Task 1: Who am I?
[for a printable version, click here]
Copy and Paste one or
more of the following tables into a word processor and fill in the blanks
by using the searchable database.
Search Term |
How many people
could it be? |
I am widowed |
I am less than 40
years old |
I am male |
I am a tea dealer
by trade |
Give some details
about this person:
Search Term |
How many people
could it be? |
My occupation has
something to do with iron |
I was born in
Madeley |
I am less than 16
years old |
I live with my
uncle |
Give some details
about this person:
Search Term |
How many people
could it be? |
There are more than
8 people in my household |
My address includes
the word ‘Eastfield’ |
I am over 30 years
old |
I was born in
Dawley |
Give some details
about this person:
Search Term |
How many people
could it be? |
I am over 60 years
of age |
I am still working |
I live in Tea
Kettle Row |
I live in a two-bedroomed
house |
Give some details
about this person:
Proceed to the database |