the question “Why did the Iran-Iraq War…

Sourcework Practice: Causes of the Iran-Iraq War

Part of the IGCSE Paper 2 Study Topic: “Why did Events in the Gulf Matter?” Sourcework Practice: Causes of the Iran-Iraq War 1. According to Source A, why did Saddam Hussein decide to invade Iran in September 1980? TIP: as with any ‘why’ question, provide several reasons, substantiated with quotes from the sources. 2. How reliable is Source B…

What were the causes and consequences of the Iran-Iraq War, 1980-88?

Part of the IGCSE Paper 2 Study Topic: “Why did Events in the Gulf Matter?” What were the causes and consequences of the Iran-Iraq War, 1980-88? Task: A biased government speech explaining the causes of the war On the 22nd September 1980, the longest conventional war of the 20th Century began when Iraq launched an…

Saddamarama: Propaganda Images from Saddam’s Iraq

Saddamarama: Propaganda Images from Saddam’s Iraq “You will be divided into teams. One person from each team will come to the front and collect a propaganda image. Without showing it to the rest of the team, this person should describe what they see, who it appears aimed at, and what it is trying to say…

Saddam’s Rule of Iraq. Overview: Terror, Achievements, Propaganda

Overview: Terror, Achievements, Propaganda “Using your findings from this resource, produce a written response to the following question: ‘Was Saddam’s rule of Iraq was based on fear, propaganda or genuine achievements?’ Explain your answer by connecting all three factors.”

McCarthyism and the Second Red Scare: Design a school exhibition!

Design a school exhibition! The Impact of McCarthyism in the USA in the 1950s is such a rich topic of study that it is difficult to know what to focus on, so I let each student choose their own area of interest (music, film, politics, science….) and then gave them their own exhibition space to…

The Yalta Conference – activity and follow-up

The Yalta Conference: Interactive Computer Simulation! [Interactive] An artificial intelligence simulation, complete with a worksheet: students choose whether to play as Churchill, Roosevelt or Stalin, and then pit their wits against their opponents to achieve their objectives. This computer lesson runs itself and is a great way of learning about the personalities, issues and results…

Individual Research Task: Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt

Individual Research Task: Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt The class is divided into three teams, each representing the press officer for one of the Big Three. a. Using your own knowledge and other research, provide THREE key points suggesting your man will work well with the others. Write these into the left hand column. b. Then…

The Grand Alliance, 1941-44

The Grand Alliance, 1941-44 | Teacher Notes Students conduct independent research on eight key wartime events, focusing specifically on how each one raised tensions, and between whom. There are links to appropriate video clips which can be used by the students as part of their research, or watched together as a class. Part of the…

Causes of the Iranian Revolution, 1979 – Introductory Slideshow for IGCSE

Introductory Slideshow In this teacher-led presentation (during which students should take notes), the class is presented with some of the key questions, images and personalities relating to the 1979 Revolution. In particular, the presentation encourages students to see Iran in its long-term context and to consider how today it appears to again be going through…

Cold War – Historical Context, 1917-39

Historical Context, 1917-39 Students are presented with a detailed, interactive timeline of events and two key questions for consideration: 1: Was the Nazi-Soviet Pact proof that the West were right to distrust Stalin all along, or was it the direct and unfortunate result of that distrust? 2: Based on Question 1, who was therefore more…

Using ‘The Apprentice’ TV Show Format in the Classroom

I have produced a comprehensive set of instructions and resources which enables teachers to adapt the format of the TV show “The Apprentice” to foster group work, research skills and presentational abilities. In the illustrative example I share, students research and prioritise the methods used by the 19th Century Abolition Movement to outlaw the slave trade. Students are…

Why did the Roman Empire Fall?

Why did the Roman Empire Fall? In this exercise, created using the ClassTools Hexagons Generator, pairs of students are given a sheet of factors explaining the collapse of the Roman Empire in the West. They cut these out and then organise them into meaningful categories, each with a title which makes it clear how they…

IB History sourcework exercise: The Sophiatown Removals

One-hour sourcework exercise: The Sophiatown Removals | Model answers written by RJ Tarr A full sourcework exercise, complete with teacher model answers, based around the following questions: 1. a) According to Source C, why was was there so little resistance to the Sophiatown evictions? [3 marks] 1. b) What message is conveyed by Source B? [2 marks] 2. With reference to…

Infographic challenge: Apartheid in statistics

Infographic challenge: Apartheid in statistics “The impact of apartheid on black South Africans is difficult to comprehend. Your task is to take these essential statistics about apartheid and then convert them into an “info graphic” (for example, using a tool like Piktochart, Canva, or similar.” Part of the complete scheme of work to support…

IB History sourcework practice – in the style of question [1/2/3]

IB sourcework practice – in the style of question [1] IB sourcework practice – in the style of question [2/3] Two sourcework exercies based around conditions under the Apartheid regime. Part of the complete scheme of work to support the IBDP History “Rights and Protest” unit on Apartheid South Africa.

Speech-writing task: a reply to the defenders of Apartheid

Speech-writing task: a reply to the defenders of Apartheid “Watch the following three interviews with people defending the policy of apartheid. For each one, make notes on their essential arguments. Then, use these to help you produce a speech which will (a) summarise the arguments that have been put forward to defend apartheid by its…

Factual Test: The anti-apartheid resistance movement | Teacher answer sheet

Factual Test: The anti-apartheid resistance movement | Teacher answer sheet A detailed factual test in the form of a ‘fill the gaps’ exercise. When completed and corrected, it forms a useful revision aid in itself. Part of the complete scheme of work to support the IBDP History “Rights and Protest” unit on Apartheid South Africa.

IB History – The development of the anti-Apartheid resistance movement

The development of the anti-Apartheid resistance movement The tasks in this worksheet accompany the teacher led multimedia lecture and decision-making exercise at ActiveHistory (above). Both the lecture, and this worksheet, will take up substantially more than one lesson. Therefore, a good strategy is to (a) Complete Task 1 before the start of the lecture; (b)…

Apartheid – Multimedia Teacher-led lecture and decision-making exercise

Multimedia Teacher-led lecture and decision-making exercise This detailed multimedia presentation guides students through the development of the anti-Apartheid resistance movement. Through a series of stimulus images, written sources and video clips, students are guided through a series of decision points which reflect the issues which split the resistance movement into different groups and factions including…

Who was the most interesting Roman Emperor of all time?

Who was the most interesting Roman Emperor of all time? – a classroom debate In this activity, students research different emperors. They can then present their findings in a whole host of ways: through a balloon debate (my favoured approach!), a biopoem, a diamond diagram, and many others which are suggested within the worksheet. Part…

IB/A-Level: Christmas in Stalin’s Russia

IB/A-Level: Christmas in Stalin’s Russia | Teacher Answer Sheet This lesson gets starts with a team-based quiz challenge, and then moves on to look at how Stalin unexpectedly revivied Christmas for his own propagandistic ends. It forms a useful addition to students’ understanding of Stalin’s use of propaganda, and his policies towards religion, and as such is…

GCSE Christmas History: “Have Yourself and Very Nazi Christmas!”

GCSE: “Have Yourself and Very Nazi Christmas!” In this activity you will consider how effectively the Nazis used propaganda to manipulate the message of Christmas so that it promoted Nazi ideology. You will consider which aspects of Christmas traditions that Hitler would particularly dislike (and so remove) and which aspects he could use for Nazi…

Gladiatorial Combat – A Roleplay Game!

Gladiatorial Combat – A Roleplay Game! | Accompanying question sheet “In this activity you will learn all about Roman Gladiators. You will complete a playing card all about your gladiator, then take the role of a gladiator and use your knowledge to help you win in a series of ‘battles’ against your opponents. Remember: Knowledge…

Yr9 History: The Victorian Invention of Christmas!

Yr9 Lesson 1: The Victorian Invention of Christmas! | Teacher Answers In this activity, students consider how the Industrial Revolution almost destroyed Christmas altogether – until three real-life “Father Christmas” figures came along to save it! This is part one of a two-part lesson and makes use of images of the first Christmas Cracker, the first Christmas Treeand the…

Roman Holiday! – Part 2: Presentations

Roman Holiday! – Part 2: Presentations ” Your teacher will give each team an A3 copy of this Venn diagram. Each team should nominate a scribe. This person should ask each member of the team what site(s) they researched, and write these into the Venn diagram in the appropriate place after discussion. Next, your teacher…

Gifts and Christmas Cards of World War One

In this new stand-alone lesson, the teacher will start by delivering this ActiveHistory Teacher Presentation (which comes complete with a useful video clip) to outline some of the gifts that were marketed to soldiers in World War One. The main task involves deciding how to categorise these 30 Xmas cards from World War One. Students should cut them…

Year 8 History – A Puritan Christmas!

Yr8: A Puritan Christmas! This lesson covers how and why the Protestant Reformation led to the emergence of a ‘Puritan’ movement which banned Christmas altogether. Students will research how various Christmas traditions that we take for granted actually have very little basis in the Bible. In role, and as charmingly as possible, the teacher will…

The Sophiatown removals: podcast note-taking task

The Sophiatown removals: podcast note-taking task Students use the BBC Witness Podcast (10 minutes) to answer a series of structured questions, including: Why were the black residents evicted from Sophiatown? How long did the process take, and how many people were affected? How did the Sophiatown get its name? How did this non-white community manage…

Roman Holiday! – Part 1: Research

Roman Holiday! – Part 1: Research “In this activity you will work in teams. You will design a guided tour which you hope to sell to a customer (your teacher). The class will be arranged into two teams. Each member or each team should choose two sites from different categories in this list to research…

Year 7 History – A Boy Bishopping Medieval Christmas!

Yr7: A Boy Bishopping Medieval Christmas! In this activity students will learn how people celebrated Christmas in the Middle Ages. In particular, the class will re-enact the ceremony of the “Boy Bishop”. This ceremony will provide one student with special religious powers. In particular, that student will have the power to marry pairs of people…

Factual Test: the Apartheid laws

Factual Test: the Apartheid laws | Teacher answer sheet A detailed factual test in the form of a ‘fill the gaps’ exercise. When completed and corrected, it forms a useful revision aid in itself. Part of the complete scheme of work to support the IBDP History “Rights and Protest” unit on Apartheid South Africa.

What is your Roman name?

What is your Roman name? In this activity students will work out what their names would have been if they had been alive during the time of the Roman Empire! Students will be organised into pairs and will use a detailed table to choose the most appropriate three-part name for their partner. Part of the…

Creative writing task: the experience of Apartheid

Creative writing task: the experience of Apartheid Students are provided with THREE possible approache to this task, one of which is to “Produce a fictional first-person account written by a black South African looking back on their life under apartheid. The account should tell a story which allows you to illustrate the impact of the…

The Apartheid Laws: research, categorisation and prioritisation

The Apartheid Laws: research, categorisation and prioritisation | Completed teacher copy “1. Read the details about each Act and use these to complete the second column with the correct titles from this list: Population Registration Act | Bantu Self-Government / Authorities Acts | Group Areas Act | Bantu Education Act | Separate Amenities Act | Public Safety…

South Africa – Discriminatory laws passed before 1948

Discriminatory laws passed before 1948 “Using any sources available to you, research the provisions of each of the following TEN laws passed before 1948.When you have notes on each, colour code the laws using a scheme of your choice and provide a key to make it clear how you have categorised them” Part of the…

South Africa before 1948 – factual test

Factual Test | Teacher Answer Sheet This 20 question, paper-based test is provided in the form of a ‘fill the gaps’ exercise. When completed and corrected, it forms a useful revision aid in itself. Part of the complete scheme of work to support the IBDP History “Rights and Protest” unit on Apartheid South Africa.

Empathy exercise: Understanding the Broderbund and the ANC

Empathy exercise: Understanding the Broderbund and the ANC Supporting material: 1944 ANC Youth League Manifesto | 1948 National Party Platform  “In 1912 the Afrikaner Broderbund was established to protect the rights of White Boers. In 1918 the ANC was established to protect the rights of Black South Africans. Produce a press statement from each organisation dated 1944 which…

Overview of South Africa to 1948

Timeline of events to 1948 Students are provided with a detailed timeline of events which enable them to answer key questions about the development of South Africa before the formal establishment of apartheid in 1948. Part of the complete scheme of work to support the IBDP History “Rights and Protest” unit on Apartheid South Africa.