Sourcework assignment Pack: Causes of World War One

A comprehensive pack of sources and questions in the style of GCSE/IGCSE examinations, designed to be printed off at the beginning of the unit and used as homework exercises over the course of several weeks.

Timeline of Middle East events, 1914-1939, plus factual test

As part of my ongoing project to upload teacher notes for all major units over the course of the year, I’ve added a completed version of the timeline, and a factual test / completed teacher answers to this page. Much more to follow…!

Why did Israel win the war of 1948-49?

Analysis: Why did Israel win the war of 1948-49? Working with a partner, students cut up these slips and then organise them under headings of their choice. Some of the slips may be arguments, whereas others may be substantiating detail you can use to back up these arguments. They should aim for 3-5 categories of…

Keyword checker: A tool for developing essay skills

I’ve been getting fed up with my IB students not incuding all of the topic keywords / terms in their essays. So I’ve just finished writing this program which checks how many keywords have been included with the click of a button. I’ll be encouraging students to run their essays through this before handing them…

History Mystery: The Princes in the Tower

An ActiveHistory Mystery. The “History Mysteries” lessons are designed as stand-alone projects which each last 3-4 hours. Through engaging historical topics, they teach skills of research, groupwork, structured writing. There is a standard teacher lesson plan and student record sheet / markscheme for each activity.

Factual Test: Declaration of the State of Israel and the War of 1948-49

Timeline Factual Test To ensure that students have gathered the essential information, they should take this “fill the gaps” exercise which contains 15 questions in a table following the same format as the timeline in the previous worksheet. There is also a completed teacher version available.

Historical Anniversaries for February 2011

40 years ago (2nd Feb. 1971) Idi Amin became President of Uganda. He had overthrown Milton Obote in a military coup the previous week. 100 years ago (6th Feb. 1911) Birth of Ronald Reagan, American actor and 40th President of the United States. 40 years ago (7th Feb. 1971) Women in Switzerland were finally given…

100 years ago today (17 Jan 1911): Death of Sir Francis Galton

Death of Sir Francis Galton, British anthropologist, explorer, eugenicist, statistician, and meteorologist, known for his pioneering studies of human intelligence, for devising the concept of correlation, and for creating the first weather map [more]

Random Name / Word Picker

The classtools random name / word picker has now been updated with a brand new image which makes it look a little less (in the words of my wife) “Hello Kitty”!

History Mystery: Operation Mincemeat

A new History Mystery, designed to be used as part of a study of World War Two. The “History Mysteries” lessons are designed as stand-alone projects which each last 3-4 hours. Through engaging historical topics, they teach skills of research, groupwork, structured writing. There is a standard teacher lesson plan and student record sheet /…

Resources for Holocaust Memorial Day (27th Jan.)

Holocaust Memorial Day January 27th is Holocaust Memorial Day. In preparation for this I have prepared the following materials to help students reflect on the causes and consequences of Genocide. 1. PowerPoint: Assembly introducing the topic of Genocide Designed to last 15-20 minutes, this PowerPoint introduces the topic and the tasks which follow. 1. Student…

League of Nations in the 1920s

I’ve now added a Leaderboard and a new worksheet to this simulation, which will be the subject of the IGCSE Paper 2 (sourcework) in Summer 2012.

Declaration of the State of Israel and the War of 1948-49

Introduction and Overview. The UN General Assembly voted in principle to accept the UNSCOP Majority Plan for partition (with some amendments) in November 1947. On May 14th 1948 David Ben Gurion, leader of the Zionists in Palestine, suddenly declared the independence of Israel. The following day 5 Arab nations invaded the new Jewish state. Israel…

History Mystery: The Murder of Archbishop Becket

An ActiveHistory Mystery. The “History Mysteries” lessons are designed as stand-alone projects which each last 3-4 hours. Through engaging historical topics, they teach skills of research, groupwork, structured writing. There is a standard teacher lesson plan and student record sheet / markscheme for each activity.

History Mysteries: Lesson Plans, Worksheets and Markschemes

I’ve just launched a brand new section on the website called the “ActiveHistory Mysteries“. I have been trialling these with my own students this term and they have proven to be a big hit! If you try them out with your own students, and / or you have any ideas for other “mysteries” I could…

UN Debate on Partition of the Middle East

UN Debate on Partition of the Middle East: The Reality: (a) Plans prior to 1947 UN Debate on Partition of the Middle East: The Reality: (a) Plans of 1947 Whilst the three “judges” are deliberating which partition plan is the most appropriate, the members of the other two groups can be completing these two worksheets.

UN Debate on Partition of the Middle East: Roleplay

Three people in the class will be in role as members of the UN. They will have vote later on which of the proposals presented to them is the most likely to bring lasting peace to the region. The other members of the class are in role as Arabs & Jews. Each pair of people…

UN Debate on the Future of the Middle East: The Reality

In the event, UNSCOP was divided about which of these proposals was the best way forward. The Majority Plan (8 votes) supported partition qualified by economic unity. The Minority Plan (3 votes) supported the federal state solution. In this activity students read through primary sources relating to the decision-makers and decide whether they agree with…

23rd November 1860 (150 years ago today) Billy the Kid was born

No other historical figure from the Old West has stirred up more controversy and eluded historians and biographers than Billy the Kid alias William H. Bonney. This young man in his short life has established his place in history and legend, but there is more to the myth there’s the man, which in my opinion…

World War One Battlefields Tour: Itinerary and Resources

WW1 Battlefields Tour Resources Following the successful conclusion of a school Battlefields Trip with 34 students in Years 11-12, I’ve uploaded my full itinerary, with worksheets, teacher notes, Google Earth Tour and so on. I hope this is useful for other teachers developing / constructing their own visit.

20th November 1910 (100 years ago today) Tolstoy died

A century ago, Leo Tolstoy – perhaps the greatest novelist of all time – died at a remote train station. He had embarked on a journey to find the simple life he believed in – partly due to early German influences…[more]

UN Debate on the Future of the Middle East: Roleplay Investigation

In 1947, UNSCOP (the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine) was given the task of working out a proposal for the future of Palestine. They considered 6 possible courses of action. In this activity students will consider the advantages and disadvantages of the schemes they put forward and decide if they settled upon the correct…

Historical Anniversaries for December 2010

• The following list provides important anniversaries that could be commemorated in 2010. • It can be used by teachers preparing assemblies, extension tasks and one-off lessons. • I am limiting the list to multiples of 50 years (1960 (50 years ago today), 1910 (100 years ago today), 1860 (150 years ago today) etc). •…

25th October 1760 (250 years ago today) George II of England died

George was elector of Hanover and second Hanoverian king of Great Britain and Ireland. George was born in Hanover, Germany on 10 November 1683, the only son of the elector of Hanover. In 1705 he married Princess Caroline of Brandenburg-Ansbach, and they had nine children…[more]

Why did Britain decide to pull out of the Palestinian Mandate in 1947?

Using syllabus points and past examination questions, students start to form an independent judgement on the key question. They will also be required to focus on a short period to research in-depth and report back to the class (here is a sample Prezi Presentation that can be used as a guide). There are two sets…

Historical Anniversaries for November 2010

• The following list provides important anniversaries that could be commemorated in 2010. • It can be used by teachers preparing assemblies, extension tasks and one-off lessons. • I am limiting the list to multiples of 50 years (1960 (50 years ago today), 1910 (100 years ago today), 1860 (150 years ago today) etc). •…

The July Crisis: Decision-Making Exercise

The overall result was the July Crisis and the outbreak of World War One; in this exercise students learn about the crisis through a decision-making exercise which gets them thinking in terms of who was responsible. The teacher version is important for this lesson.

History Mysteries: The Franklin Expedition

The “History Mystery” approach helps students to formulate questions, work with primary sources, develop essay skills, and improve groupwork abilities. Through roleplay, picture analysis, written source evaluation, individual research and groupwork, students engage in genuine historical mysteries and produce a coherent and accomplished final report. I plan to develop a range of these exercises in…

Trench Warfare Simulation: Now with a live Highscore board

I’ve updated the popular “Life in the Trenches” simulation so that students’ ongoing scores are automatically recorded in a highscore board throughout the lesson. The highscore board can be viewed by students and teachers throughout the lesson for added interest and competition, and the teacher can use its results as an instant markbook!

27th September 1960 (50 years ago today) Sylvia Pankhurst died

Sylvia Pankhurst, the daughter of Dr. Richard Pankhurst and Emmeline Pankhurst, was at Drayton Terrace, Old Trafford, Manchester on 5th May, 1882. Her father was a committed socialist and a strong advocate of women’s suffrage. He had been responsible for drafting an amendment to the Municipal Franchise Act of 1869 that had resulted in unmarried…

26th September 1960 (50 years ago today) Richard M. Nixon and John F. Kennedy, participate in the first televised presidential debate.

Presidential Debate 1960On 26 September 1960, 70 million U.S. viewers tuned in to watch Senator John Kennedy of Massachusetts and Vice President Richard Nixon in the first-ever televised presidential debate. It was the first of four televised “Great Debates” between Kennedy and Nixon. The first debate centered on domestic issues. The high point of the…

Causes of World War Simulation

I’ve now added a HighScore board to the simulation – in other words an instant markbook for teachers to access at the end of the session. Any scores submitted within a one-hour period are displayed and can be copied into a markbook. Click the “Leaderboard” option to see how it works.

Historical Anniversaries for October 2010

• The following list provides important anniversaries that could be commemorated in 2010. • It can be used by teachers preparing assemblies, extension tasks and one-off lessons. • I am limiting the list to multiples of 50 years (1960 (50 years ago today), 1910 (100 years ago today), 1860 (150 years ago today) etc). •…

Timeline of the Arab-Israeli Conflict up to 1939

Using video, web and textbook sources, students start developing a timeline overview of the Middle East Conflict up to 1945. This image could be used as a teaching aid to clarify the borders of the Palestinian Mandate.

26th August 1910 (100 years ago today) – Mother Teresa was born

By the 1970s, she was internationally famed as a humanitarian and advocate for the poor and helpless, due in part to a documentary and book Something Beautiful for God by Malcolm Muggeridge. She won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 and India’s highest civilian honour, the Bharat Ratna, in 1980 for her humanitarian work. Mother…

Introduction to the Middle East Conflict

A class brainstorm about what students already know about the Arab-Israeli conflict is followed by a preliminary write-up. This worksheet could be followed by (a) Going through this PowerPoint Presentation followed by this short video about 9/11. (b) watching this YouTube Video for extra notes.

Historical Anniversaries for September 2010

• The following list provides important anniversaries that could be commemorated in 2010. • It can be used by teachers preparing assemblies, extension tasks and one-off lessons. • I am limiting the list to multiples of 50 years (1960 (50 years ago today), 1910 (100 years ago today), 1860 (150 years ago today) etc). •…

13th August 1860 (150 years ago today) – Annie Oakley was born

Annie Oakley (August 13, 1860 – November 3, 1926), born Phoebe Ann Mosey, was an American sharpshooter and exhibition shooter. Oakley’s amazing talent and timely rise to fame led to a starring role in Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show, which propelled her to become the first American female superstar…[wikipedia article]

10th August 1810 (200 years ago today) – Cavour was born

Camillo Paolo Filippo Giulio Benso, Count of Cavour, of Isolabella and of Leri (August 10, 1810 – June 6, 1861) was a leading figure in the movement toward Italian unification. He was the founder of the original Italian Liberal Party and Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia, a position he maintained (except for a…

James Spod: Undercover in Mussolini’s Italy

In this brand new simulation, learn about the political, economic and social landscape of Fascist Italy as you fly across the British Channel and journey around Italy on a mission to assassinate Mussolini!

6th August 1660 (350 years ago today) – Velazquez Died

Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez (June 6, 1599 – August 6, 1660) was a Spanish painter who was the leading artist in the court of King Philip IV. He was an individualistic artist of the contemporary Baroque period, important as a portrait artist. In addition to numerous renditions of scenes of historical and cultural…

Mussolini and Fascist Italy

Research Task: Short Version Eight main policy areas will be researched (students later boil these down to five, then link them). The teacher will provide details on the first one using a model research piece and students should make notes. The class will then research the other rows and feedback with their findings.

Mussolini and Fascist Italy: Overview

Mussolini (a former schoolteacher and socialist) was appointed prime minister in October 1922 . As Duce (leader), he initially headed a coalition of Fascists and nationalists, but soon assumed dictatorial powers, although muted parliamentary opposition continued until the murder of Matteotti in 1924. As an extension activity, read through Mussolini’s answer to the question “What…

Historical Anniversaries for August 2010

• The following list provides important anniversaries that could be commemorated in 2010. • It can be used by teachers preparing assemblies, extension tasks and one-off lessons. • I am limiting the list to multiples of 50 years (1960 (50 years ago today), 1910 (100 years ago today), 1860 (150 years ago today) etc). •…

Theory of Knowledge

It has been said that “all history is contemporary history” (Croce) and “History tells us more about the person who wrote it than about the people being written about” (Carr). In this sense, works of history themselves become sources for later generations of historians! In this session, we will look at the three broad interpretations…

The Historians and their Sources

Sources are incomplete, untypical and unreliable, as we found out in our last session. Historians therefore need to: Select sources to use, based on what questions need answering; Interpret those sources and make deductions from them; Organise and present their main conclusions to the public. Arguably, this process of selection and interpretation distorts our “knowledge”…

Historiography: The Historians and their Sources

The first way in which we gain knowledge of the past is through historical evidence (“sources”). Two questions raise themselves: How can we extract knowledge from the sources? (issues of quality and quantity) How useful is the knowledge that we extract in this way? (issues of comprehensibility and the ‘language gap’) [Student worksheet | Extension…

MazeGame: The Chinese Civil War and the Rise of Mao

Meet some of the key characters relating to the topic, learn about some of the key documents and artefacts, and take a series of tests before being given an overall score in this decision-making adventure.