Active History: Games for Kids

Classroom Display Materials



You may find the following resources useful for brightening up your classroom. I recommend that you print them off onto A3 and get them laminated!

1. Classroom Posters: 10 Celebrity History Graduates
Print these off onto A3, get them laminated and stuck up around the room, then point at them whenever any student asks "What can you do with a history degree?"
2. Classroom Posters: 15 Key History Questions
Was the Black Death a blessing in disguise? Was Victoria's Empire racist? - 15 key questions, with illustrations, to put up around the classroom.
3. Classroom Posters: 20 History Quotes
"Study History, Study History! In History lies all the secrets of statecraft!" - plus 19 more motivational quotes about the noble subject.
4. Classroom Posters: 27 Key Dates from the 20th Century in Pictures
From the first powered flight at Kitty Hawk, through to Boris Yeltsin making a fool of himself after too much vodka: 27 posters highlighting key events caught on the camera in the 20th Century.

Classroom Display: 24 Key Terms for IB/A-Level History
Classroom Display: 40 Key Terms for KS3 History
I print these off onto A3, laminate them and then cut them up to display all around the classroom.