STALIN: Were you evil? STALIN: Were you evil? STALIN: Were you evil? STALIN: How did the triumvirate manage to expel Trotsky from the Politburo? HITLER: did you play cricket HITLER: U got a brain STALIN: Did Lenin support your growing power in the party? HENRY: Why did you behead anne bolyn HENRY: What is your name STALIN: what is your greatest achievement STALIN: Type your question here, then click \'SUBMIT\'! STALIN: STALIN: are you a wanker? STALIN: Did you deliberately create the Ukrainian famine of 1932-33? STALIN: where were you born HITLER: test HITLER: Did you have any other dreams you wanted to pursue in life and if so what were they HITLER: Why did you act on your views on people in such a way you distroed many of their lives? HITLER: What issues did you have against Jews? STALIN: How did you rule the USSR following your victory over Germany in 1945? HENRY: What was your nationality? STALIN: How and why did you then join with Bukharin to attack your colleagues in the Triumvirate? HITLER: did you have a computer STALIN: whats your surname HITLER: what did you feel like after world war one? STALIN: why kill people? STALIN: why do u have to pay to speak to hitler? STALIN: Type your question here, then click \'SUBMIT\'! STALIN: why kill so many people? HITLER: brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrap MLK: brap HITLER: Who was Josef Goebbels? HITLER: What were your reasons for trying to control the minds of the German people? STALIN: Who are you? HITLER: why did you want the german people to hate the jews? STALIN: Hello! have you got big bollocks? STALIN: Do you know Mr mac cormac? HITLER: What is your name? g bird STALIN: Did you have a good childhood? STALIN: Did you deliberately create the Ukrainian famine of 1932-33? STALIN: Did you deliberately create the Ukrainian famine of 1932-33? STALIN: Did you have a good childhood? HENRY: Do you like Protestants? HENRY: Did you ever take drugs? HITLER: Why do you think that people voted for you? HITLER: were was the nazi flag from STALIN: what was your view on the show trials? HITLER: HITLER: Do you like eastenders? HITLER: What is your name? HITLER: What is yor name/ HITLER: How are you? HITLER: What is your name? HITLER: Where were you born/ HITLER: Where were you born? STALIN: hello STALIN: what did you do to people who disobeyed you? STALIN: How many people were killed in the purges? STALIN: Type your question here, then click \'SUBMIT\'! STALIN: Type your question here, then click \'SUBMIT\'! HITLER: is it true that you have a jewish relative? STALIN: How old ae you STALIN: Did you order the murder of Kirov yourself? MLK: what music do you like HITLER: How much money did you earn in your lifetime? HITLER: How much money did you earn in your lifetime? HITLER: were you burried HITLER: everybody hates you do you feel upset about this HITLER: everybody hates you do you feel upset about this STALIN: How are you STALIN: When were you born STALIN: When were you born? STALIN: Have you recieved any military awards? STALIN: What do you think about Troksty STALIN: Why are you communist? STALIN: Where did you born? STALIN: How did you rule the USSR following your victory over Germany in 1945? MLK: How are you today? STALIN: when did you lose your virginity STALIN: Did you ever have diarrhea STALIN: was yo dad a virgin HITLER: What is your name? STALIN: Are you filled with regret? HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit STALIN: who are you HITLER: why did you chose the master race when you were completly opposite to how they looked HITLER: did you hate neville chamberlain HITLER: why did you have a gestapo HITLER: how did you become fruher of germany HITLER: do you like horses HITLER: What is your name? STALIN: Did you have a good childhood? STALIN: Did you have a good childhood? HENRY: are you a gangter HENRY: do u like cake HITLER: Why did you join the Nazi party? HITLER: Did you have a conversation with Otto Strasser? What was it about? HITLER: Did Stresemann\'s government suceed in stabilising Germany? HITLER: Did you think Britain and France would attack when you invaded Poland? HITLER: whats your favorite breakfast cereal? STALIN: are you a chav STALIN: why does your picture look nothing like you HITLER: do you like cheese? HITLER: arent you kind of a hipocrite STALIN: WHAT IS YOUR WIFES NAME HENRY: Who were your wives? HENRY: What were the names of your children? MLK: ,How did you hear that you had received the Nobel Peace Prize?aare you a evil man STALIN: Are you a dictator? STALIN: Type your question here, then click \'SUBMIT\'! STALIN: Type your question here, then click \'SUBMIT\'! STALIN: Why was Hitler\'s regime seen as so much worse that yours? STALIN: how old are you? HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: STALIN: Are you jewish? MLK: where are you from STALIN: Did you order the murder of Kirov yourself? STALIN: i want you! HENRY: why did you grow a beard? STALIN: do u eat willies HITLER: how many children do you have HITLER: why did you invade the countries STALIN: Are you a spoon? HENRY: whats your name HENRY: what is your name STALIN: Do you have children STALIN: Do you have children HENRY: Why? HENRY: why are you fat? STALIN: bye bye STALIN: Why did you make Russia a Communist country ? HITLER: HITLER: HITLER: When and where were you born? HITLER: your not funny did you know that? HITLER: ha ha no HITLER: What year did you become leader of Germany? HITLER: what was the panzer division HITLER: who first spoke the words \'behind an iron curtain\'? STALIN: Did you have any children? HITLER: Are you infertile? STALIN: Did you ever go to prison? HITLER: hello HITLER: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' HITLER: were you friends with Mussolini? STALIN: who was trotsky STALIN: What was your childhood like? STALIN: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy&z now i know my abc\'s next time wont you sing with me STALIN: how many wives did you have STALIN: Type your question here, then click \'SUBMIT\'! HENRY: why are you so fat HITLER: way are you so fat. STALIN: How and why did you become General Secretary of the party? HITLER: Why are you gay? STALIN: Did you ever succeed in bringing Trotsky to trial? STALIN: Type your question here, then click \'SUBMIT\'! STALIN: Did Lenin support your growing power in the party? HENRY: why didnt you just keep one woman : did you kill your mother? HENRY: hi STALIN: hi STALIN: Why did you support communism? STALIN: How many people were killed in the purges? STALIN: How were the Gestapos important in taking over Austria? HITLER: why did you only serve 8 months? STALIN: who were Stalin\'s enemies? HITLER: why did you hate the jews? HITLER: Type your question here, then click \'SUBMIT\'! HITLER: Type your question here, then click \'SUBMIT\'! HITLER: did you speak german HITLER: Is the last name of Hitler still around today? HITLER: Were you depressed? HITLER: what was the Reichstag? HITLER: what was the Reichstag? STALIN: Type your question here, then click \'SUBMIT\'! HITLER: what kind of propaganda did you use to become leader of Germany? MLK: did you get annoyed because poeple treated you differently because your a nigger? STALIN: why you so ugly STALIN: Where were you born? STALIN: What did you do during the first Russian Revolution of February 1917? STALIN: What did you do during the first Russian Revolution of February 1917? MLK: what was your nickname? MLK: what religion are you? MLK: what religion are you? HENRY: What problems did you face? STALIN: why did you want to be a dictator? HENRY: dod you have a dog? STALIN: do you want my babies STALIN: Are you a fan of rape HITLER: do you like ant and dec? HITLER: speak german STALIN: What did you do during the first Russian Revolution of February 1917? STALIN: What did you do during the first Russian Revolution of February 1917? STALIN: what\'s your greatest threat during your administration ? HENRY: how much do you eat HENRY: did you like any of your wives HENRY: did you like any of your wives HENRY: did you like any of your wives HENRY: did you like any of your wives HENRY: did you like any of your wives MLK: did you like what you did for peoples rights? STALIN: what is your opinion of benito mussolini? STALIN: what´s your telephone number? STALIN: how are you? DOCTOR: How can we explain the medical advances made in Ancient Egypt? STALIN: are you a gay boy MLK: How did you learn to be a revolutionary? HITLER: where were most of the SA members from? STALIN: Did you consider yourself to be a murderer? HENRY: are you mad killing all your wifes.? HENRY: Why was having a son so important to you? HENRY: Why was having a son so important to you? STALIN: How and why did you then join with Bukharin to attack your colleagues in the Triumvirate? DOCTOR: HELLO DOC DOCTOR: Who was the mores important, Pasteur of Koch? HITLER: did you like winston churchhill HITLER: did you like winston churchhill DOCTOR: When did Florence Nightingale go to the Crimea? DOCTOR: will you have sex with me? HITLER: what was youre favorate weppon HITLER: Did you sleep with your wife MLK: how old were you when you died DOCTOR: hello - who created you? DOCTOR: why is medicine now better than in medieval times DOCTOR: what did Robert Koch do? DOCTOR: How did Ernst Chain help Howard Florey DOCTOR: What did Lister contribute to medicine and hospitals? DOCTOR: What kinds of treatments were used for the plague? DOCTOR: Can you tell me about Bubonic Plague? DOCTOR: What was Jenner\'s discovery? HITLER: are you a christian HITLER: why did you become such a german patriot when your home country was Austria HENRY: why did you break with the catholic church DOCTOR: what did they think caused disease? DOCTOR: Who was Marie Curie? DOCTOR: Who was the first woman doctor? HITLER: Are you a coward? HITLER: what makes you so famous HITLER: What was life like in Nazi Germany? HENRY: what was it like being a king HENRY: What do you do in your leisure time? HENRY: were you gay HITLER: Were you gay HENRY: Did you kiss any men? HENRY: WILL YOU SLEEP WITH A HAMSTER? HITLER: do you like eminem HITLER: do you like eminem DOCTOR: why did public health reform take place in the 19th century? HENRY: Why won\'t you return my calls?! *sobs hysterically* DOCTOR: When did they discover Ether DOCTOR: what is novocaine? HITLER: Why are you considered one of the best speakers of all time? HITLER: What does the term \'undesirable\' mean? HITLER: Why were the Jews responsible if it was the big three who broke germany? HITLER: hello DOCTOR: Did prehistoric people believe that powerful spirits caused and cured illnesses? HITLER: why did you commit suicide? DOCTOR: wat is your name STALIN: what did you do DOCTOR: How did World War One help to spread disease? MLK: Do you know who Adolf Hitler is? HITLER: are u left wing or right wing? HENRY: do you think you treated your wives badly HENRY: what is a webmaster HENRY: how old a you HENRY: which of your children is your favourite DOCTOR: Did hospitals improve in the Middle Ages? DOCTOR: who is dr. fox? DOCTOR: Penicillin? DOCTOR: how are yoy STALIN: are you gay MLK: are you gay DOCTOR: How did the Ancient Greeks diagnose disease? DOCTOR: How did the Acient Greeks treat disease? DOCTOR: How did the Ancient Greeks treat disease? DOCTOR: Asclepian DOCTOR: why are you so ugly? HENRY: Why did you have so many wives HENRY: how many wives did you have HENRY: what do you feel about the monasteries? HITLER: Why do you hate the jews? DOCTOR: DOCTOR: what is an artery HENRY: What was your nationality? DOCTOR: What did you do? HITLER: how much time do you spend in the office working DOCTOR: how important was the discovery of penicillin? DOCTOR: what impact did war have on the fight against disease in the 20th century? DOCTOR: Who carried out the first heart transplant? DOCTOR: Who was Paracelsus? DOCTOR: What important contributions did the Arabs make to medicine in the Middle Ages? HITLER: Who were the Nazis? HENRY: Were you religious? DOCTOR: Are you gay? HENRY: How old were you when you married Catherine of Aragon? DOCTOR: who was florence nightingale? DOCTOR: what medicines did the Victorians use? DOCTOR: are you a lesbian? DOCTOR: what is your life DOCTOR: What work have you done MLK: when where you born DOCTOR: your very pretty HITLER: What music do you like? HENRY: are you proud of your childrten HENRY: who was your favorite wife DOCTOR: what food did the egyptions eat? HENRY: who was the sexiest wife HITLER: If you felt what you were doing was right, why did you try to hide it? HITLER: What gives you the right to think that one race is superior to another? HITLER: How did you control young people HITLER: How did you feel when found guilty of treason HITLER: WERE YOU MARRIED? HITLER: how long was you in power HITLER: how long was you in power DOCTOR: who are you DOCTOR: what was plague HENRY: whats your surname? HENRY: whats your surname? HENRY: what is your surname? HITLER: what do you think of Italians? HENRY: what is your surname? HITLER: LOUD NOISES HITLER: are you a homophobe? HENRY: are you fit? DOCTOR: when did aids start? DOCTOR: Hey, who are you anyway? HENRY: What were the names of your children? HITLER: HITLER: are you blind? HITLER: are you Hitler? HITLER: When and where were you born? HITLER: When and where were you born? DOCTOR: are you silly : HITLER: Who were the Nazis? HITLER: you are gay HITLER: why did you commit suicide DOCTOR: How old are you? DOCTOR: Carpel tunnel syndrome how is it treated DOCTOR: HITLER: How did the Nazis change their tactics aftre the Beer Hall Putsch? HITLER: What was your opinion of Ebert? HITLER: When did you become leader of the Nazi Party? HITLER: How did you become leader of the Nazi Party? MLK: how old are you? HENRY: Protestants-what does it mean HENRY: Why did your health become such a risk? HITLER: what position did Ernst Rohm hold in your party? HITLER: how could children get their loyalty be developed HITLER: jew people HITLER: hi MLK: hi how old were you when you died MLK: hi how old were you when you died HITLER: assssssssssssssssssshollllllllllllllllllllllllllllle : HITLER: what was it like in the army HITLER: so you are weak HITLER: What are your beliefs? DOCTOR: how old were you before you died?-have you died-my e-mail is - DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' HITLER: Why was Ernst Rohm killed? HITLER: I have sent a messege to your webmaster, what do you say about that?I have sent a messege to your webmaster, what do you say about that? DOCTOR: How old are you? HITLER: you seem awfully polite... why? DOCTOR: How did World War One help to spread disease? HENRY: why did you marry three catherines?? DOCTOR: did you ave any children HITLER: IS IT TRUE YOU ONLY HAVE ONE TESTICAL HITLER: what year was you born in? HITLER: way did you go into war? HITLER: who are you MLK: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ HITLER: WHO ARE YOU STALIN: are you dead HENRY: are you gay HENRY: did you explode HENRY: what do you look like HENRY: stop being racist STALIN: what was your greatest acheivment as leader of the USSR STALIN: what was your greatest acheivment as leader of the USSR MLK: do you beleive in god? HITLER: did you like killing all those people? DOCTOR: r u gay HITLER: Why did you claim to be German when you were born in Austria? HITLER: View on Christians HITLER: View on Georges Clemenceau HITLER: Views on Lenin HITLER: Views on Petain HITLER: Views on Dönitz HITLER: Views on Alfred Jodl HITLER: Views on Bernard Montgomery HITLER: Views on Eisenhower HITLER: how did your deadly gas work? HITLER: why did you want the a-bomb so badly? HITLER: why did you want the atomic bomb so badly? HITLER: why did the british bomb berlin by night? HITLER: how did you control newspapers cinema festivals art architecture and the berlin olympics? HENRY: have you ever loved any of your wives or were they just there for the exitment ? HITLER: Did you really believe in the occult? HITLER: Did you admire the British? HENRY: why did you divorce HITLER: what time is it HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: how did Thomas Seymour abuse Elizabeth? HITLER: What is your name? DOCTOR: i want to play your games HITLER: Which of your Generals did you like the most? HITLER: Did you ever have a boyfriend? HITLER: Did you have a lot of resources to call upon in the war? HITLER: thats just wrong killing them HITLER: so why MLK: what do you do DOCTOR: How did the Allies deal with Germany in 1919 ? DOCTOR: hello i am HITLER: how can i hate jews like you did? HITLER: Do you think you achieved your dream? HITLER: how did you control history biology and geography? HITLER: how did get paris to fall and france to surrender? HITLER: What is your name? HITLER: Do you think you helped people of Germany or ruined their lives? HITLER: Do you think you helped Germany or ruined it? HITLER: why are you a mass murderer? HITLER: did anyone attempt to assissinate you? HENRY: you are Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! HENRY: Did you have a happy childhood? HITLER: DOCTOR: who is the most important person in medicine STALIN: How many people were killed in the purges? DOCTOR: Can you provide some information about infectious diseases? DOCTOR: do you know anything about 1889? HITLER: who are the Frankenbergs? HITLER: did you ever go into battle yourself HITLER: What is \'Anti-Semitism\'? HITLER: how did you come to power? HITLER: how did you come to power? HENRY: What Acts were passed through Parliament during the period 1533 to 1536? DOCTOR: are you famous DOCTOR: what thing do you do DOCTOR: Whats the worst diases youve seen? HITLER: Why did you start the war DOCTOR: who is the best doctor HITLER: Who was Rudolf Hess? HITLER: What did you think of the song \'The Fuehrer\'s Face\' by Spike Jones and his City Slickers HITLER: did you ever think that you would achieve your aims of a pure race HITLER: how did you get germany to follow your leadership? DOCTOR: When were you born? HITLER: you are a gay bastard DOCTOR: hi what do you do HENRY: Who were your wives? HENRY: Why did you think of so many ways to get ride of your wifes? HENRY: how many wifes did you have? HENRY: did you have problems? HENRY: were you good at jousting HENRY: who was your favourite wife MLK: who killed you? HITLER: Don\'t you think your hair is really 1920s? HITLER: Why did people vote for you? HENRY: dont call me an idiot DOCTOR: what made you become a doctor? DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' HENRY: Updated Henry Brain DOCTOR: hi HITLER: What is your name?jennie HITLER: why couldn\'t you settle disputes peacefully? HITLER: why would the russians torture you if you were caught? HITLER: Why did you kill your dog, Blondi HITLER: Have you got any improvements you want to make to the army? HITLER: how are you : who are you? HENRY: who was percy? HITLER: did you have mobiles then HITLER: Why have you got an completely unnecassary moustache? HITLER: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' HENRY: poke your tongue out HITLER: farts poo turd HENRY: why did you kill cathrine of aragon HITLER: How did you control young people in Nazi Germany? HITLER: Why was Racism so important in the Holocaust? DOCTOR: How important was Pare\'s work? STALIN: Did living standards for ordinary people improve during your period in power? STALIN: What about diet? HENRY: did u hav sex wit them DOCTOR: When did Pasteur make his discovery? HITLER: what is with that moustach HITLER: did you enjoy the killing HITLER: did you have a girlfriend/boyfriend HITLER: are you a zombie HITLER: whats your favorite scary movie HITLER: do you like it doggy style DOCTOR: mortality rates in tudor england DOCTOR: mortality rates in tudor england DOCTOR: Did prehistoric people believe that powerful spirits caused and cured illnesses? DOCTOR: Did prehistoric people believe that powerful spirits caused and cured illnesses? DOCTOR: When did jews and muslims start fighting DOCTOR: Muslims and jews DOCTOR: Why do Muslims and Jews Fight HITLER: Who are your Idols? STALIN: Why did you decide to become a dictator? HENRY: why did you marry Jane Srymour DOCTOR: are you foxy? DOCTOR: do you have a boyfriend? DOCTOR: How did Louis Pastuer change medical understanding? HENRY: when were you born? HITLER: are you adolf? DOCTOR: what did they use for pain killers in egypt? DOCTOR: who are you? MLK: How did you start in the civil rights movement? HITLER: What are your policies? DOCTOR: What is it like to ba a doctor ? DOCTOR: will we have another major war HITLER: When were you born? DOCTOR: When were you born? HITLER: did you have a airforce HITLER: did you go out with joe maloney HITLER: Well its ur fault!! So dont you think you guys should of been humiliated?? You deserve it HITLER: So dont you think you guys should of been humiliated?? You deserve it HITLER: do you like pizza? HITLER: Who was Eva Braun? HITLER: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo HITLER: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' HITLER: Why do you think that Mexicans, Blacks, Asians, etc., aren\'t capable of what White\'s are capable of? HENRY: Did you look more like your mother or your father? DOCTOR: had public health improved by 1850 DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' DOCTOR: can i play fling the teacher HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: Which wife did you like best? HENRY: Was Jane Seymour a good queen HITLER: List all of your friends? DOCTOR: Why did Tudors use pomanders? HITLER: which of your aims was the easiest HENRY: Do you think you made a good king? STALIN: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' DOCTOR: did ww1 help development in surgery HITLER: are you a perve HENRY: how many wives did you have? HITLER: explain how hitler rose to power HITLER: do you ever itch your ballsack HITLER: Is it true that you raped one of your woman slaves? DOCTOR: do you like being a docter? HITLER: what was your wife like HITLER: Do you have a daughter? : why did you dislike the jews? HENRY: who were your six wives/ STALIN: Can i slap u? STALIN: Did living standards for ordinary people improve during your period in power? HITLER: how did women protest against the nazi idea? MLK: how r u HITLER: what is your date of birth? HITLER: there is an error in the page DOCTOR: Did women work as doctors during the Renaissance? HITLER: did you want revenge? HITLER: why did you use young kids? HITLER: Did you enjoy yourself killing all the people you killed? HITLER: How did you get to power? HITLER: How did you get to power? HITLER: Did you enjoy yourself while you had power? HITLER: Why did you use young kids? HITLER: how many girlfriends did you heve? HITLER: how many girlfriends did you have? HITLER: Did you got married? HITLER: how did you use hydrogen cyanide to destroy all jews? HITLER: were there revolts in ghettos? HITLER: I don\'t like you HITLER: What happened between 1932-33?& was german state a totalitarian gov\'ment by the year 1933-34 HENRY: r u a rapist? STALIN: no way DOCTOR: how old are you HENRY: how are you HITLER: Do you like wrestling? MLK: What is your favourite food? DOCTOR: Do you watch the Simpsons? HITLER: Were you married? MLK: Were you close to Malcolm X MLK: Were you close to Malcolm X? HITLER: did you seperate women from men in the camps? HITLER: Did the young soldiers go to school? HITLER: where children used as soldiers? HITLER: how old was the youngest soldier? HITLER: Mrs pagano said you\'re a boob head HENRY: What is your name? HITLER: do you like asian people? MLK: were you a homosexual DOCTOR: Who was the iceman? DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' HITLER: why did you go to war? HITLER: ur a shit head HITLER: i am gay DOCTOR: did she ever have sex DOCTOR: are you okay at the moment DOCTOR: are u a lesbean HITLER: thats dred DOCTOR: do u think that men will go out with u HENRY: are you gay? DOCTOR: fancy a shag? DOCTOR: pussy eater HITLER: Why did your hands shake towards the end of your life? HITLER: What is wrong with Jews before the war? : Do you like the ladies? HITLER: i am gay HITLER: i am gay : STALIN: Why did you set up the gulags? HITLER: what bombs did your airforce drop? HITLER: did you torch the riechstag? STALIN: whats cccp? STALIN: why did your dad beat you? HENRY: What were Anne Boleyns\' religious veiws? HITLER: do you think your cool? HITLER: what made you change from art to politics? HITLER: waht do you think of mossinlini? MLK: what lord? HITLER: congratulations HITLER: were you almost bombed? HITLER: Do you know what a \"Chav\" is? HITLER: do you have comb? HITLER: do you like me HITLER: do you like me DOCTOR: i love u DOCTOR: are you ok DOCTOR: Who was the iceman? DOCTOR: Do you want eshan DOCTOR: what was your greatest find? STALIN: Who are you? HITLER: if you were given another chance of living and ruling the germans well, would u have anything to mend or repair?? STALIN: WHY DID THE ALLIES WIN THE SECOND WORLD WAR? HITLER: Did the attacks go as you planned? HENRY: are you fat MLK: did you know you were shot in the end HITLER: did you like your name? STALIN: Did you have a good childhood? STALIN: Who were your greatest enemies? MLK: jack longstone is gay HITLER: were you burnt DOCTOR: Do think about sexual activities often? HITLER: joe maloney is gay HITLER: have you ever riden a horse? HENRY: What was it like being fat? HENRY: do you like being king DOCTOR: How was public health improved in the 19th Century? HITLER: do you like pie HITLER: do you like cheese HITLER: do you appreciate lesbians HITLER: because you\'re a nob HITLER: do you like fluffy bunnys? HITLER: did you ever fuck your wife? HITLER: why do you look like a nazi? HITLER: what is your real name? HITLER: why did you kill lots of people? STALIN: who are you? HITLER: your sick HITLER: why did you hate the jews DOCTOR: Did hospitals improve in the Middle Ages? HITLER: do you like chocolate HITLER: wh did you take over the hindu swastikah HITLER: WHAT CAR DID YOU DRIVE? DOCTOR: What kind of medicine is the most expensive? DOCTOR: Are you gay DOCTOR: Are you gay HITLER: who were the \"poles\"? HITLER: how did you use children in the war? HENRY: why did you sleep with your mistress HITLER: is it true that you only had one testical HENRY: What were the names of your children? HITLER: What is your name? DOCTOR: What type of doctor are you? DOCTOR: What type of doctor are you? STALIN: have you got an airforce DOCTOR: why are you called DOCTOR: why are you called DOCTOR: why are you called DOCTOR: Are you a real doctor? DOCTOR: who was the best doctor EVER? DOCTOR: What happened in prehistoric medicine? DOCTOR: Who was hypocrates? DOCTOR: Who was hypocrates? DOCTOR: How are you? DOCTOR: who are you DOCTOR: whats your name? HITLER: what is your name? HITLER: Do you fancy Sabrina o brien HITLER: why did you want to kill all jews? HITLER: DOCTOR: who developed dna? DOCTOR: how did they build permaids DOCTOR: are you married MLK: say something HITLER: who was Eva Braun? DOCTOR: what is the nhs? : Are you married? HENRY: How useful to you was Thomas Wolsey? HITLER: Didn\'t you use the Jews as scapegoats? HITLER: was you sceared when you used to fight? HITLER: do you think that people would like you when you made germany a worse place HITLER: chutney churner DOCTOR: Can you provide some information about disease during the Holocaust? HITLER: where you ever married? DOCTOR: when did leonardo live? HENRY: How are you? HENRY: did you want to die HITLER: where did the word nazi come from? HITLER: How are you doing the lords work even though jesus was a jew? HITLER: Did you kill people under the age of 10? STALIN: Can collectivisation be considered a success? DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' DOCTOR: what is your name STALIN: Can Collectivisation be considered a social success? MLK: What were your views on Vietnam? MLK: do you have any brothers or sisters DOCTOR: What kind of medicines did they use in the Renaissance? HITLER: are you gay? DOCTOR: what kinds of diseases did you cure? DOCTOR: are you a homesexarle DOCTOR: Can you provide some information about Microbes? DOCTOR: who invented acrbolic acid spray DOCTOR: who invented carbolic acid spray HITLER: when offered the ultimatums from both france and britain why did you not reply? MLK: do you like star wars STALIN: Are you gay? HITLER: did you have a flying saucer HITLER: did you have a flying saucer HITLER: what was a me262 HITLER: did u beleive in aliens HITLER: have you looked in the mirror lately A MIRROR HITLER: SO YOU WERE A RAPIST AS WELL? MLK: What sort of food did u like to eat HITLER: Do you like spiritualists? HENRY: are you gay HITLER: When and why did you join the Nazi Party? STALIN: Did you hate your father? STALIN: what was your favorite book? HENRY: how meny chilkdren did you have? DOCTOR: How and why did Galen’s ideas spread so rapidly? HENRY: What is ship money HITLER: What did you think of the Treaty of Versailles? HITLER: Why were people with blonde hair and blue eyes more able to survive than others/ more superior? HITLER: Why were you sexest? HITLER: What name did Paula change to STALIN: why did you kill Ukrainian farmers? STALIN: how many ukraininas died HITLER: Who were your most loyal friends? STALIN: Russian Revolution HITLER: are you german? STALIN: what did you do HITLER: Why do you hate Jewish People? HITLER: do you like to fuck kids like karl HITLER: how were your relations with sweden denmark and norway HITLER: how did you view countries who were neutral STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: Where are you from? : STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: why did you become a communist STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: Where are you from? STALIN: Who have you killed? STALIN: who have you killed DOCTOR: What is a pandemic? HITLER: im a firm beliver in nazism HITLER: do you know swear words? HITLER: did people in britain say you were fucked in the head? DOCTOR: Who discovered penicillan DOCTOR: What are you a doctor of? HITLER: Are you a poo? HITLER: Are you a poo? HENRY: Did men do their eyebrows in thoe days? HENRY: What was it like, having sex with jane? was she quite rough, or did you fuck the hell out of her? HITLER: What is your favourite party game? HITLER: Why do you have bags under your eyes? HITLER: Do you mind being interviewed? HITLER: Can we put your body in a glass case and display it in a museum? HITLER: Do you like white or milk chocolate best? HITLER: do you pluck your eyebrows? HENRY: Why did you kill so many people? HITLER: what were the nuremburg laws HITLER: what were the nuremburg laws HITLER: What colour were your eyes? DOCTOR: Why was the Nazi Party started? HITLER: Wann waren Sie geboren? MLK: are you gay? HITLER: What was the Nazi policy on women? HITLER: What is your name? HITLER: What was the Nazi policy on women? HITLER: do u have any nephews or neices STALIN: How did you rule the USSR following your victory over Germany in 1945? HITLER: do you think that what you did worked? HITLER: why did you run for president? DOCTOR: who discovered dna HITLER: Where you a vegetarian? HITLER: what were the terms of the treaty of versailles DOCTOR: what was the role of women? MLK: What gave you the inspiration to stop racism MLK: What gave you the inspiration to stop racism HITLER: Did you really believe in the occult? HITLER: Did you really go to school with ludwig von wittgenstein? HITLER: Did you admire Britain? HITLER: Did you really visit your brother in Liverpool before the First World War? HITLER: do you like sam crane? HITLER: yes he is really cool!! he rocks!! DOCTOR: are you a lez HITLER: why do you believe in the arayan race, if you yourself are not arayan? HITLER: did you ever havea relationship with one of your realatives?! HITLER: would you have allowed an arayan with the needed requirements to join the hitler youth join if he was clever, athletic, blonde, blue eyed and jewish? HITLER: hello HITLER: what are you going to do with germany HITLER: Tell me about your success to dictatorship DOCTOR: is there a cure for cancer STALIN: How old was lenin when he died? STALIN: Why did you kill so many during the Terror? STALIN: Your brain is leaking. STALIN: I want to interview Lenin, but instead YOU\'RE here. Get out of my house. MLK: Who the hell are you? MLK: Are you trying to be MLK? MLK: You do know that you look nothing like MLK? MLK: Why do you LIE! You are NOT MLK!!!!!!! You\'re just some random black guy. Jesus. MLK: Please go ask your webmaster to change your face. MLK: WOOT! Its Will Smith! Would you sign me an autograph? MLK: To: Webmaster. PLEASE change this guy\'s face. I don\'t particularly care about MLK, since I\'m not leaning about him now. But this is not MLK. Its Will Smith. Yes. Its true. DOCTOR: Who are you? HITLER: What idea were you stand for? DOCTOR: How important was Harvey in the renaissance? HENRY: Why did you kill your wives HITLER: what were your feelings towards your step sister HITLER: is there any other nation you hate soo much DOCTOR: Who are you? DOCTOR: what is a medicine through time expert? HENRY: Did you write greensleeves? HENRY: Where you a poo? HITLER: are you mad? HITLER: are you mad? HITLER: Why did you want to conquer the world? HITLER: Why did you make alliance with Japan? HITLER: hi hitler DOCTOR: Did they use tampons? DOCTOR: What did women use for their menstral cycle in the Middle Ages? DOCTOR: Why were some of the Romans houses \'long houses\'? HITLER: How could you be so evil? HITLER: How were teachers controlled by the nazis? HENRY: how long were you king for? HITLER: do u like fishing DOCTOR: what role was played by lister in the discovery of penicillin ? HITLER: did you think you made wise decisions HITLER: did you think you made wise decisions HITLER: how did you become the leader of Germany? DOCTOR: Who was Homer? DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' MLK: Why don\'t you look like Martin King HITLER: Why are you a Nazi? HITLER: why start a war HITLER: Why is everything the jews fault? HITLER: why start a war HENRY: how many children did you have HENRY: who were your wives HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: hello HENRY: how many wives did you have? HENRY: how many wives did you have? HENRY: how many kids do you have HITLER: did you steal iron crosses from dead bodies HENRY: do you have children MLK: i am your son, because you raped my mum MLK: stop bullying me MLK: do you have aids HITLER: why did you go to war with poland? HITLER: why did you go to war with poland? DOCTOR: WHAT YEAR DID YOU DIE? DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' DOCTOR: Hello how are you? HITLER: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' HITLER: why do you hat judge people? HITLER: why do you hat judge people? HITLER: how come the hitler is not answering? STALIN: Did you have a good childhood? STALIN: Are you purely from Russia or are you from a different nationality as well? DOCTOR: Can you provide some information about Microbes? DOCTOR: What are viruses ? DOCTOR: How and why did Galen?s ideas spread so rapidly? STALIN: Did you economic policies draw their inspiration from Trotsky on the left, or Bukharin on the Right? DOCTOR: WHAT WERE SOME CAUSES OF WWII HITLER: describe adolf hitler MLK: Where you bullied as a kid MLK: what is your name STALIN: how did your wife die? STALIN: Do you think the 5 year plans were the key to russia winning WW2? DOCTOR: hello HITLER: do you like lamborghini\'s? DOCTOR: who was hippocrates ? DOCTOR: do you like guns N\' roses DOCTOR: do you like guns N\' roses ? DOCTOR: why are you ugly? DOCTOR: What isenchephalitis DOCTOR: who discovered the germ theory? HENRY: are you gay? HITLER: what is a coalition government? DOCTOR: can you fart STALIN: did you like Clement Attlee DOCTOR: what is your name DOCTOR: Can you provide some information about Microbes? DOCTOR: Are you fat? HITLER: Do you have a short temper? DOCTOR: when was penicillin first invented? HITLER: WHAT ARE YOU CHATTING ABOUT??? DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' HENRY: are you gay DOCTOR: WHY DID THE WEIMAR REPUBLIC COLLAPSE HITLER: what was the phoney war all about? HITLER: what was the phoney war about? HITLER: what was the phoney war about? HITLER: what did you think when Britian declared war on germany on the 3rd september1939 HITLER: what did you think when Britain declared war on Germany HITLER: Why do you not wear a hat? HENRY: If you wanted a son, why didn\'t you get someone to donate sperm? HENRY: I like your cat HENRY: I think that having six wives is like having six wives. Am I right? DOCTOR: When were antiseptics developed? HENRY: When people are executed because of adultery, is it because they were behaving like sensible adults? HENRY: Please put your head in a plate of chicken tikka STALIN: Do you like pie? STALIN: Will you marry me? HENRY: Do you have a moose? HENRY: You look fat. HENRY: webmaster stinks HENRY: HENRY: ActiveHistory reminds me of a dead cat. HITLER: Would you say hitler was an antisemitic megalomaniac with a pathologic desire to succeed? HITLER: Would you say hitler was an antisemitic megalomaniac with a pathologic desire to succeed? MLK: how many kids did you had? STALIN: Are you Russian? DOCTOR: James simpson? HITLER: Your moustache looks gay DOCTOR: hello DOCTOR: who is more important pasteur or koch? HITLER: How do you feel about jehova witnesses? HITLER: Was life happy for you and did you like caviar? HITLER: waht would you have done with britain if you had taken over the country HITLER: what would you have done with Britain if you had invaded HITLER: did you win world war 2? MLK: what type of gun shot yougun shot you HITLER: are you jewish DOCTOR: why did the Liberal government introduce health reforms? HITLER: were you a comunissit DOCTOR: do you shop at a mall? HITLER: im irish! HITLER: why did you want to invade Czechsolvakia? HITLER: who are the S.A.? DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' DOCTOR: how old are you? MLK: who won the battle of hastings HITLER: hi HITLER: Your avery nasty peace of work HITLER: whats with teh combover dude? DOCTOR: how your mom STALIN: bless you DOCTOR: What is laissez-faire? HITLER: Why did you think dying would be a relief? HENRY: are you mean HENRY: what do you like to do? HITLER: what year were you appointed? HITLER: what year were you appointed? HITLER: HGFREDSWERTGFDRRTGGYYGYHHYHUJUJUJUKIKJBVCCFCCDDFDFFFGGHHHJJJJKKKKKJHHBGFFC DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' HITLER: why did you like the aryans so much even thought you were not one yourself? MLK: how did you feel about the many attempts on your life? MLK: what did you think of ghandis ashram? HITLER: what do you think of yad vashems work? DOCTOR: have you hade sex HITLER: Have you been abroad? HITLER: Did you go abroad during your lifetime? DOCTOR: how are you? HITLER: what do you think of yad vashem? HITLER: what was the role of einsatzgruppen HITLER: why did soldiers rape women? DOCTOR: WOULD YOU LIKE A JELLY BABY HITLER: Have you ever had to go into exile? HITLER: Did you speak German? HITLER: do you have health problems HITLER: What year did you get elected chancellor in? HENRY: whats your favourite website DOCTOR: What is bluetongue and is it fatal? HITLER: Why did Germans vote for you? HITLER: How did you control the German people? HENRY: did you use contraception in your day? HITLER: What were your plans to rebuild Germany after World War I HITLER: What were your ambitons as a boy? DOCTOR: in the renaissance did they have contraception? HITLER: why did the nazi\'s burn books? HITLER: Do you have a low IQ? HITLER: Is it true that ou prefer blondes before brunettes? HITLER: Is it true that you are a drugaddict? MLK: how old were when you died?? MLK: What is your opinion of the Vietnam War? STALIN: why did you kill so many people? HITLER: what your brother say when he found out about your affair with your neice? HITLER: what your brother say when he found out about your affair with your neice? DOCTOR: what do you know about Galen? HITLER: are you a tramp : Your mom HITLER: Why did you kill your dog, Blondi? HITLER: Did you have a mistress behind her back? HITLER: how old was your wife HITLER: why were you frightened of the russians HITLER: why did himmler commit suicide HITLER: did eva have any pets DOCTOR: why was dissection not allowed HENRY: s it true you had a crane to lift you into bed and onto your horse? HENRY: Is it true you had yourself bricked up into your room at night? DOCTOR: What can you tell me about Marie Curie? DOCTOR: When was DNA discovered? DOCTOR: hello what do you do for work DOCTOR: What is morphine useful HITLER: why did you make the nazis? HITLER: why are you so sexist? HITLER: you were a herion addict when you ruled what got you into that? HITLER: what colour hair did your wife have? HITLER: do you like daniel boil? HITLER: How did you feel when your runners lost at the Olympics? DOCTOR: How and why did Galen?s ideas spread so rapidly? DOCTOR: is hitler alive? DOCTOR: How did World War One help to spread disease? DOCTOR: how did hitler die? DOCTOR: what is your full name? DOCTOR: what effects have fungus had on medicine throught the ages? HENRY: who was your faveroute wive? HENRY: why henry you put bible in every church MLK: whatb do you think of the bus laws STALIN: do you think your colectivisation plan for farms was a success? DOCTOR: who invented antiseptic? MLK: are you gay DOCTOR: What happened in 2006? DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' HITLER: have you always been this grumpy? HITLER: why did you kill babies? DOCTOR: do you know about ice age medincen DOCTOR: What is a cure that worked for the black death HITLER: whydo you change the subject STALIN: How many roads must a man walk down before he can call himself a man? STALIN: Will Ged fuck Harty up? Fo shizzel my russian nizzel HITLER: you said you were in cyperspace HITLER: why did you have a bad childhood? HITLER: stop looking at my mouse please HITLER: do u go on msn? HITLER: spanner HITLER: spak head DOCTOR: why were bodies mummified? MLK: how did yolu like malcolm x MLK: did you like malcolm x MLK: did you like malcolm x MLK: can i hump you STALIN: are you well DOCTOR: How are you? DOCTOR: what was medicine like in midevil times HENRY: how are you? DOCTOR: what do you do HITLER: Did you join the army in World War One? DOCTOR: Did prehistoric people believe that powerful spirits caused and cured illnesses? MLK: why were you depressed HITLER: Did you really want to make peace with Britain during the war? HITLER: Are you stilll alive? HITLER: Why did a \"corrupt\" race like the Slavs beat you so convincingly? HITLER: Do you agree that there would have been war with Britain even if you had not become leader of Germany? HITLER: You did more to damage the reputation of Germany than anybody in History. Do you agree? HENRY: Tell me different names of tortures? HENRY: punishments in tudor times HENRY: what was the rack? MLK: who shot you? MLK: who shot you? MLK: how much languages can you speak STALIN: how much languages can you speak HITLER: how much languages can you speak DOCTOR: what is diabetes DOCTOR: when was the NHS established? DOCTOR: How did World War One help to spread disease? DOCTOR: what colour are your knickers? HENRY: are you dead HENRY: are you dead HITLER: r u cool HITLER: tu s\'appelle comment? : DOCTOR: tell me about medicine STALIN: are you gay? DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' DOCTOR: who are u DOCTOR: what is your full name HITLER: did you win the war DOCTOR: sex HENRY: Do you like children? HENRY: lets get started shall we MLK: Hello HENRY: Who was your first wife? HENRY: Did you know Mary Boleyn? HENRY: why did you take over the church of england? HITLER: have you got a nose HENRY: why did he not just divorce ALL his wives unstead of killing some? HITLER: have you ever got a bra HITLER: have you ever got a bra MLK: Type your question here and click Submit what will you consider the best victory of the Civil Rights movemrnt in your time? MLK: What would you consider your greatest victory? HENRY: how many wives did you have HITLER: Why did you dislike the Jews? HITLER: why were you born? HITLER: turkey HITLER: do you regret killing yourself? HITLER: if people in your master race disobeyed you, what would you do? HITLER: the HITLER: why did you ban contraception? HITLER: which shampoo did you use? HENRY: hello my name is rosie what is your name? HENRY: did you hug me 8 years ago and shag me! HENRY: shat up HENRY: yo peeps HITLER: which is your favourite religion HITLER: what did you do when you found out germany had lost the world war1 DOCTOR: Can you provide some information about Microbes? DOCTOR: HI? HENRY: How many wives did you really have? HITLER: how old were you when you shot yourself? DOCTOR: r u a lesbian? HITLER: how did you survive in the trenches DOCTOR: What is your name? HITLER: are you a coward? STALIN: Did you deliberately create the Ukrainian famine of 1932-33? HITLER: Why is being a blonde with blue eyes so important? Doesn\'t whats inside matter more? HITLER: So you are saying that you\'re just a user?! HITLER: There were so many young people in your army who suffered. Some were only children! STALIN: Well aren\'t you modest. Not. STALIN: Were you supporting the allies? STALIN: Don\'t you know that socialism makes countries poor? MLK: Who on earth are you? MLK: Who are you? Hitler: Are you mad? Hitler: Are you a strongor wek dictator? MLK: how did you come to be in montgomery? DOCTOR: Did prehistoric people believe that powerful spirits caused and cured illnesses? HITLER: why did you become leader of germany HITLER: im about to kill lots of germans, how should i kill them HITLER: were do you hope to be in five years time. HITLER: are you a nan HENRY: Shut up! HITLER: Did you ever feel sorry for the people you killed HITLER: What does the purple triangle stand for HITLER: why did you bomb the docks in london and liverpool MLK: What were you childrens names? MLK: What does it mean to be a Christian? DOCTOR: Why did you choose medicine as a proffesion DOCTOR: Can you provide some information about Microbes? DOCTOR: How did religion affect the practice of medicine in Ancient Greece? DOCTOR: hello HITLER: What is your name? DOCTOR: do you think dr whos sexy? MLK: how are u DOCTOR: What improvements in surgery were there in the 19th Century? DOCTOR: fuck me ,fuck me ,fuck me! DOCTOR: What is your moma useful for? DOCTOR: hellow HITLER: do you have breasts HITLER: When and where were you born? HITLER: Who was Baldur von Schirach? DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' HITLER: Is Emily Shaw amazing? DOCTOR: What role did technology play in improving public health in towns during the industrial revolution DOCTOR: How did technology improve conditions in the towns during the 19 century HITLER: were you a murderer HITLER: did you play a instrument : do u pick ur nose HITLER: wouldn\'t it have been better if you had of been caught? HITLER: What is your religion? DOCTOR: have u got any good jokes STALIN: have u heard of the book animal farm HENRY: I don\'t like you did you know that? STALIN: Bye HITLER: Did you admire the British? HITLER: who the fuk are you STALIN: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' STALIN: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' STALIN: how importent are you? : prat HITLER: do you have hairy nipples HITLER: would you go out with me? HITLER: would you go out with me? HITLER: would you go out with me? HITLER: would you go out with me? HITLER: would you go out with me? HITLER: would you go out with me? HITLER: would you go out with me? HITLER: would you go out with me? HITLER: would you go out with me? HITLER: would you go out with me? HITLER: would you go out with me? HITLER: Do you like lederhosen? HITLER: should you have been killed as you said people should be blonde and fair HITLER: I hate you! You killed my great grand parent : what games do you play? HITLER: Did you have any brothers or sisters? HITLER: did you have any freinds? HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit STALIN: what was your slogan? HENRY: can i have sexwith you : HENRY: Why did you have six wives? HITLER: why were you imprisoned in 1923 HITLER: how did you try to overthrow the government in 1923 HITLER: what were your aims in europe DOCTOR: how old are you? DOCTOR: what colour is the sky DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' HITLER: do u have a widgi MLK: do you believe in violence? DOCTOR: Could progress in science have been made before the Renaissance? DOCTOR: hello HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HITLER: were you attracted to men? MLK: are u a gay? MLK: are u a gay? HENRY: where do you get your clothes from HENRY: you are a motherfuck HENRY: did richard 3 kill the princes in the tower HITLER: What are your policies about Jews? HITLER: HENRY: do you like protestants STALIN: would you call yourself a violent person HITLER: why not become dictator of austria, your home nation? HITLER: how do you feel about woodrow wilson HITLER: were you fighting in the world war 1 HITLER: why did you not like the jews MLK: Why are you involved in the civil Rights movement? HENRY: Who is Lady Jane Grey? DOCTOR: When was cancer first discovered? HENRY: what is your religion DOCTOR: How are drugs tested? HITLER: What are your policies about Jews HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: which was your best wife? DOCTOR: when was the plague DOCTOR: dance DOCTOR: your really ugly? STALIN: What issues were involved in your struggle for power in the years to 1929? DOCTOR: What is an antibiotic? HITLER: why did you replace Schact with Goering as head of your economic policies? HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit DOCTOR: why did public health improve in the 19th century? HITLER: why do you follow my mouse HITLER: why did you invade poland? MLK: what did you want? DOCTOR: How did Andreaus Vesalius help our understanding of anatomy? STALIN: How and why did you then join with Bukharin to attack your colleagues in the Triumvirate? HITLER: How successful was the \'New Plan\'? HENRY: Were you religious? HITLER: do you have feelings? HITLER: what relgion were you DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' HITLER: where did you plan to conquer? DOCTOR: when was the germ theory proven? HITLER: are you a socialist HITLER: did you love your wife? HITLER: How did you control young people in Nazi Germany?on\'t really understand Hitler and when it says \'do u want me 2 go in 2 more detail\' there isnt a button 2 press to actually go in 2 more detail or anything! which i thought was quite bad! Gumley House Convent School DOCTOR: Can you give me some information on Watson and Crick? HITLER: What is your favorite food DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'SubmARE YOU UGLY DOCTOR: How did World War One help to spread disease? WTAT IS A DISEASE STALIN: Was Josef Stalin paranoid DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' MLK: are u gay HENRY: What were your hobbies DOCTOR: What did Dr. Hata do? HITLER: account for your appeal? MLK: Was Mohammad Ali important in the black rights movement? DOCTOR: why was galn so popular for so long? HENRY: where were you born HITLER: was Streseman in power 1932? HITLER: what is volksegemeinschaft HITLER: why did you not ally with britain MLK: did you have any kids, if you did what were they called HENRY: Why did you allegedly explode after you died? HENRY: What was your nationality? DOCTOR: hello HITLER: what was school like when you were in charge? HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HITLER: whos going to win the world cup ? HITLER: wigan HITLER: did paula like you HITLER: did you like pauladid paula like you? HENRY: What languages do you speek? HITLER: What is your name? HITLER: Why did the Russians wanted to tortured your dog? DOCTOR: What were the main factors that accounted for Hitlers rise to power HENRY: What happened to Edward? HENRY: Do you think you were a bit harsh? HENRY: who was your third wife? HENRY: What did you think of Martin Luther? HENRY: why did you have 6 wives and not just 1? HENRY: what was your real name : HENRY: when was you born : : : : HITLER: did you have slaves STALIN: Do u know me? HITLER: were was you burried STALIN: how do you feel about the book animal farm MLK: Did you marry? DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' HENRY: r u called king henry the great? HITLER: how did your dog die? DOCTOR: was penicillin just down to flemming? DOCTOR: are you a homosexual? HITLER: do you take responsibility for your actions HENRY: Why did Henry VIII divoprce Catherine of Aragon? HENRY: When were you born HENRY: Where and when were you born HENRY: do you like rock music HITLER: what were the results of the presidential elections in April 1932? HITLER: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' HITLER: what year were u in charge HITLER: how did the Nazis try to gain the support of the industrialists? DOCTOR: what is your name DOCTOR: Are you d.r fox DOCTOR: what medicine did you first use HITLER: have you ever painted your nails HENRY: What is your middle name? HITLER: do u suck willy HITLER: who supported the nazis originally? HITLER: cock head HITLER: cock head HITLER: cock head HITLER: cock head HITLER: cock head HITLER: ARE U A ZOMBIE? HENRY: Which of your six wives did you love the most?? HITLER: do you like chocolate HITLER: did you like aeroplanes HITLER: did you like aeroplanes HITLER: Please could youtell me your lottery numbers? HITLER: what was the new order DOCTOR: when were you born HENRY: Did you like the Pope? HITLER: what is a reich DOCTOR: are you a man HITLER: Why did you give up wanting to be a painter HITLER: did you kill your parents DOCTOR: how old are you HITLER: Why would dying be a relief for you? HITLER: Why are you still here? DOCTOR: Who are you? DOCTOR: What can you tell me about? MLK: Who are you? MLK: What did you do? HENRY: do you like adolf hitler? DOCTOR: black death MLK: how old were you when you died MLK: how did you die? MLK: who shot you MLK: how old would are you? MLK: what do you believe in MLK: What does it mean to be a sikh? MLK: What is your opinion of the Vietnam War? MLK: do you believe whites should marry blacks HITLER: do you like bob dylan? HITLER: wot are you MLK: what is your name HITLER: have you ever smoked? HITLER: have you ever smoked? DOCTOR: have you made love? DOCTOR: What was the greek cure for water on the brain? HENRY: are you a vegiterian HITLER: did you have healthy poo? DOCTOR: are you gay? MLK: what do you do? MLK: are you gay STALIN: You sent millions of your countrymen to their deaths-how could you justify this? MLK: What did you want to acomplish in life? DOCTOR: what type of music do you like HITLER: did you like the person you became? HITLER: what did you want to be went you are older when you were small HITLER: what did you want to achieve by taking Germany over? DOCTOR: Did prehistoric people believe that powerful spirits caused and cured illnesses? HITLER: You bear all the responsibility of the failed invasions. You were in charge. Power is responsibilty so if you can\'t even own up to your responsibilitys then you obviously don\'t deserve power. HITLER: Your right about the evil part, but genius is ridiculous. If you were a genius you would understand that there is no \'Master Race because that would be impossible. You would have also understood that for you to take over a majority of the world, you would need power, which includes the support of your country, which you lost very early on, and the only reason you had their support in the first place was because you used propaganda across the country, but you couldn\'t even control the truth getting out which seem quite funny considering all the trouble you went to. In conclusion, you are no way near genius, in fact you’re a very stupid man. DOCTOR: who are you? HENRY: how many wives do you have? MLK: what do you think of Malcolm X? MLK: y DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' DOCTOR: who are you HITLER: what were scapegoats DOCTOR: Who was Louis Pasteur and what did he discover? MLK: what do you believe in? MLK: how many children do you have DOCTOR: what did you discover? HITLER: Why did you kill so many people during the war? HENRY: sorry DOCTOR: what do you do as a job HENRY: Holla HITLER: why did you not develop a long range bomber earlier in the war HITLER: u got a vibrator i can lend MLK: do u like cok STALIN: can i kill you? STALIN: how are you? HENRY: STALIN: Does smallpox hurt? HITLER: why did you hate the jews so much? HITLER: Did you have sex? HITLER: what abouit your mum? STALIN: do you watch t.v DOCTOR: whan where you born? HITLER: helo! HENRY: guuu huuuooeeee HENRY: what was your view of Germany? DOCTOR: are you lesbian DOCTOR: are you gay DOCTOR: what are you wearing underneath? DOCTOR: are you a virgin? DOCTOR: have you had james smith? STALIN: are you gay DOCTOR: are you gay? DOCTOR: are you gay? DOCTOR: are you a scientist? MLK: why did you stop racism? MLK: why did you stop racism? DOCTOR: were are you from HITLER: you wasteman alie HITLER: how old was your wife? HITLER: why were there no hitlers left in the phone directory after world war one? HITLER: why? HITLER: do you fancy enyone? STALIN: what do the hammer and scicle mean? STALIN: what do the hammer and sicle stand for? STALIN: why did you pick the hammer and the sicle? HITLER: do you like cats HITLER: why did you kill ernst rohm HITLER: Why did Geli Raubal kill herself? HENRY: Why did you kill so many people? HENRY: Why did you kill so many people? DOCTOR: what was it like treating all those pepole HITLER: are you strait? HITLER: are you strait? HITLER: do you think hamed is gay? MLK: Did they kill Malcolm X? MLK: Do you watch the Power Puff Girls? MLK: Dear So-Called \"Webmaster\". What inspired you to make this website? And please can you visit my WebSite at also was there any proof that Martin was a homosexual? Please leave any unsuitable questions answers at my webpage. Thank you. Kym Benney. The Willink. Age 15 MLK: fdthgh HITLER: Why was Blitzkrieg a success? STALIN: pornnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno HENRY: Heloo mr pickering DOCTOR: hello HITLER: how are you HENRY: Were you religious? HITLER: are you gay? DOCTOR: How did women contribute to the development of 19th Century medicine? HITLER: the name of the woman who leads the League of German Maidens, HITLER: y does ur mum never like bum fun! HENRY: did you ever fall seriously ill and survive HENRY: were you a good fighter HENRY: were you a good fighter HITLER: r u a wastman HITLER: hello HITLER: r u a wastman HITLER: What is \'Anti-Semitism\'? STALIN: what was the impact of the five year plans HITLER: how old would you be if you were still alive now HITLER: why are you bombing england? HITLER: why did you take away people\'s freedom of speech? DOCTOR: are you gay DOCTOR: are you gay STALIN: are you as bendy as a ruler HENRY: Do you like beheading people? HENRY: did you have any babies HITLER: why do you have a moustach MLK: are you a spoon? MLK: what do you think of bob marley\'s song \"i shot the black man\"? MLK: are you ok HENRY: What were the names of your children? HITLER: Were Are You Buried? HITLER: Was your body found? STALIN: how many soviet peasents and soldiers died defending russia in WW2? STALIN: What did you do during the first Russian Revolution of February 1917? STALIN: Did you keep any personal slaves? STALIN: Did you like the Tsar? STALIN: Do you take it up the bum? DOCTOR: how did you amputate people? DOCTOR: What was nursingn like in the 1800\'s? HITLER: do u lie HENRY: why so many wives HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit DOCTOR: Whyy didin\'t Jack the Ripper get caught? HITLER: Why didn\'t you like Jewish people HITLER: fork HITLER: you a spaz? HENRY: why all the wives HENRY: Why are you so fat and ugly? HITLER: are you proud of your army HITLER: do you use a toilet HITLER: who is the webmaster HITLER: how dare you say im ugly HITLER: how dare you say im ugly HITLER: did you alays want everything to be your way HENRY: Why did you marry six women??? HENRY: Who was your favourite wife ? HENRY: Why did you not want Mary to become Queen? HENRY: why didn\'t you want Mary to become Queen? HENRY: What was the act of 6 articles? HITLER: What is your favourite book? HITLER: your brain is the size of a apple pip DOCTOR: who are you HENRY: did you ever had asthma HENRY: is it true that at nights you had to bolck you door by using bricks HITLER: is it true that you wanted to be a painter HITLER: have you ever been to colchetser HITLER: have you ever been to colchetser MLK: what would you say to a white man who told you that you just came down from the trees. MLK: how did you feel about segreation HITLER: do you have any disabilities? HITLER: disbilites DOCTOR: are you married? DOCTOR: have you got any children? HENRY: fatty boom boom DOCTOR: i hate the women why is this? i recon u made me hate her haha DOCTOR: have you ever had sex? STALIN: Why did you employ the OGPU to kill those who were kulaks? MLK: Civil Rights Movement HENRY: why do you have a big head MLK: Do you like racism? MLK: Do you like racism? MLK: who killed you and why? MLK: who killed you and why? MLK: who killed you and why? HENRY: Is one of your hobbys sex? MLK: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: Why were you fat? HITLER: I Like Your Mum In Bed HITLER: blah blah blah HITLER: Why are you staring at me? HITLER: Do you have any piercings? HITLER: Stop rolling your eyes! It\'s creepy. HITLER: Lebcuchen konzentration lager? HITLER: Ryan Wattage HITLER: Why should everyone follow you\'re rules? HITLER: Do you suffer from constipation? HITLER: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' HITLER: what were Richard Darre\'s reforms HITLER: What was the problem with farmers ? HITLER: What was the problem with farmers ? HITLER: Schacht’s ‘New Plan’ HITLER: What was Ley\'s DAF ? HITLER: uunderproduction in farms HITLER: Was Ernest Rohm gay? why kick him out? HITLER: What are Hugenberg\'s reforms? HITLER: hitlers RAD DOCTOR: Good afternoon MLK: Type your question here and click Submit MLK: how did you get assainated? HENRY: did you ever have crabs? HITLER: do you like briton HITLER: HENRY: hello HENRY: why did you have so many wives HENRY: why did you have so many wives HENRY: eat some cake HITLER: are you an alienare you an alien MLK: hi MLK: your a black wanker HENRY: do you have any friends DOCTOR: where did you get your glasses from DOCTOR: where did you get your glasses from HITLER: do you love the gueen of england HITLER: 1+1= HENRY: why did you die? MLK: why do you look like a space alien? HITLER: why did you plan war on britan HITLER: When was the Nazi Party formed? HITLER: did you know anybody called byron? : How are you HITLER: Did you like playing tennis HITLER: are you gay Hitler: are you gay HENRY: why did you kill most off your wives HENRY: what is tuberculosis Hitler: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: are you a stump? HENRY: Are you a vegitarian? HENRY: how did you explode at your funeral Hitler: What star sign are you? Hitler: Are you overweight? DOCTOR: what do you do DOCTOR: what do you do HENRY: Are you wierd? Hitler: hello HENRY: What were the names of your children? HENRY: hi why are u ackng as if u are henrry DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' DOCTOR: do you have a boyfriend DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: DID YOU LIKE CHEESECAKE??? Hitler: because you were a really nasty person!!! Hitler: so you shot yourself because you were losing you surrendered gave up lost all courage and thought you d end your life and your wife s and dog s that s just cruel and you know it germany even though they had to pay off ton of debt would not have to live in shame if it wasn t for you they aren t even allowed to wear the crooked cross anymore did you know that Hitler: why did you want to take over the world Hitler: do you think that you were selfish and self centred? DOCTOR: how did people cure the plague? DOCTOR: hello are you a lesbian DOCTOR: What is SARS? DOCTOR: What is your job? HENRY: Are you a drunken bum? Hitler: Did you invade Europe for power, wealth or just sheer pride? DOCTOR: What are lesbians? DOCTOR: Is penecelin good for me? MLK: what is your name? Hitler: why did you do it William: bastard William: bastard DOCTOR: What makes you qualified to give medical history? DOCTOR: How is cancer contracted DOCTOR: why don\'t hitler like the jews DOCTOR: why dont hitler like the jews HENRY: Were you religious? William: What did you do when Harold seized the throne? William: What did you do when Harold seized the throne? Hitler: what is your importance? Hitler: Why did you kill people? DOCTOR: Did prehistoric people believe that powerful spirits caused and cured illnesses? Hitler: What are your aims for Germany once you take power? DOCTOR: How can we explain the medical advances made in Ancient Egypt? DOCTOR: what is scurvy? DOCTOR: want to fuck HENRY: what were the opinion of people in your time about you? Hitler: boo? HENRY: What were the names of your children? Hitler: ohhh woteva u freak Hitler: Did you yourself read or was aware of foriegn press? Hitler: there was a charlie chaplin movie about you and Nazis. How did you feel about it? Did it reflect the truth? Hitler: did you feel that the 3rd reich was a success? Hitler: You committed Genocide and other atrocities. Do you feel any guilt or responsibility for the deaths. Hitler: Do you feel you could have followed a different path? Hitler: Did you have mistresses Hitler: Did you have mistresses Hitler: Did you have mistresses Hitler: Did you have mistresses William: did the Anglo-Saxons have castles ? DOCTOR: what is a microbe? DOCTOR: How did religion affect the practice of medicine in the Middle Ages? Hitler: what did you think of india DOCTOR: how much do you get paid ? HENRY: what were thomas cromwell\'s failures and successes HENRY: What do you think about muslims? William: what battles had you won before hastings Hitler: Did you really want to form an alliance with the British, rather than fight them? Hitler: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' HENRY: do you like yourself?? HENRY: do you like yourself?? HENRY: what his new churh was like? STALIN: what positive things did you do in your lifetime? STALIN: Where you a vegetarian? HENRY: How would you justify so many killings done in your name? Hitler: why did you want an atomic bomb? Hitler: Was the Munich Beer Hall Putsch a complete failure? HENRY: Do you like me? HENRY: why are you so fat? HENRY: where was you born? HENRY: why are you so fat? HENRY: where were you born? HENRY: did you pluck your eyebrows? HENRY: why did you behead two of your wives? HENRY: Why did you spend so much money on wars and yourself? rather than spending it on your country. HENRY: Why did you want a son so badly HENRY: Why did you want a son so badly? HENRY: how did you go about having a son? HENRY: how was anne unfaithful to you? HENRY: tell me the name of your favorite wife HENRY: HENRY: How many sons did you want? HENRY: tell me the name of your favorite wife HENRY: How did you think you could get money from the church? HENRY: Because you are large, do you think this makes you look more powerful? HENRY: Because you are large, do you think this makes you look more powerful? HENRY: how are you? HENRY: Where you able to get power over the church? HENRY: Who was your favourite daughter? HENRY: why do you love hunting so much HENRY: why did you behead you fith wife? HENRY: who were your lovers? HENRY: HENRY: What do you do in your leisure time? HENRY: why did you behead your fith wife? HENRY: why didn\'t you wait for cathrine to give you a son instead of being inpatient and divorcing her? HENRY: how much did you weigh before you died? HENRY: if you were still alive what would you do? Hitler: why did the allies call hitlers army krauts HENRY: I like you HENRY: I like you HENRY: I like you HENRY: I like you HENRY: I like you DOCTOR: what are you going to tell me William: whats your name and are you really gay? DOCTOR: what is a disease MLK: What could black people not do before you started fighting for rights? MLK: when did you die? MLK: why did you go to jail in virgina? DOCTOR: How do you get rid of freckles? Hitler: Jew boy Hitler: why did you hate jews so much? HENRY: why did you want a divorce Hitler: Why did you kill so many Jews? Hitler: hello Hitler: why did you start the world war Hitler: what happened with unemployment in the working classes? DOCTOR: What is your job? William: what were your sons names Hitler: What was the Nazi view on the role of women? DOCTOR: i hate you DOCTOR: i hate you DOCTOR: i hate you DOCTOR: i hate you DOCTOR: i hate you DOCTOR: i hate you Hitler: Why can\'t women have the same jobs as men? MLK: Where are you buried? HENRY: did you like jane seymour HENRY: who was your favourite daughter HENRY: What did you enjoy most ? HENRY: what is the best part of being king? HENRY: did u ave bros or sis HENRY: yeah wot eva : what was the master race HENRY: who was your faveourite wife? HENRY: r u gay Hitler: what was the S.A? Hitler: What was your sex life like? Hitler: did you have ny chidren HENRY: are you a gangster HENRY: are you sexiest Hitler: What methods did you use to control Germany? HENRY: Who was your favourite wife? HENRY: Why did you have so many wives? HENRY: How many wives did you have? William: Why did you invade England? MLK: what was your book about? MLK: why did you get your noble peace prize? HENRY: Why were you so cruel? HENRY: which was your favourite wife? HENRY: did you have any freinds HENRY: why did you kill Ann Boleyn HENRY: why did you kill Ann Boleyn William: When were you born? HENRY: do you think you are hansom DOCTOR: why are you gay William: how old are you Hitler: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' DOCTOR: do you know your name William: Do you know who drowned his brother in wine? HENRY: how much money did you have ? William: how long did it take to build your castle Hitler: what made you kill all the jews HENRY: HENRY: did you use ladiesto get a son HENRY: how much did your suit of armour cost? Hitler: why are you so annoying Hitler: r u a driuggie? HENRY: are you my friend STALIN: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' STALIN: are you gay STALIN: whats your name DOCTOR: hello HENRY: when were you crowned HENRY: how long did you rein for Hitler: your a gay HENRY: Where you a fan of king arthur HENRY: Did you wear a Ruff William: how does it feel to rule normandy HENRY: where were you born HENRY: How tall were you? HENRY: where were you born? HENRY: When were you born? HENRY: How tall were you? HENRY: Who were your parents? HENRY: When and where were you born : HENRY: What children did you have? HENRY: why have you said Catherine Howard and Katherine Howard? William: How long did the battle of hastings last William: How old were you when the battle of hastings started William: did you enjoy the battle of hastings William: how old were you when you died William: did you have any children William: When were you born HENRY: did you like your dad Hitler: What effect did the bombing of Dresden have to the German population? HENRY: What is the negative side of being King of England? HENRY: How are you? HENRY: How old are you? HENRY: How many castles did you have William: would you have killed harold if he hadnt promised you could become king? HENRY: u are gay HENRY: how old were you when you died Hitler: Hello Hitler: who did you love? Hitler: why did you hate gypsies DOCTOR: Do you like medicine? HENRY: What were the names of your children? HENRY: were you hit in the head by a lance HENRY: are you modest HENRY: was you ginger HENRY: HENRY: was you ginger DOCTOR: did knowlege of medicine improve during the Renaissance? HENRY: Why was having a son so important to you? HENRY: WDC? HENRY: did you enjoy being king? HENRY: dick DOCTOR: why did Medieval doctors know so little about the human body? Hitler: did you make military mistakes? HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: do you like being a dad ? Hitler: do you think the nazis were good people? Hitler: what do you think people think about you? HENRY: why did you waste all your fathers money in one big battle HENRY: HENRY: why did you waste all your money in one big battle HENRY: Do you like your lesuire sports HENRY: what do you dislike? STALIN: Did you have a good childhood? STALIN: how many was there in your family? HENRY: how many wifes did you have HENRY: what happened to your 5th wife HENRY: do you like how you look HENRY: how did you die MLK: hello DOCTOR: What is your name HENRY: why did you marry 6 times? Hitler: how are you HENRY: What was your nationality? HENRY: did you write a book HENRY: was you close to your father HENRY: do you think your gorgeous HENRY: What did you most like about your figure? HENRY: What was your nationality? HENRY: did u like killing people?? Hitler: ha ha britian beat you? HENRY: how old are you HENRY: why don\'t you have a good reputation? Hitler: do you think i should throw another gum wrapper at chloe? Hitler: do you think i should throw another gum wrapper at chloe? Hitler: do you think i should throw another gum wrapper at chloe? William: who was your biggest rival? HENRY: do you think of yourself as a good ruler? HENRY: how are you? Hitler: Was Nazi Germany a totalitarian state? HENRY: What were the names of your children? HENRY: What do you do in your leisure time? HENRY: Why are you so fat? HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: How long were you king of England HENRY: How long were King of England Hitler: Chips or daddy? HENRY: who does he like more anne boleyn or jane seymour HENRY: how old are you? HENRY: who was your most trusted subject? DOCTOR: who was asclepius DOCTOR: who was asclepios? HENRY: what was your mum and dad called HENRY: hi did u have a hard life or an easy life HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: what were your bad habits HENRY: Did u have any secrets? Hitler: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' DOCTOR: why was realatively little progress made in medicine during the middle ages DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: hello my love how are you? Hitler: why did you bomb england?? HENRY: Are you responsible for the changing of the church then and how it is now? : how long was your reign over england DOCTOR: will u marry me DOCTOR: what is my naeme? Hitler: what sports did you enjoy William: what did you think of hardrada HENRY: what was your name? HENRY: were you fat? HENRY: why did you have six wives? HENRY: why are so fat? HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit : HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: Where do you live? HENRY: Why did you kill so many people? HENRY: how did you feel about being excomunicated MLK: do you like swimming : Home : what areyou interested in? HENRY: Why did you have 7 wives? HENRY: when is your birthday HENRY: you look stern on your pictures HENRY: Why do you always look angry on you pictures HENRY: When were you made king Hitler: Type your question here and click \'Submit\'why did you hate the jews? Hitler: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' HENRY: How old was Edward when he died? MLK: Do you have Children HENRY: what did you do for entertainment? HENRY: Were you religious? HENRY: what is your character like? HENRY: are you the centre of attention? HENRY: what is your personality? DOCTOR: what di the romans have as medicine DOCTOR: How did religion affect the practice of medicine in the Roman Empire? HENRY: whats your most frequent question asked HENRY: When did you become King? HENRY: Which date did you become king? HENRY: HOW OLD WERE YOU WHEN YOU BECAME KING HENRY: Why did you argue with the Pope? HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: did you love your wife that died in child birth Hitler: hello DOCTOR: what is your name? HENRY: what was the best thing about being king HENRY: Did you consider returning to catholicism when you knew you were dying? STALIN: did you arrange your wifes death? HENRY: What did you think of Martin Luther? HENRY: Tell me a secret HENRY: did you want to be king? Hitler: did you have chrildren Hitler: did you have any chrildren MLK: are you gay HENRY: what was it like being the king of England? HENRY: when and where were you born HENRY: Who was your favourite wife? HENRY: what did you enjoy? HENRY: was killing people fun? HENRY: did people like you? HENRY: how did you die HENRY: what are your achievements HENRY: What are your achievements HENRY: What are you famous for HENRY: What was wrong with having a daughter? DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' William: hello what is your name William: how did you win the battle? William: are you gay? Hitler: are you gay Hitler: why did you hate jews HENRY: why are you fat Hitler: why did you hate jews HENRY: why are you so fat Hitler: did you ever have any iligitimate children? DOCTOR: Do you think space is large? Hitler: What is your problem? HENRY: how do u do HENRY: when and where were u born? DOCTOR: whats your name HENRY: who was your favourite wife? HENRY: What was the name of all your wives and when did you marry them? HENRY: did you ever write a book? HENRY: when did you become king HENRY: where did you get your weth HENRY: how much was your house worth HENRY: if your so clever why didn\'t you go on a diet : Why were yopu so cruel? HENRY: How did you treat your wives? HENRY: How did you treat your wives???? William: who are you? DOCTOR: YOUR UGLY DOCTOR: i think that you are dumb HENRY: did you enjoy being king William: how many battles have you taken part in William: when was you born William: how did you die William: how did you die William: When was you born? HENRY: who was you favorite wife? HENRY: why did you let Cramner get the monastries report using underhanded methods William: What bad luck did harold have? HENRY: What was your nationality? HENRY: are you a dirty old man? HENRY: What was the religion of your wives HENRY: How old are you? HENRY: What are your views on religion? HENRY: What are your views on religion? The catholic church? HENRY: Were you religious? HENRY: What were your viewpoints on the Catholic Church and religion in general? HENRY: Who became the next ruler? HENRY: who was your best wife? HENRY: what is my name? HENRY: how r u HENRY: Why did you argue with the Pope HENRY: what do you think other people thought of you HENRY: How did you keep clean? William: did you enjoy being king ? HENRY: Why did you kill so many people? HENRY: What do you think of the Queen nowdays? HENRY: Who was your favourite wife? HENRY: Do you care about the way you look? HENRY: Do you like your appearance? HENRY: What did you do for entertainment ? HENRY: do you think you were a good leader? HENRY: why did you use beheading as youre killing method? HENRY: why did you use beheading as youre killing method? HENRY: who was your favourite wife? HENRY: What is your name? HENRY: HENRY: Who were your wives? HENRY: how many people have you beheaded HENRY: What age did you die at? HENRY: Did you build Hampton court palace? HENRY: What are the names of your wives? HENRY: What are the names of your wives? HENRY: which wive did you like the most DOCTOR: what is antimatter Hitler: why did you not invade britain HENRY: Can i have £6756786,000000 HENRY: sorry dad HENRY: when were you crowned king? HENRY: are you sectarianist HENRY: Why did you behead Anne Boleyn? HENRY: do you think you are a good king? HENRY: why did you divorce your wife catherine? STALIN: what were all the reasons for your arrests ? STALIN: How did you succeed in being so influential ? STALIN: Did you realize that your communism is very far from Marx\'s ideas ? Hitler: why did you send homosexuals to extermination camps ? Hitler: why did you give up your artistic career ? Hitler: can you describe the goal of blitzkrieg ? Hitler: I hate you Hitler: What influenced you to agree with antisemit ideas ? Hitler: By the way, I\'m a Jewish... HENRY: HENRY: you are a murderor ? HENRY: did you go fishingd you go fishing Hitler: Are you gay? HENRY: could you drive HENRY: could you drive HENRY: could you drive HENRY: could you drive Hitler: Hitler: how did you feel after japans defeat HENRY: Why was having a son so important to you? HENRY: are you a tramp?????? HENRY: why did you kill your wives MLK: why do you have big lips Hitler: do you believe in god? HENRY: when was the last time you had a bath Hitler: do u like negroes? MLK: im not an idiot you idiot MLK: are you gay? MLK: are you still alive? MLK: are you a negroe? MLK: what did you do good in your lfe? DOCTOR: what is homosexuality? Hitler: What was the Treaty of Versailles? Hitler: Was Nazi Germany a totalitarian state? Hitler: Was Nazi Germany a totalitarian state? William: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' William: What is your name? Who were your parents? Hitler: hate jew? HENRY: Why did you get married so many times HENRY: did you have a car DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: did you give interviews or appear in any magazines? DOCTOR: who invited her on this thing Hitler: what do you think about ? Hitler: Your anwers makes no sense... Hitler: How long have you been living? Hitler: What are you staring at ? Hitler: Where are you looking ? Hitler: Where are you looking ? Hitler: Where are you looking ? Hitler: hi Hitler: hello Hitler: Hello ! Hitler: Do you know that i am teasing you ? Hitler: What period in you ruleing did you enjoy the most ? HENRY: *why didn’t you just divorce your wives instead of killing them? HENRY: how old were you when you became king HENRY: did you have any health problems HENRY: do you shop at somerfields HENRY: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 HENRY: did you appear in public much? HENRY: What was your nationality? HENRY: how did you keep the palace clean Hitler: What year was Hitler born HENRY: What was your nationality? William: How does it feel, having won the battle of Hastings? William: how lucky were you? HENRY: how are you? Hitler: What was the Treaty of Versailles? STALIN: Did you order the murder of Kirov yourself? William: what did it feel like to kill somone William: Why were you so strict with your men DOCTOR: Do you have big boobs? DOCTOR: are you married Hitler: What was the Nazi view on the role of women? HENRY: what was your achievements HENRY: do you think you were a good king HENRY: how long were you king HENRY: do you like elton john STALIN: what happened to your first wife STALIN: what happened to your first wife HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: why did you behead pople HENRY: why did you behead people STALIN: When were you born? HENRY: what is your name HENRY: how MANY WIVES DID YOU HAVE HENRY: do you eat vegetables HENRY: are you alone HENRY: Type your question here and click Submithow many wives do you have HENRY: how many children do you have HENRY: What were the names of your children? HENRY: who was your favourite wife HENRY: What was your new Church like HENRY: What was your nationality? HENRY: How many wives di you have? William: how did harold die HENRY: is it true henry the eighth raped anne boleyn that how elizabeth was around? HENRY: what was the name of your first wife? Hitler: Where were you born? HENRY: what were you like as a young man HENRY: can you speak to me in french now? Hitler: Were do you live? Hitler: You tend to put an interesting spin on definitions of words, are you planning to produce your very own \'Nazi dictionary\'? Hitler: Who did you marry HENRY: what was his new church like William: why did you invade England HENRY: did you use to tell jokes DOCTOR: have you past away? HENRY: were you \"broke\" yes HENRY: why did you let your advisers enforce HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: hello my names sophie HENRY: What were the Wars of the Roses? HENRY: HENRY: What were the names of your children? HENRY: What were the names of your children? William: Why did you invade England HENRY: do you like rading HENRY: every body grows old like you why did you execute your wives HENRY: were you a good king HENRY: why were you so mean? HENRY: what was it like to be king? HENRY: were you a good king HENRY: do you ever take your hat off HENRY: why did you divorce so many of your wives? HENRY: How close was King Henry VIII to his son, Edward? HENRY: were your taxes fair HENRY: did you like being king HENRY: were you a good king HENRY: what is the weather liket was the weather like HENRY: were you a good king HENRY: did you like being king HENRY: were you a good king HENRY: did you like being king HENRY: did you like being king HENRY: do you think you are a good king HENRY: did you ever invent anything? HENRY: did you like your castles? HENRY: how many rooms were there at the palace HENRY: did you like your castles? HENRY: why did you open hampton court palace HENRY: how many slaves did you have Hitler: did you have sexual relations with your mum Hitler: did you have sexual relations with your mum Hitler: did you kill your wife Hitler: Do you like msn? HENRY: Are you on drugs? : HENRY: how is it like to have seven wives? : when were you born : HENRY: why did you have so many wives HENRY: did you make up the white rose/red rose thing from your fathers battle? HENRY: Who was your best freind? HENRY: why did you have so many wars? HENRY: were you happy when anne died? HENRY: were you happy when anne died? HENRY: you look like an ass HENRY: when were you born? HENRY: what did edward do for the church HENRY: how old were you when you died HENRY: how old were you when you died HENRY: children HENRY: Why did you have so much padding? Hitler: why is your hair quiffed? HENRY: Why do you have such weird cloths? DOCTOR: who are you HENRY: was henry gay HENRY: did you enjoy having sex with your wifes ? DOCTOR: is tahir a drunk Hitler: why did you have a moustache shaped like a toothbrush HENRY: did you miss your brother when he died HENRY: if you ask when did you beacome king he either says dont understand that question or gose onto the break with the pope DOCTOR: what time is it DOCTOR: are you deaf MLK: you are ugly William: What did you do when Harold seized the throne? HENRY: what were the names? HENRY: How did you become King? HENRY: what did they do William: are you angry that harold godwinson broke his oath? Hitler: what religion did you allow? DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: do you feel bad about what you done? Hitler: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' HENRY: what was it like to live in tudors? HENRY: when were you born Hitler: Why did you try to blow up Britain? Hitler: but you cased everyone else so much pain, wasn\'t it only fair? MLK: What did you name you name your daughter William: What did Harold Godwineson do when Edward the Confessor died? Hitler: goood bye! Hitler: hello William: How did you arrange your soldiers Hitler: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' HENRY: how many wifes did you have? Hitler: Why did he want to take over poland? HENRY: What were the names of your children? HENRY: do u have aids? Hitler: what coluor was your poo HENRY: which wife was it that wore a wig Hitler: How did the German people react towards the Jews? HENRY: How many wives did you have? Hitler: What methods did you use to control Germany? HENRY: What do you do in your leisure time? HENRY: What do you do in your leisure time? HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: do you like being king William: why did you pretent to retreat? HENRY: what is 2+2 Hitler: Do you like football? MLK: where was martin luther king born? HENRY: who were your wives William: whats your nick name Hitler: do you like jews Hitler: where were you born Hitler: did you enjoy your school days? HENRY: which one of your wifes did you excecute?? and why DOCTOR: How did american indians live HENRY: are you a natural speaker HENRY: is that because your fat HENRY: why didn\'t you like anne bolyne? DOCTOR: hi Hitler: Hitler: u started it HENRY: When and where were you born? HENRY: what was it like being king William: How long did it take to write the Domesday Book HENRY: Who was your favorite wife HENRY: what troubles did you face with divorcing Catherine HENRY: n,j;l HENRY: wat is you favourite football player : HENRY: eat me HENRY: will you divorce me STALIN: Do you like Cheese on Toast? Hitler: how did you treat people of other religions? Hitler: how did you treat black peopel? : DOCTOR: What are your qualifications? William: Why Did you tell harold you were coming? Why didnt you just attack William: What was the point of slaughtering lots of people DOCTOR: what is a meningitis? Hitler: why did you decide to sterilise certain types of minorities? Hitler: did you feel evil indoctrinating children with nazis ideas? William: sleep with me MLK: Type your question here and click Submit William: HENRY: Were you a good king DOCTOR: which was better - Greek medicine or Roman? Hitler: why did you kill jewish people Hitler: what is the guy i am sitting next to Hitler: ross HENRY: why did you change the religion for love? HENRY: why did you want power? HENRY: power HENRY: do your clothes itch? Hitler: are you a pervret Hitler: fuck you you evil piece of shit bag you cunting fucking bitching git you perve you are a fat shiting cunt yeah you hear me a cunt cunt HENRY: What was your nationality? HENRY: What football team do you support? HENRY: do you like wine HENRY: when did you become king William: what war did you win in William: why did you remove your helmet in battle William: why did you remove your helmet in battle STALIN: Did you murder your wife? HENRY: Which wife do you like the most? Hitler: What was your favorite country to take over? HENRY: where were ypu born HENRY: Who were your wives? Hitler: Was Nazi Germany a totalitarian state? William: How big was your army? HENRY: how old were you when you got married? Hitler: why did you kill your dog? HENRY: Was you upset by Katherines death ? HENRY: why did you divorce Catherine of aragon/ HENRY: How long did you reign? HENRY: do u like liam Hitler: how old is your grandad Hitler: do you like mcdonalds? MLK: are you gay? Hitler: do you stink DOCTOR: do you think there will ever be a cure for cancer Hitler: Why did you kill yourself? Hitler: Why did you want to take over the world? HENRY: Why did you behead your wivies? Hitler: Have you ever ridden a llama? MLK: What is your nationality? MLK: Are you gay William: Did you have to carry a gun or guns on you at every war? Hitler: do you like guinea pigs William: are you stupid William: DID YOU CRY A LOT Hitler: Was your great great grandmother Jewish? Hitler: Was your great great grandmother Jewish? HENRY: u r gay Hitler: were did you learn oration Hitler: what do you like? Hitler: how did you deal with the Strasser brothers? Hitler: What was the Treaty of Versailles? Hitler: How did you deal with the Strasser brothers? Hitler: What the heck were you thinking? William: who was Robert FitzOsbern? MLK: who are you? MLK: who are you? MLK: who are you? Hitler: are you gay HENRY: did you love all your six wives or were you having an affair Hitler: have u a penis? Hitler: Why do you have a moustach Hitler: What is 72+3? William: How old were you in 1066? William: How old were you in 1066? William: hello HENRY: what is your favourite type of food? Hitler: who did you lose your virginity to? HENRY: what do the greensleves lyrics actually mean? HENRY: how many children do you have HENRY: When and where were you born? Hitler: What is your name? HENRY: Did you ever have an affair? William: do you like cheese? of course who doesn\'t! William: did you enjoy fighting William: whats your bra size HENRY: what food do you like HENRY: how many children did you have HENRY: Did you build any castles or forts? HENRY: What was the Entertainment like when you were king? HENRY: What was the Entertainment like? HENRY: Did people like you when you were king? HENRY: Did people like you when you were king? HENRY: What was that festering wound on your leg and how did you get it? HENRY: Why did you were jewleary HENRY: how did you govern england Hitler: What were the main constitution problems? Hitler: What was proportioanl representation? Hitler: Why was the goverments unstable? HENRY: When did Henry VIII reign? HENRY: What was your nationality? HENRY: How old were you when you died? William: what caused william to win the most important battle in his life HENRY: when and where were you born MLK: What is your name Hitler: What happened in the Munich Putsch? HENRY: how old were you when you became king DOCTOR: where do you come from? HENRY: Why was having a child so important to you? HENRY: why was it so important to have child? HENRY: why was having a child so important to you HENRY: What was your nationality? HENRY: what plays did henry like to watch HENRY: why did henry battle against king francis? MLK: how did you stop racism? HENRY: How many councillors did you have? HENRY: did you get what you wanted HENRY: which of your wives did you love the most? HENRY: was the pope deceaving the church HENRY: What was your nationality? HENRY: did you ever run away? HENRY: What was your nationality? William: do you like me? STALIN: home guard HENRY: Did the public like you? William: have you had sex DOCTOR: how long did it take you to recieve your doctorine degree? Hitler: Why do you hate Jewish people? HENRY: What was your nationality? HENRY: who was your favorite wife? HENRY: Who were your most famous mystresses? DOCTOR: what is health and well-being? HENRY: Why did you kill so many people? Hitler: did you rape your niece? Hitler: who founded the nazi party? Hitler: When was the first time you had sex? Hitler: who founded the nazi party? Hitler: Who found the nazi party? Hitler: Who founded the nazi party? Hitler: when and where were you born? Hitler: Who founded the nazi party? Hitler: who founed the nazi party? Hitler: who founded the nazi party Hitler: who founded the Nazi party? HENRY: what was the church you made like? Hitler: Did you have a sense of humour? William: Why did you die Hitler: what was you planning to do in russia? Hitler: what was you planning to do in russia? Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? HENRY: when and where were you born HENRY: who was your favouite wife HENRY: what age did you become king? HENRY: which country did you hate the most? HENRY: who was your grandparents? HENRY: who were your grandparents? HENRY: do you talk alot William: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' MLK: i thought you were dead Hitler: how did your mom die? Hitler: did you like your deputy HENRY: who is hitler Hitler: was there a reason for your dad beating you? HENRY: What did you do for entertainment? DOCTOR: are you gay MLK: are you still alive? MLK: how old are you? STALIN: Did you study at university? HENRY: what kind of entertainment did you enjoy HENRY: what age are you HENRY: what type of food did you eat HENRY: what type of food did you eat HENRY: what was the reason for the beheading of anne boylen DOCTOR: Can you explain the process of mumification? DOCTOR: do you suck? Hitler: Did you have a sense of humour? Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: Did you have a sense of humour? William: why did you win the battle? HENRY: What was your nationality? HENRY: rhh HENRY: Where you ever hit as a child? HENRY: Where you ever hit as a child? HENRY: where you happy to die? HENRY: Are you a real king? HENRY: How much did you pay for your clothes? : HENRY: what did you pay for your clothes HENRY: what did you pay for your clothes HENRY: what did you pay for your clothes HENRY: how many tonnes did you weigh HENRY: Were you annoyed after going through so much trouble to marry Anne, and then having a girl? HENRY: What were the names of all your wife\'s? HENRY: how did you change england during your rein? HENRY: How did you defend england? HENRY: what year did you become King in HENRY: do you think you are a good king HENRY: what was good about being king Hitler: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' HENRY: What entertainment did you put on for your guests? HENRY: What entertainment did you put on for your guests? Hitler: did you get bitten by a goat Hitler: Why did you mum marry your dad HENRY: Why did you kill so many people? HENRY: why did you marry catherine parr Hitler: Y r u so gay? HENRY: What was your new church like? DOCTOR: when was hippocrates born HENRY: HENRY: i\'m very sorry about that were you upset? HENRY: What were the names of your children? HENRY: hello HENRY: hello HENRY: what was your favorite thing in life HENRY: why didyou cheat on catherine and was it just for ason ? Hitler: what is a swaztica Hitler: if you support an ayran race why did the idea for the swastika name come from indians? HENRY: Why did you behaed 2 of your wives? HENRY: have you ever had an accident HENRY: have you ever had an accident HENRY: were you a protestant or a catholic Hitler: kill Hitler: are you vegetarian Hitler: hello HENRY: you suck peoples cocks don\'t lie because iv\'e seen you : hi how are you Hitler: when your wife killed herself what did you do HENRY: What do you do in your leisure time? HENRY: what did you like doing? HENRY: were you engaged when you became king? DOCTOR: Tell me about the holocost and what the effects were HENRY: which wife did you like the best? DOCTOR: What is trench foot? William: How did you die? Hitler: have you ever had a good friend HENRY: Who were your most famous ministers? HENRY: What did you do for entertainment? HENRY: How did you defend England? HENRY: What and why did you go to war? HENRY: What how and why did you go to war? STALIN: Why did you purge people with initiative? William: are you thick because you do\'nt say my puestion Hitler: How did you get people to go along with you? William: What is your name? Who were your parents? HENRY: who was your favourite child Hitler: you stink like shit HENRY: why did you argue with the pope HENRY: why are you so ugly HENRY: how much did you wiegh when you died HENRY: how much did you wiegh Hitler: is it true you had a goat HENRY: did you have sex HENRY: what Hitler: What subject\'s where you good at> DOCTOR: when was pot found DOCTOR: when was tabbaco found DOCTOR: when was the telephone invented : DOCTOR: Did women work as doctors during the Renaissance? DOCTOR: How did they heal broken bones? DOCTOR: How did they heal broken bones? MLK: Did you ever have breakfast with malcom X? HENRY: Did you have any siblings? HENRY: Did you have any siblings? Hitler: did you have an affair with your grandaughter William: why are you such an idiot HENRY: do you think you are a hero MLK: what is your name? William: what happened at the battlle of hastings Hitler: What methods did you use to control Germany? Hitler: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: why do you hate jews Hitler: why did they have them poisoned? Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: Why are you so violent? Hitler: Are you ugly? STALIN: Why didn\'t you bring more democracy to Soviet Union? HENRY: What are your religous beliefs? HENRY: what happened after you make the break with rome HENRY: How did you make the break with rome : Hitler: Why did you commit suicide? STALIN: why are you so egotistic STALIN: why are you so egotistical STALIN: why are you so egotistical HENRY: Why did you break away from Rome and dissolve the monastries? HENRY: did you have any battles HENRY: when was your date of birth? William: why do you want to kill harol godwinson Hitler: are you a jew William: are you fat? William: are you fat? HENRY: do you think that you have been a good king? HENRY: what was your favourite cheese? HENRY: What type of entertainment did you have? DOCTOR: What is morphine useful for? HENRY: did you enjoy comedy HENRY: are you a willy William: did you have any sorts of transportation? Hitler: Why do you dislike Jews so much? Hitler: Why were you so violent? HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit Hitler: What is your name? Hitler: why did you hate the Jews William: how did you establish control of england? HENRY: What did Henry vii die of STALIN: what is your best friend\'s name? HENRY: do you love all you children STALIN: Was your left arm shorter than your right arm? DOCTOR: when did we discover antibiotics Hitler: did u think you could control the whole world? STALIN: do u think u would be as violent as u where without an abusive father STALIN: who is your idol? STALIN: Who was your wife? DOCTOR: what medicines did they have in the trenches HENRY: are you gay HENRY: are you greedy HENRY: do you stink William: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' William: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' William: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' William: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' William: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' William: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' William: What did Harold Godwineson do when Edward the Confessor died? HENRY: how tall ? HENRY: when were you born HENRY: who was your favourite wive Hitler: why you kill people William: is there any family names that are still used today HENRY: How successful a king were you? HENRY: Did you enjoy your reign as king? HENRY: did you enjoy your reign as king HENRY: how many money did he spent in a day HENRY: what school did he go to HENRY: is your real name henry Hitler: didyou have any brothers or sisters STALIN: Did you deliberately create the Ukrainian famine of 1932-33? William: hello William: are you bored Hitler: why did you get rid of the SA? HENRY: Did Henry have breasts? Hitler: why did you hate the jews HENRY: Do you like Bob the Builder? HENRY: is you dissin me mama?you callin her a lard an sed she needs a crane to get out of bed Hitler: do you like jews HENRY: why are you so fat and ugly William: Did the people who made the tapestry see the battle? William: do you think you are bias? DOCTOR: r u a bitch DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' MLK: Who was Rosa Parks? MLK: When and where did you \'have a dream\'? MLK: How old where you whaen you performed the i have a dream speech MLK: who was your first girlfriend? MLK: do believe in life after death? MLK: how long did it take you to write the \'I have a dream\' speech? HENRY: have you got ginger pubes ? HENRY: what is tubercolosis HENRY: gimmie a snog HENRY: was there religus hatred againsed you becoming head of the chucch Hitler: did you ever fight Hitler: what made you think of starting the Nazi party? Hitler: Why did you go after the Jews, even though they didn\'t have much to do with the Treaty of Versailles? Hitler: Can you make monkeys fly out of your butt? Hitler: Why were Jews your main target? Hitler: What is Social Darwinism? Hitler: How far were you willing to go for power? Hitler: did you ever have a jew as a friend? HENRY: do you like ducks Hitler: do you belive that everyone should have equal rights? HENRY: Why did you beheah Anne Boleyn Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? HENRY: Who were your wives? Hitler: why did you go to war William: Why did you want to be king of england! HENRY: where you gay HENRY: What did you do to the bible? HENRY: what was the food like in your time? HENRY: what weapons did you use in the war? HENRY: Do you think you are a good king? Hitler: Did Hitler know Hedy lamarr? HENRY: What were the Wars of the Roses? HENRY: How many times did you call parliament? HENRY: what size feet are you DOCTOR: who are you DOCTOR: who are you HENRY: family HENRY: Your uglier then Godzilla HENRY: did you celebrate hallowe\'en or christmas? HENRY: why execute them HENRY: if you hate women rulers then why was elizabeth a great ruler and why did she win the spanish amarda? HENRY: how did you change the country? HENRY: How tall were you? HENRY: what year were you crowned? Hitler: i don\'t like you HENRY: how much money did you have Hitler: What is your name? DOCTOR: what is your name HENRY: HENRY: who was your first wife? HENRY: where did you get your clothes from HENRY: whats it like being king? HENRY: How tall were you? Hitler: what did people do at concentrtion camps Hitler: why was your existance painful? Hitler: why was your existence painful? STALIN: Why were you so brutal towards the people? HENRY: How old are you ? HENRY: are you bold HENRY: where u catholic or proteftant ? HENRY: how old were you when you became king HENRY: how was it when you became king HENRY: how was it when you became king HENRY: why did you marry six women HENRY: whaen did the tudor dynasty end HENRY: who cooked for you? HENRY: who cooked for you? Hitler: Why did your father beat your mother HENRY: Were you a protestant or catholic? HENRY: where you ever a solider in your army? HENRY: Did you ever have to work? Hitler: can you say hello? Hitler: what did you need jersey for? HENRY: why were you so fat?? HENRY: can you tell me about your daughter, Elizabeth? HENRY: were you a good king DOCTOR: What kind of Doctor are you? DOCTOR: What kind of doctor is a orthopedic sergon DOCTOR: who are you MLK: what do you think of rosa parks HENRY: How long did you reign for? HENRY: How long did you regn for? HENRY: did you have lots of enies as a kid HENRY: How long did you reign for? HENRY: Who was your favorite child HENRY: does it feel good to be king? HENRY: are you cool HENRY: what do you do with your money? HENRY: where would you most like to conquer HENRY: how much power would you like to have HENRY: who was your enemy William: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' : HENRY: What were the names of your children? William: why do wear a helmet William: are you gay? HENRY: Why did you decide to be a Catholic HENRY: why are you gay DOCTOR: what do you do when you think you are pregnant HENRY: did you have alot of power. HENRY: did you ever have any animals HENRY: do you masterbate William: did you play a trick Hitler: nice tie Hitler: How did you use religion during your time in power? William: hi William: how many people died at hastings William: how did you win hastings William: Did you kill your wife? DOCTOR: what was martin luther kings widow called Hitler: how long were you the fuhrer? William: do you now any of the names of your soilders? William: do you admire harold as a warrior? William: who is your favourite warrior? William: your priest poiter, is he truthful? William: hi William: What did you do when Harold seized the throne? William: What did you do when Harold seized the throne? HENRY: who were your 6 wifes MLK: How old are you? MLK: who shot you? STALIN: how much was a pound worth in your day? HENRY: What were your goals as king? William: how do you pee and poop on the battle field? HENRY: Why did you like Jane Seymore so much? STALIN: what were the aims of the five year plan? Hitler: what is police state? Hitler: what made you gain powerwhat made you gain power Hitler: why did you want power? Hitler: what are the ss Hitler: what is the police state? William: How long did it take you to figure out the trick? : William: how big was your army William: how many men did you take to the battle of hastings William: When is your birthday? William: When were you born? William: when was your birthday William: How many countries have you been? William: Why did you kill people William: Did you have any kids William: How many countries have you been to? William: when was your birthday William: when is your birthday William: when was your birthday William: did you kill king henery or did one of your soldiers kill him William: How many places have you been? William: how many years were you king for William: do you fell bad killing people William: How did you learn to fight MLK: do you want to have sex Hitler: hello how are you today Hitler: do you think i care Hitler: do you think i care Hitler: you foot MLK: hello how are you today HENRY: how many times did you marry? DOCTOR: how old are you MLK: How hard was it to perform your speeches? DOCTOR: Did Joseph Lister discover penicillin? Hitler: do you speak english Hitler: why are blonde haired blue eyed people the fittest Hitler: Do you believe in God? HENRY: do u have ginger hair William: are you going to be king of england William: do you conquer england Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: why did you separat people from there familys William: did you have a good life DOCTOR: what did you do HENRY: do you have gum Hitler: why did you treat some groups of people really badly? William: what is your fave food? William: Is your nose very big? William: nice day, isnt it? Hitler: What made you join WW1? DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' William: Who made your armour? Hitler: did you really die in a bunker MLK: what are your thoughts on Malcolm X STALIN: do you like animal farm STALIN: who was your chosen sucessor Hitler: whats with the mustache? DOCTOR: when did you start your job DOCTOR: why are you a doctor Hitler: why did you kill the jews HENRY: how many battles have you had HENRY: how many battles have you had HENRY: Do you think you a great King? HENRY: do you think you was a good king William: what was your tactics? DOCTOR: do you like your job? Hitler: Did you always plan to fight a world war HENRY: Have you got two testicles? Hitler: why did you commit suicide a day after you were marriaged William: are you strong? MLK: Hello Martin, First question - What was your involvement in the Montgomery Bus boycott MLK: What instances of inequalities had you seen? MLK: Did you know Malcolm X personally? Hitler: How did you control the lives of young people? Hitler: germans wher horrible Hitler: the naiz f mean HENRY: how are you HENRY: did you enjoy bein king Hitler: how did you die? Hitler: What do you not hate? Hitler: how did you deal with minority groups in germany? HENRY: who was your favourite wife and why HENRY: how many times did you have un-married sex? Hitler: Did Hitler\'s upbringing really embody his dominatory role, in later life, many children are deprived of love but they do-not turn to dominating the world around them. HENRY: are you a woman HENRY: would you of liked to be that lawyer at the top of that tower HENRY: how old are you Hitler: Why did you die? William: why did you what to be king of england and also king of norman Hitler: w HENRY: why did you divorce katherine of Aragon? HENRY: how m HENRY: name one of your enemies STALIN: Are you gay? HENRY: why did mary kill so many protestants DOCTOR: How old were you when you became a doctor? Hitler: why did you create the Hitler youth and what was the groups purpose HENRY: Do you play any musical instruments? Hitler: what date was the hitler youth created Hitler: Was their any opposition to your power within the work force? Hitler: Why did you kill your wife and child? Hitler: Why did you kill your wife and child? Hitler: Auf Wiedersehn William: bye MLK: How important was the montgomery bus boycott ? William: Did you kill Harold or did somebody else? William: Are you good man? William: Were many of your army killed? William: Were you maried at the time? William: Who was Eadgar of Atheling William: are you stupid? William: Do you have a strong army? William: Do you have a strong army? Hitler: why are you so evil? Hitler: why are you so evil HENRY: Were you intellegent? STALIN: what caused the russian revolution in 1917 STALIN: How did Russia do in World War One William: What age were you when you began training to be a warrior? William: Do you like horses? HENRY: do you still have a crush on Anne Boleyn Hitler: how did you deal with minority groups in germany? MLK: you nigga? Hitler: What were your final words? DOCTOR: Can you provide some information about The ‘Magic Bullet’? Hitler: what chava Hitler: how did you feel about the minority groups HENRY: how much was the gown you are wearing? HENRY: what was the main religion in 1509? HENRY: how many wifes did you have? Hitler: did you ever streak William: are you stupid STALIN: What role did the church play in your earyl development? HENRY: how old are you William: When you fought did you have any problems during the battle? William: did you have a gerlfrend STALIN: Where did you put the bodies? HENRY: when did you born HENRY: how old were you when you fell of your horse? Hitler: Do you like luderndorff Hitler: do you know niall herbert? Hitler: do you know niall herbert? Hitler: do you like pussy? Hitler: what religion were you Hitler: how did yoy feel about jewish families : Hitler: why is the iron cross important? Hitler: Are you gay? HENRY: when king henry died did he explode HENRY: when and where were you born HENRY: are you a good speller HENRY: are you a good speller Hitler: have you constipated ? HENRY: how much do you weigh? HENRY: from where did you get your clothes? HENRY: what clothes did you wear HENRY: why did you have 7 wives? William: are there any good things about William, Duke of Nomandy? HENRY: When is your birthday? HENRY: are you a lesbian Hitler: can you shut up by any chance? DOCTOR: Did prehistoric people believe that powerful spirits caused and cured illnesses? MLK: what music do you like DOCTOR: what do you do for a living HENRY: what was the new church like William: hello HENRY: Do you play any musical instruments? Hitler: are you gay? Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' DOCTOR: how are you HENRY: did you trust all of your advisors Hitler: How did u die? Hitler: How did u die? William: Are you greedy HENRY: did you like black people HENRY: did you like black people MLK: did you like white people at first William: are you a ghost? MLK: Were you accused of being a communist? MLK: What was your relationship to J. Edgar Hoover? HENRY: bye Hitler: Too bad Lee Miller had a bath in your bath but did she come out smelly? Hitler: Why do you detest the Social Democrats William: Why did you make the domesday book HENRY: Are you a virgin? Hitler: Do you like the British? Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: do you like chicken? DOCTOR: hello DOCTOR: hello DOCTOR: what is the common cold? Hitler: are you gay? Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: What was Germany like before your rise to power? Hitler: What government was in power before the Nazis? Hitler: What government was in power before the Nazis? Hitler: Were you nice? Hitler: are you gay? William: Hello. Hitler: How was Biology taught in Nazi schools? DOCTOR: How old are you? HENRY: What did Henry VIII do with his navy Hitler: how did you deal with minorty groups HENRY: do you think you made a good king HENRY: do you think you made a good king William: How old where you when you died? William: are you a retard Hitler: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: do you have one ball? Hitler: do you have a high sex drive? Hitler: Who are the Intentionalists? Hitler: did you kill anne frank? William: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' William: Where are you from William: Who was your father? HENRY: do you like the name borris HENRY: do you like the name borris HENRY: Did you know what time you died? William: Hey hows it going? DOCTOR: who are you? DOCTOR: who are you? DOCTOR: who are you? DOCTOR: Are you stupid or what? HENRY: Do you play any musical instruments? HENRY: who was your idol HENRY: did you give any of your valubles away Hitler: hello HENRY: what religion were your children? DOCTOR: WHAT DO YOU DO IN YOUR SPAR TIME DOCTOR: What is your favourite food? William: are you a virgin HENRY: how are you MLK: Type your question here and click Submit Hitler: Did you have a sense of humour? HENRY: What was your nationality? HENRY: What is it like to be a king? Hitler: How did you meet Eva Braun? Hitler: What was your opinion of Hindenberg? Hitler: Do you believe in God? Hitler: are you gay? Hitler: Have you got children Hitler: your mum Hitler: What hobbies do you have? DOCTOR: How can we explain the medical advances made in Ancient Egypt? DOCTOR: How can we explain the medical advances made in Ancient Egypt? DOCTOR: What year was you around in? HENRY: Why did you behead your wives Hitler: do you have any hobbys MLK: are you gay William: who were your family Hitler: did you sell your soul to the devil William: What is your name? Who were your parents? HENRY: What was your nationality? Hitler: if some people that were jew agreed with you what would you think Hitler: did you hate africans Hitler: What is your ideas on living space Hitler: What do you believe about living space William: who did harold die William: What was life like before the battle? William: what was your life like before the battle William: Where you pleased when you won? William: how old were you at the start of the battle William: how many of your soldiers were killed at the battle? William: would you fight them again William: was it scary at the battle? William: was the battle scary? : William: woulod you fight again William: did you have a horse William: are you ok : : Hitler: muppet William: hello William: ok William: How did Harold die in the battle of hastings MLK: how old were you when you went to prison Hitler: did you love both your parents William: do you have a bow and arrow Hitler: were women suppose thin Hitler: were women suppose thin Hitler: what is the league of german maidens Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: are you a freak STALIN: Did you take drugs? Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: are u a vegterian Hitler: what was the public perception of Goebbels Hitler: what was the public perception of Goebbels William: who do you fancy William: viva la raza Hitler: you sun of a gun STALIN: How many people were killed in the purges? STALIN: What measures where taken to stop the famines? Hitler: why did you die Hitler: why did you hate the jews? Hitler: Who was your first love? William: do you like Harold? HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit Hitler: how did you use propoganda? Hitler: How did it feel like to be in power and have control? HENRY: what did you do when someone opposed you HENRY: How are you? HENRY: How are you? HENRY: How are you? : Are you a good king? HENRY: who was richard whiting? HENRY: who was richard whiting? HENRY: Do you consider yourself to be handsome? Hitler: was your father jewish? DOCTOR: What happened in an asclepion? DOCTOR: Who were panaceia and hygeia? William: when were you born? HENRY: do you like people from birmingham William: when did you learn to become a knight? William: why have you battled for the crown? Hitler: how old are were you when you first entered war? Hitler: How did you die? Hitler: wHERE DID YOU LIVE FOR THE FIRST YEARS OF YOUR LIFE? Hitler: did you have any children of your own? Hitler: did you have any children of your own? William: did you have a fake leg William: which place didn\'t reabel as much in England? William: when is you\'r birthday? Hitler: Did Hitler have good eyesight? Hitler: Do you have good eyesight? Hitler: How did the Nazi Party increase the birth rate of Germany between 1933 and 1945? Hitler: do you swear William: what did you do after the first 3 months after the battle of hastings HENRY: How do you feel about your marrage problem HENRY: How do you feel about your marrage problem HENRY: How do you feel about your marrage problem HENRY: Did Catherine of Aragon have a big infulence over you in religious matters and in politics? HENRY: When did you marry Catherine of Aragon William: How old were you in Hastings Hitler: why did you bomb britain HENRY: why did you employ someone to wipe your bottom HENRY: why did you employ someone to wipe your bottom HENRY: do you like chavs HENRY: how long was your longest reliship HENRY: How long was your longest relationship Hitler: good day to you sir MLK: what is your name MLK: what is your name STALIN: what did you do HENRY: What were the names of your children? HENRY: What were your faveourit sports? HENRY: what was your faveourite sport? HENRY: how old are you HENRY: how old are you HENRY: did you ever regrett anything HENRY: did you ever regrett anything HENRY: What Brain? HENRY: Do you value Friendship? HENRY: do you wish to have sex with me? William: do you hereward the wake? HENRY: HOw do you feel about the divorce William: When did you die? STALIN: when did you die? STALIN: Did you ever go to prison? STALIN: you are a retard Hitler: What was the name of the youth organisation for boys? Hitler: What was the name of the youth organisation for boys? Hitler: when did you come to power? William: What did Harold Godwineson do when Edward the Confessor died?why is this \"game\" so unreliable? STALIN: how many people did you kill Hitler: are you gay? Hitler: how old was you decided you was going to be a twat Hitler: are you gay Hitler: are you gay? Hitler: piss off Hitler: Do you bum sheep? Hitler: have u got a little willy STALIN: who was lenin? William: What is your name? Who were your parents? William: were you a good king? Hitler: Why did you kill Jew\'s? Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? William: are you a very skillful fighter William: did you miss your kids when you go away William: do you have fashion sence Hitler: do you only have 1 ball Hitler: your a murderer HENRY: What were the names of your children? HENRY: When was Edward born? HENRY: are you gay HENRY: can you dance HENRY: What was your nationality? Hitler: wheres you hometown? HENRY: Who was your faveiorite wife? Hitler: Why did you want to rule the world Hitler: What is your name? William: when were you born MLK: are you gay? MLK: are you gay? MLK: Are you gay? William: what weapons did you use William: did you ever run out of weapons ,food or water William: Who was your best soldier on the battle of Hastings William: how old were you at the battle of the hastings HENRY: what is your name HENRY: what is your name STALIN: are you gay HENRY: how many times did you have sex Hitler: Why do you hate the jews Hitler: Whydo you hate the jews Hitler: what about a dance William: is your head hurting you you big head William: is your head hurting you you big head HENRY: what was your favourite food Hitler: that is all thankyou for your time MLK: are you gay DOCTOR: Can you provide some information about vademecum? HENRY: Do you think you were as good of a King as you could have been? Hitler: why were you against the jews? HENRY: do you realize you are on the internet William: do you swear William: Are you in a mood William: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' William: was your dad aworrior HENRY: when you died how did people Hitler: why did you kill so many people? William: do you like to fight William: Who was Edward the Confessor?I still cannot make it work William: how did you feel when harold secretly was crowned : your mama William: Why did you choose to invade England? William: did you have a strong army STALIN: What was the five year plan Hitler: What were your foreign policy objectives? Hitler: What were your foreign policy objectives? Hitler: marxists Hitler: tell me about Mussolini Hitler: tell me about Mussolini Hitler: Who is your wife? William: how did you find out a different way of fighting William: what country do you prefer William: Did you let the Earls of England that had survived the battle keep their land William: Where are you from? HENRY: why are you so wicked ? HENRY: are you really six feet tall? HENRY: were your clothes made only for you HENRY: did you get along with Catherine Howard HENRY: what is 9-9 dummy MLK: are you brave? William: What is your favourite weapon in battle William: Do you regret killing a lot of people? William: Did you have any daughters? William: How many sons did you have? William: Did you have any daughters? William: When were you born? William: How many people were in your army? William: What is the Harrying of the North? HENRY: Where did you hunt? HENRY: which wive was the best at sexual intercourse? HENRY: What obituaries have been written about you? William: Why did harold lose the Battle of Hastings? William: How would you describe yourself? Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: where you in love with your niece? Hitler: is ben firth gay Hitler: tell me about your rise to power HENRY: what did you look like asa you got older HENRY: apperance William: When you dissapperared in the battle were your soldiers scared? HENRY: How many servants did you have? Hitler: why are you so gay? DOCTOR: How does medicine work? William: how did you kill harold William: how prepared were you William: were you a experienced warrior William: were you pleased to see harold being killed William: why did you gather your men at the bottom of the hill William: Why did you invade england William: How will you treat the Saxons? William: have you been fair to the common saxon people once you became the king William: what was the role of saxons in your kingdom William: hello HENRY: Who was the twattiest of your wives? William: did have you any daughters HENRY: how are you ? HENRY: do you like television? HENRY: how are you? HENRY: did you ever get arrested ? MLK: hello HENRY: did you like living in london ? HENRY: what wwas your best feast ? HENRY: what do you like wearing ? HENRY: What was your nationality? HENRY: would you like to do any other jobs or do you like being king HENRY: do you enjoy being king ? HENRY: do you think you were a good dictator? HENRY: do you think you were a good king? HENRY: what coulor was your hair ? HENRY: did you belive in purgatory ? William: how old are you DOCTOR: Can you survive a gas attack? MLK: Do you take it up the arse HENRY: Where are when where you born? HENRY: did you have a favouite child HENRY: hi HENRY: what was your new church like? HENRY: did you enjoy sex HENRY: how much did you wiegh? STALIN: how tall are you? STALIN: how did you improve Russian schools? Hitler: hello Hitler: What is your birthday? Hitler: Where and when were you born? Hitler: Where and when were you born? HENRY: did your people greatly miss you when you died? William: what weapons did you use William: do think you are a good ruler William: why do you smell Hitler: how did you rise to power HENRY: what age are you? HENRY: yes or no? HENRY: did you know that you were going to become fat? HENRY: gjxirylgg HENRY: do i believe you? HENRY: have u ever had a rainbow kiss? Hitler: Were you responsible for the Reichstag Fire? Hitler: what was your first job Hitler: Psychologists , Freudian theory, say that early childhood experiences can effect you later in life. What do you think? MLK: What was your Philosophy? HENRY: do you think you were a great king HENRY: what is your name HENRY: howe many children did you have? HENRY: how many children did you have? HENRY: how many children did you have? Hitler: why did you kill so many innocent people? William: What year were you born William: What did your role as king include? William: who was your father William: how tall are you William: how old were you when your dad died William: how old were you when your mum died William: how many men did you bring to england William: how many ships did you sail over in? William: what did you have in your ships when you sailed over HENRY: why is your brain so rubbish HENRY: Why did you kill so many people? MLK: are you homosexual William: are you a knight William: when did u become the hear to the trone Hitler: do you like the thougth of killing people William: What was the Domesday Book? DOCTOR: capital of canada STALIN: are you a loser HENRY: You ate too much! Hitler: hello Hitler: why didnt you drink alcohol Hitler: Did you get much sex? Hitler: did you have children Hitler: What were your children like? Hitler: Did you enjoy beastiality? Hitler: were you religous Hitler: Did you enjoy haxoring irl? William: Did you fight in the battle Hitler: why do you spit when you talk? Hitler: Do you think you are smart, and correct doing the things that you are doing? Hitler: are you jewish? William: Did you ever have an affair? Hitler: Why were you so cruel to everybody? DOCTOR: What did you do that makes you so important? William: How/when did you become King of England? DOCTOR: who are you? HENRY: how much do you weigh? HENRY: who is abdul William: how old are you? DOCTOR: Who are you? William: do you have pubes HENRY: did kathrine howard love you? HENRY: how heavy were you when you died William: Where you a good king? Hitler: Do you pick your nose? Hitler: what is your name William: why did you cut there hands and feet of Hitler: why did you kill the communist Hitler: why did you hate the jews Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? HENRY: bye bye William: where were you born? William: you are a killer and you murder people how does that make you feel? William: you are a killer and you murder people how does that make you feel? William: hi why cant you even say hi to me without knowing whta it is? HENRY: do you like london? HENRY: are you alive? HENRY: can you tell ben to go away? HENRY: are you modest? Hitler: Why do you have a mostasche? Hitler: hello how are you? Hitler: How are the press (newspapers) and radios treated in Germany ? : When/where/how/what age did Hitler die? William: how did you die? Hitler: why did you make auschwitz? Hitler: why was auschwitz in poland? Hitler: what happened in 1919? William: Were you scared when you fought in the battle HENRY: whitch of your children was your favorite HENRY: are you a good king DOCTOR: how are you today? HENRY: did you know anne boleyn was catherine of aragon\'s lady in waiting? HENRY: were you and anne a couple of sweethearts? DOCTOR: What is your name? DOCTOR: How did you make your discovieries HENRY: are you fat? Hitler: do you like jews? DOCTOR: How old are you William: Who is your enemy? DOCTOR: Who is Adolf Hitler? HENRY: why were you a good king HENRY: what were youre wives like William: how many people survived HENRY: what is your best childhood memory? Hitler: do you love your mom? William: im a royal king William: i do not like harold William: what age are you Hitler: are you gay William: were you sadwhen your daughter died William: were you sad when your daughter died William: are you gay? William: why are you called the conqueror? Hitler: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: Where were you born? Hitler: when and where were you born? Hitler: who were hitlers parents? Hitler: What is Eugenics? Hitler: What is Eugenics? Hitler: When and where were you born? Hitler: hi how are you Hitler: When and where was hitler born? Hitler: What was your treatment of minorities? William: BVOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Hitler: when and where were you born? Hitler: were you gay? Hitler: what did you fear William: how did you get made if your mum was a mistress, and father was the duke of normandy? HENRY: Who were your most famous ministers? Hitler: how did your wife and dog die? DOCTOR: Can you provide some information about The ‘Magic Bullet’? Hitler: Does Paddy have a big nose? DOCTOR: how old was she when she beacame a doctor HENRY: do you think you were a good king? HENRY: do you think you were a good king? Hitler: Do you believe in God Hitler: treatment of minorities STALIN: is that meant to be an insult? STALIN: who was your best friend? STALIN: did you enjoy kiling people? STALIN: how was your day? Hitler: When and where were you born? Hitler: Why did you want to take over the world? STALIN: were you beaten as a child? STALIN: why did you collectivise? : Who are you? Hitler: Why did you hate Jews? HENRY: when and whre was you born? Hitler: do you like eggs Hitler: What methods did you use to control Germany? Hitler: Are you mentally retarded Hitler: Did you have a sense of humour? Hitler: Did you have a sense of humour? Hitler: Did you have a sense of humour? Hitler: What was the Treaty of Versailles? William: Hello do you have a nintendo ds Hitler: do you know matthew shufflebottom? Hitler: is matthew shufflebottom stupid? MLK: Does Adam Berry have a 1 inch penis? Hitler: is adam whittaker a muff head? William: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' William: What is your name? HENRY: Were you religious? HENRY: were you religous? William: Where are you from? William: how many horses do you have Hitler: Do you believe in God? William: Who was Edward the Confessor? DOCTOR: When was penecillin made? William: What is your name? Who were your parents? DOCTOR: How can we explain the medical advances made in Ancient Egypt? Hitler: are you a nice person DOCTOR: what did you do for society Hitler: Were you charismatic? HENRY: How much d you weigh STALIN: Did you have a good childhood? STALIN: what happened as a result of the advice in Lenin\'s will? STALIN: Do you watch TV STALIN: Do you watch TV STALIN: Do you like violence? STALIN: How much did you weigh? STALIN: how old are you STALIN: when were you born Hitler: do you have children? HENRY: dx DOCTOR: what is the speed of light STALIN: Why did you escape from prison? STALIN: were you married? DOCTOR: tudor times William: How many people have been killed in your army Hitler: what was the mother\'s cross? MLK: why did you form the black panthers? William: are you a freak DOCTOR: etiu jigjliklkvclrey? Hitler: do you like jews? HENRY: do you like pie MLK: hi why did you do what you did ?????? Hitler: no anser to question HENRY: are u a knob MLK: When and where were you born? DOCTOR: what is faster, hot or cold? Hitler: What were your fears? Hitler: Why did you go to war with Poland? HENRY: do you like pizza HENRY: do you like vegtables HENRY: you are weird HENRY: do you like watching people getting beheaded? HENRY: do you want to fight HENRY: Was the refomation successful? HENRY: do you like pizza HENRY: why didnt you like the monestries William: Who won the battle of hastings? William: why do youe eyes follow the mouse??? Hitler: hello : Hitler: are you emo STALIN: why did you use violence to consolidate your position? Hitler: is sam gay? DOCTOR: what is her full name STALIN: whre are you come from Hitler: Do you have a nickname? HENRY: Who were your wives? HENRY: Why did you eat so much? HENRY: Who were your wives? HENRY: what instument were you good at playing Hitler: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: why were you such a prick? DOCTOR: Where was the Battle of Hastings DOCTOR: was the Battle of Hastings fought in Hastings HENRY: are you fat William: are you a chav? William: are you a pikey William: are you bling William: how wher youer berins William: what was your most serious punishment to people William: Was the battle of hastings easy? William: Where did you die William: do you ever smile Hitler: What is your middle name? William: why did king edward the confessor die? MLK: hello DOCTOR: how old are you ? DOCTOR: Who do people love? DOCTOR: Who was Genchis Khan? DOCTOR: who are you DOCTOR: Where can I find Hitler ?? Hitler: Are you gay? William: how many people deid at hastings? HENRY: how old are you? HENRY: how old were you when you married Catherine of Aragon? HENRY: what religion are you? MLK: who was it that called you \"martin loser king\"? MLK: who was it that called you \"martin loser king\"? Hitler: why did you pursue a policy of autarchy? Hitler: Is it true that you had an affair with your neice? Hitler: Is it true that you had an affair with your neice? Hitler: were you circumcised? MLK: when and where were you born? HENRY: how old are you HENRY: why did you have a break with rome HENRY: are you lazy HENRY: wuu2? HENRY: why did you take over the monatseries? HENRY: have you got a girlfriend? HENRY: would you have it with Zahra the goth HENRY: are you gay? William: what tactics did you use against the british MLK: who called you martin loser king? Hitler: to what extent were the nazis responsible for an economic miracle? MLK: who called martin luther king martin loser king Hitler: What was the Treaty of Versaill?es William: What was your Famially like DOCTOR: what is irritable bowel syndrome? William: what tactics did you use to win the battle? William: what weapons did you use? Hitler: do you die your moustache DOCTOR: How can we explain the medical advances made in Ancient Egypt? Hitler: what happened at the night of the long knives HENRY: did you meet matin luther HENRY: Do you think that you were succsessful king William: what is wrong with your mother being the daughter of a leather worker Hitler: Did you cheat in the election Hitler: who is you best friend? Hitler: why would a pretty girl like eva marry you? DOCTOR: What was the \"wondering womb\" theory? Hitler: hello Hitler: Were there any bookburnings? DOCTOR: how did nurses help injured soldiers in world war 1 Hitler: did hitler ever meet sigmund freud when he was in vienna : Hitler: why did you hate the jews? Hitler: Why did you kill jews? DOCTOR: who are you? HENRY: are you a tranfestite Hitler: so you are a whimp then? Hitler: do you have a big head? DOCTOR: Why did the provisional goverment fail? DOCTOR: What was Stolypin\'s reform? DOCTOR: Why did the reds win the civil war? William: Whey did you think you would be crowned king after Edward died? MLK: Who called you Martin Loser King Hitler: what was your role in world war one William: Are you gay? DOCTOR: Do you have a husband? HENRY: did you hang draw and quarter richard Whiting? MLK: hi how are you? Hitler: To what extent were the Nazis responsible for an economic miracle? STALIN: Did you deliberately create the Ukrainian famine of 1932-33? William: you are a mean man William: i think you should take a chill pill William: what do you do if people dont like you STALIN: Did you deliberately create the Ukrainian famine of 1932-33? Hitler: did you murder hindenburg? HENRY: do you like cheese HENRY: do you like cheese? HENRY: do you like pies HENRY: what have you been doing recently HENRY: Why do you not like Catherine HENRY: Why are you soooo FAT? HENRY: why did you start the reformation? HENRY: Do you like Zoey and Olivia? HENRY: did you like killing people HENRY: do you like macdonalds HENRY: how old are you HENRY: i dont care HENRY: what made you have power HENRY: how old were you when you died? William: what did people call you DOCTOR: which is a well earned job in greece Hitler: Were you popular? Hitler: Ryan Moor Hitler: why did you commit the holocaust? STALIN: what is your view on catholisism? William: no : HENRY: who was your favorite wife DOCTOR: How did World War One help to spread disease? HENRY: Type your question here and click Submit HENRY: are you a murderer DOCTOR: have we solved all the medical problems William: have you ever had sex STALIN: did the fourth and final plan for undustilisation work? DOCTOR: who invented inoculation HENRY: what did mary think of you DOCTOR: what did henry 2 and thomas becket argue about? William: how are castles developed? MLK: what were your failures? MLK: what were your failures? William: What is your name? Who were your parents? Hitler: what did you think of the jews when you were young Hitler: hi mr hitler DOCTOR: Did prehistoric people believe that powerful spirits caused and cured illnesses? DOCTOR: How can we explain the medical advances made in Ancient Egypt? DOCTOR: are you gay? DOCTOR: Who are you? Hitler: What was the name of yor mother and father? William: hello Hitler: do you feel happy? HENRY: which wife did youlike most? Hitler: who is your boyfriend? William: when were you born Hitler: are you ok? Hitler: why did you kill them Hitler: hi how are you William: Who are you? William: Who did you fight? Hitler: Type your question here and click \'Submit What is national socialism? : Where did the nazi logo come from originally? Hitler: did you cause WW2? : why was william the conqurer fat when he died and how did his privet parts get smashed on the front of his sadle? Hitler: were you homosexual Hitler: nooooooooo Hitler: why did you commit sucide HENRY: which was your favourite wife? Hitler: do you think you succeeded in winning over young people? William: Are you really an iliterate HENRY: are you sporty Hitler: Hello Hitler: are you sexy? Hitler: do you smell Hitler: are you gay Hitler: do you live on the moon? DOCTOR: DOCTOR: How and why did Galen’s ideas spread so rapidly? DOCTOR: How and why did Galen’s ideas spread so rapidly? DOCTOR: how old are you DOCTOR: your hot Hitler: How long did you live? DOCTOR: why did you choose to become a doctor? STALIN: hows it hanging? STALIN: do you like cheese? STALIN: do you like chris field? DOCTOR: what started world war one DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' HENRY: poo? Hitler: are you a greebo? William: what church did you die in HENRY: what are you scared of William: What was England like in the 1060s? Hitler: hello Hitler: guten tag, ist bin dead Hitler: gfhjighfejghte pooooooooooooooooo Hitler: are you retarded HENRY: Are you alive MLK: who shot you Hitler: why do you hate the british Hitler: Are you evil? Hitler: why do you hate the jews and why did you want to start the war Hitler: What is you favorite food? Hitler: What would you have been if you was not a leader? William: Are you glad that you won the batlle or would you rather have lost? DOCTOR: tell me about the history of chlamydia? William: did you like it where you lived William: bye DOCTOR: are you married Hitler: What is a blockleiter? DOCTOR: How did you do this? HENRY: Why did you execute Thomas Moore? HENRY: WAS ANNE SEXY Hitler: where did you go to school MLK: who is linda brown? William: When were you born HENRY: Which wife was your favourite? William: how many men did you have in your army William: what date did your mother give birth to you William: Hi William: Who was Polo William: what happened to william rufus William: how did you meet your matilda William: How did you kill Harold William: does Norman mean North man William: who are you William: What did you feel when you won the battle William: Who was your father William: why did you become so fat William: how did you became fat William: how did you kill harold William: Who was your father William: when did your mother die William: Did you went to your father\'s home William: what metal was your chanmail made of William: who is your father William: do you hate edward William: As a child were you trained to be a soldier William: Was your father called robert William: Can i ask about your father William: Where you trained to be a soldier when you were young William: when were you born William: What did you do as a boy William: was your father called Robert, duke of normandy William: what is your first name William: is your mother called marie-anne William: When did your father die William: Who is Polo William: do you kill people William: who was the first norman ruler William: are you good at fighting William: Can I ask about your parent William: who is mistress marie-anne William: Who was the first norman ruler William: was your father duke of normandy William: are you strong William: was your dad duke of normandy William: why did you die William: Who was your father? William: how many peopel did you personaly kill? William: hello William: Hi William: Who is Polo? William: when you where a child did you train to be a soldier DOCTOR: i like you hair Hitler: How did you use fear? HENRY: Did you like being king William: Are you a weak or able ruler? STALIN: How do you feel about facism? Hitler: why don\'t you have an accent HENRY: Do you enjoy pubic hair? HENRY: What was your nationality? Hitler: facist William: did you fall of your horse? Hitler: What was the role of the Nazi party? HENRY: Were you religious? DOCTOR: Who was Lenin? HENRY: where were you born? HENRY: who was the most important wife for you? HENRY: How old were you when you died ? HENRY: How long did you reign ? MLK: di you have any brothers or sisters? STALIN: why did you revolt HENRY: Who were your wives? DOCTOR: was galen better than hippocrates? Hitler: are u a queer mustache man Hitler: are you gay Hitler: are you a homosexual? DOCTOR: Did prehistoric people believe that powerful spirits caused and cured illnesses? DOCTOR: Did prehistoric people believe that powerful spirits caused and cured illnesses? HENRY: will you fuck me? DOCTOR: How did Adolf Hitler take control with the nazi\'s party ? HENRY: who was your first wife?you keep all your wives in order? Hitler: Did you have a sense of humour? HENRY: Were you religious? HENRY: Were you good at basketball? HENRY: How old were you when you died? DOCTOR: what is a clitoris HENRY: What was the style back then? MLK: Do you like The Beatles? MLK: Do you like The Beatles? HENRY: When and where were you born? HENRY: Were you religious? William: Where are you from? William: you died in 1088 and you were fat and had your private part smashed HENRY: Who were your parents? HENRY: What are your accomplishments? DOCTOR: how significant was Elizabeth Garrett Anderson in the history of medicine? MLK: who called you a loser and why? MLK: who called matrin lutherking a loser and why? Hitler: are you gay? HENRY: What were the names of your children? Hitler: are you gay Hitler: why did you want women to stay in the home??? Hitler: why di you not like the jews Hitler: why did you want women to stay in the home? DOCTOR: what ur name DOCTOR: who is galen STALIN: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: Why were you gay? DOCTOR: Da Vinci are gay? Hitler: are you a homosexual Hitler: why are you so gay? Hitler: D-DAY Hitler: mandarin Hitler: Beert Hitler: hi DOCTOR: are you gay HENRY: you have big boobs MLK: Do you like sport? : Hitler: Why did you invade Russia? DOCTOR: what are you popular for MLK: are you gay?? MLK: are you gay?? HENRY: have you ever think about commited suicide after the death of one of your wives? HENRY: Why did you want a son? Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: Were you the Antichrist Hitler: whats wrong with you? HENRY: Did you thing were you a great King? HENRY: Did you thing were you a great King? Hitler: Barvaria Hitler: are you gay Hitler: are you gay Hitler: where were you born William: How did harold die? MLK: hello. how are you MLK: aa STALIN: How do you feel Russia is now not a Communist state?. DOCTOR: are you a lady boy? DOCTOR: can you call kings norton girls school and ask for jade and jemma 7s William: Who crowned you? DOCTOR: are you ritch Hitler: Did you want people to fear you? HENRY: henry VIII is losing his brain power can you recharge him, please? MLK: hello what is your name HENRY: did you love your wifes Hitler: Why did you hate the Jews? Hitler: Why did you hate the Jews? DOCTOR: what was medicine like in 1800? William: who made up your army STALIN: What did you think of appeasement? Hitler: do you like apple pie? Hitler: balls HENRY: are you marred DOCTOR: sddsdsds Hitler: why do you hate stalin? DOCTOR: why did the new deal fail HENRY: What was your nationality? STALIN: how did you get into power Hitler: Why did you begin the Blitz? Hitler: why did you stop the battle of britain Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: how did you become the leader of germany from an army corpral so fast? STALIN: Why did you end the NEP STALIN: What were your key featuers of the Cult o Personality? STALIN: Why were your purgees important for your control o the USSR in the 1930s? DOCTOR: how did trench warfare develope in world war 1 Hitler: why was rearmament important Hitler: were you scareed in the trenches? Hitler: how did you cope with pain HENRY: When you died, and how DOCTOR: How old are you? Hitler: what do you do for fun? STALIN: what is you life like? Hitler: Why did you re-introduced conscription? STALIN: How many people did you kill during your rule? STALIN: What\'s your view on Italy? STALIN: Were you successful at leading Russia through the civil War? STALIN: Did you airbrush your photos? STALIN: Did Russia have a good relationship with Europe? STALIN: Did you have a big family Hitler: Type your question here, then click \'SUBMIT\'! STALIN: Are you an athiest? STALIN: Do you agree with the Hitler Youth? STALIN: Why didn\'t you believe in God? STALIN: do you support the british STALIN: Why did you ban religion? STALIN: how old were you when you became leader STALIN: Do you agree with democracy? STALIN: Did you have any pets?? Hitler: Chinese Hitler: are you a wanker William: hello Hitler: why did Geobell kill himself and his family? Hitler: why did Geobell kill himself and his family? Hitler: was you ever attracted to any men? Hitler: do you smell of poo? Hitler: why did you do loads of bad things? Hitler: shut it William: how did people attack a medieval castle? Hitler: How did rearmament solve unemployment? William: why do you want to be king of england Hitler: how did you solve the problem of unemployment when you came to power? Hitler: how did hitler solve unemployment Hitler: How was unemployment solved? Hitler: What was unemployment like? Hitler: How many people were unemployed? Hitler: how did hitler try to solve unemployment? Hitler: what was unemployement like in germany? Hitler: how did you solve unemployment? William: what is your age Hitler: hroighrogyoret William: what happened in 1066? William: When did you become duke of Normandy William: did you like the old king William: how old was matilda your daughter William: Did you ever have a relationship with a woman? William: Do you have any children William: Was your dad alive when you became king William: Who are you William: how big was your army exactly William: Who is King Edward William: What was your father called William: Did you have any other stratergies other than pretending to retreat William: are you selfish William: what happend in 1087 William: What happened in 1087 William: why did you want to be king of england William: Are you a good boy William: what was your teenage life like? : William: Did you just marry your wife for children William: how many battles did you win William: why did you want to become king DOCTOR: Are you Gay? William: what types of soldiers did you have? HENRY: are you ugly DOCTOR: How can we explain the medical advances made in Ancient Egypt? William: If you lost the Battle what would you have done? William: When is your birthday? William: Who is your father? STALIN: How many people were killed in the purges? HENRY: do you smell? STALIN: Did people like you? STALIN: Where you loved or hated? STALIN: do you love me? STALIN: Did you have a mistress? William: Do you like being king? William: what did you do when harold seized the throne William: what was your worst injury William: how heavy was your armour STALIN: did you flirt STALIN: Why did you killed so many people? STALIN: do you think you were nice STALIN: could you speak any other languages? STALIN: when you were born were your mum and dad maried William: are you fat? Hitler: why did you kill ernst rohm STALIN: Did you benifit from killing people? HENRY: Why are you so mean? STALIN: Have you ever eaten a dog? Hitler: do you know you have destroyed thousands of lives William: why did halrod kill your brother? Hitler: do you like killing people Hitler: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' HENRY: how are ypu? Hitler: do you like cake? Hitler: how do you like your martini? DOCTOR: what kind of doctor are you DOCTOR: how many times have you done a poo DOCTOR: what do you do : DOCTOR: why is the lady mean to me DOCTOR: do you have a moustache? Hitler: Who was your wife? DOCTOR: What is the bubonic plague? DOCTOR: was their a possible cure? MLK: Will you have babies with my cat? MLK: why did you become part of the civil rights movement MLK: Who is your idle? STALIN: Why wont you have sex with me? HENRY: Can I see your testicles? William: how old was prince edgar Hitler: were you a hooligan HENRY: what is your job STALIN: When did u become leader of USSR? STALIN: Do you think you could\'ve changed Russia by not murdering so many people? STALIN: When and where were you born? STALIN: When and where were you born? STALIN: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' STALIN: did you ever personally kill anyone for saying something against you? STALIN: why were you so hateful? STALIN: Did you get made fun of becuase you looked so wierd? STALIN: Why the heck made you want to do all that? STALIN: Did you ever go to prison? STALIN: what happened in the lenin era? STALIN: what is your real name? William: why is the Bayeux Tapestry biased Hitler: have you killled anyone else? William: Do you want to be a King William: Do you want to be a King? William: Do you want to have sex? William: Who was Brainbiter? STALIN: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: why are you such a prick? Hitler: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: Why were you so anti-jewish Hitler: what kind of music do you like? Hitler: did you enjoy world war one? DOCTOR: what is medicine MLK: are you gay HENRY: why are you such a faggot STALIN: why did you hate your father? STALIN: Did Lenin support your growing power in the party? MLK: How did christianity influence you? MLK: what motivated you to carry on doing this? William: Who was Edward the Confessor? Hitler: why did you start a war William: What did Harold Godwineson do when Edward the Confessor died? William: What did Hardraada do when Harold seized the throne? William: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' William: What did Hardraada do when Harold seized the throne? William: How long did the fight last STALIN: Did you do anything to stop the violence? MLK: Where were you born? William: Why was the battle important in English History William: Why are you so boring? William: why did you win the battle of hastings William: what were the results of your conquest William: why was the battle important in english history? William: are you dumb? Hitler: what is your name William: why is the battle imprtant to englands history William: What happened during the war? William: Who was Edward the Confessor? William: When were you born? William: How many people died in the battle of hastings? HENRY: how many castles did you have Hitler: are you gay William: What happened at the Battle of Hastings? : William: What happened at the Battle of Hastings? Hitler: do you have any guilt about killing all them jews? DOCTOR: what year was henryv born Hitler: do you no someone called andy HENRY: why kill so many people HENRY: Why did you kill so many people? William: Were you popular? William: Did your sons become royal? William: why did edward promise you the throne William: Who is your favorite Manchester United player? Hitler: Are you gay? William: did you ever get sick Hitler: what was the point of death camps? William: are you gay William: do you have girlfriend Hitler: are you german Hitler: Are you sure you are a male? William: Are you a spaz? Hitler: do you love your teddy bear HENRY: Which child did you like most? DOCTOR: did you have a good sex life DOCTOR: did you have a good sex life DOCTOR: do you love me DOCTOR: how do you have sex HENRY: did you enjoy sex William: what was the first castle you built? DOCTOR: what is the pox DOCTOR: do you take anal you filthy slag wagon whore? William: Why did William lift up his helmet in the battle? William: you are monotone William: ure brain is small Hitler: Why did you invade the Soviet Union? William: Why was the battle important in English history? William: What was the difference between Normady and France? William: What was the Harrying of the North? William: how did you die Hitler: what was the aim of the nazi youth? William: Why is this important to history? William: Who won the battle? William: What did Hardraada do when Harold seized the throne? Hitler: did you design the volkswagen beetle William: what did u do after you defeated harold William: What is your name? Who were your parents? William: Age William: What were the Normans like? William: What is your name? Who were your parent William: What is your name? Who were your parents? William: What were the Normans like? William: why is the battle important in English History William: What is your name? Who were your parents? William: Why was the battle of hastings so important in english history? William: Why was the battle of hastings so important in English history? William: how did you win in 1066 William: hath you owneth this sword : rytrytryt Hitler: did people fear you? William: What were the results of Williams conquest HENRY: Did you love Eilzabeth? William: are you stupid? William: are you from france? Hitler: Who was Heinrich Himmler? Hitler: What methods did you use to control Germany? Hitler: What is your name? MLK: what motivated you? HENRY: hello r u all right my hated ship HENRY: hello do you wish you had a playfull wife HENRY: her her her retard HENRY: bmdkxn dbn jkxhudn uihj dj fnb jjgjjjgjgjgjgjgjgjgjgjgjgjggjjgjggjjggjgjgjgjjgjgjgjgjgjgjgjjgjgjgjgjgjjgjgjgjggjjgjjgjgjgjjgjgjjggjj DOCTOR: Are you a doctor? DOCTOR: What is morphine useful for? HENRY: Were you religious? HENRY: Were you religious? William: I think that was a stupid move Hitler: why did you want to kill people? Hitler: What is the swastike? Hitler: who was the priminister wen u was in the war MLK: How did you die? HENRY: How many castles did you build? DOCTOR: Are you a Dr? HENRY: How long were you king? William: how did you win the battle of hastings Hitler: Do you have snany future plans? Hitler: Do you have any future plans, like killing of jews? Hitler: Did you have a sense of humour? : HENRY: is catherine howard is catholic or a protestant ? HENRY: what happened to your bankrupt? HENRY: When were you born DOCTOR: What will genetic engineering bring to medicine? Hitler: whats so great about the aryan race HENRY: Why did you close the monastries? HENRY: why are you goofy? DOCTOR: what herbs were used during the middle ages to cure disease DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: why did you start world war 2? Hitler: what astarted world war II ? Hitler: Who is Anna Maria? Hitler: How and why did you attak the homless? HENRY: are you on drugs William: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' William: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' William: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' William: who was your mother? William: who was your father? Hitler: Was Nazi Germany a totalitarian state? William: hello William: are you a male or a female William: Who the hell are you? William: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: why did you hate jews William: How did you die? HENRY: when was you born HENRY: who was your most attractive wife? William: Are you a male or a female DOCTOR: Who are you and what do you do? HENRY: how did you get so fat Hitler: Who dropped you on your head as a baby? Hitler: what languages do you speak Hitler: Callum Bennett-Byrne William: can we believe the bayeau tapestry DOCTOR: What year did Germany declare war on Russia? STALIN: Did you ever personally kill anyone for saying something against you? Hitler: what would you have done without your Nazis? Hitler: ello STALIN: Did Lenin support your growing power in the party? Hitler: why do u like killing people? Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: do you wear a bra? Hitler: Are you homosexual? Hitler: what is wrong with you Hitler: why dont you like jews? Hitler: Are you gay? William: Why did Harald Hardraada think he should be King of England? William: which countries did you conquer? HENRY: what pope crowed edward Hitler: hello Hitler: why are you such a bastard? Hitler: hello Hitler: what was the Evacuation like? William: How old would you be if you were alive now? Hitler: why did you want to be a dictator? Hitler: Why do you blame jews for Germany\'s unemployment problems? Hitler: Did you ever witness the suffering you caused? Hitler: Were you ever satisfied with what you had or did you always want more? Hitler: Who influenced your beliefs and political ideas? William: wow old are you MLK: Did you know that you were going to die? STALIN: What was the triumvirate? DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: do you have a daughter? MLK: Where were you born? STALIN: What did you do during the first Russian Revolution of February 1917? William: did you have any family William: did you have any family William: did you have any family Hitler: did you fight? William: have you ever been in prisn DOCTOR: are you died or alive William: Do you smell? : Hitler: when woz u born? : William: How old am you? DOCTOR: will you go out with chris? DOCTOR: Who are you? Hitler: Why were you such an evil madman with rabies? DOCTOR: Jessica smells Hitler: how long did it take to grow your moustache Hitler: Did you have any siblings? Hitler: Did you have any siblings? Hitler: Did you have any siblings? Hitler: Did you have any siblings? Hitler: Did you have any siblings? Hitler: Did you have any siblings? Hitler: Did you have any siblings? Hitler: why didn\'t you like the jews? STALIN: what paintings did u make? Hitler: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: what would happen if i criticised you and the nazis? DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' William: where was the first castle that you built and why did you build it in that place? Hitler: what do you think of arsenal football club Hitler: what is your oppinion on appeasment William: are your children still alive Hitler: why did you kill so many jews Hitler: do you like jews William: do you like cheese William: hello DOCTOR: why did germans print their own money Hitler: hi Hitler: are you gay Hitler: What is Eugenics? Hitler: pakistan William: Are you french? Hitler: do you like britain Hitler: what was protective custody? MLK: Why was there so much opposition to desegregation of schools? Hitler: What is your name? Hitler: what was your first job? HENRY: Have you ever wished you were in the place of your father? HENRY: Do you think that you could have been illigitemate? HENRY: Do you think you were a good brother to your sister? DOCTOR: How many people died from the influenza pandemic DOCTOR: What were the symptoms of influenz William: when were you born? William: When did your parents die? Hitler: why do you have a mostache Hitler: why do you have a mostache Hitler: why do you have a mostache Hitler: What happened when you tried to seize control of germany in 1923? Hitler: why did you try to seize control of germany in 1923 Hitler: why did you try to seize controlog Germany in 1923 DOCTOR: is aimii a lesbian DOCTOR: r u a lesbian HENRY: Do you belive in witches? DOCTOR: whats up? Hitler: are you racist ? HENRY: At Annes execution how did you feel William: what is your nickname? William: hello William: hi : William: when were you born William: DO you like your mom William: 1087 : : William: who was pythonissa : William: did you have a role modle? William: who are you? William: did Adelaide ever marry? Hitler: what did you do when you left school? Hitler: LAL;Z,Al;,xslxslmmdkcmkdmcdkmcdkmcdkcmkkdckckdckckdmckdckdkdckdkdcdckdkcdkckdckdc[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Hitler: why are you racist? HENRY: you have nits Hitler: do you like incest? DOCTOR: Can you provide some information about Microbes? DOCTOR: Why is the sturcture of the DNA an double helix? DOCTOR: Why is DNA important? HENRY: Did you really explode when you died? HENRY: why did you hire thomas cronwell? HENRY: Why did you not call your son Henry? HENRY: why did you leave catherine of aragon HENRY: why were you so desperate for a boy HENRY: What were the names of your children? HENRY: did u like hunting MLK: hello HENRY: do you think you are a good king? Hitler: why did you try and control the minds of the german people? Hitler: how did you teach children to be anti semetic? HENRY: social life?? HENRY: are you a good leader? Hitler: Are you a Nazi? HENRY: Which marriage was your favourite? Hitler: What were your actual goals of the war? Hitler: What would you have done if a protest rose against you too difficult to have beenput down by violence? Hitler: Why were gypsies treated the same way as jews? Hitler: How would you describe a real German man? Hitler: When you realised you were loosing the war you said \'Damn these German people. They have failed me.\' Does that mean that you really didn\'t share the German people\'s feelings but were actually using them to achieve a goal of your own. Hitler: When and how did your drug addiction start? Hitler: You wanted Germany to be a perfect place. Things like jews, communism, abnormality, affairs and sex (except if you were married)were thought to be inexceptable. How would you excuse your affair with your niece from all this? Hitler: Did you choose the Jews to blame everything on because you needed a target or did you really believe in what you blaned them for? Hitler: Are the Youth the future of Germany or a source for you to use to achieve your goals? STALIN: how did your army get so big Hitler: when you killed yourself, did you know you had made mistakes HENRY: Do you wish you hadn\'t done something you did? HENRY: Did you really think Wolsey was getting too powerful or did you just fire him to please Anne Boleyn? Hitler: do you like cheese? Hitler: Why are you so popular with the german people? Hitler: why was u so popular with the german people? HENRY: What did you like best about being king HENRY: Is it true you exploded in your coffin after you died HENRY: What did you like about kingship Hitler: what was your sister name Hitler: why were your speeches so good Hitler: How old are you HENRY: what are tudors? HENRY: what are tudors? HENRY: what are tudors? HENRY: Why did you treat walsey in such manner? HENRY: Why did you treat walsey in such manner? Hitler: did you enjoy tempin bowling HENRY: What food did you have last Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: What is your name? HENRY: who was your favorite wife? STALIN: hello mr stalin. you happen to be my idol. how did you acheive such a fabulous moustache? STALIN: how are you HENRY: Which wife did you really love? HENRY: where could i find your birth certificate on the internet? William: What did Harold Godwineson do when Edward the Confessor died? Hitler: why did you use the swastika as your symbol ? Hitler: what did you think of my mum William: you are strange yes? Hitler: were you good freinds with churchill HENRY: When did you start rueling and at what age? William: are you gay HENRY: what is your favourite colour? Hitler: why don\'t you like the Jews? Hitler: did you like it were you was born ? Hitler: what wasthe war like Hitler: do you onlyu have one ball Hitler: hello hitler when were you born? Hitler: do youl like fable Hitler: do youl like fable Hitler: do youl like fable Hitler: who were the Edelweiss Pirates? Hitler: are you a fan of prostitution? William: why dont you fuck off!!!! William: nob DOCTOR: How did World War One help to spread disease? Hitler: Your lonely arent you? DOCTOR: What were the causes of world war 1 Hitler: what were your real intensions of the war? Hitler: was danzig impotant to you? Hitler: if Germany had won the war what actions were you going to carry out to the allies? Hitler: what up? DOCTOR: Did hospitals improve in the Middle Ages? Hitler: What are radars for? Hitler: What are radars for? Hitler: What are radars for? William: hi MLK: you saved our contry DOCTOR: In what year was prehistory HENRY: why do you so many girls MLK: are you a good man? Hitler: why are you aggresive? DOCTOR: who are you? DOCTOR: What is your name? DOCTOR: What is your job? DOCTOR: What have you acheived? Hitler: What did you think of Britain\'s appeasement policy towards you? HENRY: hello DOCTOR: how were injured men treated in the first world war? Hitler: do you know a man called Professor Harold Lawton? Hitler: How did you become the leader of Germany? Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: Do you wank nightly? STALIN: What was the Stakhanovite movement STALIN: Who was Stakhanov Hitler: where did you go to school? Hitler: what are your hobbies? Hitler: what role did you play in ww1 Hitler: where do you get your hair cut? Hitler: Why did you keep the 6th army going on to such an important objective when you had striped them of there fuel and they had no winter suplys? Hitler: whatdo you think about incest William: Who was your father? William: Who was your mother? William: When did you become Duke of Normandy? Hitler: have you got msnhave you got msn? Hitler: do you like the irish Hitler: What methods did you use to control Germany? Hitler: are you gay Hitler: DID YOU HAVE children? Hitler: who is the coolest man on earth? Hitler: Did anyone challenge your authority? STALIN: whats your middle name? STALIN: whats your middle name? STALIN: Did you enjoy being leader of the USSR? STALIN: Did you have a good childhood? STALIN: Date of birth? STALIN: wWhere were you born? William: What were harolds mistakes William: What was William doing while Harold Godwinson was at the Battle of Stamford Bridge? DOCTOR: Are You Very Brainy? William: What does Norman mean William: who was the first norman ruler William: did your mother marry the viscount of Coteville William: Boo did scare you? William: peek-a-boo i see you!! Hitler: have you ever have sex Hitler: have you ever have a sex live William: lal MLK: why did you want to help black people? HENRY: why did you killed your wifes Hitler: who was the first german soldier to die in world war two ? Hitler: what were your tactics going into world war 2 ? Hitler: why did you rape your niece? STALIN: why did you kill 50 million Russians? William: are you gay William: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: are you hindu MLK: Are you a king Hitler: how did you maintain your power? William: who was your scarriest enemy HENRY: did you love jane symore William: What did you do straight after winning the Battle of Hastings? William: wasn\'t it just luck that helped you win the battle? HENRY: was henry Vlll a machievellian prince or a true renaissance man? William: How were medieval manors built? Hitler: ARE YOU GAY? William: If you had more time would you build less of the stronger castles or more of the weaker ones? DOCTOR: do you have big boobs Hitler: hi Hitler: hi STALIN: russia when statin ruled it MLK: what was the most decisive speech of your life MLK: Type your question here and click Submit MLK: What was the most decisive speech in your life MLK: what was the most decisive speech of your life? MLK: What was the most decisive speech of your life? MLK: what was the most decisive speech of your life MLK: what was the most decisive speech of your life? MLK: what was the most decisive speech of your life? Hitler: cricket Hitler: tupac MLK: What was the most decisive speech of your life? MLK: What was the most decisive speech of your life MLK: What was the most decisive speech of your life? Hitler: are you homosexuial Hitler: did you hate blacks STALIN: did you dislike jews William: when were you born? William: Who was your father William: Who was your father? : William: Who is Marie-Anne? William: who were your parents? William: Did you train to be a soldier when you were a child? William: how many people did you kill William: who was your father William: when did you become Duke of Normandy William: Who was your Father? William: When where you born William: WHAT DOES NORMAN MEAN William: WHO WAS POLO DOCTOR: How did World War One help to spread disease? William: how many people did you kill? Hitler: why did you killed Hitler: wahheyhey Hitler: zig hail STALIN: why did you arrest the engineers building the acroplanes STALIN: what do you think about the U2 spy plane Hitler: are you gay Hitler: are you a womanyou a woman DOCTOR: when was the first operation under anesthitic Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: why dont you like vanessa? Hitler: Why were you atracted to Ernst Rohm? MLK: are you stupid? MLK: Did you die like 2pac? HENRY: Were you a player? HENRY: you faget Hitler: are you gay? Hitler: If people told you that you were a ruthless, discriminatory killer, how would you reply? HENRY: Out of all of your wives, who do you admire the most? HENRY: do you know madame de popadour? William: Tu parle le francais? Evidement, parce que tu es francais, oui? William: What are the weaknesses of a Motte and Bailey Castle? Hitler: Have you ever had sexual intercourse? STALIN: How did you punish those who disobeyed you? William: who is your father William: When did you lay peacefully and die STALIN: What purpose did the secret police serve? STALIN: who was the most important figure in your life Hitler: Why Did You Cerenda William: when were you born? Hitler: why did you attack the jews for Hitler: are you german? STALIN: What did you think of Kruschev? Hitler: Why do you kill Jews? Hitler: will you have sex with me? Hitler: do you like eggs? STALIN: What awards did you recieve? STALIN: what are your accomplishments? DOCTOR: what were a list of syptoms of the black death Hitler: Are you gay? MLK: Are u black Hitler: where you crazy? HENRY: HENRY: didi you drink alcohol DOCTOR: How can we explain the medical advances made in Ancient Greece? Hitler: what do you like Hitler: Why are you a cock? Hitler: did you have a girlfriend HENRY: did you enjoy being king? Hitler: What was Blitzkrieg? William: Is it true you fell flat on your face upon arriving in england? Hitler: why are you such a twat and why did you kill your wife William: How many men were slaughted at the battle of hastings 1066. MLK: hiya HENRY: how many wives did you have ? DOCTOR: are you a lady HENRY: Why did you marry Catherine Parr HENRY: how long were you king for HENRY: which remedies were used in your day? HENRY: Do you like Ant and Dec? DOCTOR: why did the solders kill the people Hitler: Do you like jackson 5? HENRY: Do you like Jakcosn 5? Hitler: Why did you kill all the Jews and what\'s wrong with balck people DOCTOR: What happened in 1575? HENRY: do you have a lot of wives HENRY: what was your favourite thing about anne boleyn HENRY: what was your favourite thing about anne boleyn MLK: why were you so determined for equality between black and white people? HENRY: how rich are you Hitler: Do you like pie? Hitler: Was \'Strength Through Joy\' successful or profit making for the Nazis? Hitler: did national socialism come from hinduism William: why did you want to rule england? William: why did you treat the english so badly? William: why did you invade england? William: What was the Bayeux Tapestry? William: Who was Edward the Confessor? DOCTOR: Did hospitals improve in the Middle Ages? Hitler: did you like the jews? Hitler: did you kill david east? William: Were you ruthless? William: Why were you so nasty to the people in the north? STALIN: what shoe size are you STALIN: in russia does the tv really watch you? STALIN: in russia do lights turn you on STALIN: are you a member of the army STALIN: do you get such a slick haircut by driving convertibles around really fast with wet hair Hitler: did you have sexual relations with your mother Hitler: how big was adolf junior (downstairs) Hitler: what is your favourite food Hitler: if you were to go on a date would you look for a fit body or a great personality DOCTOR: How old are you? William: who do you prefr godwinson or hadrada Hitler: How did the Nazi simble come about? : DOCTOR: how many wives did Henry the 8th have? Hitler: why did you kill the jews Hitler: why did you kill the jews Hitler: did you ever have a thing for a boy? STALIN: How many times did you sneeze? STALIN: What is with your mustache? Did it try to eat your nose? DOCTOR: how is it like to be a doctor? DOCTOR: how is it like to be a doctor? DOCTOR: how is it like to be a doctor? DOCTOR: how is it like to be a doctor? William: i dont like you you lost the war William: can you read my question william Hitler: what was Schacht’s plan Hitler: why are you out of order Hitler: where did you get your hair cut from? Hitler: are you homosexual? William: have you had sex? William: Are you married? Hitler: What is your name? Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? Hitler: Are you gay? William: did you concieve? DOCTOR: Oops. Was that your brain I just flushed? Hitler: do you believe in god Hitler: jamie Hitler: are you german Hitler: what happened in 8th novemeber? Hitler: Have you ever masterbated William: Why did you kill Thomas Becket? Hitler: What is your nationality? DOCTOR: How were antibiotics developed in the 20th century? William: Who were the Vikings? Hitler: why did you kill all those jews ? Hitler: do you like cox Hitler: guten morgan ich habe durchfall Hitler: why aren\'t you out there fighting the war HENRY: r u gay DOCTOR: What happened in 1575? Hitler: Were you a necrophiliac? Hitler: How tall are you? Hitler: are you gay Hitler: Will Sammi and anyone ever get together? MLK: who are you ? and what do you do ? MLK: hello MLK: are you the leader of the civil rights campaign MLK: gggggggggggggggg : MLK: What is your name? MLK: tomorrow MLK: how did your famous speach go? Hitler: ball HENRY: how did henry become king ? William: What colour hair did you have MLK: did you have a wife? Hitler: What is your name? Hitler: When and where were you born? William: what was life like? William: did you have enimies? Hitler: why did you kill Rohm? DOCTOR: idiot! Hitler: SA DOCTOR: hi DOCTOR: Gerard Domagk DOCTOR: prontosil DOCTOR: Hello William: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' MLK: what is your name HENRY: How many years where you king of england? William: How many men did William use to invade england? Hitler: what was the role of woman in nazi germany? Hitler: What was the Treaty of Versailles? STALIN: Are you a virgin? STALIN: What was your daughter\'s name? MLK: Do you have a dream? Hitler: do you believe all your actions were justified? HENRY: What is the matter? William: What did Hardraada do when Harold seized the throne? Hitler: Did you have a sense of humour? William: who was robert FItzOsbern William: who was william Rufus William: who was robert Fitzosern and robin hood and william of poiters and William Rufus did not work either Hitler: What kind of childhood and education had you got? Hitler: Would you consider your abilities the key to your greatness? DOCTOR: are you a docter DOCTOR: are you a doctor DOCTOR: are you a doctor DOCTOR: why were leeches used in medicine? STALIN: hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihi STALIN: hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihi : shitting fuck Hitler: why do you hate jews Hitler: why do you hate jews? Hitler: Do you know any songs? Hitler: How do Jews defend themselves against your accusations? Hitler: his personal life Hitler: Can you sing? Hitler: Will you shut up? MLK: are you gay HENRY: did you like Hever castle? Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: Are you gay? Hitler: hola Hitler: What were your hobbies? DOCTOR: what was the renaissance? Hitler: What is your name? HENRY: how did henry the VIII become king STALIN: Can you tell me about Lenin? William: results of william\'s conquest Hitler: Are you right-handed? DOCTOR: are you a doctor DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: what are your economic policies? Hitler: hello ! could you told me your chilhood and your education please? DOCTOR: did you have sex Hitler: tell me about your childhood Hitler: why did you purge the SA Hitler: are you gay? DOCTOR: are you a woman? DOCTOR: Will you go out with me? DOCTOR: are you ugly DOCTOR: are you ugly Hitler: are you gay DOCTOR: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' DOCTOR: do you like my friend trenton DOCTOR: What is your mothers name? DOCTOR: are you gay DOCTOR: What is an adjective? DOCTOR: how old are you Hitler: Where did you get your silly ideas? Hitler: What were the main ideas you expressed in \'Mein Kampf\'? DOCTOR: How can we explain the medical advances made in Ancient Greece? William: who is robert FitzOsbern? HENRY: he says he knew martin luther king how does that work Hitler: You often used mass rallies to gain support. Where did you learn to become such an influential speaker? Hitler: What was the Treaty of Versailles? STALIN: Did you enjoy being leader of the USSR? William: what was your stratagy DOCTOR: What was Vesalius contribution to medicine? DOCTOR: How did Pasteur contribute to the development of 19th Century medicine? MLK: Who was Rosa Parks? William: Who was Robert FitzOsbern? William: who was robert fitzosbern William: Who was Robert FitzOsbern? William: Who was William of Poitieres? STALIN: why did you change your name Hitler: What is your name? Hitler: What is lebensraum, and why should Germany have more living space Hitler: What is your name? DOCTOR: Did they use leaches? DOCTOR: how are limestone buildings still in good condition Hitler: What is your favorite food? Hitler: How did you die? DOCTOR: what is viagra? Hitler: how old are you STALIN: Why did Trotsky have to die? STALIN: Why did you abandon the constitution of 1936? Hitler: why did you want so much power? Hitler: how did you die? Hitler: are you gay? HENRY: who was your favourite wife DOCTOR: Where did you go to medical school? MLK: why did you fight for equal rights for black people in America? Hitler: why are you so mean? Hitler: hitler have you only got 1 ball MLK: Type your question here and click Submitwhat was it like HENRY: wot is your favoritte tv programme DOCTOR: do you like leila? DOCTOR: Who discovered antiseptics? DOCTOR: Who discovered anaesthetics? DOCTOR: who discovered antiseptics DOCTOR: Who carried out the first injections DOCTOR: How did the church hinder medical progress during the middle ages? DOCTOR: when was galen born? DOCTOR: will you suck my balls Hitler: why are you so mean? MLK: where did you live Hitler: i like black people MLK: how old were you when you died MLK: how did you orginise the bus boycott? Hitler: how did you die DOCTOR: where do you come from Hitler: What was your favourite food? DOCTOR: what is your favourite color? Hitler: Did you have a sense of humour? Hitler: did world war 2 start just because of your aggresiveideas and actions? DOCTOR: Did prehistoric people believe that powerful spirits caused and cured illnesses? HENRY: Do you like cheese Hitler: do you like the jews DOCTOR: have you got a phone number DOCTOR: what sort of doctor are you? Hitler: age sex location Hitler: DID YOU SMOKE IN THE ARMY Hitler: what was your child life like?? Hitler: how did you deal with farmers Hitler: Is it true that you had only one testicle? DOCTOR: are you a fit woman Hitler: you are an ignoramous Hitler: are you ignoramous Hitler: How did you change Germany from a democracy to a dictatorship? DOCTOR: do you have a boyfriend? HENRY: did you love your daughters? Hitler: why did your racist views develop ? : wht did you hate the jews Hitler: How did you die? Hitler: who supported the you and the nazis DOCTOR: how old are you because you are cute DOCTOR: do you love what you did DOCTOR: will you have sex with me DOCTOR: what did you do that is so inportint William: What is your name? Who were your parents? Hitler: how many german soldiers died in WW2? Hitler: are u were quarter jewish DOCTOR: do you think dani is sexy HENRY: do u wanna screw justin HENRY: sorry my previos question was silly Hitler: Should Katie dump Andre for Russel? Hitler: What is your favourite mmorpg? DOCTOR: are you a lesbian DOCTOR: have you had sex Hitler: are you gay DOCTOR: How can we explain the medical advances made in Ancient Greece? DOCTOR: Why is Galen important to the history of medicine? STALIN: who are you? Hitler: why has hitler only got one TESTICLE? (hes hidious) Hitler: why do you feel hitler has to insult small children? its not funny and its not clever! Hitler: eyebrows? Hitler: do you like jasmine? Hitler: body odour DOCTOR: Can you provide some information about Microbes? STALIN: How many wars have you participated in? Hitler: WAHT WERE THE RALLIES LIKE? STALIN: Why did you change the name from Russia to the USSR? STALIN: Why was Russia changed to The USSR? DOCTOR: How important has religion been in the history of medicine? MLK: how old is your father? MLK: did you ever marry? MLK: who did you become president of USA STALIN: how did you die? Hitler: Are you gay? DOCTOR: what wa hitlers forighn policy Hitler: where is the sky? Hitler: do you belive strongly about any issues? Hitler: have you ever been on holiday? Hitler: why did you kill everyone? Hitler: why do you hate jews DOCTOR: how do you get anthrax DOCTOR: Who was the iceman? DOCTOR: What is morphine useful for? William: What did Harold Godwineson do when Edward the Confessor died? DOCTOR: when did greek civalization start. DOCTOR: How many islands are there in Greece? DOCTOR: did they have cats and dogs? DOCTOR: How many islands are there in Greece? DOCTOR: hi m DOCTOR: are you dead STALIN: how are you? Hitler: i love you Hitler: How are you? Hitler: scum of the earth DOCTOR: what did cavemen use to feed their babies DOCTOR: did you ever kill anyone with your medicine ? DOCTOR: what happened in 1066 ? MLK: Did the KKK take your baby away? Took her away? Took her away? William: who is the webmaster William: What number is googleplex? DOCTOR: bla bla STALIN: how many russians died during the 2nd world war? Hitler: Fuck Hitler: Hail Hitlor Hitler: Hail Hitlor Hitler: But You invented it HENRY: You look santa claws Hitler: Do you love your Army Uniform Hitler: Are you Mentally ill? STALIN: are you friends with hitler? Hitler: where did your mum used to work William: What did you do when Harold seized the thronehow did you feel when the word spread that harold was dead Hitler: Who,exactly ordered the holocaust. Was it your idea? HENRY: why did you cut off Anne Boleyn\'s head? MLK: How old are you? Hitler: Why are you so great Hitler: Do you smell? Hitler: why did you invade poland? Hitler: do you like man sex Hitler: are you a homeosexual MLK: are you gay Hitler: Hitler: Did you have a friend Hitler: Did you admire stalin? Hitler: Did you trust Herman Goering ? Hitler: Why do you hate Jews so much? Hitler: whats your favorite color Hitler: what happend to teachers who didnt listen? Hitler: what do you think of Einstein? Hitler: what do you think of Einstein? Hitler: what do you think of Einstein? Hitler: what was your role in world war 1? STALIN: Why are you stupid? Hitler: Why did you have so many homosexual people put to death? DOCTOR: Are you a lesbian MLK: Are you gay? MLK: did you have an affair? MLK: what did you get a nobel prize for William: Do you think murdering people in cold blood was the best option? Hitler: hows your mum Hitler: hi William: hello Hitler: Do you like eating popcorn? Hitler: what year is it Hitler: who was involved in the final solution Hitler: Did you have any friends? Hitler: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: when was the Nazi party formed? William: Hi William: Hello Hitler: did i snog a boy to make them join my side and kill all the jews? DOCTOR: How are you today? HENRY: how do i get to be there? Hitler: Do you have a picture of your wife I could see? Hitler: ever heard of IMVU Hitler: are you gay HENRY: Why was the mary roes built HENRY: Hi how r u MLK: what r u William: i love you baby. marry me please Hitler: Why do you hate Jews? Hitler: why are you so mean Hitler: what is your age STALIN: what were the five year plans? STALIN: What incentives did you give to workers during the Five Year Plans? STALIN: what were the five year plans? DOCTOR: what do think of Lidals ASupermarket Hitler: What was Hitlers most prized possesion? STALIN: what is your phone number Hitler: why do you think people tryed kill you ? Hitler: If you won World War II, what do you think would\'ve happened after your death? Hitler: Did you have a sense of humour? MLK: have you had sex? Hitler: do you like men Hitler: do you like men Hitler: Do you think that your actions were evil and inhumane DOCTOR: What´s your name Hitler: did you have one testicle? Hitler: How are you? DOCTOR: Why did you chose to become a doctor DOCTOR: Why did you chose to become a doctor Hitler: Do you like horses? Hitler: you aren\'t aryan so why do you stick to such ideology? Hitler: what\'s hell like? Hitler: are you gay? DOCTOR: how was it like in your times? DOCTOR: Who was the iceman? DOCTOR: are you married DOCTOR: Did you have a family? Hitler: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' Hitler: are you gay? Hitler: are you gay? DOCTOR: Anyh cure for Aids? William: r u french William: r u french Hitler: Did you have one bollock Hitler: you talk too much Hitler: how old were you when the war started Hitler: do you smell? Hitler: why did you kill all of the jews? William: hi Hitler: are you gay? Hitler: are you gay? DOCTOR: dr fox canser Hitler: are you a narsicistic masochist? STALIN: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' STALIN: Did you believe in God? STALIN: What do you think of Japan? STALIN: Type your question here and click \'Submit\' MLK: who are you Hitler: were you ever part of an affair or committed adultery ? Hitler: do u suck? Hitler: What was your favourite movie? Hitler: Who were your opponents? Hitler: Did you love your mother? Hitler: Why did you have such hatred for Jews? DOCTOR: TESTING DOCTOR: RJT DOCTOR: are u gay