Truman and Stalin: Cold War Leaders Compared and Contrasted – Podcast

A podcast focusing on the key focal point of IBDP Paper 2 History. The Cold War, a geopolitical struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union, shaped global politics for nearly half a century. At its core, the Cold War was a battle of ideologies, with President Harry S. Truman representing democratic capitalism and…

Origins of the Cold War: Podcast from ActiveHistory

The Origins of the Cold War is a central topic for IB Paper 2. This podcast will cover the breakdown of the grand alliance and the emergence of superpower rivalry in Europe and Asia (1943–1949). It will compare and contrast the roles of the US (especially) and the USSR (especially Stalin). It pays attention to…

Was Hitler a Gambler, or a Planner, in foreign affairs?

This podcast Investigates the question “Was Hitler a gambler, or a planner, in foreign affairs?”.Makes references to AJP Taylor and Hugh Trevor-Roper in particular.Find evidence on both sides of the argument, considering:Remilitarisation of the RhinelandAnschlussSudeten Crisis, Munich ConferenceInvasion of CzechoslovakiaNazi-Soviet PactInvasion of Poland. Share this:

Suez Crisis: Causes and Consequence (IBDP History revision podcast)

This new podcast investigates the question “What were the causes and consequences of the Suez Crisis?”.Part 1 – Causes: e.g. Aggression / Mistrust / Ideology.Part 2 – Consequences: e.g. economic / social / political / cultural / military factors. Share this:

Revision Podcast: What were the causes and consequences of the Berlin Blockade?

The first half of this ActiveHistory revision podcast focuses on the causes, the second half on the consequences, of the Berlin BlockadePart 1 – Causes: Focus on Aggression / Mistrust / Ideology.Part 2 – Consequences: Focus on economic / social / political / cultural / military factors.It distinguishes between short and long-term factors, and comment…

An introduction to the Ottomans – Multimedia Presentation

A multimedia presentation, complete with videos, tasks and discussion points, outlining the growth of the Ottoman Empire up to the accession of Suleiman the Magnificent, with a particular focus on the fall of Constantinople in 1453. Share this:

*NEW* Online Simulation: The Vietnam War Policies of Presidents Johnson and Nixon

This comprehensive online simulation, which comes complete with structured tasks, multimedia clips, and essay-planning exercises, provides a self-contained method of studying the rest of the Vietnam War. It can be completed over several lessons, with the other activities that follow on this page being included at appropriate points. Share this:

Who was Suleiman the Magnificent? – Presentation

This multimedia presentation focuses in particular on Suleiman and follows on from the first presentation in this unit. As the above online simulation below may take up two lessons, teachers may wish to show this at the start of the second lesson as a ‘starter’ activity to break things up. Share this:

*NEW* Simulation: Which 16th Century ruler are YOU?!

I’ve designed a new self-contained unit of study for Grade 7 History which familiarises students with four of the greatest rulers of the period in an engaging and rigorous way, with a piece of extended writing answering the key question being the final outcome. Try it out and let me know what you think!…/menus/16thcRulers.php…

The Causes of the Korean War

The Causes of the Korean War Student Worksheet | Teacher Notes | Quiz This podcast covers a key topic for Paper 2 (Cold War Crises and Conflicts AND Causes, Practices, Effects of War) and Paper 3 Americas (Truman’s Foreign Policy) Share this:

The Chinese Civil War and the Rise of Mao Zedong

The Chinese Civil War and the Rise of Mao Zedong Student Worksheet | Teacher Notes | Quiz This podcast covers a key topic for Paper 2 (Rise of Authoritarian Rulers AND Causes, Practices, Effects of War). Share this:

Historiography in IBDP History

“Historiography in IBDP History” Student Worksheet | Teacher Notes | Quiz This podcast investigates how IBDP History students can make use of historiography in their written work. It considers key themes and insights from excerpts of works by E.H. Carr, John Lewis Gaddis, John Tosh, and John Lukacs. These historians offer diverse perspectives on the nature of history, its…

Online Factual Test: Truman’s Policy in Latin America

Online Factual Test: Truman’s Policy in Latin AmericaThis is a great way to test knowledge at the end of the topic. Each student in the class is given 30 randomly selected questions from a database in mutliple-choice format. At the end of the exercise, the teacher can access all the scores at once to put…

The Global Impact of the British Empire on Australia, Africa and China

The Global Impact of the British Empire on Australia, Africa and ChinaStudents watch three video clips of 8 minutes each to answer questions (What sorts of foreigners settled there, and why? / What positive effects did their arrival have upon the region? / What negative impact did they have upon the region?) Share this:

The Renaissance: introductory slideshow

A Time Machine Journey to Renaissance Florence | Introductory PowerPoint | Student Workpack | Teacher Answers | Factual Test for Students Note: this replaces an older version of the game that can still be found here. A major multimedia simulation which can be played over several hours to provide students with a thorough grounding in the major personalities, events and developments in Renaissance Florence….

Historic Road Trips = Europe / Vienna (Google Earth)

Overview In Summer 2024, I conducted a road trip around Europe. In the process of putting together the overall itinerary, and individual itineraries for certain cities like this one for Vienna, I learned a great deal about the history of the places I visited. Part of the “Design a Historical Road Trip” study unit Share this:

Historical Road Trip to Paris / Athens

Sample Outcomes: A Historical Trip around Paris | A Google Earth Tour of Athens These projects were produced by my Grade 11 students, and I plan to share these the next time students are given this project as a sample outcome. Part of the “Design a Historical Road Trip” study unit Share this:

Design a Historical Road Trip

Instruction sheet for students | Sample Tour Planner Your first task is to choose your favoured location (city, country, region). This might be based on somewhere you have already visited or would like to visit. Ideally, each person in the class should choose a different location for variation. Then you will need to identify 10 places around…

Useful Quotes from Mao and Chiang

Useful Quotes from Mao and Chiang Students are given a list of quotes from Mao and Chiang, and consider where and how they could be integrated into their essay plans. Part of the scheme of work on The Rise of Mao. Share this:

The Weimar Republic: End of unit self-marking factual test

The Weimar Republic: End of unit self-marking factual test This is a great way to test knowledge at the end of the topic. Each student in the class is given 30 randomly selected questions from a database in mutliple-choice format. At the end of the exercise, the teacher can access all the scores at once…

The Treaty of Versailles: End of unit self-marking factual test

The Treaty of Versailles: End of unit self-marking factual test This is a great way to test knowledge at the end of the topic. Each student in the class is given 30 randomly selected questions from a database in mutliple-choice format. At the end of the exercise, the teacher can access all the scores at…

The Rise of Mao: End of unit self-marking factual test

The Rise of Mao: End of unit self-marking factual test This is a great way to test knowledge at the end of the topic. Each student in the class is given 30 randomly selected questions from a database in mutliple-choice format. At the end of the exercise, the teacher can access all the scores at…

Brunel: End of unit self-marking factual test

Brunel: End of unit self-marking factual test This is a great way to test knowledge at the end of the topic. Each student in the class is given 30 randomly selected questions from a database in mutliple-choice format. At the end of the exercise, the teacher can access all the scores at once to put…

The Renaissance: Self-Marking End of Unit Test

The Renaissance: End of unit self-marking factual test This is a great way to test knowledge at the end of the topic. Each student in the class is given 30 randomly selected questions from a database in mutliple-choice format. At the end of the exercise, the teacher can access all the scores at once to…

“Brunel” documentary – worksheet

Video worksheet: “Brunel” by Jeremy Clarkson A worksheet to accompany the excellent documentary on Brunel by Jeremy Clarkson. I get students to play the Horatio Ramsbottom Game, then we watch this and complete the worksheet, then students choose whether to base their imaginary interview on Brunel or Ramsbottom. Based on their choice, they then complete…

Weimar Culture: Lotus Diagram

A sample Lotus Diagram template to illustrate culture to accompany the scheme of work on the Weimar Republic. Share this:

*NEW* Simulation: The Reign of King Henry V

This simulation is designed to provide students with a detailed overview of the dramatic reign of King Henry V in an engaging and accessible way. It helps to bridge the gap between the Battle of Hastings / Norman Conquest, and later periods of British history. At the same time, it takes the story of Anglo-French…

Cold War Essay Plans: Crises, Leaders, Impact

Cold War Essay Plans: Crises, Leaders, Impact A useful revision aid, designed to be a teacher-led presentation. 10 key questions are broken down and and essay plan provided for each one: Compare and contrast the causes of two Cold War crises, each from a different region.Compare and contrast the impact of two leaders, each from…

Rule of 20thC Dictators: detailed essay plans for ten key essay questions

Rule of 20thC Dictators: detailed essay plans for ten key essay questions A useful revision aid, designed to be a teacher-led presentation. 10 key questions are broken down and and essay plan provided for each one: Compare and contrast the methods used to maintain power in two authoritarian states, each from a different region.“Full authoritarian…

*NEW* Simulation – Which US President are YOU?

Which US President are YOU? | Worksheet In this simulation you will learn about the foreign policy of US foreign policy during some of the most critical years of the Cold War. For each of seven different policy areas, you will choose your favoured course of action from a list of five options. You will then be…

Head2Head Virtual Interview with Captain James Cook

Head2Head Virtual Interview with Captain James Cook | Lesson IdeasThis interactive application allows students to interview historical characters directly! In this way, different groups of students can learn about different aspects of their life and career. There are plenty of lesson ideas to choose from. Share this:

Head2Head Virtual Interview with Mao Zedong

Head2Head Virtual Interview with Mao Zedong | Lesson IdeasThis interactive application allows students to interview historical characters directly! In this way, different groups of students can learn about different aspects of their life and career. There are plenty of lesson ideas to choose from. Share this:

Historiography of the impact of WW1 upon Russia

F. Historiography of the impact of WW1 upon Russia As students move towards writing their final piece of coursework, this worksheet provides a comprehensive range of quotes from historians with different perspectives, along with guidance about how these can best be incorporated. Share this:

*NEW* simulation: Time Machine Journey to the Middle Ages

“You are a fantastic inventor who has created a magnificent TIME MACHINE. You set the dates for the time of the dinosaurs, but due to a mechanical fault the machine has crash landed in the MIDDLE AGES. Your task is to find the missing pieces of the time machine which have been scattered around this…

The Issue of Marriage

The Issue of Marriage An analysis of Mary’s marriage options and an assessment of her decisions. Share this:

Mary I: Timeline of the Reign

Timeline of the Reign An essential overview, with students encouraged to formulate their own questions for further research. Share this:

Somerset: Conclusion and Debate

Somerset: Conclusion and Debate Students are presented with detailed points and then use these to prepare for a classroom debate. Share this:

The 1549 Rebellions

The 1549 Rebellions An online presentation designed to be delivered as a lecture. Share this:

Edward VI: Key Figures

Key Figures of the Reign A biographical summary of each of the major players. Share this:

1066 – Factual Test

The Battle for the throne: 1066 [Interactive simulation] | Factual Test A decision-making simulation as King Harold – will you survive the challenges to your throne? This is a major activity that should keep students busy for at least a couple of lessons (they are even given a certificate with a score at the end that could…

Wild West – Factual Test

Online Simulation: Fame and Fortune – A Wild West Adventure! | Factual Test In this major online simulation, which can be played over several lessons (my students took three hours), students take on the role of a pioneer eager to find fame and fortune by heading into the “Wild West”. By completing a detailed worksheet as they proceed, and…

Red Scare: PowerPoint Presentation

The Red Scare: Classroom simulation! In this educational simulation, students each research a different character secretly. One of them was a genuine communist, the rest were innocent of the charges. Then, after each one is interrogated (HUAC style!) by the teacher, students have to organise themselves over several rounds into different groups in an attempt…

Red Scare: Factual Test

Red Scare = Individual Research Phase > Factual Test This pack provides detailed information and suggested areas for research. Students choose a range of themes from those suggested and conduct their own research to help them prepare their essays. There is also a factual test for students to test their knowledge of this material. Share…

Bayeux Tapestry Slideshow

Bayeux Tapestry Slideshow The lesson could start by watching a Bayeux Tapestry Animation on YouTube. Then, view a series of interactive images from the Bayeux Tapestry with analysis of their meaning. Designed to be used to help teachers in a feedback session after students have completed the worksheet accompanying the game above. There is a…

New Simulation: Voyages of Discovery

This newly recoded game will teach students about the “Voyages of Discovery” of the 15th century. These daring overseas adventures marked the beginning of globalization and European empire-building. Countries like Portugal, Spain, Holland and Britain competed for access to the riches that came from the spice trade with the “Far East”. You will seek your…

PSHE Peacekeeping: What makes a great peacebuilder?

What makes a great peacebuilder? Each member of the class will be given the name of an acclaimed peacebuilder from the following list. Using any sources available to you, answer the following questions. 1. What did your peacebuilder accomplish? 2. With whom did they work to build peace? 3. What strategies did they use to…

PSHE Peacekeeping: Quotes on Conflict and Conflict Resolution

Quotes on Conflict and Conflict Resolution Each member of the class will be given a quote from this list. Find an image of the author. Using a tool like, produce your own poster consisting of the quote and an image of the author. Research how what the author did in their life and work…

PSHE Peacekeeping: Competition versus Collaboration

Competition versus Collaboration This activity allows students to explore the concept of competition versus collaboration and to understand that conflicts are easier to manage when the people in conflict work together, trust one another, and strive to maintain their relationship. Share this:

Korean War: Visual essay-writing exercise

I love it when the students teach each other. Today, this exceptional group of HL historians at the International School of Toulouse drew together their studies of the Korean War by working together to categorise, link and annotate 25 political cartoons to create a ‘gallery walk’. The product was a superb piece of display and…

Regency England: Fling the Teacher Quiz

End of Unit Quiz I give students 10 minutes at the start of the lesson to try to complete the quiz. Anyone completing the quiz within the available time gets a score based on the amount of minutes left on the clock. They can then move on to the first lesson task, whatever that happens…

Why did the Gallipoli campaign fail?

Why did the Gallipoli campaign fail? This introductory multimedia presentation is followed by using these 27 sources to complete the group work task outlined in the final slides. Suggested follow-up activities are also provided. Share this: