Credits The census information was originally in an Excel Spreadsheet which was freely downloadable from ...... ? and which also gave a few lesson ideas. I hunted this down after losing a floppy disk with the same data on it which I had obtained on an 'ICT in History' training course several years ago. I am very keen to give full credit and recognition where it is due, so if you are the person who originally typed the thing up, then please let me know! The Tasks were produced by R.J. Tarr of; these are original activities based on ideas which I remembered from the same disk. The Data-Handling Interface was programmed using Javascript by R.J. Tarr of after many late nights and frustrating false starts. Still, I think it works now, at least. I am very keen to develop this activity by including census information from other periods and towns. If you are aware of any such information currently online, or would like to type up such information as part of a local history project to turn into a similar activity, I would love to hear from you.