The human tragedy of the Great War of 1914-18 is beyond
comprehension. Great Britain
and her Empire lost over 1,000,000 combatants; France,
1,300,000; Russia, 1,700,000; Germany and its allies, 3,500,000.
Losses in life per day of the war exceeded 5,500.
In the face of these grim statistics it is all
too easy to forget that each of these casualties was a real
individual with hopes and fears, family and friends, just like
each of us.
This project tries to bring this fact home by
focusing on the lives and experiences of former students of
Wolverhampton Grammar School who died in World War One: most of
them young men of great promise who had their lives robbed from
them almost before they had begun.
'Their name liveth
Click on the picture to learn more about
this man |