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ICT in History: an INSET course by RJ Tarr

Are you a classroom history teacher in the UK?

Would you like to learn more about using ICT to enhance teaching and learning?

Would you like an award-winning, full-time practitioner to provide INSET to your department for as little as £60 per delegate?

Recent Feedback:
"The half day Inset with Russ at our school provided us both with quick and easy ideas that we could implement straight away and with possibilities that we plan to include in our schemes of work next year. It was one of the best Inset sessions we have ever had and we would love to invite Russ back to run another half day for us."
Shelagh Crosbie, Head of History at Birkdale High School, Southport

"Tremendous - the best INSET day the department has had.  Full of practical ideas and activities which left everyone highly motivated"
Ken Charlton, Head of History at George Stephenson School, Newcastle

"The day was informative but above all inspiring. Teachers in the department, no matter what their level of
expertise, were imbued with a clear vision of the benefits of incorporating ICT into their teaching. Above all, they left wanting to develop and explore further the wide range of initiatives that were introduced"
Jonny Taylor, Head of History, Merchant Taylor's School Northwood

"Best in-service course I have attended this year...we learnt more about using ICT in History than from NOF training...Very good value for money and a well run course"
David McGhee and delegates, PT History Kincorth Academy Aberdeen


If so, then read on...

I provide hands-on INSET to entire departments at a bargain rate!

These are one-day courses giving practical advice on how to integrate ICT effectively into the history curriculum. A full training pack is provided and the course can be tailored to suit your individual requirements: in the past schools have expressed a particular interest in such topics as:

• Using Microsoft Word to teach historical skills
• Preventing plagiarism: some practical tips
• Making the web work for you: the perfect search
• Audio-Visual resources: locating them, using them
• Digital Video in the history classroom
• Software for the classroom - what's worth buying?
• Interactivity in this history classroom: How ICT lightens our workload
• Creating your own interactive materials
• Developing a departmental intranet

In the past three years I have trained over 200 history teachers all over the UK:
78% described the course as "Excellent"
15% described it as "Very Good"
7% described it as "Good"
0% described the course as merely being "Satisfactory"

Why waste tons of money going through a training provider? Cut out the middle-man and fill in this form for an obligation-free quote!

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