IB History: ActiveHistory
An ActiveHistory subscription provides everything you need to construct and deliver a two-year IBDP History course from start to finish using the ActiveHistory IB History Hub.
These consist not just of lesson plans, worksheets and teacher notes, but also multimedia lectures and interactive games and historical simulations ideal for remote learning and self-study.
Use the ActiveHistory curriculum maps and the ActiveHistory syllabus topics to design your own course effectively.
We also have you covered for the Internal Assessment, Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge in History, not to mention Essay and Sourcework Skills, IBDP History Model Essays and IBDP History Sample Sourcework Exercises / Model answers!
40+ Model History Essays by RJ Tarr of www.activehistory.co.uk
As well as writing a number of articles for History Review magazine, I make it a habit to write essays in timed conditions whenever I set such assignments with my classes. These serve as very useful teaching aids which help students to develop their own essay-writing skills. Provided here are more than 40 essays and articles I have written that you might wish to use as support material with your own classes.
To accompany these resources you may also be interested in the following sections of ActiveHistory:
Essay/Sourcework Skills | Historiography / TOK | Political Ideologies | IB History Internal Assessment | Extended Essay | Sourcework | Curriculum Map | Revision |Pre-20th Century
Analyse the Rise and Fall of Thomas Wolsey (originally published in History Review)
Analyse the causes of the Italian Wars 1494-1516
Analyse the theological causes of the Protestant Reformation (originally published in History Review)
Analyse the historical significance of the Radical Reformation
What were the Causes of the French Revolution?
To what extent did the French Revolution deliver on its promises of "Liberte, Egalite, Fraterinite"?
To what extent do you agree that without Lenin, the October Revolution would not have happened?
Rise and Rule of Authoritarian States
Authoritarian States - Random Essay Question Generator!
This tool is desiged to help teachers and students prepare for the IB Paper 2 exam by generating possible questions to practice and discuss. It is based on the command terms and syllabus bullet points provided in the IB syllabus. Use this tool to generate a random question for a timed essay, or to sketch out various essay plans during revision season to keep minds open, flexible, and prepared for anything!
How successful was Lenin as ruler of Russia, 1918-1924? (originally published in History Review)
Analyse the methods and conditions which led to to the rise of Mao as ruler of China.
Compare and Contrast the Rise of Mao and Stalin (originally published in History Review)
Compare and Contrast the Rise of Pinochet and Franco
Compare and Contrast the Rise of Mao and Pinochet
How Fascist was Fascist Italy?
How successful were Mussolini’s Domestic Policies?
Evaluate the political and economic impact of military rule in Chile between 1973 and 1989
By what methods, and with what success, did Fidel Castro try to eliminate domestic opposition?
Compare and contrast the foreign policies of Hitler and Mussolini (originally published in History Review)
Twentieth Century Warfare
Why did Germany Lose World War One?
What was the social and economic impact of World War One upon two of the countries involved?
Compare and Contrast the Origins of World Wars One and Two
Analyse the causes of the Spanish Civil War
What were the most frequent causes of 20th-century wars?
Cold War: Origins and Development
Analyse the roots of the Cold War before 1945
Analyse the Causes of the Korean War
To what extent were conflicting views about Germany the main cause of the Cold War up to 1949?
Analyse the causes and consequences of the Korean War
Assess the degree to which guerrilla warfare was the main cause of communist victory in Vietnam
United States after World War Two
How successful were President Johnson's "Great Society" reforms?
Analyse the successes and failures of Nixon’s domestic policies
Assess the successes and failures of Nixon’s foreign policy
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