HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit Hitler: Do you love men? Hitler: do you like penis up your arse Hitler: are you eggy? William: do you like your uniform Hitler: why do think polish people still hate you today? Hitler: and \'decadent\' you mean..? HENRY: Who was your favourite wife? William: when you smashed your private parts did it hurt William: What happened to your coffin? Hitler: are you gay? William: What did you do straight after winning the Battle of Hastings? HENRY: Can you remember your birthday? William: are you happy about your win William: are you happy about your win William: What did you feel when you took off your helmet and surprised the saxonx William: what effect did the battle of hastings have on the world today HENRY: what happened before the battle? Hitler: where were you born Hitler: what are subhumans? : DOCTOR: Why did so many people die at a young age in the 17th century? Hitler: when did the first world war end William: where you the king after harolds death? William: was it painful when you died? William: why did you make unfair rules Hitler: what is your real fathers name? Hitler: when did you die William: where did you get married Hitler: what was you middle name Hitler: how did you feel in prison DOCTOR: when were you born? William: who wrote the chronicle William: who are you? DOCTOR: helo William: who are your freinds DOCTOR: what are drugs? William: Hello MLK: what is your name STALIN: why did you purge Hitler: The mustache. William: Where did the Battle of Hastings take place? William: are you into boys or girls Hitler: Why did you want to take over the world? William: how many troops did you have for the battle of hastings William: Why was the battle so important Hitler: What was your relationship with mussolini like? William: what was your nickname William: how old were you when you started training for war William: did you have any chilldren Hitler: was your mum a milf William: what was your nickname? William: aRE YOU stupid DOCTOR: When was chemotherapy first developed as a treatment for cancer? Hitler: Why did you use propagandas? William: Who was Edward the Confessor? William: Who was Edward the Confessor? William: What is your name? Who were your parents? William: What is your name? Who were your parents? William: What is your name? Who were your parents? William: What is your name? Who were your parents? William: why did u stick an arrow in harolds eye if you were catholic Hitler: wat your name Hitler: how was maths taught in schools ? Hitler: economic policies Hitler: how did the nazi take advantages of the depression Hitler: why were you so stupid Hitler: why did you hate jews? STALIN: Alright Stalin Son? STALIN: So What is your link with karl marx? Hitler: are you gay HENRY: do you have any slaves Hitler: are u gay William: According to the anglo-saxon chronicles Harold lost Hitler: wer were u born Hitler: Why did you kill your dog? Hitler: how did you want to run your country? Hitler: when were you born Hitler: what education have you had Hitler: what are your interests Hitler: will you ever try and capture umpa lumpas to do your evil bidding? Hitler: do you like pudding? Hitler: Why did you attack Russia? Hitler: what is your middle name DOCTOR: Which advance in medicine saved the most lives in the 19th and 20th centuries? Hitler: If you oppose homosexuality and had homosexuals in your party, then are you not a hypocrite? Hitler: Isn\'t michael holden a fool DOCTOR: who was sam Hill? DOCTOR: Did prehistoric people believe that powerful spirits caused and cured illnesses? DOCTOR: Did prehistoric people believe that powerful spirits caused and cured illnesses? Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? Hitler: why have the hitler youth? Hitler: what is the Hitler Youth? Hitler: Was Nazi Germany a totalitarian state? Hitler: why did you kill jews? William: how tall are you William: what have you got on your head William: do you like to dance William: have you ever fought a bear MLK: Why did you do what you did? Hitler: what were your reasons for taking over germany Hitler: what were your reasons for taking over germany? William: William: What is your name? Who were your parents? STALIN: do you like war William: how did you die DOCTOR: what did the time think the cures for the black death? STALIN: why did you kill millions of people William: you are sooooooooooo weird Hitler: hello Hitler: Who are the Intentionalists? DOCTOR: why did america loose in vietnam STALIN: Did you have a good childhood? STALIN: What was it like living in Communist Russia ? HENRY: whats your favorite subject Hitler: do you have any physical problems? Hitler: how did you solve economical probems? William: are you dumb William: are you dumb William: are you dumb William: are you a vegitarian Hitler: was fanta invented for you? DOCTOR: What was medicine like in the middle ages Hitler: What did you do before the war? Hitler: where were you born? Hitler: What were your views on Gustav Stresemann? Hitler: had you been planning the war? Hitler: what did you do before the war Hitler: what did you do in the war Hitler: did you think you were doing the right thing Hitler: what are your views about the Weimar government Hitler: who was the most influential figure in your life Hitler: which historical figure most influenced you Hitler: Do you consider yourself to be a racist? Hitler: Do you consider yourself to be a racist? Hitler: terror William: why are you so gay? William: why are you a knight? William: do u have a girlfriend? DOCTOR: vbgfhxcdrtxsdf HENRY: were you lazy and blood-thirsty? William: who are you? Hitler: what up : Hitler: Whats it like to die? Hitler: why you ugly? Hitler: ich heisse zac HENRY: Was your desire for an heir the cause or the occasion of the Reformation? STALIN: who influene you to this form of government ? Hitler: How old are you? HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit Hitler: how would you say your upbring was as a child? Hitler: Why did you kill Rohm? William: why did you want to be king ? William: What happened in1067? William: are you good or bad Hitler: what were you plans if germnayy had won the war? Hitler: what were you plans for germany if they had won the war? Hitler: do you hate bisexuals? DOCTOR: Renaissance Hitler: i herd u liek mudkip? Hitler: i herd u liek mudkip? Hitler: do you get taller when you take viagra? Hitler: 69er Hitler: What is your name? Hitler: What is your name? William: What is your favorite soap opera William: do you have a wife? William: how many wars heve you been in William: What are you William: hi who are you are you dead William: did you ever feel defeat William: did you have any childen William: how many people were fighting Hitler: why do u want to kill everyone William: Do you own a horse William: How will you rule England Hitler: why did you leave Austria? William: What happened at the Battle of Hastings? Hitler: What is your name? DOCTOR: what were the main problems for surgeons/ Hitler: how many testicals do you have Hitler: did you urinate in a goats mouth? Hitler: Did you urinate in a goats mouth? DOCTOR: Am i a freak? Hitler: what was your job DOCTOR: medicine like in the armada DOCTOR: medicine like in the armada HENRY: what was catherine like? HENRY: what was your income yearly? HENRY: why did you become protasnant Hitler: are you gay Hitler: what is your dogs name? Hitler: what is up with you hair? Hitler: What is your real name? Hitler: why do you hate jewish Hitler: What is your name? Hitler: how old are you? Hitler: Why did you want to eliminate the Jews? Hitler: how was your life when you were younger Hitler: Why were medical experiments carried out? Hitler: why dont you go die in a hole? Hitler: when did you die? Hitler: how did you die? Hitler: did you ever have sex Hitler: your mum is so fat when she moves the earth shakes Hitler: your mum is so fat when she moves the earth shakes Hitler: do you think that there was enough freedom in Nazi Germany? Hitler: What was the Fuehrer Principle? Hitler: What was the fuehrer Principle? Hitler: did u make love to ur wife Hitler: what were your views on women in germany Hitler: How did you make such good speeches? Hitler: gestapo HENRY: Were you ever a lonely king? HENRY: how are you HENRY: do you like cheese HENRY: did you have a good chiristmas HENRY: do you like mince pies Hitler: do you hatr blacks? MLK: how was you assasinate? William: What is the most asked question William: hello Hitler: How will you deal with the communists? MLK: What was the most decisive speech of your life? MLK: hello nigger William: what is your name DOCTOR: what is you and your perents name? DOCTOR: What are the romans most famous for building? DOCTOR: its not personal STALIN: what is a fascist Hitler: what made you want to be a chancellor? Hitler: was your dad in the army? Hitler: Why did Josef Goebbles kill his six children? Hitler: People accused you of using propaganda, is this true? Hitler: Did you have a small willy Hitler: how do you feel about the jews? Hitler: Who was Joseph Meisinger? Hitler: why are you so rasist HENRY: hello your majesty William: how manybattles have you won Hitler: What did you do to people who were disloyal to you? Hitler: What are your parents called and what were their jobs? Hitler: do you have 1 testicle Hitler: why did your neice commit suicide? Hitler: are you an emo?> Hitler: Wjy do you hate women so much Hitler: why did u do ure mum? Hitler: did you do your mum? Hitler: do you die your hair MLK: why are you cross eyed? HENRY: Why did you divorce some wives? MLK: are you gay STALIN: do you love me STALIN: did you ever have a girlfriend and who Hitler: would you shag me? Hitler: do you love me Hitler: shut up you fuking sweaty jew you evil murdurer Hitler: shut up Hitler: shut up Hitler: do you suck clit? Hitler: do you suck clit? DOCTOR: Hjihquestion here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: do you suck willy Hitler: do you suck willy? HENRY: will you be my husband HENRY: will you be my husband? Hitler: why did you accuse nuns and vicars of being homosexual DOCTOR: How did they manage pain? Hitler: How did you control germany? William: are u married DOCTOR: how do you have sex? HENRY: where is hever castle Hitler: Why the predujice against Jews? Hitler: do you like pie? STALIN: what was the policy of war communism Hitler: are you gay? Hitler: were you gay William: are you cool Hitler: are you a jew Hitler: what is krystallnacht? : Hitler: are you gay ? William: What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow? William: Can You speak English Hitler: Who started the Reichstag fire Hitler: Did you have a husband? William: have you ever in your life seen breast ? DOCTOR: sorry dr fox DOCTOR: my name is elizabeth blackwell Hitler: Are you intrested in urolagnia HENRY: yes do you want to see my backside STALIN: what do historians think of your personality DOCTOR: Why where women less important in the Renaissance??? Hitler: are you greedy for welth Hitler: Why dont you like the jews Hitler: How did you die? Hitler: Did you really kick your dog? HENRY: What were Jane Seymours religious beliefs? HENRY: What was Jane Seymours background? William: What were your sons like? HENRY: did you swear a lot? STALIN: did youattend college? HENRY: yorkist pretenders HENRY: perkin warbeck DOCTOR: When were you born? Hitler: Is mother a man? Hitler: do you like the dirt? MLK: HOW OLD WERE YOU WHEN YOU DIED? HENRY: when did you become king? Hitler: When and where were you born Hitler: what did you do in world war 1 MLK: Did you like Malcolm X? Hitler: why did you kill the jews? MLK: what started you off standing up for people MLK: How did Ghandi inspire you? Hitler: did you like the tweenies HENRY: how old were you when you played these types of sports? DOCTOR: was you married STALIN: how are you? Hitler: did you have apersonal bodyguard? DOCTOR: how much longer did the battle go on? Hitler: Were your speeches a tissue of lies? Hitler: What can you tell me about your jewish father? Hitler: did you to have children? Hitler: did you love your wife DOCTOR: What was the key turning point in medicine? MLK: How old are you? Hitler: why did you want to expand? STALIN: How did you rule the USSR following your victory over Germany in 1945? STALIN: How did you prepare for the cold war Hitler: How did you die? STALIN: what was your theory behind collectivisation DOCTOR: what is public health Hitler: Joseph Stalin STALIN: Why did you prder the purges? Hitler: what is charismatic DOCTOR: do you like being a doctor DOCTOR: do you like blood and guts DOCTOR: how did the victorians amputate peoples legs? DOCTOR: Do you think of a nurse as female and a doctor as male? DOCTOR: what is the sleeping sickness? DOCTOR: What did people wear in the middle ages ? Hitler: why are you a homo Hitler: What is an Aryan? William: how are you? Hitler: Do You Speak French ? DOCTOR: whats the difference between vaccination and inoculation? William: WHAT IS YOUR NAME HENRY: you spelt Thomas moOre wrong William: who was your dad William: who was your father Hitler: were there toilets? Hitler: why did you hate the jews HENRY: Did you know Lady Jane Grey? William: are u sad ? Hitler: why do you hate jews Hitler: what have you got against the jews ? Hitler: Why do you hate jews DOCTOR: glaucoma Hitler: why did you kill the jews? STALIN: what inspired you to be a commusist? STALIN: What do you think about the holocaust? STALIN: will you go out with sleepy William: What is your name? Who were your parents? MLK: how are you MLK: how did you feel when you won the nobel peace prize? MLK: do you like mars bars? MLK: do you like chicken Hitler: what medical condition did you have Hitler: what did you have for tea MLK: who is Martin Luther King ? HENRY: do you have any evidence that anne boleyn had an affair? Hitler: how did the nazis try and control women Hitler: Isn\'t there jews in your family? William: how many wives did you have? William: when did you die? HENRY: what was yor 4th wife called? HENRY: what was yor 4th wife called? HENRY: what medicene did you have DOCTOR: what medicine was in the early modern period DOCTOR: hi William: are you gay STALIN: how did you become leader? Hitler: DO U LIEK MUDKIPZ? Hitler: Do you have a manjina? Hitler: Hello DOCTOR: what is sexual intercourse? Hitler: Why didn\'t you invade Japan? STALIN: whats your face DOCTOR: was henry 8th sick in 1910 STALIN: have you heard of animal farm? William: are u gay Hitler: do you like teddys? DOCTOR: Are you a **** *******? Hitler: are you retarded? Hitler: how are you today? Hitler: whats with your moustache? Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: What is your name? Hitler: What is your great great grandads name? Hitler: Who were your biggest enemies? HENRY: Why did you go and stay at Dover Castle? Hitler: tOBY Hitler: i am gay i like it Hitler: do you like the hoosiers Hitler: do you have an xbox 360 Hitler: Why did you hate the jews Hitler: why did you raise your hand to crowds Hitler: were you popular in school STALIN: do you know my name DOCTOR: are you a lesbian? Hitler: did ur mum suck noodles DOCTOR: How did World War One help to spread disease? DOCTOR: What do you think of Hitler DOCTOR: Do you hav a penis haha Hitler: did you have a house Hitler: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: how was your childhood? Hitler: how was your childhood DOCTOR: Can you provide some information about Microbes? : William: ass hole niger licker William: did you ride a horse MLK: why did you try and gain civil rights for black americans? MLK: are you happy with what you did? MLK: Are you happy with what you did for Black Americans? Hitler: did you enjoy your time in your life? MLK: can you go cross eyed Hitler: How can you justify the exterminationof the jews? Hitler: are you gay? Hitler: you are not an aryan so in your own theory you are genetically weak how does this make you feel? Hitler: do you like it up the bum Hitler: do you like it up the bum DOCTOR: Where Is Egypt? Hitler: moose? HENRY: why are you so fat? HENRY: are you gay ? DOCTOR: who defeated custer DOCTOR: genocide an human rights DOCTOR: what is bacteria? HENRY: did you enjoy feasts William: What happened in 1028? Hitler: why did you want to be in power so much Hitler: you are gay : Hitler: why did you go to war with us Hitler: HENRY: do you smell Hitler: do you hate the english Hitler: ha ha Hitler: why did you try to take over the world MLK: who supported you most ? Hitler: 800,000 germans arrested why ? DOCTOR: How did the library of Alexandria help medicine? DOCTOR: How did they stop infection during the renaissance? Hitler: What\'s your favourite country? Hitler: What\'s your favourite film? Hitler: What were your opinions on Abyssinia? Hitler: Mussolini > Hitler STALIN: What were your opinions on Rasputin? DOCTOR: how old are you? Hitler: did you do it? MLK: howold are you : Hitler: was your wife a lesbian? Hitler: what is your view on jews? Hitler: what is your view on jews? Hitler: are you gay? Hitler: what is your name Hitler: WHY R U GAY William: how heavy are you? HENRY: have you ever burnt your pubes Hitler: hello adolf! Hitler: why did you scapegoat jewish people Hitler: did you like asian people? Hitler: did you have any pets? Hitler: do you think you could fix the world\'s problems? Hitler: what was your military strategy? Hitler: who were your assistants? Hitler: What the heaven? Hitler: What the hell? DOCTOR: why did the first crusade happen Hitler: Why did you kill all of the jews Hitler: how old were you when you died? DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' William: oh allo allo allo HENRY: how old are you DOCTOR: Why doesn\'t the question \"can you provide infomation about the magic bullet\" work? Hitler: what did he do while he was in prison? HENRY: is it only 6 wives HENRY: how many children do you have? DOCTOR: What was Einsteins IQ? HENRY: are you rich !!!! HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: are you rich >? Hitler: What did you eat for tea? STALIN: Did you suck Hitler off for money? DOCTOR: How can we explain the medical advances made in Ancient Egypt? Hitler: What was you sexual fetish? STALIN: Why was USSR a communist state? Hitler: how many people did you kill Hitler: whats your opinion on catherine? Hitler: third reich logistics Hitler: how old are you? Hitler: Do you want a bum? Hitler: how was your child hood? MLK: What are your views on todays lifestyle? DOCTOR: what do you know about medicines MLK: How do you feel about becoming such a hero to the black population of Montgomery? William: why do you think that you won the battle of hastings in 1066 HENRY: Have you got ginger pubes? HENRY: do you beleive in purgatory Hitler: why kill so many people? DOCTOR: How can we explain the medical advances made in Ancient Greece? DOCTOR: im sick! MLK: what is your real name Hitler: joe head Hitler: Did you have special needs? Hitler: do you see how it is? Hitler: how many balls do you have? Hitler: were you a britney fan? Hitler: who are you William: Who was Robin Hood? Hitler: Why did you kill Jews? DOCTOR: what is the black plague? Hitler: what did the nazi party believe in Hitler: When were you born Hitler: whats your favourite film Hitler: did you fight in world war one Hitler: hello Hitler: howdy Hitler: What were your main aims in life? Hitler: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: what is your full name William: What was the Black death? STALIN: Your 5 year plan didn\'t work, as you set genocide on Ukraine, Admit it, you were a failure! Hitler: do you have one ball? Hitler: do you shop at asda Hitler: what were your amditions as a boy? Hitler: who were the nazis Hitler: what dose the aryan look like MLK: hello Hitler: you are a poop Hitler: shouldnt people be treated the same MLK: what was the most decisive speech of your life? Hitler: When and where were you born? Hitler: When and where were you born? Hitler: when were you born? Hitler: When where you born? Hitler: did you have any siblings? Hitler: Did you have any brothers or sisters? Hitler: What happend at art school? Hitler: what is the 25 point programme? DOCTOR: William: Why do you think the English are sly? Hitler: did you ever jump out of a aeroplane? Hitler: are you racist? HENRY: why did you break up with catherine of aragon Hitler: are you an asshole DOCTOR: What happened in the 1500 - 1750? DOCTOR: Who are you? Hitler: are you an asswipe? Hitler: are you gay? Hitler: Are you gay? DOCTOR: Do you like pie? MLK: What is your name? HENRY: do you poo DOCTOR: Who invented medicine Hitler: Is Goebbels the best man for the job? Hitler: What are your aims/beliefs? Hitler: Why is your nose so big Hitler: Why do you have a big nose MLK: did you have a affair Hitler: What was it like blowing people up Hitler: If you were in Big brother what would you do first? Hitler: why did you hate jews? Hitler: Why did you hate Jews? Hitler: How did you die? William: How long did you roul England for? William: How long did you rule England for? William: How long did you rule England for? HENRY: why did you like jane symore Hitler: WHY MAKE JEW SUFFER Hitler: What is the 25 point programme? William: who had the worst claim to the throne in 1066 Hitler: what was hitlers early career like? HENRY: why did you need money? STALIN: Why did you have all your pictures edited? STALIN: How did you improve Russia\'s literacy rates? STALIN: did you like tsar nicholas? DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: one personal fact about hitler\'s life 1910-1920 DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: What is your name? Hitler: how did you come to power? Hitler: why do you hate the jews? Hitler: why did you not like communists? HENRY: what is tuberculosis Hitler: what were you educated with Hitler: why did you kill all of the jews William: hello, will you be my friend? Hitler: What role did Goebbles play in the nazi machine? HENRY: Why are you so ugly??? Hitler: can you sing Hitler: do you like children ? : Hitler: why did you make your wife killherself Hitler: Why did you want to become a dicator William: Are you wearing chainmail? William: How many battles have you won? Hitler: why make world war 2 HENRY: how old are you HENRY: how old are you Hitler: Was Nazi Germany a totalitarian state? Hitler: why did women stay at home? Hitler: what do you think about women working? William: Did you have any kids? William: did you like to fight William: who is your dad William: who is your dad William: ill fight you William: are you gay William: What happened in 1082? Hitler: are you gay? William: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' William: what is your name William: what did you do when you became king of england Hitler: what does the sun and the lightning mean to you HENRY: How old were you when you had Edward? MLK: why do you think people were racist HENRY: how did your rules improve the lives of the common people? HENRY: how did your rules improve the lives of the common people? HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: which one of your wives did stay with the longest apart from the one that outlived you? Hitler: what is life in Nazi Germany? Hitler: How have the working class been affected by Nazi rule? Hitler: why did people like you? Hitler: do you suck poo Hitler: How did you die? Hitler: Which gender are you? Hitler: what was your favourite food? Hitler: I think Jews rule, what do you think? DOCTOR: Did hospitals improve in the Middle Ages? STALIN: Do you beleive yourself to be hipocritical by being a leader of a party where rank doesn\'t matter? HENRY: what problems did you have HENRY: Do you like watching television? MLK: Hello HENRY: do you have a handbag? HENRY: do you like shakespeare your maj? Hitler: are you ugly? Hitler: do you like binladen Hitler: do you like binladen William: i hate u DOCTOR: For some reason it wont let me talk to hitler it says you have to pay, but my friend managed to get on it for free Hitler: what is your full name William: hello DOCTOR: heya Hitler: why are you so horrible to the jews? Hitler: what is your name Hitler: why do you think everything is about you? Hitler: tell me about the normandy landings Hitler: What happened at the normandy landings? Hitler: do you feel about bad about all the deaths that happened because of you Hitler: who were your parents? Hitler: What were your motives for becoming prime minister William: who was your worst enemy? Hitler: why did you go to prision? DOCTOR: what did Louis Pasteur discover? William: why did you set fire to the villages? William: Do you watch Britain\'s Got Talent? William: How did you control England? STALIN: how many polish officers did you murder and bury at Katyn? STALIN: what was your family life like? DOCTOR: who were the top people in the middle ages? Hitler: how important was proganda to your consolidation of power DOCTOR: How was edicine practised in prehistoric times? DOCTOR: what is acient egypts lauange called? Hitler: Did you like murdering people? Hitler: asdDscsd Hitler: did you have any hobbies and interests HENRY: Did you really love Anne Boleyn? STALIN: Did you have a good childhood? William: How old were you when you became king. William: How did you get to England? HENRY: what made you go to war? : What is your nationality? DOCTOR: How many people die of brain tumers every year? DOCTOR: What period had the best remedies? DOCTOR: What disese is most painful? DOCTOR: What medicene cures a fever? Hitler: are you stupid HENRY: what r u famous 4 DOCTOR: have you had sex DOCTOR: oh good answer DOCTOR: oh good answer William: How did you gain control over England? MLK: What is your view on how what the Black American\'s achieves HENRY: when you died who burried you MLK: Do you know Mr Ball? Hitler: Why did you rob so many people of their rights? Hitler: Who were your parents? William: Is Thomas Brill? Hitler: What do you think of the modern view of you? Hitler: Are you fat? DOCTOR: are you weird ? William: what was your 1st girlfriends name? : William: when was the battle? DOCTOR: Did hospitals improve in the Middle Ages? DOCTOR: who was william harvey? DOCTOR: what happend in 1750? Hitler: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: are you vegetarian? William: how old are you? Hitler: Did you have any kids? STALIN: Tell me more about yourpositionsin the CPSU MLK: do you like me? MLK: do you like alice? William: i don't like your clouthes William: how do you feel to day William: how do you geel too day : can you do x-raises : can you do x-raises Hitler: y did u go 2 war Hitler: why did you go to war with england Hitler: hwh p0uin HENRY: you smell Hitler: were did you educate HENRY: how where you prepared to be king Hitler: Why did you kill the Jews? Hitler: What were Ghettoes? HENRY: Who was your enemy? HENRY: which of your six wifes do you love most Hitler: why do you hate jewish people Hitler: where were you in the first world war DOCTOR: Can you provide some information about Microbes? William: William: HENRY: are you mad HENRY: catholic Hitler: how did you die? William: What did you do when Harold seized the throne? Hitler: what are your awards and qualifications HENRY: do you like me? William: How important were the revolts in allowing you to assert your royal authority? Hitler: when you finshed school want did you plan to do ? Hitler: Was Nazi Germany a totalitarian state? Hitler: HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU HAD SEX Hitler: did you kill your dad? William: Why are you a fucking dickhead William: why are you a cockend Hitler: why do you hate the jews HENRY: can you suck balls Hitler: LOOOOSEEEEERRR!!!! Hitler: Who started the war? Was'nt it austria? HENRY: why was he so smelly DOCTOR: have you had sex HENRY: WHY ARE YOU ANNOYING Hitler: where do you live? Hitler: references : kiss ass Hitler: so you are criticising your country? Hitler: did you always tell the truth to your people Hitler: how mutch in german money did you spend on trying to kill jews 'food'gas'ect Hitler: what was your favourite gas? Hitler: Are you a paedophile? Hitler: What Ideas And Promises Did You Offer To The German People? Hitler: What Was The General Appeal Of Hitlers Personality? Hitler: you shoul hjioure Hitler: you shoul hjioure DOCTOR: wanna go und da hood later William: how do you feel about winning? William: Type your question here and click 'Submit' William: how did you die? STALIN: Who was your worst enemy executed during your lifetime? Hitler: why are u so bad Hitler: what is an order castle Hitler: do u smell HENRY: are you mad HENRY: you are mad HENRY: why did you build portland castle HENRY: why is portland castle curved? Hitler: why are you so stupid Hitler: when were you born? Hitler: why do your ears move funny Hitler: did you have any pets Hitler: why did you have an affair with your niece Hitler: do you regard yourself a killer or a hero of Germany? Hitler: are you gay Hitler: is your numberplate Hitler1? HENRY: why did you behead your wives? HENRY: why did you behead your wives? Hitler: why are you so weird MLK: are you dead William: How often did you take a bath? Hitler: how did you die? Hitler: Was Nazi Germany a totalitarian state? Hitler: why did u be so horrible to people Hitler: How did you die? Hitler: have you ever loved someone? Hitler: have you ever been in love? DOCTOR: how aere you? HENRY: how did you manage bieng king HENRY: what music do you like? HENRY: do you treat people fairly William: who was William the Conquerer HENRY: What is a codpiece? HENRY: did you like your brother ? Hitler: when and where were you born? HENRY: how are you? HENRY: Do you play any musical instruments? MLK: do you have a big cock? MLK: are you gay HENRY: WHy did you kill Catherine Howard? DOCTOR: what is your first name : what is your job William: what it mean:Lord of the manor DOCTOR: What was the worst disease? HENRY: hi Hitler: how are you today Hitler: you idiot do not call me names Hitler: mummy DOCTOR: do you think a fungal medicine will bring my fish back to life DOCTOR: when i put my cursor on your nose why do you go cross eyed MLK: Have you ever considered bleacking your skin white like michael jackson Hitler: were you happy with world war 2 Hitler: will you marry me Hitler: Are you gay or you a lesbian? HENRY: Why execute Cromwell? Hitler: have you had sex HENRY: was you a good king HENRY: are you mean STALIN: Do you think you were respected? HENRY: what did you think of your daughter Elizabeth the first? DOCTOR: because she is a jonarlist Hitler: did you have any children? Hitler: Do you have a disabled daughter? Hitler: Is it true you killed your daughter because she was a disabled? Hitler: Do you like ice cream? Hitler: do you like horses Hitler: Why do you hate Jews? Hitler: when did you die ? Hitler: where were you born? Hitler: when did you die ? Hitler: why don\'t you like jews Hitler: why don\'t you like jews? Hitler: Why did you hate and attack Jews so much? Hitler: Is it true you had one ball? Hitler: why did you kill thousands of inocent people? Hitler: are you evil? HENRY: Do you like cheese ? HENRY: are you the most famous king in english history? HENRY: are you the most famous king in english history? Hitler: What have Jews ever done to you? Hitler: How has propaganda helped you and why? Hitler: Do people hate you? because I do! Hitler: Were you married? : MLK: how did you die? Hitler: hello Hitler: hello Hitler: why did you choose the swastika? Hitler: who do you fancy Hitler: who do you fancy William: Who carried out the Domesday survey? Hitler: i am the hulk HENRY: how old was you when you died Hitler: What methods did you use to control Germany? Hitler: did u have rape someone MLK: Do you have any siblings? Hitler: are you a jew Hitler: why did you do what you did? Hitler: What is your name? MLK: whom at the time was ur best friend Hitler: What were your key aims for Germany? Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: are you gay? William: How dumb are you? : Do you like the sight of bloo Hitler: What were your key aims for Germany? HENRY: Did you enjoy killing people when you was king HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit Hitler: why do you have silly hair Hitler: why do u have a masash Hitler: how many woman did you have sex with Hitler: did you have an affair Hitler: did you have an affair DOCTOR: how many kings are there DOCTOR: how do you get to look so young DOCTOR: you am thick Hitler: why did you kill people? STALIN: were you depressed William: why do you follow the mouse? HENRY: Do you think you were a good king? Hitler: what is your background DOCTOR: i like u William: What was your favoured form of attack in a battle? MLK: aren you fat Hitler: have you got one ball STALIN: what did you do Hitler: Why did you start the holocaust Hitler: · · Were you a good singer? DOCTOR: is making medicine hard as well if you get it wrong they could sew you DOCTOR: you are gay Hitler: what happened at the blitz Hitler: do youhave children Hitler: do you have children Hitler: Why did you think it was your destiny to rule Germany? Hitler: did you have a mistress MLK: when were you born Hitler: did you not feel guilty about the persecution of the jews? MLK: did you evermake love? HENRY: do you like pie? William: Are you a poo poo? Hitler: are you stupid William: Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? DOCTOR: Who discovered microbes Hitler: ching head Hitler: Why did you take over? Hitler: Will You Marry Me? MLK: Who shot you? MLK: are you black MLK: How are you? Hitler: Do you have any family alive today Hitler: Do you have a willy? Hitler: Did you know noone likes you Hitler: Why did you kill yourself? Hitler: Did you ever lose a battle? DOCTOR: how are you Hitler: are you gay Hitler: ite Hitler: are you gay Hitler: are you homosexual Hitler: are you a downsyndrome? Hitler: what is your faveorite suasage William: do you like walruses HENRY: why was your daughter mary so mean Hitler: when and where were you born? Hitler: how did you become leader Hitler: are you gay William: 0800001066 Hitler: why did hate jewish people? Hitler: why did you hate jewish people? Hitler: hello DOCTOR: do you like doctor who? Hitler: did you like Churchill Hitler: Why did you kill me Hitler: Why did you kill loads of people? Hitler: Are you gay MLK: Who are you? Hitler: smierdzisz !!! Hitler: Why did you kill so many people? Hitler: What was the Nazi view on the role of women? William: How old where you when you died? Hitler: Do you like horse riding? Hitler: Did you kill people in Britain? Hitler: why do you kill jews William: did you skin people alive? William: did you skin people alive? William: did you skin people alive? William: can you describe what all the bodies around you in the war were like? William: whydid you decide to invade england? DOCTOR: Waht is the medicine named after for? Hitler: how many balls do you have? Hitler: do you like britsh people Hitler: would you like to meet david wunderle Hitler: would you like to meet dave wunderle Hitler: where were you in the weimar period Hitler: why did HENRY: Who is your least favourite person? HENRY: What is the worst thing about being King? HENRY: What is the best thing about being King? Hitler: Did people understand your motives DOCTOR: WHAT WAS YOUR JOB? William: Were your army tired when they reached the battle against harold? William: what year did william the conqueror die? HENRY: What were Henry\'s problems while he was on the throne William: why was the battle important in english history William: when did you become king? Hitler: why are you so mean HENRY: What were your relationships like with other countries HENRY: What were your relationships like with other countries HENRY: why did u need a son HENRY: pilgrimage of grace HENRY: what was your second name? HENRY: what were your problems HENRY: what were your problems HENRY: why did you want a son HENRY: Why did you kill so many people? Hitler: WHO WAS GOEBBELS Hitler: WHAT WAS THE POISONOUS MUSHROOM MLK: would you like to be called stronger swifter or higher what HENRY: When was the battle of spurs STALIN: How were you able to defeat Trotsky in the power struggle? STALIN: How were you able to defeat Trotsky in the power struggle? Hitler: ***who were the spartakists Hitler: who was goebbels DOCTOR: Will you fuck me? DOCTOR: do you like french fries? STALIN: do you agree that you look like mario? DOCTOR: Who was Henry VIII? DOCTOR: What happened during the Tudor period? Hitler: why did you hate the jews Hitler: why did you concentrate on a specific group of people? Hitler: why did you concentrate on a specific group of people? Hitler: why did 7you kill me Hitler: why did you kill me Hitler: you\'re hot Hitler: Did you have a happy childhood HENRY: did you have problems HENRY: why did you need a son HENRY: it was very big! Hitler: why are you so horrible? Hitler: i am gay and i want to be like hitler. was he gaY? HENRY: What do you dream about HENRY: Would you have liked a different career HENRY: do you remember your grandparents HENRY: How old are you? HENRY: Have you any relatives HENRY: Did you have a nickname Hitler: heil hitler Hitler: what was your mum called HENRY: who was your favourite wife? HENRY: how much money do you have HENRY: are you a good leader HENRY: are u a good leader HENRY: are you a good leader HENRY: did you care about the peasant STALIN: Why did your second wife kill herself Hitler: did you know that the british broke the enigma codes Hitler: Are you religous? STALIN: ] STALIN: What does your nickname, Kabo, mean STALIN: Did you teabag lenin at his funeral? STALIN: Did the death of your first wife affect you? STALIN: why do you look like mario? Hitler: Is it true that you had a handelbar mostach? HENRY: when and where was henry born HENRY: when was henry born and where HENRY: when was henry born and where HENRY: how old is your mum? HENRY: when did henry die HENRY: do you fancy hitler HENRY: do you fancy hitler HENRY: why were you buried at windsor HENRY: stop talking about your wives please HENRY: i am gay HENRY: hi HENRY: did you want to rule britain at a young age? HENRY: what important evens happened between 1509 and 1529? HENRY: in what year did you marry Katherine of Aragon? Hitler: do you like gemma Hitler: Did you have a sense of humour? Hitler: do you like the dark knight Hitler: wuu2? Hitler: Why wont you die Hitler: you ever brushed your teeth? HENRY: how old are you MLK: what date was your death HENRY: were you interested in the renaissance? HENRY: What do you think of the Stuarts? HENRY: Were you religious? HENRY: Why did u marry ann boleyn? Hitler: are you actually jewish HENRY: what cause your mothers died Hitler: do you think you are like a terrorist HENRY: are you dead Hitler: lol HENRY: i dont like you Hitler: What was the Nazi view on the role of women? HENRY: why did you marry your brother\'s wife? DOCTOR: are you american HENRY: What was the Spanish Alliance? HENRY: How old where you when you died? DOCTOR: How can we explain the medical advances made in Ancient Egypt? HENRY: do you like hats William: What is your name? Who were your parents? William: what were the normmans like? William: What did Harold\'s brother Tosti do when Harold seized the throne? William: hello? William: do you have any induries William: do you have any induries HENRY: are youa biosexual? STALIN: do you like pancakes HENRY: how tall are you HENRY: did you love your wives? HENRY: Hi HENRY: are you posh HENRY: do you think im sexy!!!! HENRY: How rich are you? HENRY: DO YOU THINK LESBIANS ARE HOT HENRY: did you like being king HENRY: will you go out wi fizzy Hitler: do you like cats HENRY: do u think your sexy HENRY: When and Where were you born HENRY: When and Where were you born? HENRY: when and where was he born HENRY: when and where was he born HENRY: who was your favourite wife HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: How does it feel like, taking a huge responsibility on becoming king? HENRY: Do you like being king? HENRY: are you an alien HENRY: I want to slap you HENRY: bonjour HENRY: what was your biggest problem? HENRY: how id you climb the stairs HENRY: why do you eat so much? Hitler: tell them to shut up! HENRY: What did you wear? HENRY: What was your nationality? HENRY: who was your second favourite wife? HENRY: did you get on well with your dad? HENRY: did your dad approve of your wives? HENRY: what school did you go to? HENRY: Whats your mums name HENRY: are you gay HENRY: do you enjoy being king HENRY: do you enjoy being king HENRY: did you like your dinners? HENRY: how long were your feasts? William: are you strong STALIN: who were the kulaks Hitler: are you a vegetarien STALIN: was fear and terror also used as a way to getting people to work harder? Hitler: Why do you hate the jews? Hitler: Why do you hate the jews? HENRY: what were your wives names HENRY: are you HENRY: are you gay? HENRY: how tall was he HENRY: How Tall Are You? HENRY: Hoew tall are you? HENRY: where and when were you born HENRY: how tall was he HENRY: how tall was he HENRY: have you got aids HENRY: how old are you ? Hitler: do you think you are the man you are today because of how you were brought up HENRY: what school did you attend Hitler: Are you a psychopath? Hitler: did you ever hire a prostitute HENRY: more information on his reloin please HENRY: do you like breasts Hitler: Why did you choose that Crest? MLK: will you marry me HENRY: do you know me HENRY: where did you get berrid HENRY: je\'mappelle : Hitler: wot r u doing HENRY: What was your nationality? HENRY: What are you doing to control your people? : Why are you so mean Hitler: were you from William: Who are you? DOCTOR: Who was the most important inventor? Hitler: Did you enjoy your school days? Hitler: Did you enjoy your School Days Hitler: did u enjoy your school days? Hitler: how did you feel about the treaty of versaille? HENRY: do you think you were a good king HENRY: do you think you were a good king Hitler: Did you do the right thing? HENRY: What clothes did you wear HENRY: What are your 3 favourite things to eat? HENRY: How many duaghters Did he have HENRY: what is you favorite ps2 game mine is star wars battlefront 2? DOCTOR: Where were you in World War 1? HENRY: do you like cheesy macaroons? : do you like cheese? Hitler: are you gay? Hitler: hi Hitler: What did you do for World War One? William: did you deserve to be king William: did you deserve to be king William: did you deserve to be king William: did you deserve to be king? William: did you deserve to be king? William: did you deserve to be king DOCTOR: When did people start trying to resuscitate the dead? HENRY: why did you brake with rome DOCTOR: undefined HENRY: did you regret losing any of your wives? MLK: who are you and what are you famous for ? HENRY: What did you think of John Calvin? HENRY: which ones did you excecute and why? HENRY: what was his new church like Hitler: hitler did you have a pet? HENRY: did you know you are ugly HENRY: whats ur deepest darkerst secret HENRY: ha ha you are ugly : Hitler: why do you talk like that? William: why are you calling me a freak? Hitler: where were u born HENRY: Did you like eating? Hitler: dont be mean . are u gay Hitler: alex millington is a nerd Hitler: does any body like you HENRY: What do you think about indulgences? STALIN: what about the poor of Russia? HENRY: why was your great matter important HENRY: Did you love your wives? HENRY: Did you have any medical problems? HENRY: who was the best claim to the throne? HENRY: How did you kill your wives? HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit : hi HENRY: How are you? Hitler: did you have any childern? HENRY: king DOCTOR: will you fuck me? HENRY: Which of your six wives did you love the best? HENRY: Why did you execut HENRY: Why did you behead two of your wives? HENRY: why did you separate from the catholic church? HENRY: are you thick HENRY: did you ever go to prison HENRY: Have you ever broken the law HENRY: did you use a condom : do u no alex race HENRY: do you ever get bored of being king? : HENRY: What do you think that you have done which is special HENRY: do your people like you Hitler: What is your name? Hitler: were you a junkie Hitler: were you a junkie Hitler: mohsin HENRY: why did you kill your wives HENRY: are you dead HENRY: are you dead HENRY: do you know me HENRY: were you a popular king? HENRY: when did you start destroying the monestries Hitler: are you gay? HENRY: How many people did you burn? Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? HENRY: when and where were you born? HENRY: when and where were you born DOCTOR: what were the romans ideas on health? DOCTOR: what were the roman baths like? HENRY: do not dis me you dead mofo Hitler: do you have any mates HENRY: how many servents did you have HENRY: was you respected? HENRY: fuck you HENRY: Why did you grow a ginger beard? HENRY: were u ginger HENRY: How are you? William: what did other people call you HENRY: How did Anne Boylene broke your heart? HENRY: you are a cow HENRY: why are you so mean? HENRY: are you fat Hitler: are you ginger HENRY: why didnt you acept having a girl for a queen HENRY: What was your nationality? William: did you yourself kill any of the saxons? Hitler: who do you blame for the failure of the munich putsch HENRY: what is your most favourite picture of yourself HENRY: why did you remarry after you had a son HENRY: what were your last words HENRY: who was Katherines nephew? DOCTOR: what is a vademecum? HENRY: how many wifes did you have HENRY: Why are you so arrogant? DOCTOR: what did doctors use to treat disease and illness in the middle ages? DOCTOR: What improvements were made in sanitation and public health during the Middle Ages? DOCTOR: What improvements were made in sanitation and public health during the Middle Ages? DOCTOR: Was there a supply of clean water in the middle ages? HENRY: when and where were you born HENRY: when were you born DOCTOR: What was Galens medical legacy? DOCTOR: What was Galens theory of the oppisites? DOCTOR: What was Galen\'s medical legacy? HENRY: what was the Great matter Hitler: how can you sleep at night HENRY: haha you are dead HENRY: Was your decision to close the churches popular? HENRY: was jane seymour a catholic or a protestant? Hitler: are you emo? Hitler: did your mother inspire your art? Hitler: Are you gay Hitler: what about cats? Hitler: do you ever smile? HENRY: which of your wives were catholic and which were protestant? HENRY: what is your great matter STALIN: What did you want after you decided to go to with Japan? Hitler: Do you have a foreskin? HENRY: How many children did you have? HENRY: are u fat? Hitler: Hitler: What is your name? HENRY: are you fashonbable Hitler: do you like harry potter Hitler: suck my anus : do you have any kids? HENRY: howtall are you William: Did Harold really say you could be King? William: How many people did you kill at the battle of Hastings, 1066. : William: why wont you have sex with me? HENRY: bonjour comma tale voo : DOCTOR: Shut up HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: did you feel guilty about choping of heads HENRY: who was your least favourite wife Hitler: Do you have any STDs? : Why do you like tennis? Hitler: how did japan help nazi germany? Hitler: why did you kill yourself William: how many ships did you take to england? HENRY: why are you so stupid HENRY: did you hate your lord chaneller? Hitler: what was the munich putsch? HENRY: how did you find so much time to play sports ? HENRY: what is your favorite hobbie William: Why dont we join condoms Hitler: Why do you have a shirt that looks like it is covered in pig poo? HENRY: how did you dress at the masque ball HENRY: why did you break with rome? HENRY: who was your best wife? : were you named after your father? HENRY: whatwas your main reason for carrying out the dynasty HENRY: do you know what a psp is? HENRY: do you know what a psp is? HENRY: Who was your favourite wife and why? HENRY: Who was your favourite wife and why? HENRY: how are you? HENRY: how are you? Hitler: thats because your a pr**k Hitler: good for them sucker you deserve it HENRY: what HENRY: wich wife was your favorite HENRY: which was your favrioute wifeed HENRY: do you hump asholes STALIN: is steven gerrard worthy of a place in the england team DOCTOR: your boobies are big show me them MLK: Do you like me Hitler: what job did you have before you were a nazi? Hitler: Hallo ! Was ist deine lieblingssport ? Hitler: when did you die Hitler: are you too sexy for your shirt? Hitler: HENRY: What relationship did you have with the protestants who lived in England? William: did he go to japan HENRY: What was the role of faction HENRY: did you invent anything : Hitler: are you a nice man HENRY: Do you know what a TV is? HENRY: What relationship do you have with the protestants? William: what is your surname? HENRY: What do you think of the pilgrimage of grace? HENRY: What do you think of the pilgrimage of grace? HENRY: What do you think of the pilgrimage of grace? HENRY: w Hitler: tariffs HENRY: how are you William: who are you? Hitler: do you like asians? HENRY: what was your new church like ? HENRY: Why were you so round? HENRY: what was your new church like ? HENRY: What cartoons did you like when you were younger? HENRY: why were you king HENRY: Why are you so mean? HENRY: can you sing William: are you gay HENRY: Were you a good king? HENRY: Did you have a goal as king that you wanted to achive? HENRY: Fatty Fatty Fatty. : how wasit like to be ruler of england : how wasit like to be ruler of england HENRY: how was it like to be ruer of england? Hitler: why did you feel the need to create the perfect race? Hitler: shut up DOCTOR: Wanna See It William: Do you like pie? William: What happened at the Battle of Hastings? HENRY: undefined DOCTOR: are you a nerse HENRY: why did you exicuit 2 of your wives? HENRY: why did you marry six times HENRY: do u like james bond William: Did you like fighting? HENRY: Did you like power? HENRY: Are you gay? HENRY: What colour are your underwear Hitler: no STALIN: why do you smoke DOCTOR: why are you called a fox Hitler: does anyone like you? DOCTOR: heloo whats your name Egypt? William: hi ya did you have brothers and sisters William: what was your mums name Hitler: why did you hate chrisitans? Hitler: What religion are you? Hitler: would you bum my jewish freind Hitler: who rights your shitty answers? : hi Hitler: do you know cliff? MLK: who killed martain luther king and why ? HENRY: did you ever get angry with your advisors William: Were you talented? William: What languages did you speak? William: are you a goodie? Hitler: What do you think of the American President? HENRY: why did you want a divorce from catherine of aragon HENRY: which football team do you support HENRY: what are your hobbies? William: HOW DID YOU DIE? HENRY: did you have a son? HENRY: are you special HENRY: how old were you when you died HENRY: cheese HENRY: Who was your favourite wife? HENRY: Hello. HENRY: sddsd HENRY: do you have aids HENRY: do you have aids HENRY: weight Hitler: daniel james Hitler: why are you so horrid? William: did you have a bath? William: how many kids have you got William: when did you die? HENRY: Are you a lez HENRY: Why were you dumb HENRY: Why did you smell HENRY: Why did you smell HENRY: Why did you smell HENRY: how did you climb up the stairs when you were ill? HENRY: How were you when you were 55? HENRY: how did jane seymour die? MLK: do you like the germans DOCTOR: is there a specific medicine that is make often HENRY: who is thomas symeour? HENRY: why are you are good king Hitler: did you know that you would be abel to get the enabling act so quickly? Hitler: with out the reistag fire would you have been able to get the enabling act MLK: how were you assasinated ? HENRY: When were you king? Hitler: web HENRY: what was your personality like? William: Which date was Harold crowned on? HENRY: how long was henry king William: Why did you decide to invade England in 1066?ype your question here and click \'Submit\' HENRY: What was your nationality? HENRY: who was your favirout child? HENRY: where did you grow up STALIN: What did you think about the Japanese? Hitler: nice moustache HENRY: what is mead HENRY: Did You Love Any Of Your Mistresses? HENRY: Were You Happy To Have A Son? Hitler: what do you think of hinduism Hitler: did you believe in god HENRY: What different types of entertainment do you like? Hitler: How did you control the lives of young people? Hitler: Did you feel that the Munich Putsch was unorganised? : HENRY: Did you want to be King? William: favirate game William: favirate game you played William: do you drive Hitler: how did you take advantage of the wall street crash? HENRY: do you like geography HENRY: wasup Hitler: what was the point in the SA? William: do you like england HENRY: what inspired you to become king William: Can you speak french? William: Can you speak french? William: Can you speak french? HENRY: WHO WAS THE BRAINBITER ? HENRY: do you go hunting ? DOCTOR: how old were you when you diead HENRY: What was your faverout thing about being King? HENRY: how many servents did you have? HENRY: What are your finances like? HENRY: Do you speak any foreign languages? : : why did you still marry after your wife had sired a male heir ? STALIN: how old are you? William: London: January 1066 Hitler: do you think that you are a murderer? STALIN: What were the production levels of agriculture by 1926? STALIN: Why was recovery of agriculture so uneven? HENRY: who were your enemies HENRY: what toys did you have Hitler: did you have any mental problems? HENRY: hi William: why are you the best? HENRY: Why did you kill so many people? William: Did you hold Harold\'s nephew hostage? DOCTOR: hospitals William: Why did you think that you should be the next King of England? William: how did the king die Hitler: Do you think your hot? Hitler: Do you have your own children? HENRY: What is Henrys full name HENRY: How many divorces did you have? DOCTOR: were noble women doctors? HENRY: Why did you kill so many people? HENRY: when was henry the 8 born HENRY: did you have a big willy ? William: why did ou burn down houses? William: hello have you ever kissed a girl ? William: who won the battle? Hitler: hallo HENRY: did u get shot William: did william ever had love with his wife William: Why did people think that you shouldn\'t be King? William: what were william, duke of normandys good points? William: why are you a basterd? William: What are your strengths Hitler: how did you control the church HENRY: are you gay? MLK: did you get scared for the saftey of your wife and children? MLK: did you get scared when making your famous speach MLK: was you scared when making the speach? MLK: how many children did you have? MLK: how many children did you have MLK: how many children did you have William: who are you HENRY: hello HENRY: why did you brake out of rome? HENRY: do you ever hav sex HENRY: whats your hobbies? HENRY: Why did you keep changing your mind about religion? HENRY: Why did you keep changing your mind about religion? HENRY: whats your hobbies? William: what did people do when you were king William: why did you wan\'t the throne HENRY: what did you eat for your meals : Why are your eyes brown? HENRY: How long were you King of England? : HENRY: Why are you so mean? HENRY: Hahahahahaha your so fat.... Hitler: bastered r u Hitler: Did Hitler ever go to a death camp? Hitler: do you believe in santa clause Hitler: do you like swedish people? HENRY: did you use comdoms HENRY: did you finger people HENRY: how many battles did you lose HENRY: how many people did you behead,stabb and get hung HENRY: do you like slipknot HENRY: what size was your codpeace HENRY: freddy was your best mate HENRY: how big was your waist band? HENRY: did you finger people HENRY: did you rape anyone HENRY: HENRY: did you fuckyour self Hitler: Why does the Nazi party use the swastika as its symbol? Hitler: Why does the Nazi party use the swastika as its symbol? STALIN: What did you do to improve schools? Hitler: what is your favourite football team Hitler: how come you are so stupid that you hate jews so much? Hitler: have you had brain Hitler: do you like pokemon William: Why Did you think you should be King of England Hitler: you suck Hitler: do you like pukka pies? HENRY: how old would you be if you were still alive HENRY: Were you ever jealous? Hitler: do you like ice cream? HENRY: Where and when were you born STALIN: Who is your best friend? STALIN: Did you kill your wife? William: why are you so annoying William: are you a virgin Hitler: Whats with the moustache? Hitler: did you know anyone called steve Hitler: ola guille pebebola de los palotes de las angustias de la puta Hitler: are you a transfestite HENRY: Do you like food Hitler: Why did you commit suicide? Hitler: what was life like for german citizens Hitler: access denied! retype password. HENRY: do you like cheese William: why did you win? MLK: are you gay Hitler: Is Mr. Neamtu funny? HENRY: What was your favourite thing to do HENRY: Did you have make up William: Hello HENRY: which wives did you exeute and why Hitler: who did you not like? William: What were your weaknesses in the battle? HENRY: what is your name?? Hitler: What did you think of winston churchill? DOCTOR: please tell me about roman public health such as aqueducts and sewage? Hitler: what fooball team did you support HENRY: The great matter : Hitler: when did you first start hating jews? William: Type your question here and click \'Submit\'What did you think of Harold William: how does it feel being a hero? STALIN: How and why did you then join with Bukharin to attack your colleagues in the Triumvirate? William: What was the Domesday Book? William: What was the Feudal System? William: Why did so many people rebel against you? William: Why did so many people rebel against you? William: Why did so many people rebel against you? William: how did you feel when harold broke his promise William: Why did you think you should have been King? Hitler: have you had sexual intercourse DOCTOR: What caused the first case of AIDS? DOCTOR: Who invented Xrays? William: are you a viking? HENRY: did you like your dad? William: are you gay? HENRY: what was the name of Henrys illegitenmet child HENRY: what were the long term conseqences of the church of england HENRY: what did you look like HENRY: what did you look like HENRY: personal reasons why henry split england from the roman catholic church HENRY: Why did he split from the england church Hitler: why didn\'t you invest in a razor? HENRY: are you a homosexual HENRY: What were some diplomatic reasons why you started the Church of England HENRY: Why did your children cause change in the church? HENRY: Did you like writing music, when did you start composing your own music ? Hitler: why did you invade britan? Hitler: Natalie Hitler: have you ever been on a date Hitler: have you ever been on a date Hitler: have you ever been inside a concentration camp DOCTOR: what new ingreedients have you found? HENRY: What were the religious, political, personal and diplomatic reasons for divorcing Catherine of Aragon? HENRY: how are you? Hitler: did u like guys Hitler: 1+1= Hitler: bullshit Hitler: why didn\'t you like other relgions Hitler: do we log off? William: are you a tv addict HENRY: wereHenry VIII parents proud of him? William: do you speak french HENRY: how did you spend the money you made from taking the monasteries Hitler: do you know that all the germans detest you now? Hitler: do you know that all the germans detest you now? HENRY: why did you have so many wives HENRY: how are you HENRY: did you regret killing your wives? HENRY: Did you wait in Purgatory HENRY: did you like killing people : what car do you drive MLK: Did Izola Curry go into prison? HENRY: Who designed your clothes? HENRY: What is your favourite type of pie? HENRY: Did Anne Boleyn sleep with her brother? Hitler: are you carzy HENRY: What do you do in your leisure time? MLK: what is your dream? DOCTOR: what is important in your work? Hitler: How did Hitler die William: why do you want to become king of england? MLK: do you beleive in people loving the same sex? MLK: do you watch the clinic? HENRY: what do you think your best achievements where? HENRY: what was anne bolyn like? Hitler: how did you deal with minority groups in germany? Hitler: how did you deal with minority groups in germany? DOCTOR: What was \'The Great Stink\'? Hitler: what was the problem with the nazi police state Hitler: Do you have Facebook? Hitler: Do you have Myspace? HENRY: how long were you on the throne for HENRY: Why did you change from catholic to protestant? William: how old were you when you died Hitler: how did you become dictator William: DID YOU HAVE BETTER ARMOUR AND WEAPONS? Hitler: what exactly is the \"ayran race\' MLK: ,How did you hear that you had received the Nobel Peace Prize? Hitler: do you think that your upbringing affected you in later life STALIN: what\'s your greatest success? William: What was the strongest weapon you used? William: What mistake did you make, if any in the battle of Hastings? Hitler: why are nazi\'s so cool Hitler: what is autarchy Hitler: what is autarchy ? Hitler: how did you use propoganda Hitler: do you like jagermeister? William: final years and legacy HENRY: dose he approve of gays William: why did you kill so many people to get the throne of england William: why did you take godwinesons cousin HENRY: what was your late life HENRY: what clothes did you wear? MLK: how are you? MLK: what is your name? MLK: how do you feel about the lady on the bus? MLK: how do you feel about slavery? Hitler: why are you so mean Hitler: Are you a Emo Hitler: why did you always shout Hitler: do you have any illneses William: how old were you at the start of the battle HENRY: what was your appearance like HENRY: what was your appearance like HENRY: how long were you in a coma for HENRY: how long were you in a coma for William: What did 1066 have to do with the dark and middle ages? William: where did your family origanate from HENRY: how much did you eat in a month HENRY: why is there an F.D on every coin Hitler: why do you have such a strange moustache? Hitler: do you like your eyebrows? Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: you are mean HENRY: who was your first wife? William: Why did you kill people when you want to rule them? HENRY: Once you are dead do you think you will be missed? DOCTOR: what is ether? Hitler: Why does the Nazi party use the swastika as its symbol? Hitler: did you like stalin? Hitler: yo what up Hitler: how did you die HENRY: why are you wierd HENRY: yes I am HENRY: why are you wierd William: Who was Edward the Confessor? Hitler: what did your sister think about what you were doing Hitler: are you a man? William: have you ever won a battle Hitler: why do you hate jews? Hitler: why start a war? William: how big was your army William: What did Harold Godwineson do when Edward the Confessor died? HENRY: when did you marry Kathrin Parr Hitler: Were the SS a state within a state? Hitler: why are you cruel DOCTOR: what are the four humours? Hitler: did you lose a testicle DOCTOR: r u gay HENRY: do you gamble William: What were your children\'s names? DOCTOR: did trephining work DOCTOR: did trephining work William: Do you have any daughters?How many? HENRY: if you could rule any counrty which one would you rule? HENRY: why did you marry Jane Seymour HENRY: do you think you was a good king William: What is your surname? William: why did you kill so many people William: hello HENRY: Are you suffering from a lack of affection? Hitler: who was in charge of propaganda Hitler: who was in charge of propaganda Hitler: why did you kill people with disabilities HENRY: when did you become king William: where are you from? MLK: hello MLK: hello William: where are you from? William: Are you in the royal blood line at all? MLK: hello Hitler: do you feel any remorse : where was stalin buried DOCTOR: how did they treat shell shock in ww1? DOCTOR: In 1905 Russia what diseases did they have? DOCTOR: In Russia what diseases did they have? William: YOU ARE CUTE HENRY: who was the other bolyen girl? William: did you ever think you were losing the battle of hastings William: What happened in 1066? William: did you fall off your boat when you hit the beach William: did you fall off your boat when you hit the beach William: did you fall off your boat when you hit the beach William: did you fall off your boat when you hit the beach William: who are you William: what is your second name and where do you live????????????? HENRY: Which wife did you like the best? HENRY: Are you gay? HENRY: Why are you so stupid? Hitler: who was the most famous nazi film maker HENRY: Why do you wear a codpiece? HENRY: Do you like pie? HENRY: What is your MSN address? : : Hitler: why did you kill the jews Hitler: How and why did you attack Jews? Hitler: why did you kill so many people Hitler: What is your name? Hitler: When and where were you born? Hitler: Was Nazi Germany a totalitarian state? Hitler: why did you kill yourself Hitler: Why were young people so important to you? Hitler: how did you treat the jews? Hitler: why did you want to write mien camf? Hitler: What was the Treaty of Versailles? Hitler: What methods did you use to control Germany? Hitler: What was the Nazi view on the role of women? Hitler: Did you have a sense of humour? Hitler: What were your foreign policy objectives? Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: What is Eugenics? Hitler: What religion are you? Hitler: What is propaganda? Hitler: Buddy Hitler: Who are the Intentionalists? Hitler: Do you like pickles? Hitler: are you a drug addict STALIN: when and where were you born Hitler: why did you kill all those innocent people HENRY: whats your fave sport? HENRY: why did you give anne of cleaves a large pension William: hi William: What is your name? Who were your parents?what did peolpe call you DOCTOR: what is medicine thr Hitler: fuck a dog HENRY: why did you line the south coast with castles HENRY: what would you say you were catholic or protistant DOCTOR: if buzz lightyear does not know hes a toy why does he not speek when humans are around DOCTOR: if buzz lightyear does not know hes a toy why does he not speek when humans are aroound DOCTOR: if buzz lightyear does not know hes a toy why does he not speek when humans are aroound HENRY: Chuck Norris? Hitler: Hallo Hitler: Who were your opponents? Hitler: What is the significance of Aryanism? Hitler: What is the significance of Aryanism? Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? Hitler: did you have a fling with your neice William: goodbye DOCTOR: who descovered the flow of the blood around the body HENRY: Where did most of England\'s finances go? HENRY: How did you handle threats to the throne? William: do u wash Hitler: Do you prefer vodka (Russian) or beer (German)? HENRY: Did you get angry easily? William: If you had to kill a Norman or an English Lord which would it be? Hitler: did you ever have any friends? William: What differences do you and Harold have about ruling a country? Hitler: what would you describe yourself as? William: Is it true you are biased towards the Normans? Hitler: Why did you want a master race? William: Do you think the English people respect you? MLK: who are u : MLK: who are you? : William: bonjour William: how are you today William: how are you feeling today? Hitler: why did you kill so many jews Hitler: do you have a ps3 Hitler: Are you alive? Hitler: did you ever want to give up? Hitler: do you think your descisions were corrupted by pesonal choice Hitler: did you ever go to iceland Hitler: whats your opinion of starlin? William: Who were your parents? William: Who were your parents? Hitler: why did you supplie your standard ground troops with bolt action rifles (Kar98K) when semi automatic rifles where very avalible Hitler: what was the unity of party and state HENRY: what do you think of Richard III? DOCTOR: what\'s your name? Hitler: do you like cakes? Hitler: nice Hitler: how old are you? Hitler: what did you do for the war Hitler: Why did you asume people were back stabbing you? Hitler: Did you like your dad? Hitler: are your teeth in a good condition? William: How many children did you have? William: How did you fall in love William: why did the pope want william the conquerer to be king Hitler: Why did you hate brown eyed people when you are brown eyed : How many people did you kill Hitler: are you dead William: why did the pope want william of normandy to become king? William: Did you have good tactics? William: why did william chop of peoples hands and foots HENRY: why did you marry anne? Hitler: why are you so mean? William: do you think you are boss William: do you think you are bossy William: do you think you are bossy Hitler: helllo? Hitler: do you like slipknot? Hitler: I don\'t like you! Hitler: why are you a div : Who are you? : What do you do? Hitler: How did you rise to power i? Hitler: nobody likes you HENRY: why did you marry 6 times HENRY: how are you? HENRY: how are you? HENRY: How are you? HENRY: Did your marriages and divorces affect your foreign policy? William: why did william win the battle of hastings William: where is the battle of hastings William: why did you fight? William: how long ago was the battle? William: what kind of defence did you use? William: when did the battle of hastings end? : where did the duke and his army arrive at William: what date did the battle finnish? William: what date did the battle finnish? HENRY: Where is Greenwich? HENRY: Where is Greenwich? Hitler: are you gay Hitler: who are you Hitler: When were you born? Hitler: why did you start ww2 Hitler: When were you born? Hitler: what do you think would have happened if you had survived world war 2o you think would have happened to you if you had survived WW2 Hitler: are you randomn? Hitler: What is the craic? HENRY: What was your nationality? HENRY: what are your views of John Fisher DOCTOR: Did hospitals improve in the Middle Ages? William: what is your name STALIN: why do you people smell? William: How old are you William: when was the battle of hastling William: did you ever have sex William: was you wife sexy DOCTOR: did you ever have sex because i would like to have sex with you DOCTOR: What happened in 1944? DOCTOR: What is an antidote? HENRY: how fat were you DOCTOR: What were the effects of TB? HENRY: why did you have 6 wifes Hitler: you barstard STALIN: Did you have any pets? William: is there any potraits of you? Hitler: Why do you kill all the jews Hitler: Du Hitler: Do you enjoy your job? William: whats so fat about you then William: Why did you want to become King? William: Why did the english nobles want harold godwinson to become king? Hitler: knock knock! DOCTOR: Who was Pare? William: what was it like being a king ? Hitler: did you have a child? Hitler: you bombed my grandads chip shop Hitler: did you ever want to be a pilot Hitler: What happened to people that didnt agree with you Hitler: are you a tranp for pissin in a goats mouth? MLK: hi Hitler: What weaknesses were there in the Nazi police state? William: How were you a successful provider of justice? HENRY: why did you divorce cathrine of aragon HENRY: Was your son Edward religious? Hitler: were you gay ? William: did you produce an heir? William: did you have kids William: did you have kids William: do you speak french William: do you speak french STALIN: do you like commounism Hitler: popularity Hitler: what was britain and france\'s response to germany re-arming : William: When was william crowned HENRY: Why did you kill two of your wives? William: Were you a good soldier William: How did you get to be so fat? DOCTOR: boobs HENRY: r u fat HENRY: are you fat William: which battle did you die in Hitler: who cut your hair William: William: how many people were in your army Hitler: what were the first and second reichs Hitler: Why did you kill my mum and dad? DOCTOR: How were the deaths in the renaissance? William: why did william lift his helmet up in battle when he heard rumous that he was dead? Hitler: Did you have a sense of humour? Hitler: Did you like monkeys? Hitler: OUT BREAKS OF WW2 Hitler: blah blah Hitler: will you go out with the twin Hitler: Sauseage? Hitler: How many bladders do you have? DOCTOR: Do you like being a doctor? MLK: what did you do to change the world Hitler: why did you join the nazi party DOCTOR: boobies HENRY: EY FATTY BUM BUM DOCTOR: IF THERE WERE NO MEDICENES WHAT WOULD YOU GIVE TO THE ILL PEOPLE MLK: what was your childrens names? William: what type of school did you go to? William: what type of school did you go to? DOCTOR: What is your name? Hitler: treaty of versailes HENRY: why are you so ugly like a pig HENRY: do you swear? Hitler: do u feel gd bout killen everyone Hitler: What is your name? Hitler: Do you think i am wonderful Hitler: what was the purpose of the SS Hitler: himmler Hitler: Do you like chips? Hitler: Do you like david beckam? Hitler: Whos your favourite hill walker? Hitler: What do you think of Tony Blair? Hitler: What do you think of George Bush? Hitler: who was sturm arbeitlung? Hitler: Do you have little feet? Hitler: Do you feel that the Wikipedia article about you does you justice? Hitler: Do you like pork? Hitler: do you watch big brother? Hitler: do you like beef? DOCTOR: i said im sorry about my rudeness Hitler: do you think everyone is below you? Hitler: Hitler sucks balls William: what are the names of the three cities that didn\'t have a MP Hitler: what are your hobbies DOCTOR: what is vitiligo? HENRY: What was your nationality? Hitler: What social policies did you make? Hitler: do you want a fight? Hitler: Why did you join forces with the Japanese? Hitler: wassup Hitler: did you have a uniball Hitler: are you wierd Hitler: yes he was a cool guy Hitler: ye he is awsome Hitler: are you related to gary glitter? William: Who would you have chosen as successor? Hitler: What is the German Faith movement Hitler: what was the concordat William: are you doing anything much know William: yes but do you like it William: bye STALIN: do you like french fries Hitler: Do you beleive the Nazi\'s coming to power was fate? Hitler: How often did you use the internet? Hitler: where you friends with jack the ripper? DOCTOR: who is pare? MLK: Did you remain faithful to your wife? Hitler: yossi benayoun MLK: When did you realise you were dark? Hitler: why did you start a war Hitler: how many testicles do you have Hitler: Did You ever kno a moron Hitler: Did you ever know a moron William: am i your friend? Hitler: Isnt sentimentality part of our nature : what do yout hink of th archbishop of canterbury telling you to start your own church? Hitler: you look like my dad Hitler: do you like donkey\'s? MLK: how old are your kids HENRY: Why did you have another 3 wives after jane seymour gave you a son? Hitler: Were you religous HENRY: ;Dm (: Hitler: were you inspired by anyone William: How old where you when you killed Harold? DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: why did you mention Britney spears Hitler: Who gave you that comb-over hair style? Hitler: Are you artistic HENRY: did you have enay family Hitler: are you gay Hitler: do you ahve any children DOCTOR: hey catherine what are you up to Hitler: how can Hitler get the power DOCTOR: do you smell Hitler: do you like keiran terry? HENRY: where were you born? HENRY: where was you born? DOCTOR: Where did you study medicine? Hitler: DO YOU WANT A FIGHT Hitler: are you a homo Hitler: why did you concentrate on rearmament rather than stabalising the economy William: whens your birthday Hitler: Did You Know Jack The Ripper Hitler: were you cruel Hitler: why have you got a beard Hitler: how did you use propaganda Hitler: how did you solve unemployment Hitler: what are your hobbies William: What is your name? Who were your parents? Hitler: where were you born Hitler: are you my friend? Hitler: who are you? Hitler: Your joke Hitler: where were you born Hitler: Do you have any direct decendants alive? Hitler: did you have any children of your own? Hitler: do you have e-mail Hitler: do you like scool Hitler: do you like lamas STALIN: Were you responsible for the purges? STALIN: What were the purges? Hitler: Do you think people liked you? Hitler: have your ever had kids Hitler: die Hitler: did you kill yor farthers mother because she workes for a family of jews William: did you have any grandparents DOCTOR: why were you intrested in medicine? William: Did you enjoy killing people and stealing from the poor? HENRY: how did you become king? Hitler: how did you get into politicx Hitler: Are you gay? HENRY: Why were you so arrogant? MLK: Are you a transvestite? Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? DOCTOR: who is John of Arderne? Hitler: why did you kill your dog HENRY: wich one of your wifes were fit!! HENRY: do you like the way you look Hitler: are you nasty STALIN: Why were you so mean to the pesants in order to achieve your collectivisation of Agriculture goals? STALIN: Why did you have Trotsky exiled? STALIN: Why did you use the 5 year plans William: did you follow everything on the magna carta Hitler: when were you born ? William: undefined Hitler: are you a good man Hitler: how did you gain power Hitler: how did you kill yourself Hitler: do you like ghandi William: how long did the battle take? Hitler: when did you die William: How far did you march? William: how far did you march? Hitler: did you want to be friends with britain? Hitler: Do you know Kyle Hudson DOCTOR: undefined DOCTOR: does your medicine helpyour patient MLK: how old are you? Hitler: i dont like you Hitler: how did you escape o many asasination attempts? Hitler: why are you horrible Hitler: im going to jump on your grave Hitler: what is your mother called ? Hitler: Did you have any affairs? Hitler: what is your mother called ? Hitler: did you hate musilms STALIN: What did you use the secret police for? STALIN: Who are you? Hitler: what is your favourite colour Hitler: do you have a mental disability? Hitler: Why were you stuck up? Hitler: why aren\'t you arian if you love them so much? DOCTOR: what is trench foot? STALIN: Why did your wife kill herself? DOCTOR: meaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa DOCTOR: what is medicen DOCTOR: How did the Germ Theory effect Surgery DOCTOR: How germ theory effect surgery? MLK: Do you think that the vienam war helped the inaugeration of Barack Obama Hitler: do you think you are better than everyone else William: is it true you had loads of wepons made for you Hitler: what was the first country that you invaded William: could you speak english DOCTOR: whats this game about DOCTOR: when did medicine begin Hitler: what did u do to jews? Hitler: i dont like you Hitler: why are you a pshycotic freak Hitler: i dont like you : DOCTOR: who do you think was jack the ripper ? DOCTOR: who do you think you are ? Hitler: hitler Hitler: yes or no are you gay Hitler: what happend to one of your testicles? William: How old are you? Hitler: is that a poop stain above your lips? Hitler: kk MLK: r u gay Hitler: Were you mentally ill Hitler: Were you mentally ill? Hitler: Why are you an evil twat? DOCTOR: what was witchcraft like in the 1500-17500? William: what did you like doing the most in spare time William: why were you so fat Hitler: which football team do you support HENRY: what was it like being king HENRY: Were you happy with Jane Seymour? Hitler: what was the bearhall putsch Hitler: What is your name? Hitler: what was your wife like Hitler: how old where you when you died Hitler: how old where you when you died Hitler: how old where you when you died Hitler: What is your name? Hitler: what was your relationship with britain like Hitler: Don\'t you think it is wrong to kill in the name of God? HENRY: Who was thomas cromwell? Why did he die and why? William: what is your opinion of modern britain Hitler: oh shut up HENRY: stupid Hitler: why you hate jes Hitler: are you secretly darth vader Hitler: did you come to earth in a ufo Hitler: why did you kill your family? Hitler: Did you use a MP-40? Hitler: what do you think about english peoploe : What was your worst moment during the war Hitler: who led the ss Hitler: who was the leader of the SS? Hitler: do you have ps3 Hitler: are you a goth Hitler: who is ben rhodes Hitler: Did you not feel bad at all? Hitler: why are you mean to the jews? William: How old were you when you became king? William: do you think you are fat? William: What is your worst fear? William: did you stop the danes? Hitler: You stink William: how long did it take to handle your troops? STALIN: Did you kill Kirov? William: undefined Hitler: are you on facebook? Hitler: Are you gay? HENRY: was your dad as ugly as you? HENRY: is you penis very small? HENRY: do you have a vagina? HENRY: are you a indian Hitler: was suicide good? STALIN: do you smoke pot? STALIN: do you smoke pot? STALIN: do you like men? STALIN: do you like men? Hitler: do you have a myspace? Hitler: what do you think of Joe Shackleford? Hitler: Whats your middle name? Hitler: do you like rock n roll? Hitler: do you like rock n roll Hitler: ehhhh whats up doc? Hitler: NOOB Hitler: What were your mathematical inclinations? Hitler: What is it like being dead? DOCTOR: what are the common items in a medieval house and what are they for? STALIN: Why are you against Capitalism? HENRY: Who was Holbein Hitler: do you like korean people? Hitler: are your ears pierced? Hitler: are you a nice person? STALIN: are you mean? STALIN: what is your favorite color? STALIN: do you like ice cream? STALIN: How would you describe yourself? Hitler: What is your view on the battle of hastings? Hitler: d yu like alex newman Hitler: What did you do about tax on goods upon inportation HENRY: What was cromewells main success? Hitler: How did the GDP get name Nazis MLK: how many kids do you have? Hitler: Why are your speeches so good? Hitler: were you in world war one : Are people allowed to have whatever religious belief they want? Hitler: why were you so nasty Hitler: do you like britney spears Hitler: why did you torture the jewish. what did they ever do to you Hitler: what did you promise the german people when you became chancellor DOCTOR: DO YOU LIKE POO HENRY: why did you kill robin hood? HENRY: where is robin hood buried HENRY: who ate all the pies Hitler: natalie johnson DOCTOR: Why do you roll your eyes all the time. STALIN: Where do you come from? STALIN: What language do you speak? HENRY: you are mean HENRY: you are mean HENRY: Who were your wives? HENRY: who was your favourite wife Hitler: did you think you were a hypocrite? HENRY: why are you a fatty Hitler: do you like pink? Hitler: YOU STINK Hitler: Why were young people so important to you? Hitler: what is your favourite drink? Hitler: what is your favourite drink? Hitler: is your english rusty Hitler: is your english rusty Hitler: do you donate to charity Hitler: are you short Hitler: you have a bofnot STALIN: why did you rob a bank Hitler: do you believe in any god STALIN: Why did you rob a bank? STALIN: why did take over all the factories Hitler: what weapons did you make in your factories? Hitler: What was your book \"mein kamps\"about ? Hitler: why did you end up in prison? Hitler: Do you believe in god Hitler: What did your dad do for a living? Hitler: Do you believe in tooth fairies STALIN: why were you so scared of getting smallpox on your face STALIN: What did you think of mussolini? Hitler: why did you invade France? Hitler: Why do you compare Germans to greyhounds? Hitler: Are you nice? William: you are a barstard? William: you are a barstard Hitler: Did you get a lot of publicity? Hitler: why are you mean? William: What weopons did you use in your batte against Harold Godwinson Hitler: how was your childhood? Hitler: how did your childhood affect your opinion on the culture of the jews? Hitler: are you an orphan Hitler: Where did your views on women originate from? Hitler: blowjob? HENRY: did you want to be king Hitler: why was the nazies helping you? Hitler: are you deaf DOCTOR: wat is ur name? DOCTOR: What was the great stink? DOCTOR: how do you catch diseases Hitler: Did you ever have incestrial sex? Hitler: how do you look after your skin? Hitler: who made your clothes? Hitler: did you make the policies? DOCTOR: Black Death? STALIN: pizza Hitler: are you a jew? William: Do you like the English William: Are you crazy? HENRY: What were the names of your children? DOCTOR: What is a medicine through time expert? : that is a very nice name HENRY: why did you ignore your daughters? Hitler: why unemploy millions of non germans Hitler: why did you think you were better than everone else Hitler: hi Hitler: iz you batty Hitler: Did you ever get married? Hitler: did you have sex with one ball Hitler: he didnt understand me omg? Hitler: did you ever get marryeddid you ever get married Hitler: Do you like little boys? HENRY: How many people did Henry VIII hang, bury, or excute? HENRY: what does Vivat Rex mean? : Hitler: Why Jews ? Hitler: are you dumb? Hitler: how many people did you sleep with STALIN: why did you seem to lack most emotions apart from greed? William: are you stupid? to say: Yes HENRY: why were you so thoughtless Hitler: why do you have that mustach Hitler: have you got a girl friend MLK: How did you die? MLK: When were you born? STALIN: have you ever shaved? STALIN: have you ever shaved? Hitler: why did you start the war even though the treaty was started Hitler: Were you always a bully? Hitler: What are your weaknesses? Hitler: Are you gay? MLK: tell me about your sexlife Hitler: what did you want to be when you were younger William: how did you kill king harold god wieson Hitler: Are you an Emo? William: how many battels have you won Hitler: Why were young people so important to you? Hitler: how old were u when u commited suicide? Hitler: what is your middle name Hitler: Why do you have a mustache? Hitler: were you afraid of clowns William: what is your last name Hitler: did you ever want ot be a good man William: Who wanted you to become king/leader? William: Who are you? William: Hello Hitler: did you enjoy harming inocent people? Hitler: why do you have a mastouche Hitler: did you care that you sent hundreds of people to their death Hitler: what colour underpants do you wear Hitler: how did you die hitler? HENRY: who are you HENRY: do you like dicks HENRY: have you got 8 penis Hitler: do like the simpsons DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: Why do you hate gypsies? HENRY: DID YOU HAVE ANY HEALTH PROBLEMS Hitler: did hiler have good eyesight i was wondering if you could find out befor sunday because my assignmant is due monday and this is one of the questions William: why did william win Hitler: do you like your name? Hitler: do you love men Hitler: do you have breasts Hitler: Do you have good eyesight? William: Do you eat pizza HENRY: poop Hitler: are you maddy\'s dad? MLK: Do you like cheese? William: are you youngest in your family William: are you youngest in your family Hitler: was hitler into sexual por= Hitler: are you a bumboy? Hitler: Do you speek chinese? Hitler: do you like the kkk? Hitler: Are you part of the KKK? Hitler: why did you hate jews you piece of crap don\'t you know we are all equal? Hitler: why did you run away at the muinic putch? Hitler: did you only have 1 ball STALIN: why did you industrialise STALIN: What was the Truman Doctrine? : Hitler: what was nazi propaganda and how was it used? Hitler: what did you think when building concentration camps? Hitler: when did you have sex Hitler: what were the nazis platform? : Hitler: how were young people controlled in germany? Hitler: Who were your opponents and why? : Hitler: what was religion like in germany Hitler: did you ever wear jeans STALIN: how do you feel about the collapse of the soviet union in 1991? William: What\'s my name? HENRY: what were your aims as king in 1509 Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? DOCTOR: last famouse William: Do you think you deserve to be king? DOCTOR: who invented the theoy of the four humours Hitler: tariff Hitler: Were you a civilised man? : how many people did you kill Hitler: Is Wayne Devine unco? Hitler: Are you looking forward to God of War 3 Hitler: ARE YOU JACK THE RIPPER Hitler: how did u rise to power Hitler: have you shaged a mug Hitler: ARR U A LEZBO Hitler: i dont like u Hitler: do you like rubber duck Hitler: who burnt you Hitler: do you like to fight for your country Hitler: why did you poison yourself? Hitler: What would your first child name be if it were a boy? William: were you ever raped Hitler: what was blitzkrieg Hitler: what were your policies Hitler: did you ever kiss a man Hitler: do you like 2pac? Hitler: do you believe in god Hitler: do you like dohnuts Hitler: do you like ginger people : disease STALIN: unkrainian famine Hitler: Why do you have a funny moustache? Hitler: Which football team do you support? Hitler: Do you hate Liverpool FC? Hitler: What do you think of the British Primeminster? MLK: are you a king you a king Hitler: did you terror people? Hitler: did you ever try cannibalism HENRY: can i have sex with you darling? HENRY: i love you HENRY: fuck me up Hitler: why are you so rubbish at fighting Hitler: did you have a motor bike Hitler: ARE YOU A RAPIST Hitler: who did you like? DOCTOR: why was galen so wrong? Hitler: what is your favourite band Hitler: What were your foreign policy objectives? : why did you lose the war Hitler: Are you a talking machine or your controlled by a human Hitler: What encouraged you to attack the Russians? Hitler: do you know jake? Hitler: What happened to you after the Berr Hall Putsch? Hitler: why did you invade poland? HENRY: f Hitler: What was life like for social democrats? Hitler: Did you drink or take drugs- perhaps even conceive plans under the influence? Hitler: have you got a nickname Hitler: did you hate the english? Hitler: What is your name? Hitler: why did you invade poland? HENRY: Why did you kill your wives? Hitler: fuher William: How old where you when you became king William: What did you do when Harold seized the throne? DOCTOR: what is your name? : did the vikings first settle in your area Hitler: poop Hitler: you wet your pants Hitler: you disgrace germans William: are you a sex god? DOCTOR: What is Swine Flu? How did it originate? DOCTOR: Why are you famous? STALIN: Why did you turn against Bukharin in 1927? Hitler: Did you have a sense of humour? MLK: what shampoo do you use? Hitler: I HATE HITLER I HATE YOU HENRY: what caused henry the 8th to die Hitler: you basterd Hitler: why did world war one start HENRY: why were you fat? William: Why did William the Conqueror conquered the land which he conquered HENRY: How well did mr VIII tackle factionalism in later years? Hitler: do you like facebook? William: why didnt you just eat the food and crops and horde the animals instead of killing them HENRY: what would happen if u only had daughhterswhat would happen if you only had daughters Hitler: why did you hate jews HENRY: did you like your daughters? Hitler: do you like man u HENRY: Where you loyal to the people of england ? HENRY: Did u feel as if you was a helpful king ? Hitler: Were you developing an atomic bomb Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: are you a conservative? HENRY: what is tuberclosis Hitler: Abby Hitler: oh do you now\' HENRY: Why didnt you just devorce Anne Bolyn Hitler: who was adolf hitler Hitler: why was he such an ass HENRY: who did you cheat on when you had henry? HENRY: Lizzie Bolunt? Hitler: who was your right hand man? HENRY: How are you? Hitler: WHY DID YOU GO TO JAIL? Hitler: are you a spaz Hitler: When were you born? MLK: are you gay HENRY: when did you become king? William: How did you solve your problems? HENRY: That means you Hate INDIA because you said you distruct all countries! HENRY: you have not answered my question my question was why do you only like England but not the other countries? DOCTOR: What key events in medicine took place after 1850? HENRY: Would You Consider Yourself A Good King? Hitler: are you a nerd? Hitler: do you like cats? Hitler: why did you want to commit suicide Hitler: since you don\'t fit the aryan race, don\'t you think you should die too? Hitler: How could you poison your dog? Hitler: what would you do to anne frank if you were to meet her face to face? STALIN: How and why did you then join with Bukharin to attack your colleagues in the Triumvirate? William: why do you have to wear chainmail? Hitler: do u av pink knickers Hitler: cats HENRY: your mother was so loving to you and your sisters do you think this influenced they way you ruled? Hitler: why did you not like the obersaltzberg Hitler: does anyone like gill? Hitler: do you want to buy a slave HENRY: What food do you hate the most? HENRY: Are you originally English? HENRY: How many people did you behead? HENRY: Are you Henry VIII? HENRY: How much food do you eat a day? HENRY: How long did you sit on the throne? Hitler: Do you have a conscience? Hitler: have you got a big nob Hitler: who was your first girlfreind? Hitler: why did you belive that the german race was the strongest Hitler: do you like lillian Hitler: is jodie fryer the best person in the whole world? Hitler: are you wierd Hitler: Do you have a foreskin Hitler: Who are the Intentionalists? HENRY: are you proud of yourself? William: Who is your best friend? HENRY: Did you suffer from spots as a teenager? Hitler: Why are you bitter? DOCTOR: Who was John snow? DOCTOR: Who was James Simpson? DOCTOR: Who was Horace Wells? William: how many people were in william\'s army DOCTOR: factors of medicine Hitler: What was the Reichsbank HENRY: The absence of running water in my day did not prevent me from keeping clean. You have deodorant and I can still smell you from here. You are gross (what does this mean?) HENRY: What was your nationality? Hitler: where did you grow up William: how did king harald goodwinson die at the battle of hastings? DOCTOR: who was aristotle? Hitler: What were your reasons for invading Poland. Hitler: why did you keep a record of the jews that were killed in the concentration camps? William: When was your birthday? MLK: Do you like black people? Hitler: did you haave chiren Hitler: did you have a mansion Hitler: why are you a wang Hitler: how tall are you Hitler: what is you star sign Hitler: WHY DID YOU NEED THE SA? Hitler: Did you commit suicide? Hitler: why did you hate jews Hitler: why did you want a maser race? Hitler: did you like the germans ? Hitler: What was it like in the trecnches ? Hitler: why arnt you talking Hitler: Did women find you attractive? Hitler: do you like me ? William: What was life like for a villein Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: what is your religion Hitler: did you want children Hitler: did you suck of a horse Hitler: How will you deal with Russia? DOCTOR: how are you? DOCTOR: did ancient egyptians ever have sex? HENRY: How long Did King Henry Rein for? DOCTOR: What happened to Henry VIII Hitler: why are you so cruel ? Hitler: want to fight? Hitler: What Happened To Mussolini? William: Hello HENRY: Why did you execute Thomas Cromwell? Hitler: were you gay? Hitler: did your pants get blown off Hitler: why did you like paris? Hitler: was your honeymoon good Hitler: did you ever have intercourse with your wife Hitler: what is the reason for the war MLK: What is your favorite color? MLK: where was on the night of the crime MLK: where was you on the night of the crime Hitler: why did everyone vote for hitler? Hitler: why did you invade czechoslovakia in 1938? Hitler: were your partners sexually satisfide Hitler: what methods did you use to kill people during world war two Hitler: when i say jew what is your imideate reaction Hitler: i ask questions and your answers make no sence Hitler: why do you think so many people dislike you? Hitler: how did you manipulate the school curriculum to promte nazi ideals HENRY: how many children did you have with your six wives Hitler: i think you are awsome Hitler: do yu like deff mettel Hitler: Why are you so evil Hitler: how did you end unemployment in Germany Hitler: dazzling speech making? Hitler: how will you improve germany\'s situation DOCTOR: Blood transfusions? HENRY: who was your favourite wife? HENRY: who was your favourite wife? Hitler: how did you die? Hitler: if you could go back, would you have made different decisions Hitler: what was the \"4 year plan\"? Hitler: do you read? MLK: How many brothers have you got Hitler: have you been to mars? Hitler: Do you like Micheal jackson HENRY: What were the Wars of the Roses? William: why did you skin people alive MLK: Do you have pink clothes? Hitler: were you a nasty man HENRY: when was King Henry VIII sister Margaret born? DOCTOR: are you gay Hitler: do you miss your mother HENRY: did your subjects like you? DOCTOR: DO YOU KNOW ANOUT THE ROYAL LONDON HOSPITAL ? William: how many times did you fool the saxons? HENRY: Why did you divorce Cathrine of Aragon? HENRY: When is your date of birth Hitler: shut up Hitler: Are you retarded? Hitler: do you have a blue spotty bra from la senza HENRY: when did you become king HENRY: Do you like hunting fish? HENRY: Do you have any hair now? Hitler: Do you realise that you have traumatised the whole world? Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: How did you go about increasing armaments? William: how tall were you Hitler: What is your name? Hitler: what was hitler\'s RAD Hitler: Was the DAF successful? Hitler: Did you think you were pretty? HENRY: why zre HENRY: why zre HENRY: why zr HENRY: Why are you fat Hitler: When was the Nazi Party formed? Hitler: who all did you persecute? Hitler: Why did you persecuted people? Hitler: did you ever feel lonely? DOCTOR: How long has medicine been around? Hitler: was it a horrible experience Hitler: you poo too much Hitler: explain how and why the nazis persecuted different groups in german society Hitler: Do you like it up the Bum? MLK: what age were you when you were killed? Hitler: how many people did you kill? DOCTOR: were you very clever? Hitler: why are you so mean! Hitler: rawr rawr rawr Hitler: why so serious Hitler: What is your afvourite type of desert pie? Hitler: ite? Hitler: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' HENRY: how long were you with cathrine of arogon for HENRY: Why were you a Catholic? Hitler: are you gay Hitler: obese Hitler: are you gay Hitler: did you have any mental issues? DOCTOR: are diceases dangerous? DOCTOR: how can someone know so much about medicine? DOCTOR: 2+2=4? William: how did your wife die William: how did your wife die and why William: was the food good when you was alive Hitler: whats up with the stash Hitler: What was it like to be in the war? Hitler: Did you have a sense of humour? Hitler: Who were you maried to? HENRY: whats your relegion Hitler: How old were you when you died? MLK: when were you born? Hitler: why are you so ugly? Hitler: your really beautiful MLK: what is your name? MLK: how old are you? MLK: have you got kids? MLK: what are your childrens names? Hitler: Do you like wolves Hitler: Do you like wolves MLK: WHAT IS YOUR RELIGION MLK: What is your religion MLK: When did he Die? MLK: Was he gay? Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? Hitler: do you like austra? Hitler: do you consider yourself mad Hitler: ARE YOU IN HELL OR HEAVEN? Hitler: Are you weird? Hitler: who did you consider undesireables Hitler: do you know jack the ripper Hitler: do you think of cannabals HENRY: do you like monty python? HENRY: do you like Barrack Obama HENRY: did you know about dinosaurs HENRY: how art thou? HENRY: how big are your ears? HENRY: How old were you when you came to the throne? HENRY: bye DOCTOR: what medicine did you make DOCTOR: im 27 years old Hitler: how did you die? Hitler: did you know people don\'t like you? Hitler: Why is your dad matt page e11? STALIN: did you suffer from paranoia STALIN: how did you help you people STALIN: did you like ballet? STALIN: did you want a mustache when you where a kid? Hitler: do you have a girlfreind HENRY: do you think you were a good king? William: have you killed anyone? Hitler: do you like cake Hitler: are you a vrign Hitler: Is it true that your real surname is Shicklgruber? William: Hello William: Hello William: Hello William: What is behind you? William: What colour are your eyes? William: when did your wife die? Hitler: what did you look like? William: Are you a porn star William: Are you a retard Hitler: wat the point of this thing??? HENRY: how powerful was your church? HENRY: Hello Henry HENRY: Hello Henry Hitler: how are you Hitler: do you think your mother will be happy with what you have achieved in life Hitler: did you have an relationship Hitler: what happened to the thal society Hitler: were you frigit? Hitler: Why did you kill yourself? William: why did you kill William: when was you born William: What is your name? Who were your parents? William: What is your name? Who were your parents? William: why were you so fat Hitler: What are the disadvantages of Hitler Youth? Hitler: What are the disadvantages of Hitler Youth? William: unh Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? Hitler: What were Hitlers views on Collective Responsibility William: who are you? MLK: why is the montgomery bus boycott important? Hitler: why does hitler hate dews William: Why do you think you deserve the throne? William: how long did the battle of Hastings go on for William: what school did you go to? William: How old was William when he died Hitler: did you have asthma? STALIN: Have you recieved any military awards? STALIN: Have you recieved any military awards? : What size feet are you? Hitler: do you like scotland HENRY: do you love me? Hitler: Did you like chidren HENRY: what is it like to be a king HENRY: were you a sucessful king HENRY: do you like beheading people HENRY: were you a succesful monarch HENRY: why dont you stop killing and beheading people people HENRY: did you like beheading people HENRY: of all of your six wives who would you have wanted to have a son with the most? HENRY: what did you do in your spare time? HENRY: did you have any health problems? HENRY: Why do you wear a hat instead of a crown? HENRY: why did you always want a baby boy? HENRY: where you a popular king? HENRY: why were you so successful as a monarch HENRY: do you think you were a good king? HENRY: are you a good king HENRY: what is your dad like DOCTOR: How and why did Galen’s ideas spread so rapidly? HENRY: did you like cheese HENRY: what were the reasons for the disillusions of the monastary HENRY: did you enjoy being king? HENRY: How did you gain loyalty? HENRY: How did you gain power? HENRY: do you love your son? HENRY: what was your greatest moment Hitler: are you sexualy attractide to my willy HENRY: How much of your money did you spend on yourself? HENRY: why did you step on your royal carpet? Hitler: your dum, Hitler: are you short Hitler: dont you feel guilty you killed al those innoccent jews HENRY: How old were you when you died HENRY: What does your headgear symbolise HENRY: What was your favourite accesory HENRY: How did you recognise Anne Boleyn with a mask on HENRY: what was your brothers and sisters names? HENRY: how old was youwhen youdied HENRY: why did you leave some of your wive HENRY: why did you leave some of your wive Hitler: why did you start the war HENRY: did you ever love anyone else? HENRY: how did you become so rich HENRY: what is tuberculosis HENRY: what are the main political and financial acts passed during 1534? HENRY: what are the main political and financial Acts passed during 1534? HENRY: When was your coronation? HENRY: did you like vegteabels DOCTOR: Did the romans use local anaethetic DOCTOR: waht happend in the year 0 William: how many men were in williams army? HENRY: what was it like to rule Engaland? : what was it like to rule engaland? Hitler: okh;lsh#,l\'#\'[,#\'l#;sfh.\'@~#:\'stfg.#jh\'#:;;hg;h;h;h;h;;h;h;h,gf,d\';d\'hb[l.d\'#l,k#l.u[;j Hitler: do you like britan William: what did you do fora lifeing HENRY: what was the new church like HENRY: What were the names of your children? William: Who was your heir? William: Are you single? William: What colour is your hair? William: How many men were in your army?] William: Have you ever been to canada? Hitler: are u co ol William: Why did you want to be king? Hitler: What is your name? Hitler: did you have gold DOCTOR: you are very cute and hot William: How did Edward promise you the Throne? Hitler: who are you HENRY: how are you? Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? HENRY: why did you marrie a teenager? HENRY: what are you wearing HENRY: Who was your favorite wife? HENRY: why did you become a protestant Hitler: What sparked your hatred for Jews? Hitler: How did you deal with criminals? Hitler: How did you change religious views in Germany? Hitler: What school did you go to? HENRY: How old were you when you died? HENRY: What is your middle name? HENRY: which wife was your favorite ? William: Why are you the only one to be king? Hitler: hi you okay? love charlye 2k9 bbz x Hitler: what do you think of barack obama? Hitler: Are you a pirate? MLK: how do you spell your name? DOCTOR: Who was James Simpson? HENRY: hello HENRY: did you explode William: u r a nerd HENRY: why was henry so obese Hitler: Why did you experiment on twins? Hitler: do you like micheal jackson Hitler: why do you have a mastarce HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: what do you enjoy doing HENRY: did you want to be king when you were a child HENRY: did you make any mistakes whilst you were king? HENRY: did you make any mistakes whilst you were king? HENRY: did you get on with your siblings William: where were you born? HENRY: how long was your dik HENRY: Bye! HENRY: how old are you? HENRY: who was your least favourite wife? HENRY: what pleasure do you get out of beheading people? HENRY: is it true that you exploded in your coffin? HENRY: Who did you hate HENRY: why did you like to kill people/ HENRY: how are youho STALIN: who are you? Hitler: what did you use to kill yourself HENRY: do you think your cool? Hitler: do you regret anyhting HENRY: DO U LIKE MRS HOLGATE HENRY: why did you have six wives? HENRY: where were you buried HENRY: What was your nationality? HENRY: did you ever have a girlfriend? HENRY: Why did you kill so many people? HENRY: Type your question here and click Submitwifes did you have? HENRY: why are you so crazzy HENRY: how high up are you in the great chain of being ? Hitler: do you think you looked good MLK: What do You Believe? HENRY: ntg lk HENRY: have you ever sucked a dick Hitler: I got in one little fight, and my mom got scared. She said, \"You\'re moving with your aunty and uncle in Bel-Air.\" William: matt Hitler: Does Ludendurf seem a bit crazy? Hitler: Does Ludendurf seem a bit crazy? Hitler: are you virgin? Hitler: are you a firefighter? HENRY: What happened after your fight with the pope? Hitler: did you eat cornflakes? HENRY: why he wanted a son HENRY: how strong are you? HENRY: did you like being king? : i sock Hitler: What is your favourite food? HENRY: which ones did exacute and why? STALIN: what did you in later life? : he wont let you be racist :( William: were you the one who killed harold godwinson in the battle of hastings ? HENRY: who was your sister? Hitler: i urinated on you when you were burning HENRY: what was your church like HENRY: what was your wieght Hitler: What was the Treaty of Versailles? HENRY: is time travel possible HENRY: how old would you be now William: Are you gay? HENRY: what do you like doing? HENRY: Do you think your poeple like you Hitler: why are you a jerk HENRY: are you in love with yourself? HENRY: What is it like to be king? Hitler: danzig HENRY: were you a player ? HENRY: were you a player ? HENRY: Why did you have so many children : HENRY: Where you ever intrested in other men ? : HENRY: are you ginger ? :O HENRY: no HENRY: what do you look like HENRY: who was your fifth wife? HENRY: How many children did you have? HENRY: Who were your parents? HENRY: What was your nationality? HENRY: will you fuck me? Hitler: What is the point in this website, it doesn\'t work! Fix it please Hitler: What is the problem with Hitler Head2Head? Hitler: do you like men? Hitler: who is the leader of the ss Hitler: are men good? HENRY: Do you know me? HENRY: who was your first wife HENRY: when is your birthbay? Hitler: why did you have no chilren of your own HENRY: tell me about your early life HENRY: when did you become king? HENRY: who did you look like most your mother of father HENRY: what rules did you pass? HENRY: What made you marry Anne Boleyen? STALIN: why did your wife commit suicide? HENRY: how old are you? HENRY: would you have had more wives if you could have? HENRY: did you ever get depressed? HENRY: what is your favourite song William: do you regret your actions in the harrying of the north? William: Do you have an attractive wife Hitler: did you enjoy your school days? Hitler: Will you be my best friend? William: Why were you so brutal William: Why did you chose chainmail as your armour HENRY: Why did you want a son so badly? Hitler: were you an emo William: are you an umpa lumpa?Are you racist? HENRY: were you over waight HENRY: Why did you grow a beard? HENRY: What were the names of your children? DOCTOR: Ïðèâåòèêè HENRY: how many wives do you have Hitler: Did you invent the Dirty Sanchez HENRY: what country did you rule? HENRY: what country did you rule? HENRY: when did you become king? HENRY: when did you become king? HENRY: when is the date that you died on? William: What happened in 1067 William: What is the feudal system? William: when were you born? William: how old were you in 1066? HENRY: how did you get so big and bloated? Hitler: how are you Hitler: whats up Hitler: are you a nobe Hitler: are you a nobe Hitler: ? Hitler: Don\'t you think you\'re so evil? Hitler: national debt Hitler: are you gay Hitler: the presedent of the natzi banks HENRY: are you a good kind William: do you like chips HENRY: how is your life? HENRY: how are you HENRY: what are you wearing Hitler: what was your main weapon in the war : : HENRY: did you have any fantasy lovers? HENRY: did you know people didn\'t like you Hitler: Did you ever feel remorse? Hitler: Do you like Mudkips? Hitler: are you a dinosaur? Hitler: what is your favorite food? HENRY: when were you crownd HENRY: were you retarded HENRY: how many princes were murdered in the tower William: did you like it when the english killed you Hitler: do you have a facebook account? Hitler: does it hurt if a goat bites your testicle off? William: what were castels for Hitler: Im Jewish, would you kill me? HENRY: Did you sing? DOCTOR: tell me who you are HENRY: Why were you so determined to have a son? Hitler: How did you seize power? HENRY: did you have a boy with catherine of aragon who died as a baby STALIN: Do you think Hitler created you in a way? HENRY: what did people think of you HENRY: What is adultry? HENRY: Did you love your brother? HENRY: Why did you start hating your wives the instant they didn\'t deliver boys? HENRY: How often did you have a shower? HENRY: What is your dream occupation? HENRY: Why did you make Anne Boleyn pregnant while you wer married to Catherine of Aragon? HENRY: Why did you have a child with Lizzie Blount? HENRY: Why do you hate Anne Boleyn? DOCTOR: how do you get rid of fever ? DOCTOR: what is h1n1 HENRY: what is your surname HENRY: what was the price of a newspaper when you were alive? William: what happened in 1070 William: what were castles for HENRY: do you think you were a good king? HENRY: when you fell off a horse, how long did you have to stay in bed to recover? HENRY: who was the duke of essex ? Hitler: what was the sudeten crisis Hitler: what was the sudeten crisis Hitler: sudetenland crisis Hitler: how do you wank William: when did you become king HENRY: HENRY: Do you watch porn? Hitler: MLK: what do you think of communism HENRY: what is your religon STALIN: why were foreginers removed from magnitogorsk HENRY: What was your big problem? Hitler: What was it like at bastogne? STALIN: what did you think of hitler\'s moustache? Hitler: What are your ideas about nationalism? STALIN: Did you deliberately create the Ukrainian famine of 1932-33? HENRY: why are you so mean HENRY: were you a gangster HENRY: did you die because you were so fat? Hitler: is it true that you had an affair? DOCTOR: are women meant to be bald HENRY: Leg full of puss DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' HENRY: how long were you king for? Hitler: nyall coyne William: were you upset when your wife died in 1083 HENRY: Why did you behead Anne Boleyn? HENRY: were you loyal to cathereine William: What did you do when Harold seized the throne? William: how many men in your army die William: Did you lose any of your closest people? William: who was william Hitler: did you have any operations ? HENRY: when is your dieth? HENRY: who kill you? HENRY: when is your delth HENRY: who is your first wife??? HENRY: What were the names of your children? HENRY: are you good at geography? William: Was it scary in the battle of hastings William: Why didn\'t you support Hadraada at the battle of Stanford Bridge? William: were you Edward\'s cousin William: were you edwards cousin? William: Alright mate? HENRY: do you watch the Xfactor HENRY: Who do u want 2 win the x factor HENRY: what langueges did you speek HENRY: did you like invading other places. If so why? William: What did Hardraada do when Harold seized the throne? William: what is your name? William: your age HENRY: what was your favourite jewel HENRY: how many illnesses have you faced HENRY: Can you recite the bible from memory? HENRY: how much money did you spend at the age of 30 HENRY: what castle did you live in most? HENRY: how many rooms did your castle in london have? HENRY: Why could you not obtain your annulment Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? Hitler: what is the ecomomy Hitler: what is the ecomomy? Hitler: did you like other dictators HENRY: Who were your friends? Hitler: Do you like waffles Hitler: Why did you wipe your ass with you school certificate Hitler: MASSIVE TOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hitler: what do you think of kitler Hitler: whats it like in hell? Hitler: whats it like to get a pineapple shoved up your ass Hitler: Why did you kill innocents Hitler: are you a nice guy? Hitler: Do have any genitals William: Was William the Conqueror a relation of Edward the Confessor? Hitler: DO YoU LIke MASsivE tOAds? Hitler: i hate you STALIN: how do you grow your tash Hitler: would you still take over England if you had the chance? HENRY: What do you imagine 21st century britain to be like? HENRY: What makes you laugh the most Hitler: Did you have any health problems Hitler: Are you gay? DOCTOR: What is a microbe? DOCTOR: How did World War One help to spread disease? Hitler: why did you kill your self Hitler: why do you put your hand put as a simble HENRY: edward cullen Hitler: when and where was Helfer born? Hitler: do you like call of duty? Hitler: do you have any mental issues HENRY: did you have any enemies HENRY: where did you live Hitler: What is your name ? Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: Hello Hitler: do you want to go to quazar latter? Hitler: lol STALIN: Did you plan on attacking hitler before he attacked you? : William: was william in any other battles other than hastings in 1066 ? William: what is the rebellion Hitler: why do you have a moustach William: why do you want to invade England? Hitler: how did you die MLK: how old are you Hitler: Did boys fight in the wars? HENRY: what do you do in your spare time HENRY: undefined William: Did you have a Education? Hitler: what were your children and wife called? Hitler: are you a retard Hitler: Do you know Sam Alford ? Hitler: How many countries did you invade in total? MLK: do you have siblings ? Hitler: is it true you only had one testical William: were you loved or hated William: what languages do you speak? Hitler: do you only have one testicle Hitler: what happened to your body Hitler: will you go out with kathryn HENRY: Did you love your wives? William: who was william of poiters Hitler: i heard your mum was a hoe, and she done sex for atleast a pund fifty, is this true, if it is suck my dick please.. if you will suck my dick suck it good.. ok? Hitler: why don\'t you jump off a cliff Hitler: what was the work environment under Nazi control? Hitler: Did you like imigrants HENRY: What is your nationality? Hitler: What were your foreign policy objectives? Hitler: how did you treat your workers? HENRY: can you tell me about each of his children? Hitler: why did you want to create a master race of aryan people? HENRY: what do you look like William: hi how are you Hitler: are you nice? Hitler: do you like sausages? Hitler: hgghf Hitler: bonjour comnont s\'apple tu? Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? HENRY: how are you? Hitler: Are you a unique? Hitler: Why are you against Democracy? Hitler: What happened at the Munich Putsch Hitler: Why did you try take take over the goverment and failed? Hitler: Putsch? William: who were your parents Hitler: did you like your dad Hitler: are you a pedophile? Hitler: How did you die? Hitler: did you ever feel jealous of anybody else ? Hitler: Hoe old were you when you were born? Hitler: how old is your dog? Hitler: Why are you so mean Hitler: your a bum Hitler: your a bum Hitler: how old were you when you died? Hitler: Do you have any nephews? Hitler: are you a junkee William: ARE YOU SINGLE William: GOODDAY William: NOTHING U R BORING William: when you beat Hereward The Wake how did you feel DOCTOR: when was the first heart transplant William: what were castles for William: what were castels for William: Why did you invade england Hitler: do you like it up the bum HENRY: It is said that Anne Boleyn was falsely accused of adultery. Why did you kill her? William: are you married? William: What did you do as a child? William: when you were a child did you train to be a soilder DOCTOR: spank me Hitler: knock knock Hitler: say: peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers HENRY: What did you do when the Pope refused to annul your marriage? HENRY: What happened to mary? HENRY: did you have a happy childhood? HENRY: who were your wives : were people afraid of you? : LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL ADOLF : How big are your feet? : Have you got pierced ears? : What size clothes do you wear? : Who was Joesef Boebels? : WHAT THE FUCK : how old are you : what is your favourite jewel? : whos the webmaster ? : If you created your own religion - does this make you God? : how did you lose a testicle? : How successful were the Nazis economic policies between 1936 and 1939 : what was it like? alex rester 2009 : why are you wierd : is it going to snow : are you gay : f off : did you like going to battle : yes : did you read the lord of the rings and did your battle strategies reflect the book in any way? : Did you ever swear? : Were you a star or a monster? : nigga : Did you have a nickname as a child? : How is heaven for you sir? : Do you belive the world will come to an end because of racisum? DOCTOR: how old are you HENRY: what was the best thing that happened to you in your life Hitler: What methods did you use to control Germany? HENRY: Why did you kill so many people? Hitler: Do you think Marian loves Pau? : do you like it up the bum William: What happened in 1070 DOCTOR: florance nightingale : HENRY: who was your heir? DOCTOR: Did women work as doctors during the Renaissance? Hitler: jews are the best race do you agree? HENRY: What was parliment like cosidering the faction fighting? Hitler: why are you so cruel Hitler: do you like drum and bass HENRY: what was the best thing you done William: Did you have any children? Hitler: do you like metallica? MLK: hello Hitler: Are you alive STALIN: Twhy did you not like the americans after world war 2ype your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: did you ever get mistaken for someone else? Hitler: good bye Hitler: did you want chidren Hitler: do you like sheep? Hitler: did you like bowing William: did you win the battle? HENRY: are you called henry? Hitler: do you have a hairy ballsack? DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' HENRY: were you a good king? HENRY: did you like being king? HENRY: how many people did you kill HENRY: How do you make babies HENRY: What was The Defence Of The Seven Sacraments about? Hitler: why didn\'t you become an architect? Hitler: are you a jew STALIN: what did you do during the oct revolution? STALIN: What\'s with the tache? Hitler: yes, yes i have Hitler: have you ever seen alien Hitler: did you ever go to a consentration camp for yourself to see what you did to those poor people? Hitler: what was the perfect family Hitler: what did you do with the dead jews MLK: did MLK marry? HENRY: are you proud of yourself? Hitler: When was the Nazi Party formed? Hitler: chicken burger Hitler: why dont you like the jews? : DOCTOR: What are some key dates in regards to Public Health? Hitler: What was your view on the meaning of life? Hitler: do you like Obama? Hitler: why did you kill muslims Hitler: did you hate muslims Hitler: Do you fail William: do you like sam? Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: what did you believe in? MLK: How old are you? MLK: are you black? Hitler: What were your last words? Hitler: have you had a nice day MLK: What is your middle name? STALIN: what did you promise the people STALIN: what did you think of mussolini Hitler: yes Hitler: yes Hitler: safe mate Hitler: do you know nick esser DOCTOR: What improvements were made in sanitation and public health during the Middle Ages? DOCTOR: What improvements were made in sanitation and public health during the Middle Ages? Hitler: why did the people of germany hate you in the end William: why did your tummy explode? STALIN: How was the industry achived? STALIN: why are you here daniel meakins Hitler: Why did you kill the Jews? Hitler: Erm...could you rephrase that, perhaps? MLK: Why did some followers think that white people should not be allowed to join your movement? Hitler: Did you ever get married? DOCTOR: I like you too. William: What happened to the surviving Saxon soldiers? Hitler: Why did you want to take over the world? Hitler: did you not feel bad killing all those people HENRY: who was your least favourite wife? William: What did you like to do before training? STALIN: how was the press and radio treated? Hitler: hola, que tal? Hitler: did you like pizza Hitler: did your mothers death affect you Hitler: why do you have a toothbrush mustard William: What is ur name William: are u cool William: hello William: are u gay Hitler: Did you ever love anyone? Hitler: why did you decide to join with germany Hitler: haw old are you Hitler: dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s dildo\'s Hitler: Did you cry when you heard about the armistice in 1919? Hitler: Is being the Fruher a hard job? Hitler: Do you like God? Hitler: are you a lesbian? STALIN: How are you so cool? STALIN: did you like the tsar STALIN: Did you like rusia HENRY: When did you become king? DOCTOR: Who was Edwin Chadwick? Hitler: Who are you? Are you crazy? Hitler: What does autarchy mean? HENRY: Why did you kill so many people? Hitler: Did people like you? Hitler: did you have one testicle Hitler: are you gay HENRY: what was your biggest mistake as king? Hitler: have you ever murdered a family member Hitler: did you like the cocaine eye drops Hitler: if you were female what would be the first thing you would do Hitler: did you ever feel like it was your fault that thousands of people died Hitler: did you ever feel guilty that your neice and wife commited suicide because of you Hitler: why are you are a poofta? Hitler: can you speak english well? Hitler: do you like jewish people? Hitler: What is your name? Hitler: Where are you from? Hitler: If you are Austrian then how did you become the leader of Germany? Hitler: will i ever see you again? Hitler: do you think the jews deserve to die William: who did you want to succeed you as king of england? Hitler: why do you have a moustache Hitler: was your dad also your grandad William: r u gay Hitler: why did you have an affair Hitler: were you gay Hitler: who had won world war two? Hitler: what did you think of your reign Hitler: was they weaknesses in the nazi police state Hitler: why dont people like you DOCTOR: how did people get rabbies DOCTOR: How do I access the Yr 10 Medicine History Book? Hitler: did you eat meat HENRY: have you ever inbred Hitler: Are you aware of Indians? Hitler: Do you like sex? Hitler: Ka98K Hitler: weapons of WW2 Hitler: did you have any sexual transmitted infections Hitler: november crimimals Hitler: who is poppy? Hitler: What were the weaknesses of Weimar and other politicians? Hitler: are you misunderstood? Hitler: why do you like aryans when you have brown hair and eyes? Hitler: Are you a hypocrite? William: no STALIN: What was the cold war? Hitler: what was the central bank of nazi germany called? MLK: Who are you? William: how many people did you kill? Hitler: why did you go agaist starlin? STALIN: what is you most famous quote? Hitler: What did you do to the jews : Hitler: hey Hitler: suck out Hitler: did you shoot anyone yourself when you were a soldier? Hitler: how did you die HENRY: How similar were your policies to your father? DOCTOR: What were the typical clothes of a XIX century aristocrat? HENRY: What economical problems did you face\\? Hitler: do you have one ball? Hitler: Why were young people so important to you? Hitler: Did you have any weaknesses? Hitler: Were you religous? Hitler: do you like ronaldo Hitler: Why are you so ugly ? Hitler: did you ever have cancer Hitler: have you seen the green giant advert? Hitler: why are you so controling Hitler: how did the reichstag fire in 1933 help you to get into power? Hitler: What do you think of Lady gaga? William: who were you? HENRY: Vagina HENRY: What efforts did you make to expand Englands overseas empire? : why are you here ? STALIN: were you married? HENRY: Were you ever attracted to men? Hitler: did you have aids? Hitler: Are you asexual William: why did you want to rule england Hitler: How did the Night of the Long Sleeves help you get into power? Hitler: What were the weakness of Weimer and other politicians? Hitler: What are some of your leadership skills? Hitler: What are some of the weakness of other politicians? MLK: Why was your face so ugly? Hitler: do people call you a monster Hitler: why didn\'t you raid australia Hitler: did you have a daughter Hitler: do you have good eyesight Hitler: how big is your penis? Hitler: Why were the nuremberg laws not enforced in 1936 Hitler: YOU ARE INFERIOR Hitler: HURRY UP Hitler: what? Hitler: when did you die Hitler: do you have good eyesight Hitler: how much wood would a wood chucker chuck if a wood chucker was chuck norris? William: were you lucky at hastings? William: why did you disappear during the middle of the Battle of Hastings? Hitler: Did your mother die with shame? Hitler: do you like your up bringing Hitler: What did you do to people who opposed you Hitler: DO YOU LIKE BANNANAS William: who are you Hitler: Why did you have a ridiculous moustache? DOCTOR: Who is the best Galen or Hippocrates Hitler: Why did you think the people voted for you to be their leader? Hitler: Why do you think the pepop Hitler: what was the rhyme that the brits sang DOCTOR: that didnt answer the question was it fair yes or no? Hitler: do you have good eyesight Hitler: is your eyesight good Hitler: was your eyesight good : DOCTOR: hello.what are you doing? DOCTOR: who was galen? Hitler: u tell too much Hitler: Do you have good eyesight? Hitler: are you gay Hitler: What was your up bringing like? Hitler: Are you gay?- William: Do you know the Simpsons William: Did the battle of hastings take place in tellytubby land Hitler: Who were you friends with? Hitler: What was your role in the outbreak of World War 2? Hitler: Who were your friends? Hitler: Do you think what you did was good? Hitler: How are you? Hitler: What did you think about the Treaty of Versailles? Hitler: 335 Hitler: why did you start the war William: Who was Edward the Confessor? Hitler: how old are you ? Hitler: Do you take it up the chuff? Hitler: Do you like cows? Hitler: Do you like ballet? Hitler: Did you like beer? Hitler: piddly pardon Hitler: What was fascism? Hitler: well, yes, you failed at the war Hitler: well i think ur a douchebag Hitler: Are you a fag? Hitler: What made you want to kill these innocent people DOCTOR: hello dr. fox what is the most weird medicene from 1066 to 1450 Hitler: What was the name of the Nazi youth organisation for boys? Hitler: are you pretty oh so pretty and witty and wonderful Hitler: help me with the information in the war Hitler: why, if you thought that Jews were bad, did you go to school with them? Hitler: why were jews Inferior? Hitler: What is your name? : jjjjjj Hitler: is chris a goon Hitler: did you like berstgarden Hitler: hey babe xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Hitler: what is your middle name? Hitler: What\'s your middle name?? Hitler: why didnt you have a demoracy Hitler: how were young people controlled STALIN: Who were your closest associates? William: How many soldiers did you have? DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' DOCTOR: Can you provide some information about Microbes? STALIN: How many people were killed in the purges? Hitler: do you like goats MLK: are you still alive Hitler: Who were your friends? Hitler: Do you view yourself as a good soilder Hitler: Why were you so mean? Hitler: why does the cow say moo? Hitler: why do you have a mousache? DOCTOR: Who was John Snow? DOCTOR: What are vaccines DOCTOR: What are vaccines Hitler: Did you enjoy school? DOCTOR: Who was Rhazes? Hitler: Were you a pedophile? DOCTOR: Who is Humphry Davy? Hitler: why did you want to conqure the u.k Hitler: what did Motorways have to do with nazi Germany DOCTOR: Why are your eyes brown? DOCTOR: What do you do? DOCTOR: What did you do? Hitler: Why did you kill children? Hitler: Who else did you hate apart from Jews and why ? Hitler: paki Hitler: did you comit suicide Hitler: bonjour Hitler: Are you a retard? STALIN: are you a communist Hitler: what was war like William: what tacytics did you use at hastings William: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' William: Were your men always confident that you would win? MLK: where was your fisrt non-violand protest held STALIN: what is collectivisation? Hitler: why did you kill ernst roehm Hitler: what was the central bank of nazi germany called DOCTOR: What is your name? DOCTOR: What age are you? Hitler: did you execute anyone? Stalin: A TEST QUESTION FOR STALIN. William the Conqueror: what was Edward the Confessor surname? Stalin: i dont like your mustache, do you? Adolf Hitler: why were you rubbish? DOCTOR: What is your job? Adolf Hitler: do you like sauges Adolf Hitler: Did you have a sense of humour? Adolf Hitler: Did you have a sense of humour? Adolf Hitler: why did you invade the sudatenland Adolf Hitler: Do you like lamas Adolf Hitler: Do you like Jay Sean? Stalin: When and where were you born? Adolf Hitler: Do you like \"ze boobies\"? Adolf Hitler: what is your blood type? William the Conqueror: your clothes are so out of fasion Adolf Hitler: why did you murder tramps, because you were one yourself? Adolf Hitler: Why won\'t it let me copy and paste my interview? Adolf Hitler: why can\'t i copy this interview? Adolf Hitler: Where did you get your haircut? Adolf Hitler: Why did you hate ethnic minorities? Adolf Hitler: why do you have an american accent? Adolf Hitler: whats your favourite food? Adolf Hitler: why did you kill people Adolf Hitler: William the Conqueror: i am a fatty William the Conqueror: willam the conqueror tell me about yourself William the Conqueror: WHY IS WILLAM WEARING LIPSTICK William the Conqueror: Are you gay? William the Conqueror: Do you eat chewing gum? William the Conqueror: did one of your supporters had their throat cut in your kitchen William the Conqueror: was the first ruler polo William the Conqueror: Do you have a pair of jeans from Primark? William the Conqueror: Male or female? William the Conqueror: when you was a child was you training to be a soldier William the Conqueror: when you was a child was you training to be a soldier William the Conqueror: are you a spacca Henry VIII: Do you like Protestants ? Henry VIII: Do you like beheading people? Henry VIII: Were you loved ? Martin Luther King Jr.: how were black people treated befor the civil rights movement? DOCTOR: what is black death Henry VIII: Did you ever take drugs? Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Henry VIII: Do you like Protestants? Henry VIII: who was your favourite jousting apponent? Henry VIII: who was your favourite jousting horse? Henry VIII: Who was wosely? Henry VIII: what was your reiogien Henry VIII: what is your religion Henry VIII: did he have a dog? William the Conqueror: Did you want to conquer all the world? William the Conqueror: Was Normandy powerful? William the Conqueror: Did you like the pope? William the Conqueror: were you sick Henry VIII: are you a gangter Henry VIII: How old were you when you died Henry VIII: do you think you were harsh Stalin: why won\'t you answer my questions? Stalin: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Henry VIII: i love you Henry VIII: you you support the slave trade : Adolf Hitler: do you like scotland Adolf Hitler: hi how are you webmaster ;) Adolf Hitler: Are you gay? Adolf Hitler: What did you do during World War One? Adolf Hitler: What problems faced Germany in 1918? Adolf Hitler: what problems faced germany in 1918? Adolf Hitler: What was the greatest moment of your life? : do you regret anything you did? Adolf Hitler: what happened when you tried to seize power in 1923 Adolf Hitler: How did you turn yourself into a dictator after becoming Chancellor? Adolf Hitler: how did you turn yourself into a dictator after becoming Chancellor? Adolf Hitler: who were the gestapo? Adolf Hitler: do you like megan pearman Adolf Hitler: do you like megan pearman Adolf Hitler: are you smelly Adolf Hitler: do you like heinz beans Adolf Hitler: what did you have against alex harvey : Adolf Hitler: What did you do during WW1? Adolf Hitler: What did you do during World War One Adolf Hitler: Where were you when the war ended in 1918? Adolf Hitler: what did you do during world war one? Adolf Hitler: Where were you when the war ended in 1918? Adolf Hitler: Where were you when the war ended in 1918? Adolf Hitler: What problems faced Germany in 1918? Adolf Hitler: Are you evil? Henry VIII: Who was your favourite wife? Henry VIII: did u have an afair Henry VIII: are you mad killing all your wifes.? Henry VIII: Why did you marry six women? Adolf Hitler: did you have one ball Henry VIII: Why do you think that men were better leaders when elizabet was a brilliant leader Henry VIII: did you ever fall seriously ill and survi... DOCTOR: do you want to give me a blowjo Adolf Hitler: do you like the british Stalin: What were your grandchildren like? Adolf Hitler: What was your opinion of Clemenceau? William the Conqueror: Do you have Facebook? William the Conqueror: Are you vegeterian? William the Conqueror: What is the meaning of Life? William the Conqueror: Where you ruthless? William the Conqueror: Why did you leave two of your sons countries and then leave one of them only £5000? William the Conqueror: What was your education like? William the Conqueror: Did you have any sibblings? William the Conqueror: What went wrong for you in life William the Conqueror: Were you a good person? Adolf Hitler: when did you become interested in politics Henry VIII: Did you ever take drugs? Henry VIII: Why did you argue with the Pope? Adolf Hitler: what are your occupations? Adolf Hitler: How did you die? Stalin: Why did you do what you have done : Why did you sign the nazi-soviet pact? undefined: why did u start war : 00000000000000000000000000000000000000.0 William the Conqueror: are you stupid Adolf Hitler: how did you govern your people Adolf Hitler: how would you describe your accomplishments? Henry VIII: poo Henry VIII: are you sexual merture Henry VIII: Did you ever take drugs? Henry VIII: Do you think you were a bit harsh? Henry VIII: are you rich Henry VIII: did you have a dog Henry VIII: What problems did you face? Henry VIII: have you ever been abroud DOCTOR: how old are you DOCTOR: what is your sex Adolf Hitler: hid you love goats Adolf Hitler: would you like some cake? DOCTOR: how old are you? DOCTOR: who was sarah nelmes DOCTOR: what means jerking off? DOCTOR: how can fix a headache? Henry VIII: do you have friends Henry VIII: did you have a dog Henry VIII: did you enjoy being king Henry VIII: did you enjoy being king Henry VIII: did you enjoy being king Henry VIII: when you was little what did you want to be Henry VIII: when you was little what did you want to be Henry VIII: do u like cheese? Henry VIII: did you arrange the death of your brother? Henry VIII: Did you believe in other religions Henry VIII: would you have killed your 6 wife if you lived long enough Henry VIII: why didn\'t you divorce all your wives Adolf Hitler: What is the difference between a concentration camp and a death camp? William the Conqueror: how did you feel when you won the throne Adolf Hitler: why do you have that rat under your lip Martin Luther King Jr.: what did you do during the second world war? Martin Luther King Jr.: what did you do during the second world war Adolf Hitler: what was your opinion of the japaneese Adolf Hitler: hello how are you DOCTOR: knock knock? Stalin: what is your opinion of the americans Henry VIII: how did you become king Henry VIII: do u like cake Henry VIII: Are you wierd? William the Conqueror: Do you wash? William the Conqueror: Will you marry me? Adolf Hitler: did you ever feel alone Adolf Hitler: do you ahve feelings? Adolf Hitler: do you have feelings? Henry VIII: how are you? Henry VIII: whats your surname? Henry VIII: When and where were you born? Henry VIII: WILL YOU SLEEP WITH A HAMSTER? William the Conqueror: painfull!!!! William the Conqueror: can you hear me? William the Conqueror: Who was your mum William the Conqueror: are you a drug addict William the Conqueror: Did you have any issues ? Adolf Hitler: who was oskar schindler? Adolf Hitler: who was resposible for Kristallnacht Adolf Hitler: what is your name Adolf Hitler: did you have a phobia Adolf Hitler: how many jews deaths were you responsible for? Adolf Hitler: iyer Adolf Hitler: were you a cristian Adolf Hitler: stfu Henry VIII: do you like pie? Henry VIII: how old were your wives Henry VIII: who were the princes in the tower???? Henry VIII: Heloo Henry VIII: do you like justin bieber? Henry VIII: do you like pie? Adolf Hitler: How did you attack Jews? Adolf Hitler: Are you gay? Henry VIII: When did you become king? Adolf Hitler: your personal opinion on the allies attempt or thought of d day. Stalin: what do you think of concentration camps? Stalin: Were you a virgin? DOCTOR: where does penicillin come into the development of surgery? DOCTOR: what influence did Islam have on medicine? DOCTOR: Describe a case study where in which a vaccination went horribly wrong Stalin: Do you support the way Russia is going today? DOCTOR: Why did Andreas Veasalius steal the body of a criminal from the gallows Adolf Hitler: What made you discriminate against the Jews? Adolf Hitler: were you vain Henry VIII: did you like cheese Henry VIII: wer4vg5huvtyeripaiv7 DOCTOR: How can we explain the medical advances made in Ancient Egypt? DOCTOR: Can lesbians transfer aids? DOCTOR: Who was bacchus DOCTOR: Can you provide some information about The ‘Magic Bullet’? Henry VIII: how big is your shoe size? Adolf Hitler: do you now konsti? Adolf Hitler: thank you for the interview, hope to speak to you soon Henry VIII: what was it like being king? Henry VIII: why do you suck? Henry VIII: what was the currency Henry VIII: do you enjoy being king Adolf Hitler: who was Ernst Hanfstaengl DOCTOR: What are Antibiotics? DOCTOR: why did henry the eighth have big sores? DOCTOR: how did people die in the 19th century Adolf Hitler: what is your mothers name Adolf Hitler: Were you a paedophile? DOCTOR: what decrees were made to stop the great plague of 1665 from spreading? Adolf Hitler: do you want an iphone? Adolf Hitler: who is john pilger? DOCTOR: what happened in 1842? DOCTOR: Did hospitals improve in the Middle Ages? Adolf Hitler: do you have one testical DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Henry VIII: did you like japan Henry VIII: did you like japan Adolf Hitler: what was the world like before hitler? Adolf Hitler: D-11 Adolf Hitler: Is it true that you are a drug addict? Henry VIII: why did you behead your wives? Henry VIII: why did you behead your wives? Henry VIII: Why are you so fat? Adolf Hitler: When you became a leader, what do you do to help the rest of society? Adolf Hitler: The holococaust Adolf Hitler: why did the jews have israel in their name and have to wear the yellow star of David DOCTOR: Who made the medicine used? Adolf Hitler: kk Adolf Hitler: what do you think of charlies mum Adolf Hitler: your mum stinks DOCTOR: Are the sky blues the best Adolf Hitler: what is the banning of political parties? Adolf Hitler: What was your role in WW2? Adolf Hitler: Whydid you feel the need for such a strong group of police forces and for concentration camps? : Adolf Hitler: was you left or right handed? Adolf Hitler: Were you left or right handed? Adolf Hitler: what was your view on gingers : Adolf Hitler: why did you hate jwes so much? Henry VIII: what were the last words that you said Adolf Hitler: what did you think when your dog saved you from the bomb Adolf Hitler: do you watch naruto Adolf Hitler: Where are you now? Adolf Hitler: what made you commit the crimes you did? DOCTOR: Who was healther? the romans or people in the 1300s DOCTOR: how healthy were people in the 1300s? Adolf Hitler: what were your motives? Adolf Hitler: What did you do in WW2 Adolf Hitler: do you like jam Adolf Hitler: What happened on Kristalnacht? William the Conqueror: have you enjoyed your life? Adolf Hitler: what are your views on disabled persons? DOCTOR: in the 1300s, who were healthiet DOCTOR: in the 1300s, who were healthier, romans or europeans? DOCTOR: in 1300s, what were the europeans like Henry VIII: did you have a dog? Henry VIII: Why did you build Deal castle? Adolf Hitler: was you mental Adolf Hitler: was you mental Adolf Hitler: who was your hairdresser? Adolf Hitler: how does it feel to have everyone hating you for murdering all those innocent people? Adolf Hitler: why do you have such a nasty side to you? Adolf Hitler: MURDERER!!!! Henry VIII: Do you think you made a good king? Adolf Hitler: Who are you? Adolf Hitler: Did you really kill yourself? Adolf Hitler: Did you ever play Nazi Zombies? Adolf Hitler: what made you believe in in things like the holy grail Adolf Hitler: Are you a jew hater? Adolf Hitler: bye Adolf Hitler: bye Adolf Hitler: bye Adolf Hitler: What would you say if I said Go Hitler? Henry VIII: do you know sophie hinley? Adolf Hitler: ARE YOU A JEW? Stalin: Do you like me? Adolf Hitler: do you like john Adolf Hitler: did you like technology? Adolf Hitler: do you like pussy? Adolf Hitler: Did you have a family? undefined: whats your wife\'s name Adolf Hitler: What did you think about austrailians? Henry VIII: how was it being king? Henry VIII: What is your favourite activity? William the Conqueror: Are you a spaz? Henry VIII: how many wifes did you have? : Henry VIII: HAVE YOU GOT A WEIRD TALENT Stalin: ich liebe du Henry VIII: what was it like being a king Henry VIII: what was the rack? : Henry VIII: did you like acting Adolf Hitler: by im going now x Adolf Hitler: do you like chocolate? Henry VIII: what were chidrens toys William the Conqueror: how old are you? William the Conqueror: was u mean William the Conqueror: were you mean William the Conqueror: what was it like when you was king? Henry VIII: how was it to be king? Adolf Hitler: are you gay because a jew said so......? Martin Luther King Jr.: What school did you go to ? DOCTOR: why did you shot yourself? DOCTOR: why did you shot yourself? William the Conqueror: Describe your living conditions. Henry VIII: are you dead? Henry VIII: adam ritson Stalin: snake dog Stalin: how are you Stalin: do you like wrestling Henry VIII: i think your fat Adolf Hitler: Adolf Hitler: do u like me# Adolf Hitler: are you fake Adolf Hitler: do you like turtles Stalin: Why did you order the Metro to be built? Adolf Hitler: do you like sikhs Adolf Hitler: wogwan DOCTOR: how do you no if they actually did take out the mummys body parts ? Adolf Hitler: Do you like Rick Roll\'s? Henry VIII: how old were you when you died? Henry VIII: did you like being king Henry VIII: Do you think you made a good king? Stalin: How are you? Adolf Hitler: girlfrend Henry VIII: main ideas and beliefs of Henry VIII Adolf Hitler: Was Nazi Germany a totalitarian state? DOCTOR: how to have sex Adolf Hitler: how did you solve Germany\'s economic problems? DOCTOR: When was the first injection used? Adolf Hitler: Do you believe in God Adolf Hitler: what was your role in the growth of the nazi party in the years 1925-1932? Henry VIII: are you a gangter Henry VIII: Do you enjoy Shakespere Adolf Hitler: why did you hate the jews so much Stalin: how did trotsky die? Henry VIII: Why do you dress so smartly Henry VIII: do you think you were a good leader Adolf Hitler: if someone critisised you publically what would you do? Adolf Hitler: How did you aim to solve the problems of Germany in 1933? Adolf Hitler: Were the SS and SA important in the rise of the Nazi party? Henry VIII: Do you think you made a good king? Henry VIII: Did you kiss any men? Henry VIII: what is tuberculosis ? Henry VIII: are you a weirdo? Adolf Hitler: why are you a fucking knobhead you racist twat. go fuck yourself before i cut off your other ball! Adolf Hitler: do you like hip hop? William the Conqueror: are you strong William the Conqueror: who did you defeat Henry VIII: what did you look like Henry VIII: were you good in maths William the Conqueror: why did the pope want you to win Adolf Hitler: did you have any hobbies aside from mass murdering? Adolf Hitler: what did you plan on giving the germans as a job? Adolf Hitler: why did you blame the Jews on WW1? Henry VIII: are you really a meanie? Henry VIII: was henry bald? Henry VIII: Do you think you made a good king? Henry VIII: who did most of the paintings of you Henry VIII: who was your sexiest wife Henry VIII: Hi henry why don\'t you text me back?! I miss you *SOBBING* Henry VIII: who was your favorite wife Stalin: Did you use force to acheive your position Stalin: What was your opinion of Lenin Stalin: Did it ever bother you, using torture? Henry VIII: do you have a dog Henry VIII: why were you so mean Henry VIII: Did you ever take drugs? Henry VIII: Does anyone actually like you? Henry VIII: Why were afraid of losing your power Henry VIII: are you closterphobic Henry VIII: Did you ever take drugs? Stalin: What were your views on homosexuals? Henry VIII: which one did he exicute and why Henry VIII: could you climb stairs Henry VIII: which of you\'re wives did you like best? Adolf Hitler: what was your relationship with Hans Lammer? DOCTOR: how was medicine practised in prehistoric times? Henry VIII: MOOSEBUTTER? William the Conqueror: did you go to sheffield? William the Conqueror: hello William the Conqueror: when were you born Henry VIII: OMG Henry VIII: do you like cheryl cole? Henry VIII: what was it like being a king Henry VIII: how many people did you kill Henry VIII: What problems did you face? Henry VIII: was the church of england meant to be a permanant thing? Henry VIII: did people approve of the church of england? Henry VIII: did you fear a revolt? Henry VIII: how many men were in your army? Henry VIII: how many battles did you fight? Henry VIII: what was your nationality? Henry VIII: Yo momma Henry VIII: were u ginger Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Henry VIII: have you ever been raped Henry VIII: what was it like being a king Henry VIII: did you have a special chair Henry VIII: so hows it going Henry VIII: Did you ever take drugs? Henry VIII: how old was you halfman half daughter when she/he died Henry VIII: did you smoke Henry VIII: whats your best feature Henry VIII: are you a cannible Stalin: you lost the game Henry VIII: what was it like being a king Henry VIII: which of your wives did you execute and why Henry VIII: what good things have you done in your life that have helped people Henry VIII: you are a stupid person arent you Henry VIII: how large was your army Henry VIII: have you fought in any battles Henry VIII: Did you ever take drugs? Henry VIII: are you strong Henry VIII: why did you sleep with your mistress Henry VIII: why did you sleep with your mistress Henry VIII: did you believe in jesus Henry VIII: sniff my finger Henry VIII: do you like to boogy Henry VIII: yo momma so thick she trew a ball at the floor and missed Henry VIII: yo momma so thick she trew a ball at the floor and missed Henry VIII: what were your main laws William the Conqueror: smell my bottom William the Conqueror: whats the year now Henry VIII: i dont like you Henry VIII: do you like bob marley Stalin: why do have a mostache? Henry VIII: when did you become king Henry VIII: how did you get up your stairs Henry VIII: why was jane seymor your favourite wife? Henry VIII: di you belive in witchcraft Henry VIII: do you think england is stupid or supershous Henry VIII: do you think england was dirty Henry VIII: did you have a forth son? Henry VIII: who was lizzie blount Henry VIII: were you a sporty person Henry VIII: why did you behead katherine Henry VIII: did you like any of your wives Henry VIII: what was the fasion like Henry VIII: were you a good king Henry VIII: are you dead? Henry VIII: How long did you rule? Henry VIII: how old were you when you died? Henry VIII: What were your favourite pastimes? Adolf Hitler: describe the work of the NAZI Party Henry VIII: What problems did you face? Henry VIII: did you make a good king Henry VIII: Do you think you made a good king? Henry VIII: What were your problems? Henry VIII: what were your flaws? Henry VIII: Did you ever take drugs? Henry VIII: were you fluent in latin? Henry VIII: how old were you when your brother died? Henry VIII: how many times did you get whipped Henry VIII: where do you get your clothes from Henry VIII: Why did you allegedly explode after you d... Henry VIII: do you think you could be mean sometimes William the Conqueror: did you order a pizza Henry VIII: your mean Henry VIII: why did you have affaires with your mistsereses? Henry VIII: what were your clothes size Henry VIII: are you cool Henry VIII: how old are you? Henry VIII: how big are your clothes Henry VIII: whats your email Henry VIII: can i have sexwith you Henry VIII: what do you like to eat Henry VIII: did u have a dog Henry VIII: did you ever have a moustache Adolf Hitler: Did you enjoy your school days? Henry VIII: are you happy ? Henry VIII: Did you ever take drugs? Henry VIII: are you kind Henry VIII: have you ever washed? Henry VIII: what is mead? Henry VIII: are you mean? Henry VIII: Was you a fatty Henry VIII: did you make mistakes undefined: why did you marry so amny times William the Conqueror: when were you born Henry VIII: how good is your army? Henry VIII: why were you so mean? Henry VIII: why did not try again for a boy with any of your wives? Henry VIII: why did not try again for a boy with any of your wives? Henry VIII: how old were you when you married your first wife? Henry VIII: do you think you were a good king? Henry VIII: what is a lord chancellor Henry VIII: poohead Henry VIII: did you like beheading people Adolf Hitler: How do Jews defend themselves against your accusations? Henry VIII: so when do you want the crack 20 grams right Henry VIII: ddd? Henry VIII: do you look like a monkey thats what if heard Henry VIII: How are you Stalin: What were the the main agricultural problems in the USSR Henry VIII: who is your grandfather Henry VIII: did you ever stay at burghley house? Henry VIII: what did you do when you was younger to make you want to be king? William the Conqueror: when did harold come to battle you ? Henry VIII: what was your surname? Henry VIII: What was your weakest sport/hobbie? Henry VIII: how good a king do you think you were? Henry VIII: @5õ│É♥◙y{{{A§♀ Henry VIII: do you think you were a good king Adolf Hitler: do you roll with ur homedogs on the westside nigga gang Adolf Hitler: why did you do the beer hall putsch Adolf Hitler: where did you live Adolf Hitler: what did you do with the treaty of versailles Adolf Hitler: what caused the aconomic crash Henry VIII: how manny freinds did you have Henry VIII: shut up Henry VIII: u wana fuck? Henry VIII: Why did you play tennis when Anne Bolyne was being beheaded? Adolf Hitler: Do you like pie? Henry VIII: do you like cheese Henry VIII: was power all that you want and why Henry VIII: Why did you cheat on your wives? Henry VIII: Why did you kill your best friend? Henry VIII: the arch bishop of canterbury Henry VIII: power Adolf Hitler: were you emo? Adolf Hitler: do you like justin bieber? Stalin: Who is your biggest influence? Henry VIII: Could I beat you at football or tennis Adolf Hitler: shagging Henry VIII: were you appreciated Henry VIII: when is your birthday? Henry VIII: fidor deffensor religion what mean to you Henry VIII: why did you want to be known as king henry the great Adolf Hitler: how did you feel when so many people tried to kill you Henry VIII: did you have any affairs? Henry VIII: when did you become king? Henry VIII: do you like chirstmas? Henry VIII: what did you think of anne of cleaves Henry VIII: Do you have a sense of humor? : Can you behead me Henry VIII: Was Jane Seymour pretty? Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Henry VIII: do you regret what you did to the monasteries? Henry VIII: What was your biggest problem and why? Henry VIII: if you had the chance what would you do diffrently Henry VIII: how did you cope when you were made king Henry VIII: what was your biggest mistake Henry VIII: do you feel you you followed in your faters footsteps Henry VIII: why do like jousting Henry VIII: how many children did you have Henry VIII: were you ever lonely? Henry VIII: what image did you want your people to see you as Henry VIII: did you ever cheat on your wives Henry VIII: how were you conected to the archbishop of canterbury Henry VIII: who was the archbishop of canterbury William the Conqueror: how old were you when you were crowned king of england : where you brave and strong Adolf Hitler: why did you bulid auschwitz Henry VIII: do you like killing people? Henry VIII: good bye Henry VIII: do you like cheryl cole Henry VIII: do you like cheryl cole Henry VIII: gayyyyyyyyy DOCTOR: why isnt the henry the eighth head2head interview free? Adolf Hitler: will you marry charlotte? William the Conqueror: what do i do next Henry VIII: was you a good warrior Adolf Hitler: do you want a biscuit Henry VIII: do you have fun Henry VIII: did you baleave in sants Henry VIII: did you use a comdom Henry VIII: how meny heads ddid you cut off Henry VIII: google is cool Henry VIII: are you a guy Henry VIII: did you go to school Henry VIII: do you know that no one likes you? Henry VIII: what is tuberculosis William the Conqueror: who are you William the Conqueror: why did you feel you were a good condender and ruler? William the Conqueror: were you abasterd Adolf Hitler: What was the DAP Adolf Hitler: i like your beard Adolf Hitler: alright Henry VIII: Was Jane seymour pretty? Henry VIII: who was your favourite entertainer Henry VIII: was anyone with you when you died Henry VIII: was anyone with you when you died Henry VIII: why are you such a twat? Henry VIII: are you a skinny pannini Henry VIII: why did you divorce catherine? Henry VIII: do you like chocolate Henry VIII: why do you act like a spoiled brat? Henry VIII: were you a good husband? Henry VIII: what is yor favorite colour Henry VIII: what is your favorite colour? Adolf Hitler: Which groups did he select as a scapegoat and why? Henry VIII: What was your favourite hobbie Henry VIII: Tell us about all your wives Henry VIII: who were youre wives? Adolf Hitler: What do you think of Andrew Jackson William the Conqueror: whaen was willam thye conqueror born William the Conqueror: did you have kids? William the Conqueror: whu can\'t you shut up!!!! Henry VIII: what were your goals as king? William the Conqueror: what was the nationality of william\'s subjects William the Conqueror: when did you arrive in england William the Conqueror: The amount of men in William\'s army Henry VIII: Why is Henry Fitzroy not as famous as the rest of your children? William the Conqueror: where did Hadraada land in England? Stalin: Why was Stalin the only leader? : Stalin: Why were you the only possible leader of the Party after the death of Lenin? Stalin: Explain why there was no clear successor to Lenin. Henry VIII: the order of wives Henry VIII: what is tuberculosis? Adolf Hitler: where did his values come from? Adolf Hitler: What was your motivation? Henry VIII: why did you get people to wipe your bum Henry VIII: why are you so gay Henry VIII: What were the names of your children? Henry VIII: are you dead? Adolf Hitler: how are you Henry VIII: was he gay Henry VIII: Are you cool? Henry VIII: i like pancakes do you Adolf Hitler: where are from Adolf Hitler: where were you born Adolf Hitler: are you gay Adolf Hitler: WHERE ARE YOU FROM Adolf Hitler: WHERE ARE YOU FROM Adolf Hitler: fine how did the army respond to you being in charge? Adolf Hitler: ARE YOU RACIST Adolf Hitler: racist Adolf Hitler: do you like polish people Adolf Hitler: Why did you kill yourself? Adolf Hitler: do you like turkish people Adolf Hitler: are you gay Adolf Hitler: are you gay Adolf Hitler: do you like polish people Adolf Hitler: are you gay Adolf Hitler: are you gay Adolf Hitler: do you like poilsh people Adolf Hitler: are you gay Adolf Hitler: habe you had childern Adolf Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? Adolf Hitler: do you like poilsh people Adolf Hitler: where you born Adolf Hitler: WHERE ARE YOU FROM Adolf Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? Adolf Hitler: where were you born Adolf Hitler: did you have a child Adolf Hitler: where were you born Adolf Hitler: where were you born Adolf Hitler: where were you born Adolf Hitler: where were you born Adolf Hitler: where you born Adolf Hitler: where you born Adolf Hitler: What is your middle name? Adolf Hitler: what is your middle name Adolf Hitler: what is your middle name Adolf Hitler: why you hate jewish people so much? Adolf Hitler: why you hate jewish people so much? Adolf Hitler: why you hate jewish people so much? Adolf Hitler: What were your foreign policy objectives? Adolf Hitler: What were your foreign policy objectives? Adolf Hitler: What religion are you? Adolf Hitler: hello Adolf Hitler: What was the Treaty of Versailles? Adolf Hitler: when did you born Adolf Hitler: How was your childhood Adolf Hitler: How was your childhood? Adolf Hitler: How was your childhood? Adolf Hitler: How was your childhood? Adolf Hitler: In what ways was the Nazi state badly organised? Adolf Hitler: do you like jews Adolf Hitler: Whatisyour religion Adolf Hitler: Whatisyour religion Adolf Hitler: What methods did you use to control Germany? Adolf Hitler: why do you want to kick the jews out of germany Adolf Hitler: Who were your opponents? Adolf Hitler: Who were your opponents? Adolf Hitler: Who were your opponents? Adolf Hitler: do you like the jews if don\'t why Adolf Hitler: when did you become chancellor Adolf Hitler: when did you become chancellor Adolf Hitler: why did you kill the roham Adolf Hitler: why did you kill the roham Adolf Hitler: People say you are gay, is this true? Adolf Hitler: what age did hitler die Adolf Hitler: how did you die Henry VIII: what did people think of you Henry VIII: what is your signature Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Henry VIII: what were your achivments Henry VIII: why was Gloucester cathedriel allowed to stay? Henry VIII: why was Gloucester cathedriel allowed to stay? Henry VIII: were you gay? Henry VIII: when did your children die Henry VIII: what did people say to you in the streets Henry VIII: how did you feel being king Henry VIII: are you henry Henry VIII: you look like you kissed a frog William the Conqueror: Who are you? William the Conqueror: What is chainmail? William the Conqueror: Who made the Bayeux Tapestry? Henry VIII: What did Anne of Cleves think of you, she was only 24 you were 48? Henry VIII: why was edward fat DOCTOR: Were hippocrates\' cures natural? Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Henry VIII: Were you drunk often? Henry VIII: why did you thaugth you where beautifull? William the Conqueror: who did you kill Henry VIII: why do you like jousting? William the Conqueror: did you go clubbing Henry VIII: Were your children well educated? Henry VIII: why did you fight other countryes William the Conqueror: was there any gameshops Henry VIII: Did you enjoy living with your family? Henry VIII: What is your favourite thing to do? Henry VIII: How did you raise your children? Henry VIII: did you have a lot of luxury William the Conqueror: did you ever have a horse crash William the Conqueror: did you ever have a horse William the Conqueror: was William the Conqueror: was you ever anerexic Henry VIII: who was thomas cranner Henry VIII: what religion was your father? Adolf Hitler: was it true hitler hung himself Henry VIII: what is the calais? Henry VIII: why did you marry anne of cleaves Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Adolf Hitler: Why, if you said you loved children, did you condone killing them in concentration camps when they have no opinion of the world or of Communism? William the Conqueror: did you have any children Adolf Hitler: What was your house like? Adolf Hitler: who was your favourite official Henry VIII: did you have an std Henry VIII: What were your aims as a king? Henry VIII: Who was you favorite wife? DOCTOR: What caused the crusades in the middle ages? DOCTOR: What is feudalism? Henry VIII: WHAT DID YOU INVENT Henry VIII: what did you invent Henry VIII: did HenryVIII invent anything? Henry VIII: why did you kill your wives Henry VIII: did you give benefits? Henry VIII: did you give benefits? Henry VIII: did you invent any medicines? Stalin: what were the purges Stalin: do you like jews? Henry VIII: which wife did you like best Henry VIII: are you religous? Henry VIII: are y happppey Henry VIII: are y happppey Henry VIII: Are you religous? Henry VIII: did you like men Henry VIII: were you a gangster? Henry VIII: how many dieases have you had Henry VIII: would you get married again Henry VIII: Why did you stop exercising? Henry VIII: are you really henry VIII? Henry VIII: Why was it good for you to give a good first impression Adolf Hitler: what do you think of iraq? Adolf Hitler: are you dead Adolf Hitler: What Did You Think Of North Africans Adolf Hitler: how did you feel when the german groups stopped fighting Adolf Hitler: do you like boobs Adolf Hitler: how did you deal with the minority groups in Germany Henry VIII: why are you ginger Adolf Hitler: how did you deal with minority groups in germany? Adolf Hitler: do you like apple pancakes? Henry VIII: were you ginger Henry VIII: when and where was henry born? Henry VIII: have you ever fingered your ear Henry VIII: have you ever been referred to as a fudgemonkey Adolf Hitler: how did you control the lives of young people? Henry VIII: is your handwriting neat Henry VIII: is your handwriting neat Henry VIII: what was your great matter Stalin: capitalism Henry VIII: What was the King\'s great matter Henry VIII: What was the King\'s great matter Henry VIII: make sound work plz Henry VIII: how old were you at the war of the roses Henry VIII: how old were all your wives when they died William the Conqueror: bhcccbv Henry VIII: how many laws did you make Henry VIII: why areyou an idiut Henry VIII: what was the popes name Henry VIII: why did you have an affair with Mary Boleyn? undefined: How did you control the lives of young people? undefined: how did you punish opponents undefined: how did you punish opponents Henry VIII: do you where make up Henry VIII: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' undefined: what did you think of the christian churches? undefined: Who are you? undefined: how old where you when you died undefined: are you gay? undefined: what do you know about the WW1 William the Conqueror: if you were born in england would you fight for them? William the Conqueror: if you were born in england would you fight for them? William the Conqueror: who was the first norman ruler? William the Conqueror: was polo the first norman ruler William the Conqueror: Were you trained to be a soldier when you were a child William the Conqueror: Were you trained to be a soldier when you were a child William the Conqueror: where you trained to be a soldier when you were a child? William the Conqueror: did you practice archery William the Conqueror: did you practice archery William the Conqueror: did you practice archery William the Conqueror: did you practice archery William the Conqueror: did you practice archery William the Conqueror: did you practice archery William the Conqueror: When were you born William the Conqueror: when were you born? William the Conqueror: What is you name ? William the Conqueror: are you a good ruler William the Conqueror: were you trained to be a soldier ? William the Conqueror: how old would you be if you were still alive? William the Conqueror: how old where you when you died undefined: what was the blitzkrieg? Henry VIII: helllo Martin Luther King Jr.: no you William the Conqueror: Who was Rollo? Henry VIII: When did you become king? William the Conqueror: was polo the first norman leader William the Conqueror: What year were you born? William the Conqueror: Do you play Mario William the Conqueror: who was your family? William the Conqueror: What is the name for a viking pirate? William the Conqueror: who are your family William the Conqueror: did you have a family? William the Conqueror: did you train to be a solider? Henry VIII: when did you realise that you were a rapist Henry VIII: how is your jigilo William the Conqueror: were you a solider William the Conqueror: did you be a solider? William the Conqueror: when did you become a soldier Henry VIII: do you like the name alexander stedman Henry VIII: did you gamble undefined: Why did you kill the jews Henry VIII: do you like richard Henry VIII: how did you become king DOCTOR: who invented laughing gas and what is it? DOCTOR: who invented chloroform and what is it? Henry VIII: duke of suffolk Henry VIII: silence William the Conqueror: what year were you born William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: did you have a daughter Henry VIII: Why didn\'t you have one wife? Henry VIII: Did your Dad kill the princes in the tower? Henry VIII: Who is Henry Fitzroy? Henry VIII: what did you do for fun Stalin: your a prick Henry VIII: why did you get malaria Henry VIII: why did you get so ill Henry VIII: instend of killing people you could put them in jail Stalin: do you like dicks? Henry VIII: what is masques Henry VIII: If you are ugly why did so many people marry you? Henry VIII: did you ever want to re-open the monastries? Henry VIII: why didn\'t people always agree with you? Henry VIII: did you ever think that you would rule england when you were younger? Henry VIII: what did you achieve as king Henry VIII: what did you achieve as king? William the Conqueror: when did you hold of france William the Conqueror: hi William the Conqueror: good William the Conqueror: good William the Conqueror: William the Conqueror: viking pirates William the Conqueror: when did your father die William the Conqueror: were there plots to kill you DOCTOR: Can you provide some information about Microbes? Stalin: How did you attempt to explain the excesses of collectivisation in your ‘Dizzy with success’ article of March 1930? undefined: The flying officer says your nasty, why? undefined: Why do you hate Jews? undefined: Why do you hate me? undefined: Why did you give Germans and Austrians a bad reputation? undefined: why do you hate jews? William the Conqueror: did tosti fight for william when he was thrown out of the country William the Conqueror: do you think you won because of you clever stratergy Henry VIII: do you think that you were a good king undefined: who were the minorities in germany? Henry VIII: Did you know lady jane grey undefined: so how aare you undefined: how did you die undefined: why you hate jewsh undefined: how did you die? undefined: hello hitler undefined: what is the great depression undefined: why did you commit sucide undefined: why did you kill the jews? undefined: Was Nazi Germany a totalitarian undefined: when was you born Stalin: What Was The Soviet Union undefined: why isnt this working? William the Conqueror: ygtyrdxcre Martin Luther King Jr.: How could you stay non-violent? undefined: when and where were you born? William the Conqueror: do you think highly of personal hygene Henry VIII: What was your nationality? William the Conqueror: how many houses did you have William the Conqueror: was your life ever threatened undefined: Why was the SS so powerful? undefined: what are your views on communism undefined: where were you born Henry VIII: What did you look like? Henry VIII: How did you and the Ppope fall out with each other? Henry VIII: who was your best freind : did you want to be called henry undefined: hello Henry VIII: were you a good king? Henry VIII: did you gamble William the Conqueror: are you fat William the Conqueror: who was willy William the Conqueror: was your dicky bird huge undefined: Are you Hitler? undefined: Who are you? undefined: What was Germany like when you ruled it? undefined: Where were you born? William the Conqueror: Do you like soup William the Conqueror: Were you nervous? William the Conqueror: are you easily irritated? William the Conqueror: Why did you want to be king of England William the Conqueror: Were you happy when Edward the Confessor died William the Conqueror: Who are you? William the Conqueror: What food do you like? William the Conqueror: What are you described as? William the Conqueror: Why did you invade England? Henry VIII: arthur did not die in 1499 he died in 1502 William the Conqueror: tell me about your education Henry VIII: Why did henry viii come king? Henry VIII: What were the names of your children? William the Conqueror: Who was the first Norman ruler? William the Conqueror: Did you win battles against the king of France? William the Conqueror: Did people mock your background? William the Conqueror: How did your father die? Adolf Hitler: do you ask people to talk propoganda for you? Adolf Hitler: Didn\'t you feel ashamed that you killed all those people at holocaust? DOCTOR: what was the medicine like during the cold war? William the Conqueror: when were you born DOCTOR: What type of medicines did you use? Henry VIII: are you dum William the Conqueror: how did he die???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Adolf Hitler: are you gay Adolf Hitler: do you know swear words Adolf Hitler: do you like demi-jade reztan Henry VIII: How are you? Henry VIII: why do you think girls are such weak rulers William the Conqueror: Who are you? Henry VIII: your dad is dead hahaha William the Conqueror: when in battle did you ever think you were gong to loose William the Conqueror: What will you do now your king? William the Conqueror: WHo were your best friends? William the Conqueror: Did you force Anglo Saxons to speak French? William the Conqueror: howmany battles have you fought and which was the hardest Henry VIII: How did you divorce Catherine? Henry VIII: What was your new church like? Henry VIII: Why did you kill so many people? Henry VIII: were do u like Adolf Hitler: are you a nazi Adolf Hitler: When were you born? Adolf Hitler: what were your parents like Adolf Hitler: when were you born? Adolf Hitler: when and where were you born Adolf Hitler: what were you parents like? Adolf Hitler: what was your policy on religion? Adolf Hitler: were you smart Adolf Hitler: how did you feel about women? Adolf Hitler: what is eugenics? Adolf Hitler: how did you feel ambout americans? Henry VIII: do you like learning numbers Henry VIII: will you go out with katie ross Henry VIII: would you go out with anyone else Adolf Hitler: when were you born? Adolf Hitler: where were you born? Adolf Hitler: what is your name Henry VIII: Aren\'t your wives the victim of your emotions? Henry VIII: How did you become king? Henry VIII: do you like wearing hats? Henry VIII: do you have facebook? Henry VIII: good bye Martin Luther King Jr.: when were you assassinated Martin Luther King Jr.: where did you get shot Martin Luther King Jr.: were you attacked by the Klu Klux Klan? Adolf Hitler: do you like squirrels Adolf Hitler: why did you not have a monobrow Martin Luther King Jr.: How were you brought up? Henry VIII: what happened to cathrine par Henry VIII: what jokes did you use? Henry VIII: undefined: what is eugenics? undefined: born Adolf Hitler: Do you have any decendants? Martin Luther King Jr.: can you believe that is not butter? Martin Luther King Jr.: do you know justin beber? Martin Luther King Jr.: Sup Niger Adolf Hitler: did you have an affair with your niece ? William the Conqueror: Did you have a big head? William the Conqueror: lol : William the Conqueror: when were you born Stalin: did you have good manners? Stalin: were you buried or cremated? William the Conqueror: did your men get rewarded for their win? William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: when did you become duke Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Adolf Hitler: would you do what you did again? Adolf Hitler: why did anti-jewish nazi actions stop in 1936 Henry VIII: How many wall hangings do you have? Adolf Hitler: film that encouraged people to feel happy? Adolf Hitler: meow Henry VIII: where were you born? Henry VIII: were you gay Henry VIII: hjbgvhygfrtgvbhjnm Martin Luther King Jr.: who is a fail? Adolf Hitler: why did anti-jewish nazi actions stop in 1936? Adolf Hitler: when the germany on run get the gold medals how was your behaved William the Conqueror: how were you such a good leader? William the Conqueror: Did \'Norman\' mean \'North Man\'? William the Conqueror: Who was your father? William the Conqueror: What happened in 1054? William the Conqueror: What happened in 1057? William the Conqueror: Were your parents married? William the Conqueror: Was your mother married? William the Conqueror: When were you born? William the Conqueror: did you train when you were younger Adolf Hitler: why do you have an unusual moustache? Henry VIII: Why is he saying that he has emailed my teacher - he doesn\'t know my details! William the Conqueror: the amount of men in williams army Adolf Hitler: did you ever fight in world war two or one ? Adolf Hitler: haw did you get that mustac William the Conqueror: what are your characteristics? Adolf Hitler: how was ur relationship with ur mother? Adolf Hitler: what did young people do? Adolf Hitler: there is a gap in your brain? Adolf Hitler: how did the nazi rule affect women? Adolf Hitler: do you believe in god? Stalin: do you think communism failed in Soviet Russia? Stalin: are you a killer? Adolf Hitler: What is your name? gay lord William the Conqueror: when did you learn to fight Adolf Hitler: how did u do it? Adolf Hitler: what types of jobs were given to unemployed Adolf Hitler: how did you reduce the unemployment Adolf Hitler: how much money did the rad earn? Adolf Hitler: did you respect women of nazi germany Adolf Hitler: what was your idel religion Adolf Hitler: why did hitler hate the Jews Adolf Hitler: are you gay? Stalin: are you mentally challenged? Stalin: are you a virgin? Stalin: do you like penny wellock? Stalin: do you like georgia payne? Stalin: how long did it take for you to grow a full size dick? Stalin: go grow some balls DOCTOR: where were youu bornn?? Henry VIII: who do you want to win the xfactor Henry VIII: Did you die a Protestant or a Catholic? Henry VIII: when did you marry your first wife Henry VIII: When did you kill your wifes DOCTOR: Who was Joseph Lister? DOCTOR: When were rubber gloves invented? William the Conqueror: when were you born Henry VIII: Are you castrated? Adolf Hitler: Were you a loving father? Stalin: were you paranoid in your decisions or did someone influence you? Adolf Hitler: What do you think of Harry Potter? Adolf Hitler: are you gay? Adolf Hitler: what do you think of harry leitch Adolf Hitler: why did you only have one ball? Adolf Hitler: why did you kill yourself Adolf Hitler: what colour are your eyes Adolf Hitler: did you know someone called hannah fegan William the Conqueror: when did you become duke William the Conqueror: Why were you known as \'William the Bastard\'? William the Conqueror: Were you an illegimate? William the Conqueror: were there lots of plots to kill you? Adolf Hitler: do you like starlin? Stalin: Did you like Rasputin? Adolf Hitler: What is your name? Henry VIII: do u have bieber fever Henry VIII: What do you think about yourself? Adolf Hitler: Are you gay? Adolf Hitler: was your grandfather a Jew William the Conqueror: you are stupid William the Conqueror: What did you look like? William the Conqueror: do you smell William the Conqueror: were are you berried William the Conqueror: do you smell William the Conqueror: were you marred William the Conqueror: did you have water William the Conqueror: why did you explode William the Conqueror: are you a bith William the Conqueror: are you a pedofile William the Conqueror: when was William the Conqueror: are micheal jackson William the Conqueror: are you a robot William the Conqueror: was your armor heavy William the Conqueror: can you shut up William the Conqueror: do you smell William the Conqueror: who are you William the Conqueror: why do your eyes follow my mouse William the Conqueror: who is the webmaster? Adolf Hitler: what were the women expected to do Adolf Hitler: How did you create jobs for unemployed people? Adolf Hitler: What jobs did you know Adolf Hitler: did you always hate the jews? Adolf Hitler: Are you sporty? William the Conqueror: how long did you have the throne William the Conqueror: are you single? William the Conqueror: are you single? William the Conqueror: hi Martin Luther King Jr.: I am gay Martin Luther King Jr.: Why are you doing this? Adolf Hitler: why did you give the unemployed people jobs? William the Conqueror: when were you born Stalin: Type your question here and click 'Submit' Henry VIII: how did you keep clean William the Conqueror: did you have poor eyesight William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: did you wear a crown Adolf Hitler: do you like Jonty Adolf Hitler: Do you know james Henry VIII: do you like partys Henry VIII: did u like guys Henry VIII: How did you keep clean? Henry VIII: Did you suppurt science William the Conqueror: what are the false things on the sheet? William the Conqueror: who did your mum work for William the Conqueror: who did your mum work for William the Conqueror: how would you describe yourself William the Conqueror: how many soldiors did you capture William the Conqueror: how many armies did you deafeat William the Conqueror: were there plots to kill you William the Conqueror: are you illegimate William the Conqueror: are you illegimate William the Conqueror: why don't you answer me proparly Henry VIII: Who were your wives? Henry VIII: What did you do when the Pope refused to annul your marriage? and How did you change The Church of England? Henry VIII: How did you keep clean? Henry VIII: How did you spend your leisure time? Henry VIII: How does it feel to be in such power Adolf Hitler: D you only have# ball? Stalin: Who was your wife? Adolf Hitler: how were workers encouraged to work or rewarded for hard work Adolf Hitler: how were workers encouraged to work or rewarded for hard work Henry VIII: why you so ugerly William the Conqueror: did you ever lose any battles? William the Conqueror: when did you train to be a soldier William the Conqueror: how did you die William the Conqueror: have you ever flew a plane Adolf Hitler: do you watch sponge bob square pants Adolf Hitler: do you watch sponge bob square pants Adolf Hitler: do you watch sponge bob square pants!!!!!!!!!! Adolf Hitler: are you gay? Adolf Hitler: have you had an orgasm? Adolf Hitler: Did you feel any emotions when you killed 6 million Jews? Adolf Hitler: Are you superstitous Adolf Hitler: What did the nazis do to men William the Conqueror: when is your birthday? William the Conqueror: fisrt ruler norman ruler? Adolf Hitler: what is your name? Adolf Hitler: Matthew Baker Adolf Hitler: Mitchell Simpson Adolf Hitler: What did you think of cowards? Adolf Hitler: What was your meanest punishment? Adolf Hitler: Did you ever shoot anyone? William the Conqueror: i hate you William the Conqueror: When were you born? William the Conqueror: were you a good soldier William the Conqueror: how big was your army? William the Conqueror: were you strong William the Conqueror: were you strong William the Conqueror: Was your kingdom run fairly? William the Conqueror: What happened in your final years? Henry VIII: Did you know Adolf Hitler? Henry VIII: did you have any sexual intercourse Henry VIII: when did you lose your virginaty? Henry VIII: were you cool Henry VIII: did you know harry potter Henry VIII: what plays did you like William the Conqueror: What type of food did you eat? William the Conqueror: what happened when your father died William the Conqueror: how good were you at school? Adolf Hitler: did you have a pet? Adolf Hitler: if you ruled the world, what would you do? Martin Luther King Jr.: how old were you when you died Adolf Hitler: Did you ever TROL? William the Conqueror: when did you become duke of normandy William the Conqueror: When were you born? William the Conqueror: Who was the first Norman ruler? William the Conqueror: why did you set the houses on fire? William the Conqueror: did vikings ever settle in your area? William the Conqueror: what is your mum and dad called? William the Conqueror: why did you have to count every animal in the land? William the Conqueror: when were born William the Conqueror: When were you born? William the Conqueror: Did you train to be a soldier? William the Conqueror: Can you ride a horse? William the Conqueror: When did you become Duke? William the Conqueror: What happened when your father died? William the Conqueror: Did you ever cut anybodys' throat? William the Conqueror: Were there plots to kill you? William the Conqueror: Were you the Duke of Normandy? Adolf Hitler: who controlled the police and the courts? Adolf Hitler: Why did you suicide_ Adolf Hitler: are you awakward Henry VIII: where did you get crowned? Adolf Hitler: Why did you not have any children even though you encouraged women to have many children? Adolf Hitler: what is your background? Adolf Hitler: what is castrated William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: Dis you become duke of normanday when you were 18 William the Conqueror: Dis you become duke of normanday when you were 18 William the Conqueror: Did you have brothers and sisters? Adolf Hitler: what is your background? William the Conqueror: When did you die? William the Conqueror: why did you exacute so many people William the Conqueror: William the Conqueror: 1054? William the Conqueror: Hi William the Conqueror: hello William the Conqueror: what happened to your mother? William the Conqueror: Why were you known as 'William the Bastard'? Henry VIII: Why did you marry six wifes ? Henry VIII: did you personaly kill anyone? Henry VIII: Did you read? Adolf Hitler: how were the workers Adolf Hitler: Why were young people so important to you? Henry VIII: why did you get syphilis Henry VIII: did you invent anything Henry VIII: if your wives had affairs and you killed then then shouldnt you be dead to Henry VIII: were you happy when your brother died Henry VIII: did you force women to marry you Adolf Hitler: where is your grave? Henry VIII: gayle from coranation stree has had 5 husbands so shes one behind you mate. . Henry VIII: how do you plan on dying Henry VIII: Why did you marry Catherine? Henry VIII: how did your dad die Henry VIII: What do you use all your land for? Henry VIII: Why do you have so many banquets? Henry VIII: when were you king Henry VIII: why did you start liking martin luther Adolf Hitler: where did you live? Henry VIII: How did you get divorced? Martin Luther King Jr.: what made you protest? undefined: When did the Slave trade start Henry VIII: do you have a role model Henry VIII: what was the popes reaction to you denying his authority Adolf Hitler: did you always plan to take over Czechoslavkia Adolf Hitler: What was the meaning of what you did? Adolf Hitler: why are you so offensive Henry VIII: What is around your neck? Henry VIII: Who is your favourite noble? Henry VIII: can i have a smint? Henry VIII: you wear girls clothes DOCTOR: whats your name DOCTOR: whats your name DOCTOR: what is surgery William the Conqueror: how was the battle William the Conqueror: how old were you when the battle happend ? William the Conqueror: how could you have been removed as king? Henry VIII: guess what Henry VIII: why were you a good king Adolf Hitler: did you like treating people badly? Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Henry VIII: Who was John Fisher? Henry VIII: When were you crowned? Henry VIII: what did you learn? Henry VIII: what did you learn? Henry VIII: what was the result arguing with the pope Adolf Hitler: how did you treat young people Adolf Hitler: were jobs hard to get? DOCTOR: what medical care was really given to children after the free medical care act of 1912 Adolf Hitler: did you have any toys Henry VIII: When did you become King? Henry VIII: how did you fell when the great fire of london happened Adolf Hitler: how do you feel about the treaty of versailles? Adolf Hitler: did the nazis suffer from the deppression? Adolf Hitler: What was your reaction to the Treaty of Versaille? DOCTOR: why do you think william won Adolf Hitler: your stupider than you look Martin Luther King Jr.: what do you think about my lai? Henry VIII: What were the names of your children? shut up fool Henry VIII: Who were your wives?la la alalal Henry VIII: hello Adolf Hitler: do you consider yourself a planner or a gambler? Adolf Hitler: why did you change your mind with Cezchoslavkia Adolf Hitler: what did you do when your parents died Adolf Hitler: What was the Nazi view on the role of women? Adolf Hitler: why are you a wanker Adolf Hitler: who was the head of the luftwaffe? Adolf Hitler: do you know charley butler? Adolf Hitler: do you know robbie austin? Adolf Hitler: do you know charley butler Henry VIII: do you think people liked you Adolf Hitler: What is your name? William the Conqueror: who was polo Adolf Hitler: at what age did children work Adolf Hitler: Was Nazi Germany a totalitarian state? Adolf Hitler: Who were your parents? Adolf Hitler: How often do you masturbate? Henry VIII: Did you have lots of parties? Henry VIII: Do you think you are a good king? Henry VIII: What year did you become king? undefined: is hitler gay? Adolf Hitler: what religeon were you? Adolf Hitler: me Adolf Hitler: ug Adolf Hitler: what did hitler do in the first world war Adolf Hitler: hannah montanna Henry VIII: what did you learn Adolf Hitler: do you like fried chicken Adolf Hitler: Why did you not like cut flowers? Adolf Hitler: do you like hip hop Adolf Hitler: Whats Your Favorite Drink? : Adolf Hitler: Why were young people so important to you? Adolf Hitler: Do you like kim jong il? Adolf Hitler: did goerbbles have a deformed foot William the Conqueror: how many languages could you speak? William the Conqueror: are you ok? Adolf Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? Adolf Hitler: what? Adolf Hitler: what is your moustache called? Henry VIII: when did you become king? Henry VIII: how long did you wait to be king? Martin Luther King Jr.: What does it mean to be a Christian? Martin Luther King Jr.: What does it mean to be a Christian? Henry VIII: Did you have fun as king? Henry VIII: what sickness did you have Henry VIII: who is catherine of Aarogan? Adolf Hitler: why were you so mean to the jews Stalin: Who was your biggest rival? Stalin: how many years were you in office Adolf Hitler: Do you like Jews Adolf Hitler: do you have 6 fingers Adolf Hitler: are you alive Adolf Hitler: why did you get sent to jail Adolf Hitler: What happened during the great depression? Adolf Hitler: When did you become the leader of Germany William the Conqueror: why did you want to be king so much? undefined: Who was your favorite wife? undefined: What was your greatest accomplishment as King? Henry VIII: how many chrildren did you did you have Adolf Hitler: are you gay? Adolf Hitler: what are you best at Adolf Hitler: Can you please do something Stalin: what are you personal feeling on the purges? Stalin: What did you do as commissar for nationalities? William the Conqueror: how did your wife matilda die? Adolf Hitler: did you like your perints DOCTOR: What was the standard of medical training during the Renaissance? DOCTOR: Can you provide some information about AIDS? Adolf Hitler: Is russell a kiddy fiddler Adolf Hitler: does russell have a baby fetish Henry VIII: Do you deserve to be a king? Adolf Hitler: what did you do in vienna? What ideas did you develop? Henry VIII: Are you sporty? William the Conqueror: are you epic William the Conqueror: when was you born William the Conqueror: William the Conqueror: Have you ever been ill before? William the Conqueror: Do you like fish? Henry VIII: What was your nationality? William the Conqueror: have you killed someone in cold blood DOCTOR: Who was the president of the US during WWI? : William the Conqueror: William the Conqueror: ccc n # Adolf Hitler: What is an 8 letter code William the Conqueror: when is your birthday Adolf Hitler: What did you do in Viena? Adolf Hitler: What happened after WW1? Henry VIII: are you proud of yourself DOCTOR: Where did the Black death start? William the Conqueror: "how long did you practise riding and archery?" William the Conqueror: when did you defeat the french armies? Adolf Hitler: How did you reorganise the nazi party Henry VIII: what your name Henry VIII: how long did you rule england William the Conqueror: did you kill anyone? William the Conqueror: How did you feel becoming King by killing people? William the Conqueror: Who were the Viking rulers in Normandy? William the Conqueror: When did your father die? William the Conqueror: Were you trained to be a soldier as a child? William the Conqueror: Who was your mother's second husband? Martin Luther King Jr.: Why did you want to change the world? Martin Luther King Jr.: do you like louis starbuck Henry VIII: were you cruel? Stalin: Did you smoke much? Adolf Hitler: did you enjoy school DOCTOR: hoe old are you? Adolf Hitler: do you like cats Adolf Hitler: when you were growing up what did you want to be/ Adolf Hitler: when you were growing up what did you want to be? William the Conqueror: how tall are you Adolf Hitler: Why are you so mean? Adolf Hitler: Why did you use Violence? Adolf Hitler: what is the wunderwaffe Adolf Hitler: are you normal Adolf Hitler: What are you doing? Adolf Hitler: what was your dog called? Adolf Hitler: what is ur dad called Henry VIII: what were your results Adolf Hitler: What is Eugenics? Adolf Hitler: what did you do with jewish children? William the Conqueror: who build this program? William the Conqueror: When did you have your first kiss? DOCTOR: What were the Four Humours and how did were they supposed to affect a person's heath? DOCTOR: What were the Four Humours and how did were they supposed to affect a person's heath? Adolf Hitler: What are you doing? Adolf Hitler: What do you mean you dont know what im saying Adolf Hitler: Good man Adolf Hitler: Good man Adolf Hitler: Good man is a compliment Adolf Hitler: What were your view on retards Adolf Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? Adolf Hitler: gobbledegook Adolf Hitler: can you produce sperm with 1 ball Adolf Hitler: Are you dead? Adolf Hitler: do you like me? Adolf Hitler: If you had children would you still love them even if they didnt have blonde hair and blue eyes? Adolf Hitler: did you have children Adolf Hitler: are you jealous of people with 2 balls Adolf Hitler: Who were your opponents? Henry VIII: what was your shoe size Henry VIII: What did you like most about being king Henry VIII: What did you like least about being king? Henry VIII: Do you think you were a good King? Henry VIII: how did you cure your sickness Henry VIII: why were you intrested in medicine? Henry VIII: Do you think you were a good king Martin Luther King Jr.: When were you born? Martin Luther King Jr.: how old are you? Martin Luther King Jr.: do you have a sister? Martin Luther King Jr.: hello Henry VIII: What do you think of yourself as a king Henry VIII: do you think you are a good king Henry VIII: did you have any bets when you wrestled Francois Adolf Hitler: do you think what your father done to you affected what you did? Henry VIII: how was your fhader : kids Adolf Hitler: do you like call of duty Adolf Hitler: do you know Jossiha Isacc Peter John Duncan/Thompson Henry VIII: were are you bered undefined: Why did you kill the jews? Henry VIII: did you like being king? Adolf Hitler: What is your name? Adolf Hitler: why were you worried about the france ? Adolf Hitler: What was the Treaty of Versailles? iojhweofjhsnv'[APKIWENGHFJ4 undefined: Hello undefined: How are you Adolf Hitler: What was Kristallnacht? Martin Luther King Jr.: how did you get involved in the civil rights movement? Adolf Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? William the Conqueror: do you know barry mills the 3rd DOCTOR: what was the diffrence between 19th and 20th century public health Henry VIII: why didn't you devorce anne? Adolf Hitler: Did you believe in the occult Adolf Hitler: did you like your moe? Adolf Hitler: were you possessed by a demon? William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: do you think you are charming? William the Conqueror: why do you keep looking up? : DOCTOR: How can we explain the medical advances made in Ancient Greece? Martin Luther King Jr.: hi Adolf Hitler: why are you gay? William the Conqueror: were you a good conqueror William the Conqueror: were you a good conqueror Adolf Hitler: Why were young people so important to you? Adolf Hitler: What were children encouraged to join during Nazi Rule? Adolf Hitler: Why are you so mean? Adolf Hitler: why did you hate jews so much : What military strategy did Stalin use during the second World War? Stalin: why didn't you attend your mothers funeral? Stalin: what were you afraid of? Stalin: Why didn’t you attend your mother’s funeral? Stalin: are you jewish Stalin: did you like mussolini Adolf Hitler: do you have a ghost? Stalin: Do you have any religious views? If so, did this affect the way you rand the country? Stalin: Do you think that you were selfish in your control, since you live in comfortable conditions while your country struggled to survive? Stalin: Did you have in mind the outcome for the country when you first took power? Stalin: Do you have any doubts or regrets of how you ran the country or about the ideology of communism? Henry VIII: What is a cod piece? Henry VIII: What is a cod piece? Henry VIII: Do you like to flirt Henry VIII: Do you like to flirt Stalin: is cody a fagget Henry VIII: shut up William the Conqueror: black plague William the Conqueror: black plague Adolf Hitler: WALLH Adolf Hitler: Is it true that you only had one testicle? Adolf Hitler: do you like to suck pussy? : Adolf Hitler: my name is dick (thisis offensivesayingmynameisaswearword) undefined: are you gay William the Conqueror: As a child were you trained to be a soldier? William the Conqueror: what were your wepons William the Conqueror: hi Adolf Hitler: So what are you up to Martin Luther King Jr.: How did you die Adolf Hitler: What was life like for workers before you were Chancellor? Adolf Hitler: what did workers do during the nazi ule Adolf Hitler: how were workers encouraged to work Adolf Hitler: how were workers rewarderd for there hard work Stalin: are you team cullen or team jacob? Stalin: Did you kill your Wife? Adolf Hitler: what were the weaknesses of weimer and other politicians? Adolf Hitler: do you like sheep Adolf Hitler: Are you a peodophile Adolf Hitler: I love you , you love me, we're as happy as can be with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you, won't you say i love you to Adolf Hitler: i want sex with you Adolf Hitler: have you ever been to shoprite? William the Conqueror: do u have a husband Adolf Hitler: why is one of your eyes bigger than the other William the Conqueror: was life harsh? Adolf Hitler: how did you feel when your parents died ? Adolf Hitler: how come you didnt have any kids? Adolf Hitler: did you and your sister paula get along? Adolf Hitler: what languages can you speek Adolf Hitler: Do you ever bake cookies? Adolf Hitler: whats your name William the Conqueror: did you know that i did your wife last night? Henry VIII: who was your grandma? Henry VIII: is neil hitler Adolf Hitler: r u neil Adolf Hitler: did you have any hobies? Adolf Hitler: what do you think about fascism Adolf Hitler: Who are your Idols? Stalin: why did you have trotsky assassinated? Stalin: Why were you such a paranoid lunatic? Stalin: Why does the star represent communism? Stalin: do you have a facebook account? Adolf Hitler: do you like haydn? Adolf Hitler: is haydn weird? Henry VIII: Is Jane Seymour prettier or is Anne Boleyn prettier? Henry VIII: What did you do in Wales? Henry VIII: you are a faget Adolf Hitler: were you emo? Adolf Hitler: do you like lamas? Adolf Hitler: What is your name? DOCTOR: how old are you? Stalin: when was your worst day Stalin: were you a total comunist believer William the Conqueror: hola amigo Stalin: Immanuel Kant Adolf Hitler: do you like ireland Adolf Hitler: What is the vrill society? DOCTOR: Why are you gay? Adolf Hitler: what was your first job Adolf Hitler: why were you so violent Adolf Hitler: are you a jew? Adolf Hitler: how was your personal life like before the war Adolf Hitler: What was it that you achieved by killing jews? William the Conqueror: when were you born? Adolf Hitler: What methods did you use to control Germany? Adolf Hitler: why are you so mean DOCTOR: Who were the main people in the medieval times? Martin Luther King Jr.: What did you do? Adolf Hitler: what was the schlieffen plan? Adolf Hitler: do you like chocolate Adolf Hitler: do you like rhianna? Adolf Hitler: Where did you die? Adolf Hitler: why did you start the Police state Henry VIII: Are you modest? Henry VIII: What do you think of the catholic church? Henry VIII: Do you like wat tyler? Henry VIII: who is your favourite monarch Adolf Hitler: Why are you a moron? Stalin: What was Russification? Henry VIII: what is tuberculosis Adolf Hitler: were you misunderstood Adolf Hitler: What was the role of the Nazi party? Henry VIII: how much is your weight Henry VIII: do you like chickens? Henry VIII: do you like pie Henry VIII: what made you a good king Henry VIII: Why are you so mean? Henry VIII: what happend to your dad : Henry VIII: what do you like Henry VIII: did you want to be king William the Conqueror: Will Barcelona win the Champions League final over Manchester United? Henry VIII: when did you become king Henry VIII: What was your economic policy? Martin Luther King Jr.: how do magnets work? Adolf Hitler: what skills do you have Adolf Hitler: what skills did you have DOCTOR: are you a doctor during the war? Adolf Hitler: what do you think of your soilders Adolf Hitler: what were your thoughts on auchwitz Adolf Hitler: how did he do at school? William the Conqueror: ur bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbboooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggg DOCTOR: What is aspirin? DOCTOR: when were you born? DOCTOR: How can we explain the medical advances made in Ancient Egypt? DOCTOR: what is a usb hub DOCTOR: i like you DOCTOR: is google good? DOCTOR: why are you called dr fox? DOCTOR: i don't like you at all DOCTOR: married? DOCTOR: you are getting on my nerves I quit the interview good day miss fox DOCTOR: are you stupid Adolf Hitler: Amy Chew? Henry VIII: did you have a dresscode Henry VIII: Did you like watching executions? Henry VIII: do you like beer? Adolf Hitler: What is the aryan race? Henry VIII: What were the names of your children? Adolf Hitler: Did you make love and have kids? Henry VIII: how are you doing Adolf Hitler: why weren't you excepted into art school? William the Conqueror: when were you born? Henry VIII: hello, how are you today? Martin Luther King Jr.: hello, how are you today? William the Conqueror: do you have a bean head Adolf Hitler: are you bongeyed William the Conqueror: Type your question here and click 'Submit' DOCTOR: What are your views on child labor Adolf Hitler: what are your views on womens rights Henry VIII: are you dead Henry VIII: how long did you marry your wives for Henry VIII: why were you buried in windsor castle? Henry VIII: why marry jane seymour Henry VIII: did you ever have an affair Henry VIII: do you know you bob the builder is? DOCTOR: fiamsquajes Adolf Hitler: do you love me? Henry VIII: Do you regret any of the changes that you made? Henry VIII: do you regret any of the changes that you made? Henry VIII: what do you regret doing the most Adolf Hitler: How do Jews defend themselves against your accusations? DOCTOR: What was patent medicine? DOCTOR: How did pharmacies develop? Henry VIII: do you regret any decisions that you made? undefined: did you have sex with your niece? Henry VIII: What is your name Adolf Hitler: teh mau5 ! ftw ? Adolf Hitler: gang bang? Stalin: how do you feel about modern technology? Adolf Hitler: what do you think about slavery ? Adolf Hitler: did you have slaves ? Stalin: What's your opinion pn women's suffrage? Stalin: What do you think about women from World War 2? Adolf Hitler: what was your polital views Henry VIII: Are you gay? Adolf Hitler: Are you gay? Stalin: womans rights Adolf Hitler: do you have a tight vagina DOCTOR: What happened in 1942? Stalin: how did you feel about womens rights? Adolf Hitler: why did you not surrender Henry VIII: what is treason? Henry VIII: was tuberculosis common Henry VIII: do you like chocolate Henry VIII: what was the special crane Stalin: what should I eat for lunch? Stalin: Do you want updog for dinner? Stalin: Did you ever shave? Adolf Hitler: why did you hate non-aryans even though you aren't one yourself? Martin Luther King Jr.: What are your hobbies? DOCTOR: Do you think medicine helped people survive wars? DOCTOR: Que significa las siglas de Moodle? DOCTOR: What happened in 1543? Adolf Hitler: How succesful were you at increasing the population of aryans Henry VIII: what laws were passed by parliment as a result of the divrce? Henry VIII: Are you metrosexual? Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Henry VIII: Did you eat a healthy diet? Henry VIII: Are you peng Adolf Hitler: why did you attack the disabeld Martin Luther King Jr.: how did you feel about child labor? Adolf Hitler: What were Serbia's aims in the Balkans? Henry VIII: do you like harry potter? Henry VIII: thoughts on justin bieber? Henry VIII: ella pash? Henry VIII: do you like harry potter? Henry VIII: Adolf Hitler: Who inspired you to write mein kampf Adolf Hitler: why did you kill so many people just because you could? Henry VIII: fat boy Stalin: Are you a red tsar Adolf Hitler: Do you like me Adolf Hitler: were you in the illumanti? Adolf Hitler: dont you feel sad that people were dying because of you Adolf Hitler: do you worship the devil? Adolf Hitler: do you worship the devil Adolf Hitler: do you worship the devil Adolf Hitler: are you a freemason? Adolf Hitler: are you a dumbass? Adolf Hitler: was your dad the devil William the Conqueror: least asked question? William the Conqueror: why did the chicken cross the road? William the Conqueror: Type your question here and click 'Submit' Henry VIII: did you run thr church or get someone to do it for you Henry VIII: charles the 2 Henry VIII: are you a paki Henry VIII: did you have any ferinds DOCTOR: How can we explain the medical advances made in Ancient Egypt? Henry VIII: Were you a good king? Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Adolf Hitler: where did you live Adolf Hitler: how old are you DOCTOR: The invention of the printing press in the fifteenth century and its effect on medical Adolf Hitler: What were your parents political views? Adolf Hitler: if you weren't Fuhrer, what would you be? Adolf Hitler: How did you meet Eva Braun? Adolf Hitler: what happened to free will? Henry VIII: did you enjoy three niples Adolf Hitler: How much involvement did you have in the planning of the holocaust? Adolf Hitler: poinpointpointspointscpoinpointsch Henry VIII: what is your strongest foreign language? Adolf Hitler: What is your middle name? Adolf Hitler: do you like pie Adolf Hitler: do you like ducks Adolf Hitler: Why does the Nazi party use the swastika as its symbol? Adolf Hitler: how large is your penis Henry VIII: potatooooooooooooo! Henry VIII: Tell me about yourself? Henry VIII: what religions did you like Henry VIII: Did you hate any of your wives? Henry VIII: Did you really compare one of your wives to a horse? Henry VIII: why are you bald Stalin: do you like me? Henry VIII: do you like francis the first Henry VIII: did you like flowers Henry VIII: which dieses did you have? Henry VIII: how much did you wiegh Henry VIII: what do you do for a living Henry VIII: you look like anne of cleeves Henry VIII: how big is your navy Henry VIII: how big was your navy Adolf Hitler: why did you change the name of the DAP? Adolf Hitler: were you a virigin when you died? William the Conqueror: hi there William the Conqueror: Why were you known as 'William the Bastard'? William the Conqueror: did you own slaves Henry VIII: why are you fat? Adolf Hitler: are you really hitlar Adolf Hitler: how are you speaking to me when you are dead? Adolf Hitler: how big is your penis Adolf Hitler: d Henry VIII: when did you become king? Adolf Hitler: Is it true that you had only one testicle?? : are you a jaw Adolf Hitler: Why are you so rwkftnwebigft? Adolf Hitler: Are you a twat Adolf Hitler: are you in breed Adolf Hitler: like your momma Adolf Hitler: your a dirty whore DOCTOR: when did world war one start? Adolf Hitler: Do you like waffles? Adolf Hitler: are you a pedo Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Adolf Hitler: do you like me Adolf Hitler: Yes, but you wanted eveything. why? Adolf Hitler: What was your favourite gun? Adolf Hitler: Could you fly a fighter plane? Adolf Hitler: Do you like potatoes? Adolf Hitler: what is an mp40 Henry VIII: why did you have such strict laws? undefined: how did you die ? Adolf Hitler: What was the Nazi view on the role of women? Henry VIII: what do you look like? Henry VIII: Why are you mean Henry VIII: How many children would you have had if they hadnt died in birth? Henry VIII: how are you Henry VIII: were you a good king Adolf Hitler: What were your aims as chancellor? Henry VIII: what did people sell to you? Adolf Hitler: What were you aims as Chancellor? Adolf Hitler: What was the Enabling Act? Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Adolf Hitler: your values? DOCTOR: in lots of detail explain who A Galen is? Henry VIII: why were you so annoying undefined: when were you born? Henry VIII: are you allways moody Henry VIII: how did you feel when jane seymour died Henry VIII: why on your death bed did you claim to be a catholic Henry VIII: did you eat alone Henry VIII: Why did the Pope refuse to give you a divorce? Adolf Hitler: what do you know about group 935? William the Conqueror: why are you so fat Martin Luther King Jr.: Why did you go to Memphis? Adolf Hitler: what factors helped you to come to power? Henry VIII: how many houses did you have Henry VIII: mary stewart or mary queen of scots Henry VIII: which was your favourate wife? Henry VIII: Why do you never smile Henry VIII: can you sing Adolf Hitler: what did you want to be when you were younger Adolf Hitler: Have you ever masturbated Henry VIII: what do you like about yourself the most? Martin Luther King Jr.: hi how are you Adolf Hitler: did you like pizza Henry VIII: do you have any good manners? Henry VIII: what happend to your body DOCTOR: when was penecillin discovered and by whom? Adolf Hitler: did you have a prom Adolf Hitler: lier Stalin: birth Stalin: What was your relationship with your father like? Henry VIII: what sport did you play? Martin Luther King Jr.: why did you rebel William the Conqueror: hello Martin Luther King Jr.: Henry VIII: why were you so mean Adolf Hitler: why? Henry VIII: you said probly had boy friends but you said probly Henry VIII: did you dace? Adolf Hitler: I ask are you a bad or good person? William the Conqueror: Are you mean? Adolf Hitler: What did you think about the people who hated you? Adolf Hitler: Do you wear boxershorts? Adolf Hitler: COCAINE RULES Adolf Hitler: COCAINE RULES Martin Luther King Jr.: Do you like the KKK? DOCTOR: what medicine did you create Adolf Hitler: arjun likes you willy Adolf Hitler: do you like lucy sharkey and ellie donaghy Henry VIII: Why did you behead your wives? William the Conqueror: who are you? William the Conqueror: hello' Adolf Hitler: Shut up Adolf Hitler: what did you like to do Adolf Hitler: did you have an affair with your neice? DOCTOR: American role in the cold war DOCTOR: what are the achievement of theodore 1 and 2 Henry VIII: Do you have any nicknames Adolf Hitler: What happened in the Beer Hall Putsch? Adolf Hitler: How did you improve the Nazi party? Adolf Hitler: Is it true that you had an affair with your neice? Henry VIII: what did you think of catherine howard Adolf Hitler: what is autarchy DOCTOR: what is the most influential medicine discovered? Adolf Hitler: Hahahahahahaha Henry VIII: Why are you so fugly? Adolf Hitler: Are you disabled? Adolf Hitler: What were your interested? Adolf Hitler: what impressed him Adolf Hitler: If you were jewish dont you think this would be unfair Adolf Hitler: How would you decribe yourself? Adolf Hitler: what do you think of starlin? Adolf Hitler: did you have any secret children Henry VIII: what is your favourite song? Henry VIII: did you want to be the king? Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Henry VIII: Who was your favourite wife? Henry VIII: when did you become king Henry VIII: When did you you become king? Henry VIII: when did u become king Henry VIII: what was your favorite device? Henry VIII: what are you most remembered for DOCTOR: How did women contribute to the development of 19th Century medicine? Henry VIII: What were the names of your children? Henry VIII: how old are you? Henry VIII: what would you have doneif you have not been king Henry VIII: whats yore fave song Henry VIII: whats yore fave song Henry VIII: what is your fave song Henry VIII: Did you love all your children?or just edward Henry VIII: wh do you not like your daghters Henry VIII: how did he have 4 Henry VIII: Why was having a son so important to you? Henry VIII: why are you ginger Adolf Hitler: how big are your feet Henry VIII: good Henry VIII: Who was your favourite wife? Henry VIII: what do you do in your spare time Adolf Hitler: Where are you now? Henry VIII: did you have someone to wipe your bum Adolf Hitler: why didn't you just become an architect Adolf Hitler: why did hitler thimk evil would still go on William the Conqueror: do you smell of garlic? Adolf Hitler: Did you have a sense of humour? Adolf Hitler: were you a fan of disney? Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Adolf Hitler: Were you actions justified? undefined: Which wife did you really love Stalin: would you date josh pearce? William the Conqueror: why were you so fat Henry VIII: how old were you when you died Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Adolf Hitler: olympic William the Conqueror: when were you born? Henry VIII: What was your nationality? William the Conqueror: What happened at the Battle of Hastings? Martin Luther King Jr.: where are you from Martin Luther King Jr.: at what age did you realise how bad segragation was? Martin Luther King Jr.: What did you mean when you said 'I have a dream'? Martin Luther King Jr.: who are your parents? Martin Luther King Jr.: What does it mean to be a Christian? Martin Luther King Jr.: have you heard of Emmett Till? Martin Luther King Jr.: do you know the muffin man ? the muffin MAN! undefined: why are you stupid? undefined: why are you so stupid undefined: why do you hate the jews? DOCTOR: why are you gay Henry VIII: are you gay Henry VIII: what colour was ur poo Henry VIII: how long did you live William the Conqueror: Who do you think should have been crowned king? Henry VIII: was he a strong leader Henry VIII: what do you look like? Would you consider yourself handsome? Henry VIII: how many exucations did you do Henry VIII: Why was he a popular king? Henry VIII: Did you make any wrong decisions in your reign as king? William the Conqueror: did you have a nickname? Henry VIII: why are you so thin Henry VIII: why are you so thin Henry VIII: haw old were you when you died Henry VIII: what was the currency in your time Henry VIII: What were you like as a king? Henry VIII: How old were you when you became king? Martin Luther King Jr.: was martin luther King jr Irish Henry VIII: Why di you marry Catherine of Arragon Henry VIII: Are you strong Henry VIII: when were you king Henry VIII: were there many witches in your time? Adolf Hitler: Did you have a sense of humour? Stalin: how many people died because of you? Henry VIII: how large was your waist Martin Luther King Jr.: Were you rnipples hairy? Henry VIII: Why did henry VIII break from rome Henry VIII: why did you build up a wall every night around your room Henry VIII: Did you like anybody? Henry VIII: do you think people respected you? Henry VIII: how did you communicate with people? Henry VIII: What is the answer to life the universe and everything? Henry VIII: How many chidren did you have Henry VIII: Did you ever get attacked Adolf Hitler: did you ever commite a crime Henry VIII: do u think you were a godd king? Henry VIII: why are you a pathetic maniac Henry VIII: do you have grandparents Henry VIII: good night Henry VIII: what would you do if you still were alife? Henry VIII: how did you become king? Henry VIII: Why did you have a whipping boy when you were a child? Henry VIII: who are your influences? Henry VIII: what qualifications do you have? Henry VIII: do you like cats Henry VIII: do you like waffles Henry VIII: I love snails they are my favourite animal you can burn them with salt Henry VIII: are you ginger William the Conqueror: do you have a retarded mother? Henry VIII: Type your question D'Submit' Henry VIII: did you like to fight? Henry VIII: do you talk slang William the Conqueror: get losted William the Conqueror: did you ever poo in a toilet? Henry VIII: tfghc xd v7g6 n d5e m4etfc5s svvvvygcd5teswaztyxcgf ed5szrthgxvdvzawezsfrdzfd Henry VIII: how many people did you excute Henry VIII: How old were you when you died? Henry VIII: did you have dinner Henry VIII: why do you need power Henry VIII: how long was edward vi ruler for Henry VIII: Did you regret killing your best friend sirnthomas more? Henry VIII: how are you Henry VIII: Who were your wives? Henry VIII: how many people did you kill? Henry VIII: were you chatholic Henry VIII: when and where Martin Luther King Jr.: Do you know of the Klu Klux Klan? Henry VIII: Who were the mothers of your children? Henry VIII: do you regret executing your wives and best friends Henry VIII: do you like henry the eight, web master? Henry VIII: are you a villian Henry VIII: xvvv Henry VIII: Why did you have complete power in England? Adolf Hitler: Why are you a crazy mofo? undefined: who was your most trustworthy wife? Henry VIII: have you had any desises Henry VIII: do you own any horses Henry VIII: DO YOU LIKE RATS Henry VIII: People think you as bloodthirsty, what say you? Henry VIII: Do you think you are a saint or sinner? Henry VIII: My youngest wife was only 16 when I married her one year later I lopped off her head I love myself William the Conqueror: how old were you when you were fighting Henry VIII: do you like lust Henry VIII: what the resalt was Henry VIII: What problems did you have Henry VIII: I don't like you Henry VIII: What will you be remembered by Henry VIII: What will you be remembered for Adolf Hitler: Peter Henry VIII: did you want sex? Henry VIII: are you a tranny Henry VIII: what do you think of gays Henry VIII: what sexual moves did you do Henry VIII: where you cathlic or protostant Henry VIII: were you happy? Henry VIII: do you like harry potter Henry VIII: What is your surname? Henry VIII: why do you want Power Henry VIII: What were the names of your children? Henry VIII: why was having power important to you? DOCTOR: can you make her clever Henry VIII: how smelly are you? Henry VIII: Do you enjoy being king Henry VIII: please give us a brief autobiography Henry VIII: how are you? Henry VIII: Why did you kill so many of your wives? Henry VIII: what medical problems did you have Henry VIII: do you need a wig - is that why you wear a hat Henry VIII: When and where were you born? Henry VIII: are you dum William the Conqueror: did you have a role model Henry VIII: are you completely retarded? Henry VIII: do you watch tv Henry VIII: are you modest Henry VIII: do you like being king Henry VIII: dumbass Henry VIII: im sexier than you Henry VIII: do you like cheese Henry VIII: how many swords do you have Henry VIII: well youve got a face like a box of frogs Henry VIII: why dont you actually answer the question Henry VIII: how many battles did you fight in Henry VIII: do you like cars Henry VIII: how many battles did you fight? Henry VIII: how many battles did you fight? Henry VIII: how many battles did you fight? Henry VIII: did you eat muffins or frogs Henry VIII: how many batlles di you fight Henry VIII: do you have an australian welsh accent Henry VIII: how many swords did you have Henry VIII: how tall were you Henry VIII: did you enjoy being king? Henry VIII: what battles did you fight Henry VIII: who succeeded the throne Henry VIII: do you read hello magazine Henry VIII: what do you think of yourself DOCTOR: whats a physchologist Adolf Hitler: What would happen if someone did not join the Hitler youth? Henry VIII: what did you have for breakfast? William the Conqueror: Henry VIII: do u like in in my personalaty Henry VIII: Why didn't you love Anne of cleaves Henry VIII: what was your fathers name Henry VIII: do you like water Henry VIII: how many soliders did u have Henry VIII: did you take drugs Henry VIII: did you snake Henry VIII: why did you behead catherine howard? Henry VIII: did you snake Henry VIII: how did you want to be remembered? Henry VIII: whatever Henry VIII: Where you in love with anyone else whilst being married? Henry VIII: yfgfhyfhgfghegrfhydrehghfgujsghdrffrhydgbvf Henry VIII: are you starting Henry VIII: ask me a question Henry VIII: do you want him or not Henry VIII: why did you behed people Adolf Hitler: what is your position on parenthood? Henry VIII: how fat where yopui Henry VIII: bye William the Conqueror: why were you so prepared Henry VIII: what would you say to the t.v and films about you? Henry VIII: Did you ever have no money? Henry VIII: How are you? Henry VIII: why are you so mean Henry VIII: do you know what lol means Stalin: do you like pikachu Henry VIII: what age were you when you died? Henry VIII: are you bald? Adolf Hitler: do u like callum smithies Henry VIII: do you like oranges William the Conqueror: When were you born? Henry VIII: do you pluck your eyebrows Henry VIII: donkeys!!!! Henry VIII: do you like interviews? Henry VIII: Poo Henry VIII: how many cchildren did you have Henry VIII: How did you tourture people Henry VIII: did you enjoy killing people William the Conqueror: how many slaves do you have William the Conqueror: how many slaves do you have Adolf Hitler: what was your favorite subject at school? Adolf Hitler: would you discribe yourself as mean? Adolf Hitler: why should anyone be proud of being german? Adolf Hitler: what is the thing you are most proud of? Henry VIII: Are you sad? : Sup? : PS3 or XBox 360? Henry VIII: How did you become king? Stalin: What is your opinion of Obama? Henry VIII: do you like cheese Martin Luther King Jr.: did you ever smell Henry VIII: were you a family man ? Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Stalin: did you get the ladies with that stache? Henry VIII: Was your children good Stalin: why was kirov murdered? Henry VIII: how did you become king Henry VIII: Why did you pick the Archbishop of Canterbury? Henry VIII: How old are you? Henry VIII: why were you so mean Henry VIII: why are you wearing baggy cloths William the Conqueror: Did you play a musical instrument? Henry VIII: What were the names of your children? Henry VIII: Type your question here and click 'Submit' William the Conqueror: what new laws did you give to britain? Henry VIII: Which wive did you like? Henry VIII: did you have a happy childhood ? Henry VIII: how many wifes did you have? Adolf Hitler: why are you so small Adolf Hitler: why were young people so important to the nazis? Adolf Hitler: who were your opponents Adolf Hitler: how did you die? Adolf Hitler: did you like me? Adolf Hitler: who do you like? William the Conqueror: sorry Adolf Hitler: why were young people so important to the nazi's Adolf Hitler: what religon was you Adolf Hitler: Why were young people so important to the Nazis Adolf Hitler: did children have to work in germany Adolf Hitler: Who were your opponents? Adolf Hitler: can i come to your house? Adolf Hitler: are you a devil? Adolf Hitler: you are hot Henry VIII: SHUT UP! William the Conqueror: What happened at the Battle of Hastings? undefined: Are you gay? Stalin: A communist society is believed to be a classless and stateless society, so in that case, were you even cosidering giving up dicatorship? Adolf Hitler: when did you get baptised William the Conqueror: he won't speak. Why? William the Conqueror: how old were you when you became king William the Conqueror: how old were you when you became king William the Conqueror: how old were you when you became king William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: when di you become duke of normandy William the Conqueror: were you traind to be a soldier William the Conqueror: were you traind to be a soldier William the Conqueror: were you a kind man Adolf Hitler: Why did you want to replace the Christian church? Henry VIII: what kind of sex did you have Henry VIII: are you retarded? Henry VIII: do you have email Henry VIII: what is your favorite video game? Henry VIII: what was your favourite past-time William the Conqueror: where did you take your name from William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: What happened to your brother Odo? William the Conqueror: why wont you speak William the Conqueror: what coulor hair did you have William the Conqueror: were you 18 when you became duke Stalin: What was the triumvirate? Adolf Hitler: do you lke biscuits Adolf Hitler: Did big businesses benefit from your rule? William the Conqueror: are you stocky? William the Conqueror: Who was Polo? William the Conqueror: are you a person? William the Conqueror: who were your supporters? William the Conqueror: do you watch strictly come dancing? Henry VIII: what is your problem Henry VIII: IM NOT A JEW Henry VIII: did you have a cat? Henry VIII: Do you like cheese? William the Conqueror: Are you bent? William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: Why odo Henry VIII: why didn't you want another son incase your only son died? Henry VIII: why did you change the church in england, why not just make yourself the head of the english church Henry VIII: Why did you kill so many people? Henry VIII: What was the order of your wives Adolf Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? Adolf Hitler: What was the Nazi view on the role of women? Adolf Hitler: Why were young people so important to you? Adolf Hitler: how did you change the economy? Adolf Hitler: trololololol Adolf Hitler: did you play world of warcraft? Adolf Hitler: what is your e-mail? Henry VIII: why did you get divevced Henry VIII: Adolf Hitler: did you lie alot Martin Luther King Jr.: Tell me about your mother. Henry VIII: Were you disappointed when Elizabeth was born? Adolf Hitler: How were you able to persuade the Reichstag to vote for the Enabling Act? Adolf Hitler: did you have a wife Adolf Hitler: why did you do what you did in ww1 Adolf Hitler: why did you start the war? Adolf Hitler: were did you live Adolf Hitler: do you have a willi Adolf Hitler: were you married Adolf Hitler: your cock smells Adolf Hitler: how did u become more powerful? Adolf Hitler: are you gay Adolf Hitler: Adolf Hitler: ur pathectic Henry VIII: What happened to all of the children after you killed their mothers? Henry VIII: are you dead Adolf Hitler: Why did you kill yourself? DOCTOR: how did medeival people cure coughs DOCTOR: Whic vaccines did pasteur discover William the Conqueror: what was your best soildior William the Conqueror: did you want to fight? William the Conqueror: what did your army think of you Henry VIII: do you like killing people Henry VIII: do you like killing people Henry VIII: do you like killing people Henry VIII: what is it like to be king Henry VIII: Did you give to charity? Henry VIII: what is it like to be king Henry VIII: what were your ambitions Henry VIII: do you like pizza Henry VIII: Did you like being king? DOCTOR: Who discovered bacteria? Henry VIII: how religous were you Henry VIII: did you wan Adolf Hitler: do you like leah? Adolf Hitler: are you bald? Adolf Hitler: how do you like your eggs in the morning? Henry VIII: what do you think people thought of you William the Conqueror: thank you very much for all the answers you have given me William the Conqueror: What was your shoe size? William the Conqueror: Why do you have a simulated voice? William the Conqueror: was your armour heavy? William the Conqueror: were rats in your kitchen? William the Conqueror: did you and your family have rows? William the Conqueror: who will take your place in france now your king of england William the Conqueror: why did you want to be king William the Conqueror: How many people did you kill? Henry VIII: w Henry VIII: Why did the Pope give you the title of 'Fidei Defensor'? Adolf Hitler: Why were you so mean? Adolf Hitler: have you ever farted? Adolf Hitler: Who are you? Henry VIII: Why did you kill catholics and protestants Henry VIII: Why did you create the navy? Henry VIII: are you a lady Henry VIII: Why did you kill rebels? DOCTOR: whats wrong about drugs? William the Conqueror: Why did you want to be king? William the Conqueror: why do you have a big head? William the Conqueror: What did you do when Harold seized the throne? William the Conqueror: Do you like being king? William the Conqueror: where you happy that you became king of England? William the Conqueror: whe d id u get married William the Conqueror: how many people did you kill Henry VIII: wiy did you kil som of yor wivs] William the Conqueror: where you clever William the Conqueror: how many people did you kill? William the Conqueror: why do u smell ? William the Conqueror: would you want to be anything eles ? Adolf Hitler: can you hug every cat? undefined: why did the nazis want to change the jews? Martin Luther King Jr.: where did you graduate Adolf Hitler: who becomes fürher after you? Stalin: did you ever go to prison Stalin: do you like unicorns Stalin: who is your daughter William the Conqueror: Would you like to have my horse? I'm in search for a kingdom. William the Conqueror: Do you like the anglo-saxons? You weren't very friendly to them. Stalin: Straight Outta Compton Adolf Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? Adolf Hitler: Was Nazi germany owned by hitler? William the Conqueror: who was your dad Adolf Hitler: why are you retarded Adolf Hitler: Are you gay? Adolf Hitler: Are you gay? Adolf Hitler: Do you like it up the butt? DOCTOR: WHAT DATE WAS THE FIRST BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS DOCTOR: Type your question here and click 'Submit' Adolf Hitler: who were your principal oponents Adolf Hitler: how did you get rid of political enemies? Adolf Hitler: did any one wanted you dead? Adolf Hitler: can you burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr? Adolf Hitler: give me a burrrrrrrrr William the Conqueror: are you fat Adolf Hitler: How did you create jobs for unemployed people? Adolf Hitler: did you provide jews with jobs Adolf Hitler: What was the Nazi view on the role of women? Adolf Hitler: How did you create jobs for unemployed people? Adolf Hitler: what do you think about hindus Adolf Hitler: why are you so retarded Henry VIII: wassup Henry VIII: How did you change the Church in England? Henry VIII: do you even know if your wifes cheated on you after you killed them Adolf Hitler: have you done anything good Adolf Hitler: are you a fairy Adolf Hitler: did you commit suicide? Adolf Hitler: why do you stink Adolf Hitler: what is eugenics Stalin: what languages do you speak Adolf Hitler: wut body part are you missing Adolf Hitler: Do you have mental issues? Adolf Hitler: why you so racists Adolf Hitler: are you mentally ill Adolf Hitler: was hilter mentally ill Adolf Hitler: were you mentally ill William the Conqueror: why are you fat? William the Conqueror: hello William the Conqueror: how many english did you kill William the Conqueror: how many people did you kill Henry VIII: which did you think of Martin Luther King Henry VIII: how much did you spend on clothes? Henry VIII: are you on facebook? undefined: Where did the Head2Head go as all I get is a blank empty head to head William the Conqueror: what is you favourite type of pie William the Conqueror: did the bayeux tapestry change the way you ruled over England? William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: Hi Adolf Hitler: What is National Debt? Adolf Hitler: Please reply Adolf Hitler: QUICKLY!! Adolf Hitler: What is tarriffs Adolf Hitler: What is tarriffs Adolf Hitler: What is tarriffs Adolf Hitler: What is tarriffs Adolf Hitler: What is tarriffs Adolf Hitler: What is tarriffs Adolf Hitler: What is tarriffs Adolf Hitler: TARIFFS Adolf Hitler: What was the scheme to increase production of consumer goods and food called? Henry VIII: why did you behead people William the Conqueror: poop Adolf Hitler: What is national debt? Adolf Hitler: What do you think of autachy? Adolf Hitler: what did you do about balance of trade? Adolf Hitler: what did you do about balance of trade? Adolf Hitler: what did you do about balance of trade? Adolf Hitler: did you love Heinrich Himmler Adolf Hitler: Do you like Take That? Adolf Hitler: why are you so cool!? Henry VIII: that doesnt answer my question Henry VIII: xbox 360 or Playstation 3? Henry VIII: when was thomas moore appointed lord chancellor Adolf Hitler: why did Hitler persue autarchy? William the Conqueror: what is your favourite food William the Conqueror: do you like fire William the Conqueror: do you like war Adolf Hitler: what was your schooling like Adolf Hitler: where did you die! undefined: What is your name? Adolf Hitler: do you care that i hate you? Adolf Hitler: do you care that so many people passionately hate you? Adolf Hitler: What did you promise to people who worked Adolf Hitler: Where did you live? Adolf Hitler: Were you a Capitalist? William the Conqueror: who was your mum Adolf Hitler: what was the central bank of nazi germany called? Adolf Hitler: who was the president of the reichsbank? Adolf Hitler: who was the president of the Reichsbank? Adolf Hitler: Where are you now? Adolf Hitler: did germany have tariffs Adolf Hitler: hindenburgs reforms undefined: did he kill his mother Adolf Hitler: what are the tariffs Adolf Hitler: why did the nazis introduce the nuremburg laws Adolf Hitler: why did the nazis introduce the nuremburg laws? Henry VIII: were you bald Henry VIII: were you alive in ww2 Henry VIII: lalala Adolf Hitler: how did you become homeless Adolf Hitler: What is the relationship between you and your niece? Henry VIII: do you think you are mean Henry VIII: do you like rugby William the Conqueror: how old were you when you became Duke of Normandy Adolf Hitler: :D William the Conqueror: did you fight the french Adolf Hitler: what is a tariff? Adolf Hitler: Tariffs Adolf Hitler: what did hitler do with regard to the autarchy? : what does hitler say about von papaen? undefined: why did you hate the jews? William the Conqueror: are you fat Adolf Hitler: what are tariffs? Adolf Hitler: what are tariffs Henry VIII: Did you have a child with Anne Boleyn's sister? Henry VIII: Out of your 6 wives, who did you like the most? Adolf Hitler: do you know the muffin man? Adolf Hitler: do u like curry? Adolf Hitler: why do you wear lederhosen? Adolf Hitler: what do you think of Gingers? Adolf Hitler: did you get your inspiration for your stormtroopers from star wars? Adolf Hitler: do you like star wars? Adolf Hitler: why do you like blonde haired blued people? Adolf Hitler: do you believe in the devil Adolf Hitler: do you believe in Santa Claus? Adolf Hitler: Are you a good artist? Adolf Hitler: is Ernst Rohm gay? Adolf Hitler: can you help me with my history homework? Adolf Hitler: why do you like children? Adolf Hitler: why are you cruel to un-aryan people, it's not their fault they have have a different hair colour? Adolf Hitler: yes yes we can Adolf Hitler: yes yes we can Adolf Hitler: did you make the kkk Adolf Hitler: how often did you have sex Adolf Hitler: why did the Nazis chose the swastika as their emblem Adolf Hitler: What happened at the D-day Landings? Adolf Hitler: your gaywhy are you so gay Adolf Hitler: are you a robot Adolf Hitler: do you like KFC Adolf Hitler: what does his mum do Adolf Hitler: what did he do? Adolf Hitler: why are you weird? Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Adolf Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? Henry VIII: Were you scared of anything? Henry VIII: did people like you? Henry VIII: What about your early life? Henry VIII: is being a king fun Henry VIII: how fun is it to be a king Henry VIII: is being a king fun Henry VIII: where is your crown Henry VIII: Why were you king? Henry VIII: how did you feel when you became king Henry VIII: do you have proof that you are a good king Henry VIII: why were you so mean? Henry VIII: u dead? Henry VIII: do you have any sti's or hiv Henry VIII: where you a good king Henry VIII: Did you think you were skinny? Henry VIII: how old were you when you died Henry VIII: why were you so violent Henry VIII: why were you angry? Henry VIII: you have an std undefined: what is your problem with jews Stalin: Who made you so nasty? Henry VIII: hi you are gay Henry VIII: What did you enjoy doing? William the Conqueror: what age are you? Adolf Hitler: f Adolf Hitler: pig jockey? Adolf Hitler: are you a flesh mutant? Adolf Hitler: do you fancy kira davey? Henry VIII: do you want to bang Henry VIII: are you a spec William the Conqueror: What emosens did you feel in the war William the Conqueror: can you dance Stalin: I love beer i used to drink it ever night but then i died William the Conqueror: you ok? Henry VIII: bye bye Henry VIII: do you think you were a good leader Adolf Hitler: How do you Find Richard Eades from harrow Adolf Hitler: Germany and its role in the world DOCTOR: hi Henry VIII: bum Henry VIII: How many people did you kill? William the Conqueror: why wont u speak? Henry VIII: when were you cround king Henry VIII: What games do you like Henry VIII: have you ever farted? Henry VIII: why are you so butters Henry VIII: Why did you kill so many people? Henry VIII: you are retarded Henry VIII: good Adolf Hitler: goon Henry VIII: are you good? Henry VIII: how are you Henry VIII: did you want to be king Henry VIII: was 55 a good age to die Henry VIII: do you think you were a good king Henry VIII: what bad things did you do as a king? Henry VIII: do you personaly think you are a good king? Henry VIII: how much money was left for you from your father Adolf Hitler: Were you ever baptized? Adolf Hitler: what do you think about your behaviour? Henry VIII: did you like executing people? Henry VIII: Why did you fall out with the chruch, you are already heathly? Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Henry VIII: your mum Adolf Hitler: do you like brocolli? Adolf Hitler: were you a paedo? Adolf Hitler: How many gay people died in WW2? Adolf Hitler: what are spartacists? Adolf Hitler: How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? Adolf Hitler: What are tariffs? Henry VIII: what was the result of your argument with the pope Henry VIII: did you have advisers? Adolf Hitler: do you like turltes : Adolf Hitler: do you watch poop? : Adolf Hitler: what do you think about people's opinions of you ? : Adolf Hitler: how did you become chancellor? Adolf Hitler: do you like quack doctors Adolf Hitler: did you have strychnine poisoning Adolf Hitler: did you have an irritable bowel Adolf Hitler: do you have facebook Adolf Hitler: do you have bbm? Adolf Hitler: who were your biggest fundraisers Stalin: Did peasants co-operate with you? Stalin: why did u send them to the labour camps undefined: How long were you king of England? Adolf Hitler: are you an idiot Adolf Hitler: did you have a wife Adolf Hitler: do you smell Stalin: a Stalin: how did farming change during leadership of USSR? Adolf Hitler: Are you a psychopath? Henry VIII: what is wronge with you? Henry VIII: can you sing Henry VIII: do you think your cool Henry VIII: what religon are you Henry VIII: did you ever steal Henry VIII: How many houses did you have? Henry VIII: do you miss jane Henry VIII: 0hi9gi-0fy8td=o]=]#]po7u6hbnumjumnhjumnhjumnhjumnhjumnhjumnhjumnhjumnhjumnhjumnhjumnhjumnhjumnhjumnhjumnhjumnhjumnhjumn9 Martin Luther King Jr.: are you a zulu? Henry VIII: which ones did he excute,and why William the Conqueror: when were you born? William the Conqueror: what happened after the battle of stamford bridge? William the Conqueror: where did the battle of hastings happen? Henry VIII: how did you enjoy yourself Henry VIII: what year did you become king Henry VIII: what year did you become king Henry VIII: What was the results? Henry VIII: What was your results about your policies? Henry VIII: who became the next ruler? Henry VIII: who became the next ruler after you? Adolf Hitler: who is Dq Adolf Hitler: what were you afriad of Adolf Hitler: what is your favourite drink Henry VIII: what was it like to be king Henry VIII: what was it like to be king Adolf Hitler: do you like shannon Henry VIII: how is your health Henry VIII: why are you hairy Henry VIII: when and where were you born? Henry VIII: what were your wifes names Henry VIII: why is yur bum big Henry VIII: why were you fat Adolf Hitler: Did you and your mother get on well? Stalin: do you think you are a mass murderer Stalin: do you eat people Stalin: Do you realize that you are dead? Henry VIII: what did your chuch look like Henry VIII: did the public like you Henry VIII: did you have a nickname William the Conqueror: Was it difficult ruling from such a young age Adolf Hitler: What are your views on Livingspace? Henry VIII: when did you become king Henry VIII: did you like roleplays Henry VIII: which people did you hate the most? Henry VIII: which people did Henry III hate the most? Henry VIII: what did you hate doing the most? Henry VIII: When were you crowned king? Adolf Hitler: What were the main problems in industry when you took power? Henry VIII: are you dead Adolf Hitler: could you do magic Henry VIII: why were you a king? Henry VIII: when did you become king Adolf Hitler: Was war your aim when you came to power? Henry VIII: how old are you Henry VIII: what the reasult was Henry VIII: how many kides do you have Henry VIII: Who became the next ruler Adolf Hitler: what was your first job? undefined: are daves called dave Adolf Hitler: how old were you when you died Adolf Hitler: why were you promoted to corporal in world war one? Adolf Hitler: do you believe in god Henry VIII: what made you a good king? William the Conqueror: how did the domesday book help you take control of the country Stalin: why didn't you give Georgia independence? Adolf Hitler: in your anthem you mention the reaction, who are they Henry VIII: Why did you kill so many of your wives? DOCTOR: Hi Henry VIII: why did you set the guild of barber surgeons Henry VIII: why did you do propaganda Henry VIII: why did you do propaganda William the Conqueror: what changes did you make to the English law William the Conqueror: how did you change english traditions William the Conqueror: when you were king what was your biggest probem Henry VIII: are you a good singer? Henry VIII: Did everyone like your church? Adolf Hitler: do you like akash? Adolf Hitler: what is your favourite flavour fruit pastille? Adolf Hitler: doi you like biscuits Adolf Hitler: did you drink juice Adolf Hitler: did you have any other girlfreinds before eva braun Adolf Hitler: do you like trains Adolf Hitler: why do you think people didn't like you Adolf Hitler: what happened to your storm-troopers undefined: WILL YOU MAKE JEWS INTO SLAVES Adolf Hitler: What are your ideals of running a country? Adolf Hitler: What is your religious policy? William the Conqueror: What is Normandy? Henry VIII: It doesnt make sense Adolf Hitler: what was your visions of the future Adolf Hitler: hello mr website guy how are you doing today . i wuv u my name is mathew shuttleworth Adolf Hitler: should connor go out with alisha (both guys) Adolf Hitler: are you homosexual because i am by mark pie Adolf Hitler: will samir ever have kids Adolf Hitler: Did you have a sense of humour? William the Conqueror: tell me about yourself Henry VIII: did you ever poo your self Henry VIII: did you ever poo your self William the Conqueror: is your but toned Adolf Hitler: didnt you feel week because you were always ill? Adolf Hitler: Why were young people so important to you? Adolf Hitler: Were you charismatic? Adolf Hitler: How do Jews defend themselves against your accusations? Henry VIII: Why did you have Anne Boleyn beheaded? Adolf Hitler: Have you only got one testicle? Adolf Hitler: What would you have done if Goebbels had betrayed you Adolf Hitler: would you have killed your wife Adolf Hitler: did you like potatoes? Adolf Hitler: did you like potatoes? Adolf Hitler: did you love your parents? Adolf Hitler: did you love your parents? Adolf Hitler: do you have bowell troubles Stalin: who are key characters in your life? Adolf Hitler: what were conditions like in the ghettos? Adolf Hitler: do you have a consience Adolf Hitler: YES Adolf Hitler: are you a retard? Adolf Hitler: why were they all jews Adolf Hitler: what for you would be a tragic event? Adolf Hitler: what would consider yourelf as sexist? Adolf Hitler: why did you runaway? tell me man yolo Adolf Hitler: why did you runaway? Adolf Hitler: why did you suiside? Adolf Hitler: how did your niece die : how old was Adolf Hitler: are you a bellend Adolf Hitler: what was the most common question you were asked? Henry VIII: What was it like growing up Henry VIII: Rihanna or Lady Gaga? Adolf Hitler: why do you dress the way you do Adolf Hitler: Why did you kill the Jews in such a horrific manner? Adolf Hitler: the ways to die in death camps? Adolf Hitler: WHERE DO YOU LIVE Adolf Hitler: Hi Adolf Hitler: Do you like Joe Corrin?? Adolf Hitler: What was the Treaty of Versailles? undefined: why did you hate jews? Adolf Hitler: what things do you like? Adolf Hitler: what do you like Stalin: do you like back to the future Henry VIII: did you favour your son? Henry VIII: did you think your actions might be veiwed as insane? Henry VIII: what do you think you achived as king? Henry VIII: do you think you were a good husband Henry VIII: were you a good husband Henry VIII: were you a good husband Henry VIII: what are you most famous for Adolf Hitler: What do you think of the Cookie Monster? Henry VIII: Do you like steak? Adolf Hitler: what were your likes Adolf Hitler: what was your personalitiy like Adolf Hitler: are you a kiddy fiddler? Adolf Hitler: Are you a paedophile? Adolf Hitler: Are you a paedophile? Adolf Hitler: Are you a paedophile? Stalin: Привет малыш Adolf Hitler: What's up man? Adolf Hitler: Are you a supporter of kitten mittens DOCTOR: Who was Adolf Hitler? Henry VIII: how long were you king Henry VIII: how did you gain control? Henry VIII: did you like to sing? Henry VIII: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Henry VIII: what fun did you have Adolf Hitler: What economic independence was there in Nazi Germany? Adolf Hitler: Why were young people so important to you? William the Conqueror: what did you wear? William the Conqueror: sdyuswzsb Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Henry VIII: did you like pies Henry VIII: do you like trains Henry VIII: do you like tinie tempah Henry VIII: fatty : Henry VIII: What were you hbbies? Henry VIII: what is the great harry Adolf Hitler: why is evelyn so awesome Adolf Hitler: where are you burried now Adolf Hitler: what deforms did you have ? Adolf Hitler: were deformed? Adolf Hitler: whats 5 plus 2 Adolf Hitler: are you a liar Adolf Hitler: where did you all travel Adolf Hitler: what was your reaction as a kid Adolf Hitler: Where are you now? Adolf Hitler: what was with your mustach Henry VIII: Do you enjoy harry potter? Adolf Hitler: are you caring? Adolf Hitler: Will you marry me? Adolf Hitler: Did you enjoy singing Adolf Hitler: Do you speak English? Adolf Hitler: Are you a woman? Adolf Hitler: how did the night of long knives help you get in power Adolf Hitler: how did you steralise people Adolf Hitler: what weaknesses did weimar have? Adolf Hitler: what was the world depression? Adolf Hitler: what did you give up for lent in 1920? Adolf Hitler: why did you kill your dog and your wife Adolf Hitler: Will you poke me on facebook? Adolf Hitler: Were you ever arrested? Adolf Hitler: Are you talented Adolf Hitler: did you comb your hair every day? Adolf Hitler: did you wash your hair every day? Adolf Hitler: Do you like dick Stalin: Describe your home town Adolf Hitler: sket Stalin: How are you? Stalin: You have a nice moustahce Adolf Hitler: was adolf hitler bipolar? Adolf Hitler: nigga please Adolf Hitler: why dont you like your dad? Adolf Hitler: why didnt you like your dad? Stalin: are you a very vengeful person? Henry VIII: were you a wise king? Adolf Hitler: do you think your cute? Stalin: What was your motive behind both of your five year plans? Stalin: What did you want to be as a kid? Adolf Hitler: entente cordiale? Stalin: what do you of black people Stalin: what did you think of Japan? Stalin: What was Magnitogorsk? Adolf Hitler: In what year did you become leader of the Nazi Party William the Conqueror: Have you ever made your own weapons? Adolf Hitler: ;) Stalin: how many languages can you speak? Adolf Hitler: why do you have a small moustache Adolf Hitler: What were the main promblems in indust Adolf Hitler: who were your oppenents? Adolf Hitler: what religon are you Adolf Hitler: what religon are you Adolf Hitler: where are my earphones? Adolf Hitler: What is your name? Adolf Hitler: hitler where are you born at and where is your father and monther Adolf Hitler: why were you mean Stalin: what was the worst move you ever made? Stalin: were you wealthy Henry VIII: Did you mastrubate? Adolf Hitler: do you have a scar Martin Luther King Jr.: james meredith Stalin: did you try to make the USSR a better country? Adolf Hitler: do you have a hairy bum Henry VIII: where did you die Adolf Hitler: Did you ever have a family? William the Conqueror: when were you born? Adolf Hitler: Why were young people so important to you? Adolf Hitler: did you and Eva Braun had children Adolf Hitler: are you an ayran Adolf Hitler: can you speak french Adolf Hitler: do you hate germans William the Conqueror: Did you name your sword? Henry VIII: when did you become king Adolf Hitler: where is the gold? Adolf Hitler: chenkovsky? Adolf Hitler: where is the footage Adolf Hitler: Which came first: the chicken or the egg? Adolf Hitler: How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? Henry VIII: what year did you become king Henry VIII: What were the names of your children? Henry VIII: what is 1 + 1 Henry VIII: what was your childhood like ? Henry VIII: What were the names of your children? DOCTOR: Who was James Simpson? Stalin: what was your opinion of Khrushchev? Stalin: Did you kill artists who did not properly render your likeness in paintings and posters? Stalin: How did you control the media? Stalin: What did you think of the Nazis? Stalin: Who were the three chiefs of the NKVD? Stalin: Who were the three chiefs of the NKVD? Stalin: What was the NKVD? Stalin: What did you think of Lenin? undefined: why do i have fingers DOCTOR: Who was Edwin Chadwick Adolf Hitler: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Adolf Hitler: What methods did you use to control Germany? Adolf Hitler: can i sniff you sir DOCTOR: Did people survive surgery in the 18th century : WHY DID THE SUPPORT FOR THE NAIZI INCREASE AFTER THE WALL STREET CRASH Adolf Hitler: WHY DID THE SUPPORT FOR THE NAZI INCRESE AFTER THE WALL STREET CRASH Henry VIII: did you have a dog Henry VIII: Bye Your Highness Adolf Hitler: To what extent were you able to control the army? Adolf Hitler: To what extent were you able to control the army? Adolf Hitler: do you like china Adolf Hitler: is it true you made anti gravity machines and ufos like "die glocke" Adolf Hitler: who was group 935 Adolf Hitler: what foods do you like Adolf Hitler: What are you doing? Adolf Hitler: did you have any children Adolf Hitler: did you do any eyebrows? Henry VIII: Do you like horses? Adolf Hitler: Why did people actually like you? Adolf Hitler: Why did some people genuinely like hitler? Adolf Hitler: why did people like you Adolf Hitler: goodbye DOCTOR: So the Doctor Fox effect is a gender related issue only? Adolf Hitler: Was nazi economic policy ideologically driven? Adolf Hitler: who are the november criminals? Adolf Hitler: why were you scared of the russians? Henry VIII: why did you kill your wife? Adolf Hitler: Mojo Burrito Adolf Hitler: Do you watch tv? Adolf Hitler: hi Adolf Hitler: whats your opinion of potatoes Henry VIII: Type your question here and click 'Submit' Henry VIII: do you have a royal but wiper Henry VIII: Do you feel you achieved anything in your reign Henry VIII: have you suffered from gout Henry VIII: Did you think you were too big to be a king? Henry VIII: What did you do to the monks and nuns in the monasteries Henry VIII: Did you prefer the Holy life or being a King? Henry VIII: Why did you kill wolsley DOCTOR: What color is your poo Adolf Hitler: where is your burial Henry VIII: how are you Henry VIII: Did you write Greensleves? Stalin: Do you support the way Russia is going today? Stalin: Why did you help the allied forces in World War 2 Henry VIII: were you a strong fighter Henry VIII: how was your favourite cheif Henry VIII: what is a masque Henry VIII: Do you agree that most of your marriges had been for political purposes Henry VIII: How many countries did you fight in your life time? Adolf Hitler: did you like chewing gum Adolf Hitler: Are you gay? Adolf Hitler: Are you gay? Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Henry VIII: no no im asking the questions here fatty Henry VIII: you've got a face like a box of frogs Henry VIII: why are you eval? Adolf Hitler: why did you want to make germany racially pure? Adolf Hitler: what plans did you develop? Henry VIII: Is anne cleeves still your friend? Henry VIII: How old were you when you became king Henry VIII: who was the wife you hated the most? Henry VIII: why are you so very mean? Henry VIII: why are you so very mean? Adolf Hitler: sket Adolf Hitler: what was army career like Adolf Hitler: what was your childhood like Adolf Hitler: do you take part in political career Adolf Hitler: willl you be my boyfriend Adolf Hitler: orgasm Adolf Hitler: what would you say if you came back Adolf Hitler: about your Political career Henry VIII: when did you become king Martin Luther King Jr.: how old are you Martin Luther King Jr.: what was your mother job Martin Luther King Jr.: what was your childhood like Martin Luther King Jr.: what was your chillhood like Henry VIII: how are you Henry VIII: did you like dogs? Henry VIII: did you like swimming? Henry VIII: who is your favourite star wars character Henry VIII: are you dumb Henry VIII: are you dumb Henry VIII: do you watch TV Henry VIII: do you watch TV Henry VIII: are you dumb Henry VIII: why did you want to be king Henry VIII: what is tuberculosis Henry VIII: why were you king Henry VIII: why did you become king Henry VIII: can you sing Henry VIII: do you like hunt DOCTOR: so what did you do exactly? Henry VIII: How many shillings did you have? Henry VIII: did you like being king? Adolf Hitler: do you like pie? Henry VIII: how old are you now? Henry VIII: Did you like being king? Adolf Hitler: Do you like Smirnoff? Henry VIII: what is your job Martin Luther King Jr.: whats your favourite colour? Martin Luther King Jr.: Are you a bellend Henry VIII: what did you invent? Adolf Hitler: what was your personality like? Adolf Hitler: do you know jacob deller Adolf Hitler: what were you belifes Adolf Hitler: what did you believe Adolf Hitler: why did your mum abort you? Adolf Hitler: how are you Adolf Hitler: what is your criminal record? Adolf Hitler: What were your feelings for Stalingbard Henry VIII: i dont like you : why did you marry so many wives Henry VIII: who was your role model Henry VIII: what was your favourite word Henry VIII: Do you like being someone special or just an ordinary person? Adolf Hitler: do you like potatoes? Adolf Hitler: when did you first have a MacDonalds Adolf Hitler: have you ever loved more than one woman at a time? Adolf Hitler: have you ever had a horse? Adolf Hitler: why did you kill your dog Adolf Hitler: why did you urinate in a goats mouth : why did people think you were a wonderful king Henry VIII: Why did you kill so many people? Henry VIII: Did you enjoy killing so may people? Henry VIII: Do you think you are a kind, loyal king? Henry VIII: did you thought the monks were more powerful than you? Henry VIII: how old were you when you became king Henry VIII: Why did you kill so many people? Henry VIII: when did you become king Henry VIII: Did you ever feel like inventing things that would help people's lives in the future? Henry VIII: What were the Wars of the Roses? Henry VIII: Was Jane Seymore your favourite wife? Henry VIII: did you tax people Henry VIII: Are you dead? Henry VIII: how did you tax people? Henry VIII: did you enjoy being king? Adolf Hitler: did the germans make a ufo DOCTOR: what was tudor medicine like? Adolf Hitler: Do you feel bad that you are killing lots of people? Martin Luther King Jr.: how old where you when you died Martin Luther King Jr.: What did you mean when you said 'I have a dream'? Henry VIII: how many fathers did you have Henry VIII: are you fat Henry VIII: did you help your men Henry VIII: did you help your men Adolf Hitler: what was your greatest ambition Adolf Hitler: did you ever support the weimer republic? Adolf Hitler: whos aqib Adolf Hitler: whos callum Martin Luther King Jr.: Hi Martin Luther King Jr.: Who are your parents? Henry VIII: what made you want to become king Henry VIII: why did you want to be king Henry VIII: why did you become king Henry VIII: why did you want to be king Henry VIII: why did you become king Henry VIII: what was your favourite clohing? Henry VIII: are you special Henry VIII: harsh Henry VIII: do you like vans Henry VIII: do you like vans Henry VIII: what year where you king Henry VIII: did you like having girls? Henry VIII: did you go to anne boleyns exucution Martin Luther King Jr.: how are you Henry VIII: what was it like when you nearly went bankrupt Adolf Hitler: how did you kill jews Henry VIII: What were your intrests? Martin Luther King Jr.: lol Adolf Hitler: umad bro Adolf Hitler: why are you retarded? Adolf Hitler: how many jews died Adolf Hitler: What was the Munich Putsch? What happened? What were your aims? Henry VIII: do you have pets Adolf Hitler: are you jeremy kyle Adolf Hitler: are you a les Adolf Hitler: What is your opinion of genital warts? Adolf Hitler: do you support the weimar government? William the Conqueror: Are you fat? Henry VIII: good bye Martin Luther King Jr.: WHat do you think of gay marriage? bro Henry VIII: how did you feel when you got a son Henry VIII: Were you still friends with Catherine of Aragon after you divorced? Henry VIII: Did you get married for sex? Henry VIII: why are you so mean Henry VIII: why do you like boys Henry VIII: what is your favorite wepon Henry VIII: what is your favorite weapon Henry VIII: Are you dead?Are you dead? Henry VIII: Are you alive? Adolf Hitler: are you a sociopath? Adolf Hitler: did you kill your children Henry VIII: Were you a good king? Henry VIII: were you a good king Henry VIII: what was your religon? : Henry VIII: did you belive in Jesus Henry VIII: how many castles did you build Stalin: do you know dan leonard Martin Luther King Jr.: how do you feel when you see 'black' people given lower wages than 'white' people Martin Luther King Jr.: who assasinated you Henry VIII: are you clever Henry VIII: how has your day been Henry VIII: Do you know Graham Norton Martin Luther King Jr.: how did you change the world Martin Luther King Jr.: how are you Henry VIII: how do you feel about Catherine of Aragon DOCTOR: How can we explain the medical advances made in Ancient Egypt? undefined: Why did you kill alot of jews? Stalin: do you have an icepick : When did you become dictator Henry VIII: Are you a cool cat? Henry VIII: Do you like bananas? Henry VIII: How did you break your leg? Henry VIII: What happened to James VI? Henry VIII: What were your goals in life? Henry VIII: why were you so mean Henry VIII: are you a cool cat? Henry VIII: miley cyrus or selena gomez? Henry VIII: How long did you reign for? Henry VIII: did you like being king Adolf Hitler: why do you never smile? Adolf Hitler: Was Nazi Germany a totalitarian state? Adolf Hitler: why did u start the war ? Adolf Hitler: why did u start the war ? Adolf Hitler: Why were young people so important to you? Adolf Hitler: What was the Nazi view on the role of women? Adolf Hitler: are u important ? Adolf Hitler: why did u start the war Adolf Hitler: did u have to fight? Adolf Hitler: are u the boss? Adolf Hitler: wwhen did you become an agent? Adolf Hitler: What was you like as a young person? Henry VIII: which wife did you like the most? Henry VIII: how long were you king for? Henry VIII: bye Henry VIII: dinosaw Henry VIII: do you miss jane seymore Henry VIII: tell me, what is your name Henry VIII: did you use the gilletene Henry VIII: trolololo Henry VIII: Why did you want to divorce Catherine of Aragon William the Conqueror: Hi Stalin: Do you like Pancakes? Stalin: the lenin era 1917-1923 Henry VIII: what was your first wive called? Henry VIII: do you ever want to be a peasant? Henry VIII: Which is better; PS3 or Xbox 360? Henry VIII: Do you like Call of Duty? Martin Luther King Jr.: why did you become an activist? Martin Luther King Jr.: Tell me about when your house was bombed. Adolf Hitler: do you have an ipad Henry VIII: what are some interesting facts about you? Henry VIII: what is your sence of humor like Henry VIII: did you have zoos Henry VIII: how old are you now Henry VIII: how many people did you kill Henry VIII: How many sets of clothes do you have? Henry VIII: who killed king richard the 3 Henry VIII: what was one of your main problems Henry VIII: this site wont work! :( : Henry VIII: which parent did you like the most Henry VIII: did you know queen victoria Henry VIII: what is most fequently asked question Henry VIII: Did you ever expect all three of your children to rule after you ? Henry VIII: Were you bald? Henry VIII: what was your worst memorie Henry VIII: are you a nigger Henry VIII: are you a fatty Henry VIII: do you eat squid Henry VIII: how old are you : Henry VIII: why do you like meat Henry VIII: did you steal Henry VIII: did you like being king Henry VIII: do you like eating Henry VIII: you are welcome Henry VIII: Why are you so stupid Henry VIII: why are you so stupid? Henry VIII: how long have you reigned for Henry VIII: what was the date you were corinated Henry VIII: what was your biggest acheivement in life? Henry VIII: where were your houses Henry VIII: did you enjoy killing people Henry VIII: Hiya Sir Henry VIII: Wuu2 Henry VIII: Why are you so fat? Henry VIII: What size shoes are you Henry VIII: How much money did you make? Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Henry VIII: were you a good leader Henry VIII: how many battles did you fight in Henry VIII: Appearance William the Conqueror: what was herleve dad called William the Conqueror: were u trained to be a solider Henry VIII: when did you become king Adolf Hitler: whats up dawg!!!!!! Adolf Hitler: Are you a mug Adolf Hitler: who led the ORPO??? Adolf Hitler: What was your opinion of stesemann Adolf Hitler: Did you have a cat Adolf Hitler: did you have any emotions? Adolf Hitler: Why did you kill all if the jews? Adolf Hitler: why are you weird? Adolf Hitler: bye Adolf Hitler: bye Adolf Hitler: why did you make kids work Adolf Hitler: what were on your postcards Adolf Hitler: why do you shout a lot Adolf Hitler: what are you thoughts on your attempted assassination Adolf Hitler: did you almost get assassinated Henry VIII: who would you say you trust? Henry VIII: how were you coded Henry VIII: lol Henry VIII: did you exercise? Henry VIII: when you were 10 to 15 years old what was your favourate hobbie or pass time Henry VIII: why were u so cruel Henry VIII: are you ginger Henry VIII: why did you gamble Henry VIII: Why Are you Scared of People that you cover your door with Brick Wall , do you not have an Army since Your a King? Martin Luther King Jr.: What was lyndon johnsons role? Adolf Hitler: how much did you weigh Adolf Hitler: how did you deal with traitors? Adolf Hitler: which songs were sung against you Adolf Hitler: did you love anyone apart from your wife and mother? Henry VIII: sing me a song of the tudor tims Henry VIII: what are your interests? Henry VIII: do u love me? Henry VIII: are you a nerd Henry VIII: are you a nerd Henry VIII: do you think you make a good king? Henry VIII: Do you like primark? Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Henry VIII: do you like surfing the net? Henry VIII: do you like school uniform? Henry VIII: do you like gambiling Henry VIII: Are you rich? Henry VIII: what happend to your bodie Henry VIII: do you have a nickname Henry VIII: why are you so pretty Henry VIII: whats your secret Adolf Hitler: what songs were sung about you Henry VIII: Where are you from? : Henry VIII: are you a freak Henry VIII: where did you live? Henry VIII: What are your jobs as king of England? Henry VIII: renaissance ideas Henry VIII: renaissance ideas Adolf Hitler: Would you describe yourself as a sexist? William the Conqueror: who was misstress mary anne William the Conqueror: how old were you when you started training to be a soldier Adolf Hitler: Nein. Adolf Hitler: why are you so eveil Adolf Hitler: Can i come round to yours for tea? Adolf Hitler: what did hitler think of jews Adolf Hitler: what did hitler think of jews Adolf Hitler: What is propaganda? Martin Luther King Jr.: do you like charity : William the Conqueror: When were you born? William the Conqueror: Who was the first Norman ruler? Henry VIII: what happened to Catherine after you divorced her? Henry VIII: no you have a face like a box of frogs Henry VIII: Do you like dancing? Henry VIII: do you have an iphone Henry VIII: do you have a bmw Henry VIII: ================================================================================================================================================== Henry VIII: do you drink ? William the Conqueror: what was different about your army than Harolds? DOCTOR: what is the meaning of life Henry VIII: do you like cheese? Henry VIII: how are you? Henry VIII: what good thing did you do William the Conqueror: Did you have brothers and sisters? William the Conqueror: how many fake retreats did you do? William the Conqueror: how many pets did you have William the Conqueror: did you have a pet William the Conqueror: Who was the next King of England after you died? Henry VIII: you are very fatty Henry VIII: did you always dress posh? Henry VIII: Why did you kill so many people? William the Conqueror: who is your best warrior Henry VIII: your face is like a box of frogs Henry VIII: what are you up to Henry VIII: did you have nail polish if not what did you use Henry VIII: your a shemale Henry VIII: are you mental Henry VIII: how many housees did hanry have William the Conqueror: How many did you kill in the battle of haystings Martin Luther King Jr.: how did your carreer begin Martin Luther King Jr.: What do you think of racists? Martin Luther King Jr.: Thank-you for everything William the Conqueror: why were you called a basterd? Martin Luther King Jr.: Did you ever think about giving up? Martin Luther King Jr.: Is Phoebe worth it? Martin Luther King Jr.: When is your birthday? Martin Luther King Jr.: What does it mean to be a Christian? Martin Luther King Jr.: dave Martin Luther King Jr.: palistenian authority Martin Luther King Jr.: how did you know that you were a great speaker Martin Luther King Jr.: what do you think about racists Martin Luther King Jr.: how old were you when you died? Martin Luther King Jr.: Did you think Malcolm X would have come round to the idea of nonviolence? Martin Luther King Jr.: are you a cat IRL? Martin Luther King Jr.: when did you have children and what are their names Henry VIII: what do you do for fun Henry VIII: Who was your favourite wife? Henry VIII: thankyou William the Conqueror: 52th2ytwytrrf William the Conqueror: hi Henry VIII: do you like pizza Adolf Hitler: how did you influence young people Henry VIII: In your opinion were you a good or bad king? Henry VIII: did you like beheading people William the Conqueror: how long did it take you and your army to be prepared? William the Conqueror: Why did you invade England ? William the Conqueror: why come engaland? William the Conqueror: What is your name? Who were your parents? William the Conqueror: hi William the Conqueror: hello why are you wearing a silly hat William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: When were you born William the Conqueror: can you keep a secret for me? William the Conqueror: hello William the Conqueror: when were you born? William the Conqueror: how long was you king for? Henry VIII: do you know Hitler Henry VIII: gvuhougixlcuhnbvlizxuhcgivkdjhiuxdhgisldhbli Henry VIII: Why did you start your own church Henry VIII: do you like having power? William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: What year were you born William the Conqueror: when were you born? William the Conqueror: who was a leather worker? William the Conqueror: were people plotting to kill you? Martin Luther King Jr.: What do you think makes a good minister? William the Conqueror: Who is Polo? William the Conqueror: what year were you born William the Conqueror: are you a trained solider William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: Were your men always confident that you would win? William the Conqueror: What was the symbol of a Norman knight? William the Conqueror: What is your name? Who were your parents? William the Conqueror: do the french think you are a trator Henry VIII: why did you not like girls Henry VIII: Why did you have so much power Henry VIII: Did you sing well? Henry VIII: are you gay? Henry VIII: cuz i dont like you William the Conqueror: was william the conqueror a good king of england? William the Conqueror: Was William a good king of England William the Conqueror: tell me about your self William the Conqueror: did any of supportes had their throat cut of in the kitchen Henry VIII: what religion was the country after your break from rome William the Conqueror: Were you ever trained as a soldier William the Conqueror: Who are you Henry VIII: which wifes did you exicute and why Henry VIII: did you have a comdom Henry VIII: how did you behave when you was 16 Henry VIII: HOW DARE YOU William the Conqueror: is there such thing as the viking pirates undefined: what is your name Henry VIII: Why did you behead Catherine Howard? Adolf Hitler: Why were you so bad? Henry VIII: why did you want a son? Henry VIII: are you a possum Henry VIII: What were the names of your children? Henry VIII: what are your hopes and ambitions? William the Conqueror: Henry VIII: who was the archbishop of canterbury Henry VIII: what was your greatest disappointment? Henry VIII: when did you become king : Henry VIII: what are your hopes and ambitions Henry VIII: when did you become king Henry VIII: what were your personal qualities Henry VIII: what was his achievements Henry VIII: what were your pesonal qualities William the Conqueror: was your mother daugter of a leather maker William the Conqueror: How many wives did you have? William the Conqueror: where did you get your name from? 'Norman' William the Conqueror: who was your leather worker William the Conqueror: how did your fater die ? Stalin: fight me irl i bet you dont even lift faggot Henry VIII: why were you called henry the great Adolf Hitler: What is your most famous quotation? Martin Luther King Jr.: how did you die? Martin Luther King Jr.: Are you a emo? Stalin: Was was Beria so strange? Henry VIII: What is it like to be King? Henry VIII: Do you enjoy being king? Henry VIII: What do you want the most? Henry VIII: what sort of character did you have? undefined: what happend in 1066 Henry VIII: What was the best thing about being king? undefined: Why did you marry Anneof Cleves? William the Conqueror: what kind of man was he William the Conqueror: Henry VIII: can you still hear catherine howard screaming? Henry VIII: what happened to Thomas Crowell William the Conqueror: why did you wear a coffin William the Conqueror: thank you : Adolf Hitler: Who inspired you? William the Conqueror: are you a mouse William the Conqueror: hello William the Conqueror: do you know your mother and father undefined: Why do you hate jews? what did they ever do to you? William the Conqueror: Why are you wearing a wierd hat? William the Conqueror: Did you like Harold Hadrada? William the Conqueror: Did you have kids? William the Conqueror: Why did you invade England? William the Conqueror: Do you eat beef? William the Conqueror: Are you a vegetarian? William the Conqueror: did you explode William the Conqueror: Do you know what a football is? Adolf Hitler: Did you quick scope? Adolf Hitler: what was the peoples observer : William the Conqueror: what do think would of happened if harold hadrada won against harold godwinson William the Conqueror: What happened to Edgar Aethling? William the Conqueror: why do you have coned hats William the Conqueror: who first gave you your nickname William the Conqueror: Were you surprised you won? William the Conqueror: Why are you so mean? William the Conqueror: When were you born? William the Conqueror: when did you meet Edward? William the Conqueror: How did you solve the problem of invasion from scandinavia Adolf Hitler: Who was your wife William the Conqueror: please sex me William the Conqueror: hi sex Henry VIII: Can you justify killing so many people? Henry VIII: where was your favorite castle : William the Conqueror: why were you over weight Stalin: What were the diplomatic reasons for introducing the Five Year Plans? Adolf Hitler: Do you play Call of duty? Adolf Hitler: Do you like Greenday? Henry VIII: Who was John Fisher? : William the Conqueror: what did you do when you became king Henry VIII: What was your nationality? William the Conqueror: How did u die Adolf Hitler: are you hard Adolf Hitler: Are you a pedophile Adolf Hitler: you are a noob at call of duty Adolf Hitler: what gcse did u get William the Conqueror: do you consider yourself a kind person William the Conqueror: hello Adolf Hitler: is matty baldwin related to you? Adolf Hitler: is matty baldwin related to you? Adolf Hitler: is matty baldwin related to you? Adolf Hitler: is matty baldwin related to you? Adolf Hitler: is matty baldwin related to you? Adolf Hitler: is matty baldwin related to you? Henry VIII: Do you like shooting Henry VIII: what are carrots Stalin: Do you like cabbage? William the Conqueror: Who was your insperation? William the Conqueror: How do you feel about being to fat to fit in your coffin? William the Conqueror: How was your life? William the Conqueror: Were you sad about your sons fighting? Henry VIII: how many countrys did you rule? Henry VIII: did you have any uncles : Henry VIII: did you have and other chidren that wasnt aloud to become king / queen? Henry VIII: why are you bald? Henry VIII: William the Conqueror: Why did you invade England in 1066 Henry VIII: what happened William the Conqueror: are you awesome William the Conqueror: why did you want to become king/ Martin Luther King Jr.: do you like chocolate Henry VIII: why are you king Henry VIII: did you ever touch vegetables Henry VIII: How did you keep clean? Henry VIII: How did you keep clean? Henry VIII: How did you keep clean? : Adolf Hitler: how did you gain power in world war one what were your positions Henry VIII: how modest are you Henry VIII: am i hot Henry VIII: do you like being the king Adolf Hitler: oratory Adolf Hitler: why did you become a soldier? William the Conqueror: why were you "so fat" Adolf Hitler: did you bum anyone Adolf Hitler: do you lick your mothers vagina Adolf Hitler: what names did you like Adolf Hitler: u bent? Adolf Hitler: Do you have a grandson called John? Adolf Hitler: Do you like nipples? Adolf Hitler: do you believe in god Adolf Hitler: do you believe in god Adolf Hitler: CAN YOU REPEAT THE ANSWER Adolf Hitler: so you like the brits then Adolf Hitler: are you gay? Adolf Hitler: joshi? Stalin: What was stakhanovism? Stalin: How were sanctions used to keep the proletariat on task? Adolf Hitler: Did you have any children? Henry VIII: how did you feel becoming the king Henry VIII: how do you know if your wives had affair or not Adolf Hitler: did you meet my chemical romance William the Conqueror: were you brutal Adolf Hitler: where are you now Adolf Hitler: are you in hell William the Conqueror: when did you become duke William the Conqueror: who was your father : Adolf Hitler: The jews never did anything to Germany, So why were you such a prick! : : Adolf Hitler: Who Adolf Hitler: What is the difference between a concentration camp and a death camp? Adolf Hitler: Is Tomasz your son? Adolf Hitler: Did you like Irish people Adolf Hitler: What about irish people Adolf Hitler: Go ireland Henry VIII: How many times did you train in a day? : Adolf Hitler: why did you grow such an unusual mustache? Henry VIII: why you were bankrupt Adolf Hitler: What is your name? Henry VIII: How did you raise your children Adolf Hitler: do you know the muffin man; he lives down drury lane? : Henry VIII: do you have a brain Martin Luther King Jr.: what did you think about hitlers reign Henry VIII: how did you feel about divorcing Catherine of Aragon? Adolf Hitler: How many women voted for you when you had most seats in parliament? William the Conqueror: are you real Adolf Hitler: You mentioned earlier that men and women are equals and yet you discimated men and women from other races such as the jews so what is the point in saying that you treat men and women equally? : Henry VIII: how old were you when you became king William the Conqueror: when was your birthday Adolf Hitler: what is your favorite food Adolf Hitler: why did you marry your wife? Adolf Hitler: Why were you so awesome? Henry VIII: What is the tudor way of saying hello? : Adolf Hitler: why did you hate japan? Adolf Hitler: why were you a bully Adolf Hitler: i dont like you Henry VIII: i am writing for a magazine can you tell me more about yourself? Henry VIII: why wasnt henry fitzory king? Henry VIII: who was the pope that allowed you to get married to catherine of aragon? Adolf Hitler: How are you? Adolf Hitler: What were your your promises? Martin Luther King Jr.: How are you? Adolf Hitler: What did you do for your eighteenth birthday, Hitler? Henry VIII: do you have any hobies William the Conqueror: did you have a good life William the Conqueror: you have now lost a battle Adolf Hitler: duttyness Adolf Hitler: Do you like waffles? Adolf Hitler: do you get lifts with kieran Adolf Hitler: Did you have erectile dysfunction? Adolf Hitler: Oppan Gangnam Style Martin Luther King Jr.: WASSUP? William the Conqueror: Are you sick? William the Conqueror: Tell me about your family : : Adolf Hitler: Were you educated? : Adolf Hitler: : William the Conqueror: how old was harold when he died William the Conqueror: Henry VIII: do u like boys : Adolf Hitler: sup! : Adolf Hitler: what is the berghof? undefined: when was hitler born William the Conqueror: What custom they wear during war ? Adolf Hitler: do you have any relatives living today? DOCTOR: hi how are you? Adolf Hitler: why Adolf Hitler: What was the Nazi view on the role of Jewish women? Adolf Hitler: Вы действительно глупо : : Martin Luther King Jr.: What was the reason behind you not using the public buses for a year? Adolf Hitler: illuminati Adolf Hitler: does your milkshake bring all the boys to the yard Adolf Hitler: have you ever fisted your anus William the Conqueror: how tall are you Adolf Hitler: Did you have an affair with your niece? William the Conqueror: who is your dad : Adolf Hitler: do you sow loads of bewers William the Conqueror: are you a lady Adolf Hitler: what did u feel like when you livd in the trenches ? Adolf Hitler: did you contract a diesease Henry VIII: what is your favourite song Henry VIII: what is your favourite song Henry VIII: What football team do you support? Henry VIII: what was your favourite subject Henry VIII: where did you live as an adult Henry VIII: William the Conqueror: hello William the Conqueror: were you a soldier William the Conqueror: were you a soldier William the Conqueror: have you lost your children Adolf Hitler: how long is your moushtqc Adolf Hitler: what is the orpo Adolf Hitler: did you use gas on the jews Adolf Hitler: Bye Henry VIII: what would you like to remembered for Henry VIII: what did you like about being a king : William the Conqueror: when were you born ? Henry VIII: When were you coronated king? Adolf Hitler: Do you enjoy kissing : Adolf Hitler: did you ever have a whore? Adolf Hitler: Did you have a relationship with your neice? Adolf Hitler: Is it true you only have one nut? Adolf Hitler: Did you have one testicle? Adolf Hitler: Who is to blame for the Holocaust? Adolf Hitler: where were you born Adolf Hitler: what was your biggest misstake you have done in your life undefined: Why did you hate the Jewish? undefined: Why did you want to be Fuher? undefined: hello aldolf hitler, how are you? undefined: why are you homophobic undefined: What year was the first autobahn built? undefined: hello whats your name? undefined: Alright kid undefined: When was the first autobahn built? undefined: hello whats your name undefined: where were you born? undefined: what year did you die : : Adolf Hitler: did you have any offspring? Adolf Hitler: What are you doing? Adolf Hitler: were you hetrosexual? Adolf Hitler: margaret thatcher, would you? Adolf Hitler: do you even lift? Adolf Hitler: do you even lift? Adolf Hitler: do the German people hate the Jews Adolf Hitler: how did you indoctrinate the youth of germany Adolf Hitler: I hate your face Adolf Hitler: Why are you such a jerkasaurous? Adolf Hitler: why were you so mad? Adolf Hitler: do you like communsits Adolf Hitler: what happened to dwarfs Adolf Hitler: what do you think of monkeys : Adolf Hitler: previous political activity Adolf Hitler: whats your publications Adolf Hitler: Why do you think the Germans need Lebensraum? Adolf Hitler: about the anchluss Adolf Hitler: What was backstairs intrigue? undefined: Joseph Stalin information Adolf Hitler: What was the "Malicious Gossip" decree? undefined: Do you play pro clubs? Adolf Hitler: crackhead undefined: Why grow a moustache undefined: If you were on fifa what rating would you be? undefined: where were you born? undefined: If you could be Hitler would you? undefined: Why did you want power undefined: hahahaha YOU ONLY HAD 1 TESTICLE undefined: can you click undefined: How are you? undefined: Messi or Ronaldo? undefined: Why did you kill all the jews undefined: work Adolf Hitler: Why were you a vegatarian? Henry VIII: How did you feel when Jane Seymore died? Henry VIII: did people like you? Henry VIII: what was your favorite thing about being king Adolf Hitler: do you think that if you had implemented your experimental wepons earlier that you might have won the war Adolf Hitler: do you like green day? Adolf Hitler: How old are you? Adolf Hitler: Coke or pepsi? Adolf Hitler: you are not a very nice man Adolf Hitler: you smell Adolf Hitler: you smell Henry VIII: did you like beheading people Henry VIII: Did you ever regret beheading anyone? Henry VIII: which way did you prefer to fight on horseback or on the ground Henry VIII: how many people did you kill : Adolf Hitler: do you know mr spod Adolf Hitler: Do you like Barbra Strisant Stalin: Were Hitler and you a married couple? Henry VIII: what did you enjoy most about being king? Henry VIII: why you took control of the church of England ? Henry VIII: Why did you leave the monastery ruins and not get rid of them Henry VIII: how many people did you kill Henry VIII: Why are you following in the footsteps of Henry II? DOCTOR: why are you so stricke Adolf Hitler: your a wasteman : Adolf Hitler: are you lazy? Adolf Hitler: What were your aims? Adolf Hitler: why were you so aggresive during the led up to World War Two Henry VIII: your fit Henry VIII: Why did the Pope give you the title of 'Fidei Defensor'? Henry VIII: what happened to your main advisors Stalin: how are you Stalin: how did you get people to fallow you? Stalin: Where did you grow up? : Henry VIII: how meny poos hav you had Henry VIII: what happend to authur Henry VIII: When did you become king? Adolf Hitler: What is your name? Adolf Hitler: Why did you consider signing an alliance with Frace : Henry VIII: How long is a mile Henry VIII: why were you so mean Adolf Hitler: what film did you promote to make people feel happy? DOCTOR: Did prehistoric people believe that powerful spirits caused and cured illnesses? Henry VIII: What was the name of your castle Henry VIII: where are you from? Martin Luther King Jr.: where did you graduate from? Martin Luther King Jr.: uelb ercas Martin Luther King Jr.: did you go to school? Martin Luther King Jr.: What did you mean when you said 'I have a dream'? Martin Luther King Jr.: football manchester manchester ball kick goal manchester foul Martin Luther King Jr.: was it your lifelong intention to change the legislations concerning integration or did you gradually concieve the wish to cause change due to your lifelong experiences of persecution. Martin Luther King Jr.: What did you think of your grandmother? Martin Luther King Jr.: did you go to chruch Adolf Hitler: do you know annie frank Adolf Hitler: do you know annie frank Henry VIII: are you good ? Adolf Hitler: are you a douche bag? Adolf Hitler: the coins of zakynthos Adolf Hitler: why did you disappear? Henry VIII: How long were you king for? Henry VIII: why did henry became king Adolf Hitler: What inspired you to want to become a Priest? Adolf Hitler: why didn't you become a priest Adolf Hitler: Why did you want to become a priest? Adolf Hitler: Do you think you are beautiful? : If you had won the war, what would you do next? : § How has your relationship with your father, affected your life? Henry VIII: when did you become king Henry VIII: do you like cheese Henry VIII: Why did you grow a beard? Henry VIII: Why did you grow a beard? Henry VIII: Were you religious? Henry VIII: Who were your parents? : Henry VIII: Were you religious? Stalin: how did you maintain power? Adolf Hitler: what happened at the wansee conference : Stalin: Bye Adolf Hitler: Where did you live? Henry VIII: do you like cheese? Henry VIII: what do you wiegh Henry VIII: have you ever been a pedofile Adolf Hitler: Where you just considered a murderer? Adolf Hitler: Did you think you were doing good? Adolf Hitler: Do you think somebody else could have run Germany better towards the end of the World War 2 Henry VIII: can i ask you a question Adolf Hitler: What are you doing? Adolf Hitler: Are you normal? Adolf Hitler: What did you do to your niece? Adolf Hitler: What sexual activity did you like? Adolf Hitler: Did you get pissed on? Adolf Hitler: did you enjoy getting urinated on? Henry VIII: why are you a cartoon Henry VIII: would you ever lose wait Henry VIII: what do you think of historians today Henry VIII: were you a villian Henry VIII: what was your favourite moment Henry VIII: what did you like most about being king? : Adolf Hitler: Did you like your cousin Henry VIII: why didn't you like doing business work Henry VIII: do you want another wife and it came with the childeren Henry VIII: why are you so mean to people? undefined: how many paintings do you have undefined: why did you exacute people Adolf Hitler: i hate you Martin Luther King Jr.: how are you Henry VIII: how many paintings did you have Adolf Hitler: how old are you Adolf Hitler: what were your solutions? William the Conqueror: are you french Henry VIII: what was your favourite church Henry VIII: lol Henry VIII: why are you important : Henry VIII: how did you celebrate the victory of the battle of spurs? Henry VIII: what was the best party you had? Henry VIII: what where you famous for Adolf Hitler: You got swag? Stalin: How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck would chuck wood Stalin: DId you have any kids Stalin: Did you have an heir Stalin: Did you name a successor Adolf Hitler: Do you like rugby? Adolf Hitler: Do you like Bradley Wiggins? Henry VIII: what battles have you been in? Henry VIII: why do you think your soo cool Adolf Hitler: jog on Adolf Hitler: bye Adolf Hitler: pedophile Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Henry VIII: where did you hunt and what did you hunt Adolf Hitler: why did you have a mostach Martin Luther King Jr.: how did you rebel? Henry VIII: Do you like killing Adolf Hitler: do you like kirsteen? Adolf Hitler: What made you want to fight? Adolf Hitler: do you like puppies Adolf Hitler: why did you steal my nutella Adolf Hitler: fight me Adolf Hitler: What is the signature Hitler sex move? Adolf Hitler: Where did your ashes? Adolf Hitler: what do you think of the us Martin Luther King Jr.: are you happy you stood up for yourself Henry VIII: am I amazing? Henry VIII: Are you a red head like Elizabeth? Adolf Hitler: will you pay for my holiday Adolf Hitler: what do you think of wwII Henry VIII: what where your laws Henry VIII: yo you are totes amaze balls Henry VIII: do you like guinea pigs Henry VIII: do you watch x factor Henry VIII: do you like cheese Henry VIII: whats your best pie? Henry VIII: whats your best pie? My favourite pie was steak with peas and gravy! : Why did you give everything up for Anne? Henry VIII: why didn't you just poison katherine of aragon Stalin: nationality at birth William the Conqueror: when was you born? Henry VIII: are you sad William the Conqueror: what would of happened if the wind haddn't changed William the Conqueror: why was your leadership so good William the Conqueror: Do you like Bristol Grammar School? William the Conqueror: did you ever swear Henry VIII: are you a lapper Henry VIII: are you a lapper Henry VIII: h Henry VIII: are you a lapper Henry VIII: why arnt you gay Adolf Hitler: what is your favorite football team? Henry VIII: when was henry viii bourn Henry VIII: are you a budda Stalin: Why does it always rain on me? Stalin: Do you feel Fabio Capello is the right man for the Russian football manager? Henry VIII: What was the hardest thing about being king : Henry VIII: did you enjoy killing people Henry VIII: Why did you want to be King of Britain in the first place, William? Martin Luther King Jr.: Why do you think that you have been such a successful figurehead for the civil rights movement? Henry VIII: how was your health Henry VIII: what was your childhood like Henry VIII: what was your home like? Henry VIII: tuberculosis Henry VIII: how was your health? Stalin: when is your birthday undefined: 'Why did you divorce Katherine of Arragon? William the Conqueror: why were you fat at your funeral? William the Conqueror: what is the most gruesome death in the battle of hasting William the Conqueror: how did Harald Hardraada die William the Conqueror: did you get on with your siblings Martin Luther King Jr.: what are your views on weapons Henry VIII: What religion where you on your deathbed? Henry VIII: do you like cheeze" Henry VIII: How did you keep clean? Henry VIII: Why are you so fat? Henry VIII: did you ever cry : William the Conqueror: bonjour William the Conqueror: hello William the Conqueror: why Henry VIII: Why did you kill so many innocent catholics and protestants? Henry VIII: Why did you have to kill your second wife? : DOCTOR: Why were patent medicines important? Henry VIII: Why did you kill so many people? Henry VIII: what did you do? Henry VIII: ow old is your ghost Henry VIII: derp Henry VIII: submit a question Henry VIII: a question Martin Luther King Jr.: What do you think of communism? William the Conqueror: How many people did you kill? William the Conqueror: ghtrnbtyhn gh William the Conqueror: were you ever bullied William the Conqueror: what is my name William the Conqueror: no one likes you DOCTOR: the black deth DOCTOR: what is the black deth? undefined: Type you undefined: hi William the Conqueror: why William the Conqueror: how did you feel when you won the battle of hastings Adolf Hitler: Who were the SD? Henry VIII: ARE YOUR VIOLENT : undefined: why do you hate the jewish undefined: where were you born? undefined: Why did you hate the Jews so much? undefined: why arent you answering me? undefined: where were you born? Adolf Hitler: Do you like Minecraft? Adolf Hitler: #yolo Adolf Hitler: why did you kill the jews? Adolf Hitler: When did you rename the DAP : Martin Luther King Jr.: hello Adolf Hitler: why did you create the concentration camps Adolf Hitler: what was the purpose of the standard police Henry VIII: how old were you when you married your firsted wife William the Conqueror: YOLO Martin Luther King Jr.: What did you think of your grandmother? DOCTOR: What is the deadliest diseaise William the Conqueror: private parts William the Conqueror: Was the first ruler called Polo : Adolf Hitler: no Martin Luther King Jr.: what the fuck undefined: who where your parents ? Adolf Hitler: If you could go back in time, what would you do differently? Adolf Hitler: Did you carry on painting during the war? William the Conqueror: what is your muns name Stalin: how are you Henry VIII: Wuu2? Henry VIII: do you like dancing Henry VIII: hum yes dear sir! Henry VIII: SIGNAL 1 Henry VIII: Have you ever smuggled drugs through the English boarder control Adolf Hitler: do you like germans? Adolf Hitler: bellend Henry VIII: how did you keep clean undefined: what was the ss undefined: Why did you kill yourself? undefined: how did the ss help you to get power undefined: why did you kill yourself Adolf Hitler: Why Hitler's personal bodyguard Henry VIII: why were you so extreme with the deaths Henry VIII: would you kill me Henry VIII: are you gay Henry VIII: if jane seymor haddent given you a son what would you have done Henry VIII: would you class yourself as mean Henry VIII: YOLO Henry VIII: Do you have an ipad Henry VIII: why diddent cathrine parr succed you Winston Churchill: Do you consider yourself a hero? Winston Churchill: Why did Stalin give the toast "to Archangel"? Winston Churchill: Were you ever a POW Henry VIII: What were your toilets like? Henry VIII: shut up : : Adolf Hitler: what was your schooling like Adolf Hitler: Yolo Adolf Hitler: Did you sexually enjoy torturing Jews? : : : : : Winston Churchill: Did you ever have more than one bolloc in each hand? William the Conqueror: did you ever like to rub yourself up a man? Winston Churchill: Are you KSIOLAJIDEBT? William the Conqueror: What was the Harrying of the North? Adolf Hitler: what was the KDF? Henry VIII: Why are you ginger is it your mums or dads side Adolf Hitler: do you think your mum would have been proud of you Stalin: yoour mvmvfd Henry VIII: did the pope like you? Adolf Hitler: what do you think of the beckhams Adolf Hitler: what did you do about tariffs DOCTOR: DID THE CHURCH TRAIN DOCTORS Henry VIII: do you like how you rule Winston Churchill: what is your opinion on war Winston Churchill: do you like war Winston Churchill: how did you feel when you dropped the bomb undefined: why did you win the battle? Henry VIII: what were your rules Adolf Hitler: beliefs Adolf Hitler: efect of dippresion Henry VIII: WHY ARE YOU BOSSING AROUND?? : Henry VIII: secerts about you Henry VIII: what are henry VIII views of his rule? Henry VIII: were you a fair king? Henry VIII: do you think you was a go leader Adolf Hitler: did you poo Adolf Hitler: do you like turtles Adolf Hitler: Did you have a sense of humour? Adolf Hitler: do you like the vamps Adolf Hitler: what house would you be in if you were accepted in hogwarts? Adolf Hitler: why did you only want soldiers with blone hair and blue eyes? Adolf Hitler: do you watch sherlock Adolf Hitler: When and where were you born? William the Conqueror: are you a lemon William the Conqueror: are you a lemon Adolf Hitler: what is the brownshirt an for wath did you use it for Henry VIII: Why did you want to end your marriage to Catherine of Aragon? : William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: hi Henry VIII: shut up Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Henry VIII: who was your wife when you died Henry VIII: who was your wife when you died Henry VIII: who was your wife when you died Henry VIII: who was your wife when you died Henry VIII: who was your wife when you died Henry VIII: who was your wife when you died Henry VIII: who was your wife when you died Henry VIII: are you well Henry VIII: do you think you were a good king Henry VIII: do you think you were a good king Henry VIII: do you think you were a good king Henry VIII: do you think you were a good king Henry VIII: do you think you were a good king Henry VIII: do you think you were a good king Henry VIII: do you think you were a good king Henry VIII: do you think you were a good king Henry VIII: do you think you were a good king Henry VIII: do you think you were a good king Henry VIII: do you think you were a good king Henry VIII: do you think you were a good king Henry VIII: do you think you were a good king Henry VIII: do you think you were a good king Henry VIII: thank you Stalin: how did your past affect your future Stalin: what was your pre-revolutionary career? Stalin: Were you bullied? Henry VIII: Why did you break with Rome? Henry VIII: Why did you ransack the Catholic churches? William the Conqueror: were you hated William the Conqueror: were you cool William the Conqueror: were you fat William the Conqueror: did you have family William the Conqueror: hi Henry VIII: how are you Henry VIII: How are you? William the Conqueror: Do you plan on conquering any other countries in the future? William the Conqueror: hello Martin Luther King Jr.: WHEN WHERE YOU SHOT? : Adolf Hitler: Auscwitz Adolf Hitler: Did you like the Keizer Adolf Hitler: im going to cry Henry VIII: Why did you kill so many people? William the Conqueror: hello William the Conqueror: were you a good fighter DOCTOR: slut : Martin Luther King Jr.: oh okay Henry VIII: Why did you want to end your marriage to Catherine of Aragon? Henry VIII: what did you do for fun? DOCTOR: What was medicine like in Pre-Nazi Germany? : Adolf Hitler: What are your beleifs Henry VIII: How old are you Henry VIII: Did you aggre with the pope Henry VIII: beef Henry VIII: When did you close the monasteries? Adolf Hitler: What was the role of Women in Nazi Germany? Winston Churchill: Type your question here and click 'Submit' undefined: What were your parents like? Adolf Hitler: Did you have and cats? Adolf Hitler: Do you like puppies? Adolf Hitler: Did you have any kids Adolf Hitler: What do you think of Marx? Adolf Hitler: Did you have children Stalin: Why is your eyebrows so weird? Adolf Hitler: How do you think others nations saw you Adolf Hitler: Were you an atheist? Adolf Hitler: Did you have any childhood friends? : Adolf Hitler: Did you have any childhood friends? undefined: Were you a good king? : : Adolf Hitler: What is propaganda? Adolf Hitler: what is your opinion on the treaty of versailles? Adolf Hitler: do you like dan guest Adolf Hitler: have you ever been in a fight? Winston Churchill: brazillian wandering spider Henry VIII: Have you considered a plastic surgery Henry VIII: Did you miss the ability to hunt after you were diagnosed with gout? Henry VIII: Why did you eat and drink so much? Stalin: do you like jews Stalin: do you like jews Henry VIII: why are you so mean to the peasents Henry VIII: how are you Henry? y Henry VIII: Thankyou Henry VIII: What was your favourite hobbie : Henry VIII: why dont you fuck yourself William the Conqueror: did you train to be a soldier : : Adolf Hitler: do you believe in god Adolf Hitler: Whats your favourite colour? Adolf Hitler: yolo Adolf Hitler: WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR GRAN Adolf Hitler: whats your favourite song William the Conqueror: who was your mother Adolf Hitler: why did you want ATAC? Adolf Hitler: why did you star re-armimg Adolf Hitler: why did you increase your armaments Adolf Hitler: were you ever bullied Adolf Hitler: what are you thinking about Adolf Hitler: How did you react to the National Debt? Henry VIII: can you smile? : Adolf Hitler: are you aryan : Adolf Hitler: do you like ron weasley Adolf Hitler: what do you think of steam box Henry VIII: do you like bieng king Henry VIII: niefg wnrijb wjf? Henry VIII: did you go partying Henry VIII: did you partying Henry VIII: did you want to be king? Adolf Hitler: do you know lady gaga : Adolf Hitler: did you ever think about what would happen if you failed : : Winston Churchill: How rich were you Winston Churchill: What do you think about yourself : Adolf Hitler: did you blaze on 4/20? : undefined: when did you rise to power? Stalin: were you a cat or dog person Adolf Hitler: why are you trying to increace birth rate Adolf Hitler: Who were the SS? Adolf Hitler: Did you kill your dog? Adolf Hitler: Why did you grow such an unusual moustache? : Adolf Hitler: why do you have a squint Henry VIII: what was the biggest disappointment of your reign Henry VIII: Did you respect Thomas Becket Henry VIII: how did you feel when King Francis the first beat you at wrestling Henry VIII: how many battles did you fight Adolf Hitler: do you have facebook? Adolf Hitler: what propganda did you use DOCTOR: How did women contribute to the development of 19th Century medicine? : Adolf Hitler: what happend to your parents : Henry VIII: are you a villien Winston Churchill: do you like jake leeding Winston Churchill: what time is it Adolf Hitler: knock knock Henry VIII: why are you so mean Henry VIII: how long did you live for Henry VIII: are you a king? Henry VIII: what is being king like Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Henry VIII: what was your nationality undefined: how was germany in world war II? : Stalin: what is 5x5 : Henry VIII: why did you run all laws you wanted to be made leagal through parlament Adolf Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? : : Adolf Hitler: do you feel bad for what you did to the jews? : Henry VIII: Do you watch countdown Henry VIII: what did you do when anne boleyn was getting exucuted Henry VIII: what was it like to be a king Henry VIII: what are you Henry VIII: Did you love your parents? : Adolf Hitler: were you a sadist? Adolf Hitler: why did you kill your dog? Henry VIII: what do you look like? Henry VIII: do you know the gameing lemon Henry VIII: What was your nickname Henry VIII: Were you baptized? Henry VIII: Duke of Suffolk Henry VIII: why are you ginger Henry VIII: are you gonna say bye Henry VIII: are you going to say good bye Adolf Hitler: how did you view foreign countrys Henry VIII: when did you become king Henry VIII: how long were you king for Henry VIII: how long were you king for Henry VIII: how long were you king for : Henry VIII: what does the fox say DOCTOR: Would you like to kiss my teacher? DOCTOR: Would you like to kiss my teacher? DOCTOR: Do you enjoy kissing? : Henry VIII: do you have a jester : : Adolf Hitler: Are you a obsessive cow? Winston Churchill: what are your opinions on starlin undefined: how did you die Henry VIII: why was youre daughter called bloody marry Adolf Hitler: did you have many fwends Adolf Hitler: do u hate me Adolf Hitler: if you were to live again, would you do it again Adolf Hitler: Why were you so mean?! Adolf Hitler: what was your motive : : Adolf Hitler: What was it that made you hate Jews? Adolf Hitler: What do you think of cats? Henry VIII: youcant spell properly Martin Luther King Jr.: What do you think of racists? Martin Luther King Jr.: Why are you so angry about racism? : : Martin Luther King Jr.: What? : : am i poorly William the Conqueror: Why were you known as 'William the Bastard'? William the Conqueror: what sort of things did he like ? William the Conqueror: Who was Brainbiter? William the Conqueror: whyy you ugly William the Conqueror: his final years William the Conqueror: why are u boring? William the Conqueror: why did you want to become king? William the Conqueror: how did your testicles explode : : Adolf Hitler: is it true thst a british man didnt shoot you in worl war 1? DOCTOR: Did prehistoric people believe that if a peson wasn't cured it was god will that they died? Adolf Hitler: do you think you were a charmer with the ladies? Adolf Hitler: how did you become chancellor Henry VIII: What were the nameghjs of your children? Henry VIII: how many enemies did you have : Henry VIII: when did you become king Henry VIII: where were you buried? Henry VIII: how long were you king Henry VIII: How many affairs did you have? Henry VIII: why do you have a double chin Adolf Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? Henry VIII: Did Anne Bolyen cheat on you? Henry VIII: how did the parliment help you? Henry VIII: have you ever pooped yourself Henry VIII: what are your hobbies Henry VIII: i could fit a lorry up your fat nose Adolf Hitler: Was ist dein telefonummer? Adolf Hitler: was ist dein mutter? Adolf Hitler: Do You Like chicken William the Conqueror: What was the Domesday Book? : Henry VIII: How old are you today Henry VIII: what would you weare to a party Henry VIII: did you love your children Henry VIII: did you want to be king Henry VIII: do you like abigal William the Conqueror: have you ever pood your pants William the Conqueror: how old was you when you died! William the Conqueror: who was you pearents William the Conqueror: did you have a beard Adolf Hitler: DO YOU LIKE WATERMELON? : William the Conqueror: hi William the Conqueror: hi Adolf Hitler: Why do you look like a poo Henry VIII: are you hungry Henry VIII: lady margaret beaufort Henry VIII: did you enjoy killing people? Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Henry VIII: do you like beheading people Henry VIII: are you a peodophile William the Conqueror: are you a boy Henry VIII: What was it like being king? Henry VIII: do you think you are a good king : Henry VIII: Were you meant to be king? : : Henry VIII: you mad bro Henry VIII: how are you Henry VIII: Why was having a son important? Henry VIII: how are you are going to increase your power Henry VIII: how many fights did you have ? Henry VIII: do you like William the Conqueror: HOW OLD WAS EDGAR AETHLING WHEN EDWARD THE CONFESSOR DIED Henry VIII: Surrender and regrant William the Conqueror: hello : Henry VIII: what is the real reason you needed so much power? Henry VIII: Why is maris fat Henry VIII: do you like being a king Henry VIII: was you a monk Adolf Hitler: Why did Eva Braun love someone so evil? : : Stalin: what is your worst and best feature Adolf Hitler: ayy lmao Martin Luther King Jr.: When were you shot? Adolf Hitler: Where have you lived? William the Conqueror: Who was Polo? William the Conqueror: Were you trained to be a soldier as a child? William the Conqueror: Were you an illegimate? William the Conqueror: Henry VIII: did you want to be burried? DOCTOR: What diseases were discovered during the Renaissance William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: who were your mom and dad William the Conqueror: who is your father William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: why wont u talk William the Conqueror: when is your birthday William the Conqueror: Who was your father William the Conqueror: when were you born? William the Conqueror: as a child were trained to be a soldier? William the Conqueror: hi Henry VIII: what were the names of your wifes Henry VIII: How did you get around Adolf Hitler: What did you do during World War One? William the Conqueror: are you a robot William the Conqueror: why did you burn down many villages William the Conqueror: when were you born? William the Conqueror: why did you burn down many villages William the Conqueror: were yo a wimp : Henry VIII: what was your main reason to break with rome Adolf Hitler: Why are you here Adolf Hitler: doyou only haven one testicle : Which wife did you love the most? Henry VIII: what is tuberculosis William the Conqueror: describe yourself William the Conqueror: who was your father? William the Conqueror: who was your mother? William the Conqueror: did you ever have kids William the Conqueror: when was you born William the Conqueror: was you born in france : Henry VIII: am i here to ask you a question Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Henry VIII: how many servents did you have? Henry VIII: how did you get up the stairs DOCTOR: who treated people in prehistoric times? William the Conqueror: Why were you known as 'William the Bastard'? William the Conqueror: when was u born : William the Conqueror: Why were you known as 'William the Bastard'? William the Conqueror: who was the polo? William the Conqueror: who was the polo? Adolf Hitler: Do you have any faults? : when was the battel off hastings undefined: why do you believe in peaceful protest William the Conqueror: who was Polo William the Conqueror: Who was your father? William the Conqueror: when is your date of birth? William the Conqueror: Were you trained to be a soldier when you were a child? Henry VIII: hamish Henry VIII: died Adolf Hitler: why do you have a moustache Henry VIII: what were chuches like after and before the reformation Henry VIII: What were the churches like before the reformation in 1534? Henry VIII: Do you pick your nose? Henry VIII: do you have a crush on abi Winston Churchill: what were the new libearls William the Conqueror: lol : William the Conqueror: are you related to siri William the Conqueror: are you a fudge packer William the Conqueror: why do you torture people William the Conqueror: monarch Winston Churchill: Who were your ancestors? undefined: when were you born? William the Conqueror: did you do archery William the Conqueror: who was your mother William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: do you ride tyranosaurus rex William the Conqueror: chicken William the Conqueror: did you eat William the Conqueror: who was your mothers father? William the Conqueror: who is your mum Henry VIII: i want to kiss you : Henry VIII: WHY ARE YOU AN IDIOT Martin Luther King Jr.: when did you born? Henry VIII: how did you keep Adolf Hitler: do you like female breasts Adolf Hitler: What are we actually doing? lol William the Conqueror: why are William the Conqueror: were you illegimate William the Conqueror: who had his throat cut William the Conqueror: did one of your supporters have there throat cut in your kitchen William the Conqueror: why did you become king of nomandy William the Conqueror: who was your father Stalin: what happened to hitlers body Henry VIII: what are your problems? Henry VIII: why did you hate martin luther William the Conqueror: Who is your father? William the Conqueror: How did King Harold get killed? William the Conqueror: BONJOUR William the Conqueror: comment tu t'appelles? Henry VIII: when did you get the name defender of the faith Stalin: Did you love your family? William the Conqueror: how did peasants feel about their lives William the Conqueror: clothing William the Conqueror: when did Adolf Hitler: what was your policy on tariffs : : : : : : Stalin: What do you think of yourself? Stalin: Do you like pickles Adolf Hitler: why didnt you let womens work Adolf Hitler: What is propaganda? : : : Adolf Hitler: are all jews bad Adolf Hitler: What are your views on minoriiy goups Adolf Hitler: what is your greatest fear Adolf Hitler: what do you do if someone goes against you Adolf Hitler: who was your first love Adolf Hitler: uwant sum Adolf Hitler: how did you kill people at death camps? Adolf Hitler: how many people were in the SA Adolf Hitler: how many people worked for the gustapo Adolf Hitler: did anyone try to kill you Adolf Hitler: what subjects did you study at school DOCTOR: Who is James Simpson? undefined: Type your question here and click 'Submit' : : Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Adolf Hitler: how did the jews stab germany in the back : Henry VIII: When did you become king? William the Conqueror: hello Adolf Hitler: why did you kill your dog? : : Adolf Hitler: Where are you now? : : : Adolf Hitler: where you aware of the things that your Nazi soldiers where doing Adolf Hitler: where you aware of the things that your Nazi soldiers where doing Adolf Hitler: Do you think your hot? William the Conqueror: have you got a mother William the Conqueror: WHO ARE YOU? William the Conqueror: What did you do straight after winning the Battle of Hastings? William the Conqueror: What was the Domesday Book? Winston Churchill: do you like ice cream Henry VIII: what good things did you do : William the Conqueror: How did Harold react when Hardraada invaded? Adolf Hitler: Is it true that you have Jewish blood in your veins? Adolf Hitler: why do you stare at the mouse? William the Conqueror: do you have any remorse? William the Conqueror: who was your best solider in the battle? William the Conqueror: Do you have any battle scars or wounds from the battle of hastings? William the Conqueror: chu mad bro? William the Conqueror: Why did you want to be king of England? William the Conqueror: why was you so successful William the Conqueror: are you gangsta William the Conqueror: why u mad bro Adolf Hitler: you want sum? Martin Luther King Jr.: were your ancestors slaves Adolf Hitler: are you kim jong un Adolf Hitler: no Adolf Hitler: slovakia : Adolf Hitler: where did you go during world war two Adolf Hitler: how old were you when you died : : undefined: Did you make any important decisions after 1940? Adolf Hitler: did you have any mental condtions? : : Adolf Hitler: where there rumors about you Adolf Hitler: Where you Adolf Hitler: how did you die? Stalin: What was your worst decision whilst in power? Stalin: are you cool Adolf Hitler: Are you gay? : Adolf Hitler: do you watch south park : Adolf Hitler: What was the meaning of what you did? Adolf Hitler: do you like your tanks Adolf Hitler: XD Adolf Hitler: poopafoopadoop : William the Conqueror: Who was your father? : : Stalin: How did you command respect? Adolf Hitler: where do you live? : Winston Churchill: Why did you want to fight at D-Day? Adolf Hitler: I CAN SEE YOU Adolf Hitler: are you a pedo? Henry VIII: why are you a good king Adolf Hitler: How did hyperinflation help you rise to power? Henry VIII: How old are you? Henry VIII: How did you become King? Henry VIII: Were you ginger? Henry VIII: were you a bad king or a good king Martin Luther King Jr.: heyhcvhnjkm,kklvb;. : Stalin: How did you rise to power after Lenin’s death? Adolf Hitler: did you have any mental illnesses? Adolf Hitler: bye Henry VIII: bye : : Adolf Hitler: What lessons did you learn? : Winston Churchill: Who were your parents? DOCTOR: hey DOCTOR: Am I Pregnant : Did your children like you : : Adolf Hitler: why are you a retard Adolf Hitler: you're a bastard : Adolf Hitler: loooool Adolf Hitler: lewisham? Henry VIII: when was your coronation Henry VIII: when did you become king? Henry VIII: What is your surname Henry VIII: sing your song : Winston Churchill: Were you polite or rude? Henry VIII: when did you become king? Henry VIII: how many times have you killed your wifes : Adolf Hitler: Do you only have 1 testicle : Adolf Hitler: boobs Adolf Hitler: boobs Henry VIII: what was your favrouite gathering Henry VIII: why were you king Henry VIII: how many slaves did you have : Henry VIII: is it good in Greenwich : Adolf Hitler: whats 9 plus 10 Henry VIII: why are you called henry Henry VIII: how are you : Do you like the booty : Do you like Cheerios : Henry VIII: did you want to become king? Henry VIII: did you have a personal butt wipper Henry VIII: what do you dress in : : Winston Churchill: How big is your dick Winston Churchill: do you think you lead England well? Henry VIII: do you like starbucks Henry VIII: are you a carnivore Henry VIII: Were you religious? Henry VIII: Were you religious? Henry VIII: did you have any wounds Henry VIII: why did you run away in 1513 Stalin: cheeky nandos? : Henry VIII: did you ever wiggle your booty? DOCTOR: Did hospitals improve in the Middle Ages? DOCTOR: Can you provide some information about Microbes? Henry VIII: did you enjoy ruling the country? : Henry VIII: You look like a cucumber. : Henry VIII: yolo Henry VIII: fatty Henry VIII: Henry VIII: is it true that you had a servant to wipe your butt because you are so fat? : Henry VIII: did you have a moustach : Henry VIII: did you have any sucesses Henry VIII: did you have any failures Henry VIII: are you a player? Henry VIII: how many yars did your son rule for Henry VIII: why did you like food so much : Henry VIII: what did you do successfully Henry VIII: When did you reign? Henry VIII: what were your failures Henry VIII: why was jane semour your faviroute wife Adolf Hitler: do you like reece's pieces? Adolf Hitler: Were you emo? Henry VIII: how did you become the king Henry VIII: where do you get your jewwerly from Henry VIII: Are you bald? Henry VIII: where do you get your cothes from Henry VIII: do you think you made a good king Henry VIII: do you like pussy Henry VIII: Tudors are awsome Adolf Hitler: Did you ever think that the war went to far? Martin Luther King Jr.: What's your Facebook Martin Luther King Jr.: Do you like Paintball? Martin Luther King Jr.: What were your feelings on the death of emmet till? Martin Luther King Jr.: What's your favorite colour? Martin Luther King Jr.: What's your favourite food? Martin Luther King Jr.: Do you like japan? Henry VIII: when and where was you born Henry VIII: where were you burried Henry VIII: where are you burried : Adolf Hitler: Why did you do what you did? Adolf Hitler: did you have bipolar Henry VIII: do you like cake : : : : : : Stalin: oh soz m8 : Henry VIII: Alas my love you do me wrong Winston Churchill: Why were you so keen to send soldiers to fight in the Russian Civil War? Henry VIII: why are you fat? Henry VIII: were you religous Winston Churchill: Were you a scrublord? Winston Churchill: Why were you so keen to send soldiers to fight in the Russian Civil War? : William the Conqueror: you speak weird William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: bruh William the Conqueror: why were you called wiliam the basterd William the Conqueror: when did you want to take over William the Conqueror: William the Conqueror: how did you get to britain William the Conqueror: what were the nomans like William the Conqueror: kfc or nandos William the Conqueror: when were you born Henry VIII: how much are you worth Adolf Hitler: why were you so mean? you killed everyone and yourself Henry VIII: coronation Henry VIII: anne of cleeves Henry VIII: anne boleyn Martin Luther King Jr.: 69 Martin Luther King Jr.: What was your role in the Montgomery bus boycott Adolf Hitler: why is your moustache so unusual William the Conqueror: Who are you? Henry VIII: Good morning Sir! Henry VIII: do you get along with your advisors Henry VIII: do you like torture undefined: are you a racist Adolf Hitler: Why do you look weird? Henry VIII: what jobs did you have to do Henry VIII: hellow how are you? Henry VIII: hellow how are you? Henry VIII: summary Henry VIII: how much do you wiegh : Henry VIII: do you support the protestants? Henry VIII: which wedding was the best? Henry VIII: what happened to your wifes? Henry VIII: what did you have at your wedding : Henry VIII: Banter Henry VIII: Do you speak any foreign languages? : : Winston Churchill: what was your war record like? Adolf Hitler: what are your main aims Adolf Hitler: what were your political aims? Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Adolf Hitler: Where are you now? Henry VIII: What were your good memories? William the Conqueror: who is your favourite footballer akinfenwa William the Conqueror: who do you prefer messi or ronaldo Henry VIII: do you have any good memories? Henry VIII: what were your future plans William the Conqueror: who was your enemy William the Conqueror: How did you feel after winning the Battle of Hastings? William the Conqueror: Can you speak French Adolf Hitler: do you like ridwan William the Conqueror: were you ever affraid William the Conqueror: when were you born : William the Conqueror: why are you wearing you\'re amour William the Conqueror: when were you born? William the Conqueror: Who is Polo William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: who was polo William the Conqueror: Who were your perents William the Conqueror: was there a parliment William the Conqueror: is there a parliment Henry VIII: did edward live up to the family name Henry VIII: who was your prettiest wife William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: when were you born Stalin: Do you wanna netflix and chill Winston Churchill: do you like bacon Henry VIII: how many hats do you have? Henry VIII: you mad bro Adolf Hitler: do you like chicken? William the Conqueror: How old are you? William the Conqueror: did Bush do 9/11? William the Conqueror: who is your supporter William the Conqueror: What was the Fyrd? William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: When did William die? William the Conqueror: do you think that the saxons liked you Adolf Hitler: hows it going Winston Churchill: why do some consider you a villain Adolf Hitler: do you like pina coladas Henry VIII: what made you so grumpy Henry VIII: what is it like being the king Henry VIII: how much food did you et in those days Henry VIII: were you merciful Henry VIII: you are not modest? Henry VIII: why did you ask for a portrait of you that did not look a bit like you Henry VIII: why does your face look like a crushed melon Henry VIII: why do you look like spock Henry VIII: why are you eyebrows so strange Winston Churchill: why did you use eugemics Henry VIII: you look like a bear Winston Churchill: why were you for eugenics Winston Churchill: what are your thoughts on eugenics Henry VIII: why do you look like voldermort Henry VIII: did you really compose green sleveas Henry VIII: are you poo Winston Churchill: what was you favourite torturing Winston Churchill: what was your favourite weapon Henry VIII: are you sweeney todd Winston Churchill: how many ally troops did you kill Henry VIII: Are you transgender Henry VIII: are you part of the kkk Henry VIII: poo Henry VIII: are you drunk Henry VIII: why did you fall out with anne boylen Henry VIII: do you like sleeping with girls Henry VIII: do you like having chocolate Adolf Hitler: what do you think of the uk Henry VIII: meh undefined: Why did you have do many wives? Adolf Hitler: why are you so weird William the Conqueror: why did you invade from the south William the Conqueror: were you strong? William the Conqueror: who was the first normon ruler William the Conqueror: who is polo William the Conqueror: who is your mum : How intense was the battle ? : How intense was the battle ? : Was the battle tough : : undefined: Did you really hate the Jews? undefined: Where were you born undefined: hello are you a woman undefined: what is germany undefined: what is germany undefined: why did you hate jews Adolf Hitler: what\'s your snapchat Adolf Hitler: Did you almost drown when you were young? Adolf Hitler: who is the leader of the nazi youth club : Stalin: were you m8s with cam Adolf Hitler: Are you a wizard Adolf Hitler: What shampoo do you use? Winston Churchill: how did you decide on your plan for defending England ? Adolf Hitler: why are you here Adolf Hitler: bill moncur DOCTOR: where did babies come from in the victorians William the Conqueror: when were you born? William the Conqueror: when did you train to be a solgier William the Conqueror: were you illegimate William the Conqueror: as a child did you train to be a soldier : Henry VIII: how are you feeling today Winston Churchill: why did you go into politics? Adolf Hitler: Lucy Birkett undefined: When we\'re you born? Adolf Hitler: who were your competitors in the election? Winston Churchill: how old are you Henry VIII: fatty bum bum Henry VIII: poo Henry VIII: why are the monastries corrupt Henry VIII: are you mlg? Adolf Hitler: who do you like Adolf Hitler: Did you have a sense of humour? : Henry VIII: What is one thing you wish you could have done differently during rule? Henry VIII: what other talents did you have Henry VIII: how old you when you became king Adolf Hitler: What was your end goal : Adolf Hitler: What did dyou do regarding the issue on tariffs William the Conqueror: hello William the Conqueror: GFVYHJEDXYCMNNNNNNN6Ectytytytytytytytytyswxdyhs5rrrrrrrrrrrrr gfgj4A NF\\az fngt54aqz William the Conqueror: did one of your supporters have their throat cut William the Conqueror: who was your father William the Conqueror: were you a soldier William the Conqueror: are you a cry baby William the Conqueror: are you a bad person William the Conqueror: is bob your friend William the Conqueror: are you a kind man Adolf Hitler: Do you even lift bro? : Stalin: WHAT WAS YOUR LIFE LIKE BEFORE POWER Adolf Hitler: what are casuals? Adolf Hitler: What are you doing? Adolf Hitler: what did the ss do Adolf Hitler: what happened to your body after you commited suicide? : : : Henry VIII: juke of suffolk Henry VIII: did you have any disabilities Henry VIII: did you have any freinds Winston Churchill: are you a hero? Stalin: did you know mussolini Henry VIII: were you religous? Winston Churchill: did you like to drink? Henry VIII: are you single Henry VIII: ktytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytyty Henry VIII: why are you so fat? Henry VIII: are you gay? Henry VIII: are you dead Henry VIII: what do you do during your freetime Henry VIII: pies Henry VIII: How many timd have u had it? Henry VIII: what happened to you and you divorces? Henry VIII: do you like having woohooo : : Henry VIII: why are you so strict? Henry VIII: how did you get up the stairs Henry VIII: people are saying that you are sexsist, what say ye to these outlandish claims? : : Henry VIII: You look good Henry VIII: where are we Henry VIII: why u mad bro? : Winston Churchill: How do you intend to win the war Winston Churchill: Are you a hero Winston Churchill: How did you help in world war two Adolf Hitler: where did you get your trim William the Conqueror: why is your helmet so big Adolf Hitler: are you alive Adolf Hitler: What is your favourite method of killing people? Adolf Hitler: your despicable Adolf Hitler: why did you do what you did? Adolf Hitler: do you have friends? Adolf Hitler: when and why were you arrested Henry VIII: how many people did you kill Henry VIII: Are you a good king? Henry VIII: why the long face Henry VIII: no Henry VIII: stop being rude Henry VIII: what was you like when you was younger Adolf Hitler: you wierdo Adolf Hitler: kill yourself you hobo Adolf Hitler: suck off donald trump Adolf Hitler: kys Adolf Hitler: deez nuts Winston Churchill: What is your favourite food? : : : : : : : : Adolf Hitler: What are you doing? Henry VIII: why did you build a wall everynight Henry VIII: what was your farther ike Henry VIII: what courtly do you came from Henry VIII: what i it like being king Adolf Hitler: cyka blyat? Martin Luther King Jr.: how many sibling do you have Martin Luther King Jr.: What was your role in the civil rights movement? : Henry VIII: Did you ever want more land in France or Scotland Henry VIII: Thank you, Henry Henry VIII: Out of all of your wives who was the most pleasurable wife Adolf Hitler: Did you have a sense of humour? Adolf Hitler: did you ever have children Adolf Hitler: were you a part of the illuminati Henry VIII: Do you think you were good King? Henry VIII: Do you think you were good King? William the Conqueror: when were you born Henry VIII: how many times did you do it Henry VIII: are you an alian Henry VIII: who did you have the most sexual interaction with Henry VIII: do you eat mcdonalds Henry VIII: did you do drugs Henry VIII: what is your favorite exocution William the Conqueror: hi Henry VIII: what do you think about selfies Henry VIII: whats up Henry VIII: mole rat Henry VIII: are you triggered Martin Luther King Jr.: what were your thoughts on your death? Stalin: Do you have dank memes Henry VIII: how did you contribute to the reaissance Henry VIII: did you like your dad Henry VIII: When did you become king Henry VIII: can you dab Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Henry VIII: what sport did you enjoy Henry VIII: Did you love your children? Henry VIII: how do you feel about art Adolf Hitler: what is your favourite color William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: do u have bros William the Conqueror: who was your favorite monk? William the Conqueror: who is leo William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: were you afraid of losing William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: are you a woman William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: when were you William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: who was polo William the Conqueror: hjdbvbdfdhfdvvdhbbj h bh h b h hshfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfjfjdjdjdjdjwjdj William the Conqueror: CAN YOU FLOP William the Conqueror: Did you have brothers and sisters? William the Conqueror: ded Henry VIII: are you religous Henry VIII: are you religous Adolf Hitler: What were the ORPO? William the Conqueror: Did you capture thirty bodys and chopped their heads off Henry VIII: What was your nationality? William the Conqueror: are you awesome William the Conqueror: do you play pokemon go William the Conqueror: who was your faviorate child William the Conqueror: when were you born? William the Conqueror: when were you born? William the Conqueror: \"when were you born?\" William the Conqueror: here and when were you born William the Conqueror: kiojoiujhyguykijuhygf William the Conqueror: ggggg William the Conqueror: ggggg William the Conqueror: ggggg William the Conqueror: ggggg William the Conqueror: ghbbyhhgrthghdtyjhytjxfthftyh[ft William the Conqueror: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz William the Conqueror: Who was Edward the Confessor? William the Conqueror: Who was Edward the Confessor? William the Conqueror: was your armys defence good William the Conqueror: sing a song William the Conqueror: sing a song William the Conqueror: William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: hello William the Conqueror: 5 William the Conqueror: 0 William the Conqueror: why r u so fat William the Conqueror: Why was the domesday called the domesday book? William the Conqueror: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*************** William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: who is polo William the Conqueror: who is marie anne William the Conqueror: Were you good at writing and reading William the Conqueror: basterd William the Conqueror: family William the Conqueror: who were your family William the Conqueror: can you kill me? William the Conqueror: who the photon are you? William the Conqueror: futurama William the Conqueror: When were you born William the Conqueror: What is your name? Who were your parents? William the Conqueror: yo William the Conqueror: R U fat?????? William the Conqueror: suck my penis William the Conqueror: hello undefined: where were you born William the Conqueror: were you illigimate William the Conqueror: when did you start your training? William the Conqueror: who was your best freind William the Conqueror: William the Conqueror: rejected William the Conqueror: g vjndm c,jkcx v,dcux jmy6dhdfusgb fedhuws87xhxbhsauoy8WR\\S CXRFRTFDSAXZCTGF6Y85WSTA|gTSHXCBIZV\\XGYSX\\T6TEWY BEYGE6YBFVT64RGFYYG7U7YGw8h n7nfcm,7yu4v667G TV74G NV4NMMCV ,536,M444B3YCVM35, V,.34UUMM,YEJ7 BFGEGFY3H6RYMCM46Y William the Conqueror: who is danTDM and btw how old is he (william the conqueror)? William the Conqueror: Who was Edward the Confessor? undefined: Who was William the Conqueror? undefined: Who was William the Conqueror undefined: Who was William the Conqueror? William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: hi there William the Conqueror: are you sad William the Conqueror: when were you born William the Conqueror: When were you born? William the Conqueror: D: William the Conqueror: ... William the Conqueror: were you scared William the Conqueror: when were u born William the Conqueror: who were your mum and dad William the Conqueror: did you have many friends? William the Conqueror: who is polo William the Conqueror: who is polo Winston Churchill: donald trump likes cabbage, why? undefined: When was the Battle of Hastings? undefined: where were you born? Adolf Hitler: do you like dank memes? Henry VIII: hello Henry VIII: what was your past like : Henry VIII: who was your least favorite wife William the Conqueror: hello Henry VIII: why do you like Katherine Henry VIII: why do you like Katherine Henry VIII: do you joe blake : Henry VIII: do u like michle Henry VIII: does vampire existed? undefined: Hail Hitler Henry VIII: do you like jake taylor Adolf Hitler: have you been to aucshwitz : Adolf Hitler: why were you a horrible man : Adolf Hitler: do you like cake Adolf Hitler: do you stan jon walker? : Winston Churchill: Did you have any love affairs? William the Conqueror: Were you trained to be a soldier when you were a child? Adolf Hitler: how old were you when you joined the army? Adolf Hitler: why did you kill so many people? Adolf Hitler: What is the bank code for James Spod at the Reichsbank? Winston Churchill: are you male or female : undefined: where is what im looking for undefined: Type your queshow tion here and click \'Submit\' undefined: Hello Stalin: what brought you to killing millions of people Adolf Hitler: why were you imprisoned? Stalin: do you have a history of mental illness : Rearming Henry VIII: How old were you when you died? Henry VIII: what was the cruelest thing you ever did Henry VIII: what was it like being king Henry VIII: did you like the renaissance? Henry VIII: did you play cricket Henry VIII: Why were you king? Henry VIII: what religeon were you part of Henry VIII: did you enjoy killing people Henry VIII: YOU ARE STUPID Henry VIII: what is your favorrite pizza topping Henry VIII: why did you think anne bolen was a wich Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Henry VIII: do you like cake Henry VIII: do you like da nk M3m3z Henry VIII: are you hungry Henry VIII: did you like being king Henry VIII: What did spain say about your divorce with catherine of aaragon Henry VIII: do you wish you had handled conflict differently Henry VIII: did you like bumble bees Henry VIII: did you enjoy being king Henry VIII: did you prefer Jane Seymore because she gave you a boy Henry VIII: what was your favourite colour : Winston Churchill: who is darth vader Henry VIII: Why did Edward inherit the throne so young? Henry VIII: how did you become king Henry VIII: what are your Interests Henry VIII: where you educated Henry VIII: how many nobles did you have Henry VIII: did you like being king Henry VIII: were you a good king? Henry VIII: did you have terbaculocious Winston Churchill: what was the highlight of your career Winston Churchill: What went wrong for you in world war 2? Winston Churchill: waht was the most challenging position you ever held Winston Churchill: what were your views on society Henry VIII: who is your favorite child? Henry VIII: what is your favorite thing to do? Henry VIII: Why are you so skinny Henry VIII: why did you behead two of your wifes Henry VIII: what are your intrests Henry VIII: when were you corinated Henry VIII: goodbye henry Henry VIII: are you ill Henry VIII: I\'m Royalty Henry VIII: why are you such a fatso Henry VIII: can you do the dab Henry VIII: can you do the dab Henry VIII: What was your nationality? William the Conqueror: When did you defeat french armies William the Conqueror: Who were your mother and father? Henry VIII: how old are you Henry VIII: mans not hot William the Conqueror: did you become duke at 18 William the Conqueror: gum Henry VIII: quotes undefined: hello hitlar undefined: What is your name? William the Conqueror: do you know the way William the Conqueror: any other information? Adolf Hitler: do you know what 9+10 equals? William the Conqueror: will you take over the world Adolf Hitler: do you have any diagnosed mental disorders? William the Conqueror: who did you trust the most William the Conqueror: when were you born Henry VIII: do you think you were a good king : : : Winston Churchill: Did you enjoy your time at Harrow : : Henry VIII: What is your favorite thing to do? Henry VIII: are you a villian Henry VIII: when did you become the king? Henry VIII: why were you a villan Henry VIII: why did some people consider you a hero Henry VIII: why were you a villan Henry VIII: are you a villain Henry VIII: did you have cancer Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Henry VIII: die Henry VIII: what was your favourite meal Henry VIII: what good did you do Henry VIII: were you a good king? Henry VIII: What was your nationality? Henry VIII: where did you get married Henry VIII: hom much did you weigh : Winston Churchill: Why did you find the war addictive? William the Conqueror: why were you promised that you could be king of england : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :