
Books by Russel Tarr

History teaching and learning.


Russel Tarr has been teaching history for more than twenty years. He has a degree in Modern World History from Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University. He is currently Head of History at the International School of Toulouse, France.

Russel is author of the award-winning, which provides innovative resources and online simulations for the history classroom,, which freely provides online game generators and learning templates, and, which shares practical classroom strategies for teachers.

Russel delivers training courses to history teachers in the UK and Europe, writes regularly for the national and international press on historical and educational issues.

Essays on Modern History

25 Key Questions Answered

Essays in Modern History provides the perfect handbook for teachers and students seeking answers to some of the most interesting questions investigated at the 16-18 age range.

The 25 essays covers such topics as the causes and consequences of World War One, the Spanish Civil War and the Korean War; the rise of dictators such as Stalin, Franco and Castro; the rule of Lenin, Mao and Pinochet; the foreign policies of Hitler and Mussolini; Cold War crises and conflicts in Germany and Vietnam; and the successes and failures of various post-war US Presidents.

These essays will provide teachers and students not only with some helpful pointers in terms of the main perspectives on interesting topics in modern history, but also some indications about the stylistic demands of essay-writing.

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A History Teaching Toolbox Volume 1 | Volume 2 | Omnibus Edition

Practical Classroom Strategies

A History Teaching Toolbox Volume 1 and Volume 2 are the perfect handbooks for busy classroom teachers eager to try out some new strategies with their students.

In each volume, more than 60 tried and tested activities and approaches are organised into helpful categories and explained with step-by-step instructions and topic-specific examples to illustrate how they can be immediately employed.

A History Teaching Toolbox Volume 1 and Volume 2 are written for both new and experienced classroom practitioners keen to bring history alive for their students and is written by award-winning history teacher Russel Tarr.

The omnibus edition contains ALL the ideas in the first two volumes, PLUS more than 30 exclusive new strategies!

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Access to History: Luther and the Reformation in Europe 1500-64 (with Keith Randell)

The German Reformation is a truly remarkable story. Martin Luther became a monk following a promise he made to St Anne, his patron saint. After a blinding revelation, he decided to rebel by nailing a list of complaints against the Catholic Church to the door of his city church. This was a brave action. In the sixteenth century, the Christian Church was incredibly powerful, and there was only one accepted Christian faith in the whole of Europe: Roman Catholicism, led by the Pope in Rome. Luther's protest started a process that ended with the division of the Christian Church into two rival factions: Protestant and Catholic.
This separation, known as the Reformation, has been a source of fascination for tens of thousands of students over several centuries, and there is no sign of the interest abating.

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