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World History teaching resources for the high school classroom: lesson plans, worksheets, quizzes and simulation games for KS3, IGCSE, IB and A-Level teachers.

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"ActiveHistory provides a fun and different way to experience history. The Simulations and Interviews are unique and fun for my students which always help to spark interest in the subject of history.'"
"ActiveHistory is among the most useful online instructional tools that I have ever used in my history classes. The resources available foster critical thinking skills in a manner that is often fun and engaging'. "
"ActiveHistory inspires students, it brings together their understanding to engage with the subject at a deeper level, aids revision and is a godsend for planning for overstretched teachers!'"
"My students learn when History is made fun. ActiveHistory makes learning fun.'"
"Russel Tarr is a great asset to all History teachers and should be kept under lock and key.'"
"Every year my students rate the exercises they do from the ActiveHistory site as some of the most enjoyable and informative. Russel Tarr knows how to engage students.'"
"ActiveHistory is a valuable resource and provides a multitude of interesting and inventive activities. Students particularly like the 'talking heads'. Hours of fun, and learning of course!!!'"
"Creative, interactive, fun resources that challenge students at all levels. The site has become integral. I recommend it to all secondary history teachers.' "
"Active History gives teachers more opportunity to bring History to life in the classroom, inspring students to dig deeper and ask probing questions, not to mention the sheer enjoyment of the head to heads and other activities'"
"Active History is an excellent site full of captivating activities and interesting History. We love to visit it and it contributes significantly to our teaching of and our learning about history."
"A fantastic range of resources with imaginative and accessible material. Hard to live without'"
"Active History is a gold mine of great ideas and activities. It challenges pupils to think for themselves. The games are a great way to provide educational but fun activities in stressful times before examinations."
"Active History has helped make revision a fun experience for all students of all abilities. The decision making activities get pupils to think like the historical characters they have been studying. An excellent resource'. "
"My students really respond to the interactive games I use to review or wrap up a topic. My personal favorite is the Life in the Trenches. The game has wonderful details about the war and how it affected the everyday soldier.'"
"The great thing about 'ActiveHistory' is that it gets students and teachers alike thinking imaginatively about the subject. It forces you to get personally involved in the controversies of the past and to make informed judgments."
"Activehistory has enabled my History students to see that History is fun -they have been able to have an online conversation with Hitler and learn so much without realising it !!'"
"ActiveHistory provides a wide range of activities for use individually or with whole classes. Material is focused on the skills and knowledge required for exams and a lot of 'fun' material on the site can be used as introductions to a topic or as revision."
"Active history engages pupils of all ability levels. The activities are thorough and accurate. My pupils just love to get on the games - a great incentive to get the set task finished!'"
"It does what it says on the tin! This site has been invaluable in helping me to provide historically accurate, challenging and enjoyable learning opportunities for my students.'"
"I have really enjoyed using activehistory to enhance the learning of my pupils. They especially like the interview activities where they get to interview the likes of Hitler and Henry VIII!!'"
"The department especially values the material on 16th century Europe and England. This is not covered by other websites and Active History provides a wealth of activities in these areas."
"Excellent website which brings lessons to life, and enhances teaching and learning'. "
"Active History is the best educational site for History that we have come across. There is such a wide range of material both in terms of the key stages addressed and in the variety of interactive activities for the students."
"My Year 9s love the Manic Miner games...and strive to get on the highest scores board barely aware that they are learning history along the way....This is a great site'"
"The students love the 'talking heads'! Activehistory has effectively used the internet to achieve what we've wanted for years, the sharing of excellent resources, easily accessible, well written but adaptable'. "
"As a teaching and studying tool it's second to none."
"ActiveHistory and an interactive whiteboard allows us to teach in the way that we know we should be teaching...with starters, quizzes and interactive exercises allowing the students to engaging with activites in a lively and involving way.'"
"A fantastic teaching resource which my classes absolutely love. It's particularly useful in bringing to life potentially difficult or dull topics such as the League of Nations with its simulation games.' "
"Active History enthuses previously 'bored' pupils and allows them to make the vital connections whilst learning the facts. Active History is one of the reasons why our numbers are growing in KS4 History.'"

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ActiveHistory provides vast amounts of worksheets, lesson plans, interactive simulations, self-marking quizzes, model essays and teacher support materials for the high school world history classroom.
Whole-school, 24-hour access for students and teachers costs less than a few textbooks!