to use the searchable online database
database works with a simple menu system that allows you to construct a
question (or ‘query’) for the computer to answer.
1. A simple search
A simple search consists
of three elements: the Variable, the Operator, and the Value.
Here are some examples:
Variable |
Operator |
Value |
Result |
Christian Name
= |
Mary |
Provides a list of
all people living in Coalbrookdale in 1851 whose Christian name is
Mary |
House Size
< |
Family Size* |
Will inform you how
many people live in houses too small for the size of their family |
Iron |
Gives an overview
of all the people whose job title has something to do with iron |
* The value, as in this
instance, can be another variable from the database.
2. A sophisticated
It is then possible to
refine the search further, or broaden it out using the AND / OR functions:
Age > 12
Age < 20 |
Tells you about all
the teenagers in the town by first listing all those people aged
more than 12 years old, then searching within those results for
people aged less than 20. |
Town of Birth =
Wellington OR
Town of Birth =
Madeley |
Tells you how many
people were born in two of Shropshire’s largest districts by listing
all those who were born in Wellington, then adding to those results
with those born in Madeley. |
Select a Task
Proceed to the database